97-672,� . ���:� ,. � ��� CITY 6F 3T. PAUL • � ��• � ���. �� Na. ��z �a ____� � BY ��Sda 9, I9839,1F3R�4-�7 VtlTS3�iG WStRB � � Za t�xe Matter of Canstruction of a sanita �ain,`cvnrections �r. ��turn vcur*_ frc� ?dcrcast2r �re Ydorcester Rve &na ir� �Re�urn cvuz�t fra�: Fieid Ia�e to �TfG � \ � d� �a� . �� ��� \ a�` c� / t3I1�EI �'IB.�2IIt.'LIIv1SV {+PtS�r v �� ` — The Cc,unc�l of the G'ity c�f abov2 improuemeni, due notice Eh� Charter; and sew�rlcom2eat-an�d water uci �..p�rJh �v0 �t t ;r;utt ;�f anprox 130 feet rth of Field aggroued N �n _ ' � �� - 1 1' / uaul has conducted � g�a�lic tie�rin¢ upon *he having beer, given as }.re�cr;,bed by the City Ldt�REAS. The Cnuncil has �earc� �Il psrsons, ok a_r r�r_.�m.mer_�atir�.s pertalning to seid proposed ' provement and has fully"cen�idered the same; now, thereiore, �ae it RESOLVr:D, Tkxat the Co oiZ of tne City af Baint Ya:�3 does hereby or�er tnat t�e aLt�ve-dsscriYred improvemen be mac3?, end th¢ �roper City afficers are hereby dire�c�� arxd authorized ta praceed ith the ixapravement; and be it F`URTHEF, R.ESC�LVE�That upon the completion of said imgrovement, the prGper Citv c�fficera s?zall ca?cu� 4 aIl e�pens?s incurred therein an� sha21 rerrc�rt *_he r�ame to the City Cou?i.ci1 in s ccrdanae with Chspter 14 of the City c:harter. C0.7I�ICII,PERSVNS Yees Sde �"3Ia�2y 'Y�:Str-`�Z". HAFP13 ; iaue r Adopted by Council: I)ate C`ert�fied Passe� i7y Council Secretar_y Si� Fav:,r ny 8i.i13i. t'Ts:.�j"Oi �ublic Heaxing Date - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 �'Z, T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-12-97 Green Sheet Number: 38735 EPARTh1ErT DIItECTOR CTTY COIT.�CII, fact Pe�son and Phone Number: ATtOR�'EY CLERK Joe Mueller 266-6149 tJDCgt DIRECfOR �,& MGT. SVC- DIIL Bernie Bullert 266-6274 YOR (OR ASSISTAh"q � OUNCD, RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by:4-9-97 Musc be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-28-97 TAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) CTION REQUE5TED: et date of Public Hearing for the construction of a saaitary sewer, water ia and sexvice connections in Return Court. ile No. 18839 & 18839-W COMMEA'DAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) ORREiECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG: . Eias the personffirm ever wurked under a contraM for this department? YES NO ruan•uvc cocmwss�oN A srnt�e . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIV➢. SERVICE CO�LMS90N . Does this person/Cirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm coau�arrF;a current C�ty employee? kk lain all YES answers on a se te sheet and aitach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DIS7'RICT PLANNING COUNCIL �r TIATIIIG PROBLEM, ISSQE;APPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Wbere, Why?): etition has been received to construct sanitary sewer/water maia ia Retura ourt in order to develop 3 parcels of property. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: etitioner/property owners will be able to develop tha property. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: etitioner/property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: etitioner/property owaers will not be able to develop the property. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: $ 'J S� H O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACI'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� $48, 900 ASSESSMENTS ��"��� �°�`����' ��`��""� $26,900 CITY AID ��a�l��� ��a ii @ (�S�CIUm.M) .�:- �--,•.r �..pt� � . /� �. iC, � � � � r•� js ' . t/ . ` .,,� ' . °1-- ' r4 �� �i�L 'I� CI4Y 4F ST. P�Ui,, +� xt _ ...- &�'.. T f IiQd�I, iRiDEft � .� . � .. eM/��V1 3iQa . � \ �� V 3Y f ��.dr7 "" f ;i [3/l L/J// F$T.� t�?, 18839, 18A39-W YORI'ET� WAi$7 .s � - i� , � ` Ia the Ma�Eter oi' Constructioxi aT a san3.Eary sewer/connections end water �ain,'co:,nections in Retn�n vaurt frcm Warceater A;e tc, ap�rcx 3C� �2t s�ut� of ATorees±er Aae end in Return Court from Field Ave ta approx 130 feet narth of P'ield Ave. �, Y ` +, \ under Preliminary Order �� �� . ` \ �� �� \ ` 0\\� �� / � \ �� The CouZai:l of thG City o£ abtave i.mproaemen�� due notice L7 Charter; and �T73EREAS, The Caunci2 has , pertaininq to said proposed i�i� therefor�, be it � � ,/� ` t cy q ���PFroved t� v2�A � . � '\ ! � , > �.� Paul has �ondurg�� � p��,1ia haasing upon the heving been given as prescribed by tne Ci.ty , `� all persoaas, oY�jections and rao�r,sansndavions zt anri ha� fully'considered the seme; naw, RES6LVED,. Thst the Co cil. of the City of Saint Paul doss hereby order thst tine``' aboye-described improvemenfi�be mede, and the proper City officers are hereby d_reate� ana authoriaed to proceed ith ths i.mprovemenb; nnd be it . E'URTHER RE30LYEP, That upan the completion of �aid imgrovement, the psopex City officers shail" aelcul�te al2 expenaea incurred t2ierein aad shail report the ssme to Lhe-�ity Cauncil in a¢cordsnae with Chapter 19 of the City Cherter. COUNCILFER^uC�Id9 � Yeas Na �. . �3Ia#ey Bestr;:m Harris =��r �grar� ; � " Rei.tHtaii T}I�g Adopted by Counci2: Date Certifiad Pa�sed�by C;ouncil 9acretary ^ In Fsvar By Ti��&iti�� , � M�}T?�I' ° SUMMARY OF ENGiNEERING RECOMMENDATION Return Court / Sanitary Sewer and Water Project Project No. 9�- S- 8//I Report Prepared March 17, i997 Public Hearing May 28, 1997 P ROJ ECT: Construct a sanitary sewer and water system in Return Court. EX{STING COND{TION: The Project area is presently not served by sewer or water systems. PROPOSED fMPROVEMENTS: Construct sanitary sewer and water on Return Court from Worcester to approximately 280' south and on Return Court from Field to approximately 140' north. All work to be coordinated with the 1997 Morgan i Edgcumbe Residential Street Paving Project. ALTERNATIVE: To do nothing would require the property owners to not develop properties or request long private sewer and water connections for each property. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Pubiic sewer wiil be available to properties currently not served by pubiic sewer. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption, wi{I be present. COST ESTIMATES: Return Court Project Construction Engineering and inspection Misceilaneous Real Estate Fee Project Total Financing: Assessment City Aid Project Total RECOMMENDATION: Sanitary Sewer $61,300.00 .1�#;�9�6p �, ooa 4,500.00 3.000.00 .. .. . $53,2QQ.00 26 900.00 $80,100.00 The Department of Public Works has no recommendation in this matter. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Eggum City Engineer � �ZZ ffN �� "N' �" � rr � ^ � � \ o � � � `•.' L��.Z.. �. a N �: ° �v 1 O� M `� _ J 1 i� � w M v � 57lS/ w 1 O v � ° 1 • � � � r � p ♦ � j � �� -iti:, a i� �� , O .rr:� M �- � � o�U_ . i vC^i" � 3"" :.� � ; � . �"'` � h • A . � '� : _ � � N � . �i �^_ n r e �,: o� fi �^ � 1i. �,-�,� r Sz y i�El + Rf1 �a'ui �Tn m � ^� i � (� �����■ � ___'_'^ e9 � M G!Y!! � L- O ' ' �� l� f..iV�VY p w �-_ � � . " -, ru ��a . '.�' � ti^ �hFq i� a. .. `� O! y Sq SF. Q'. p u➢*r V., ed'zk! �. � � v� �� e " „ �� � 5 c , ^ • � � ' � v� `' ; � v � � Y � . . , ^ °' �? A� � � : „ � e vo-oa^ � ` ^ � i O v b � a° s� � � 4 v $• � N v � ` ° • . y 5 � '` ° P � f f tf/ \ ^ • �•� � t V `'' � 'v 1 h o Q : /: A H 5=,- f � - ,° (` � a1 aCI A i /YFI v �.. . 09 ''' \SS� � yS . ` ` u 1 o • N �f • /� ^�^ �� y7 m^ v ; (D � v'�4 ' r' � .CfSZ.-h�- ti.1 � - �O � \ .rzrv � � 6S t.. � � O � ` '!. «� . {y � N � j ti r � '' f 5 5 �° ""� `. ' 6t'Of! � 3_' OI v �^ � � y1 � � PJ � N \ ' .,. � 4�lN9I'+� � � ` fL 171 �.. _' �1 �w n � � v � (o[t}1 ^ � � l �� � � ' � N � �"-., ��.�1 <� m/ � � <L 1757t � � �L2_ � ([ �°• ^ � � J � g� � � � N � �fi n :. , s� � � .. l�'zii � ,` 0. i v i) c: Q N ��-� G Ov 6` '� c , e ht^- V � t� _-JJ' �/S�J .�. O SF'07/ v N N � �,� . - .� �o R , � �� ^ � o T : .. � v ���� zo W M •• � l �if2.a RE � ; 0 0! w` ` o� ' fL�U,L�-�b �? (/ZI! `�. ' r' � -� " 7 C�^�) � � i� " (�rv° : ` 6 �o ^��� e� v oi� N F9'i�� Q s V Q � v rn'ril :.. lrR� N + n �: f \ m ` �. . �� cFl___ ^ a. i y fi O�t W '" v „`" v ( � G ' .` � � " � '" N 4 � A� � �� � n '� _ ^ � ' �F'��l » Iu � '_ te'etl . ^_ _' '-,+ ` � ` .�.� O N Go [F/ t� Q h 19 O '^ �' ` ( ) � � • � g � . � �. � N i n�� ,'.` v fff CO � ]S'Ofl _ '^ ij' // Y'li/ T m � . ^ y � ~ �^ � M 93 Sf1 Q N � v� :�F y��i fLZ � _ T6 /Il TOAI� M �SJ ^ � T �iC{) �— —_ � � 7C' C ^ Q �_ N '.. v � 4 Sl')1! " � �o�� a 4G �!/ ' [� � � � v T 1 en �32 � n U'nu � $ � � N � = 1 ry $ : W s 1 YO/ � ` � n n '�lTrr� M � a "<itn � O ` y W ^ � � � ets�� rr re � v sn {]_ M � � � �r�2.r rc�a�� y n o� o ` � -{ n .A��f9� Y a � v_•N {v `" $_�.: " J c ti a p � :.,�s'r3N--- . . v (�='d � o � �°-,v r. � � c � ^ Sl� N// ^ 6 ; [ ((f � 4 � � � � [lR � 4 ] f�` � 5❑ b �. A W ° r N�^ �'_ L�_ _�.. ; P!'e0 a n �-V N _ v " h _ �<n�l � ry ti h e � W � • '� ; " O. �. �l �J ���,.r - s„ ` ,� � ar Q � '._.. of sii s �.' . o w. .n r o '� �__ ' NT6 ^ I w v N M • pv N v �O � RfiJ � `1 �l ry , , ' � • iS Z W v n � �'� �i • Y�— G! I � �\ (� '� o — __y� �[ri' "'J � \4�' i+ " tnr OL OS �.' y N ` M ' Q � v, b _ N � ' � �° f 1M �. � �p v� � • � V ♦^ �� v� IO lA/ \' � � A y a v �' e b �h o /L A y� �n y -- .��•� �� �(� N �, N ! N' N v 'Ti ` y N O � N .] W . i� C V O \ \ \ �! ..., ' U � „ W ,� . �-^ _ � �.,_ ^r T n �o r�+ �/ ((� o � .D{'Ct I � hv� N i� vg t � ^� �� LL� �� �- ...s ' S// f// J// �'I 1 h ` ' � � � � `` � � ti � � Oi o 0/ OL — O v Sl �� o � ' C�♦ Iw � J 1 � h r: N n P N O °�\/ hC �0v �l ���/ �� ;J . " J u � r ,V .J i 1 O O O � Y`� ^ N — ' � '^ ' N � _ ° N � W �. w � c � p 'Y O n/ `N . = � ` � ' 1 = ` � 9 1 m� ro„ � � 0 1 1 1 � ' {'t0 h0 INO � o ed o tt +' ImnSim ��< < � !2' Sl •. � � _ _T_ _ l N n ► ��"/ �( � A 1 � �' - �"VTr Y 1 J/ �� � v i �-�`� ��Z CITY OF $T. PAUL PREL2MINARY ORDER in the Matter o£ mainlconnections in Worcester Ave and in Ave. Coristruction vf Return Court from Return Court from ��,�=L �� No. � a9 BY -- CL�����7%/ `�' ' FILE NO. 18833,18S39-W VOTIN6 WARD a sanitary sEwer/cannectiaiis aiid water Worce;,ter Ace to apprrx 300 feet south of Field Ave to appro:c 130 feet north cf Field The CGllriCS,l of the City of sr,ir�t Paul having received the repc+rt of the Ntayor uFan the above improvement, and havinq considere� said repozt, hereby resolves: 1. That the said rep�irt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cUSt thereof is $75, B00 £inanced Y+y City Aid $26, �U4 ar,c� Assessmenta $98,9Q0. 2. That a public hearing be had on said impr�vement on the�8th day o� May. 19�7,_ nt 4:30 0' �o k it in the council Ch�mbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner previded by the Cnarter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement �nd the tot�l c�st thereof as estimated. CUUTdCILPERSUNS Yeas Ngys �lakey 1�ostram �rris� C�r � v\� r�-c � � v � �eqard ✓ Hettniuii Vl Adopted by �ouncil: Date_ A� �� Certified Psssed by Counci2 °ecretary ` In Fa Jor Ey �._� � � �� � H1�323111�t Mayor CITY p �.� � F m �•, O � x ..� Q [►FF�6&IIII ; , �� ` ti c � �ss. � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement Council � Notice `���°�� Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 _ - __ ._ _ . _ . -_. PLANNING COUNCIL �15 . FILE # <:'E8839 :: ----- - - =- -- PROPERTY ADDRESS <.,._>; ..Y:•:; ;:, ; . _ . . . . R±: :aiiii . . �. .. .. PARCEL ID ....._.� .. �......°:�-<; . .... ..�. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foflows: CONS7RUCT10N OF A SANITARY SEWER AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS M RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COUR7 FROM FIELD AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF � " F{ELD AVEtdl1E. � ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost wili be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Pfease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side `" of this notice. - - - .:_.. � :.�,g:�� �., ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��F � � �.�N , o?:t'� _w d�i�J � — _ ;��, CONTINUED ON REVERSE 5fDE NOTfF{CATION DATE: os/O9/s7 p1TY � F �� A @ r O � Z .� 6 iiiF�E ( I a � C �p�, n `�0,�'ss+ -� Saint Paul City Council `� . . • G Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY TAX DBSCRIPTION COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 - PLANNING COUNCIL #15 __:....:,...._...._.__ ... FILE # �t8�39��K:�;;:;;;-::_:` - -.- PROPERTY ADDRESS �.>� ,:>�.;:: PARCEL ID ,:,<..,,.:.:.; THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Councit at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: GONSTRUCT�ON OF A WATER MAIN AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 300 PEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COURT FROM FIELD AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF FIELD RVENIlE. - . ' - . ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, ail or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: . THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/O9/97 G.Z—��Z FILE NOS. 18839 AND 18839-W WATERf WATER SAIVITARY SEWER MAIN SEWER CONl�'S TOTAL Total Estimated Expenditures $16,350 �50,900 $8,550 $75,800 Assessmenu $16,350 $24,000 $8,550 $48,900 City Aid $ 0 $26,900 $ 0 $26,900 Totai Estimated Financing $16,350 $50,900 $8,550 $75,80� The assessable amounts will be divided equaliy among the 3 lots. For the water main, each ]ot will be assessed $5,450 and $1,750* for each connection. For the sanitary sewer, each lot will be assessed $8,000 and $1,100* for each connection. Total amount for each lot is $16,300. For construction questions, please call 2b6-6149 (sanitary sewer) or 266-6273 (water main). (• z � e ,� . - - - - - - . .. ,. �. i „ ,. ;,.� x� : , ..,. ... ,., .,. � �5:� MO W (W �ru N+� �� C ) : � 60� Cevi Gi7 , �x�_ ��,�:� . RGA . � � �'O : �rr � 1 tzi)e� Zs t4 23 It 2L �21 : �o /� : It�� /7� /r _ /!: m � 1' Urs •• r :a _. . 1 � i '.y � i ♦ u • � � (' ` ��) � � � . F�. s�-1. .� t• r� � � �.f �:: �i' o n.i . �� � = 4 O � . w� �i r-t � .� � e l'T ' ri � �� I I ' y '• �i • � • MORGAN� • AVE : ':. Z G�� � � �ro� �, �., �;'��. '°;� i . _ .. :. - ' ,,. ,. , .. ,. � . �� ,� 3t' � (w Go (�' C�� (�D (sy , (s.>� (5�.. (a.), (e'), �sH : � , ��) { �� ^ .,a� s ; � � �� � (� n �} S 6 7 t' D Je c! �t e U= + y. � �r, ,�G 4 t t�` � �.:�; Zz L.¢)C �� rs �e ` 2 O � > i r� st Y.�t T � b) ol R �� ` � I ` . . a� i' n ' : � C d ' ,. I� ' ' � -.,;.. I F� , �r _ �� ` �t �'� �� � r. ,�y z� :� r. v: zz= l. _,: ,�. ,.� ��'�����g" <�>'�o °�• •; (�') (�v C�� Lcv t�.) zi (z9 <cs) lc:� l r . Soo • � io � � l , r is _ .. .. ,., �� . ` Y EF .-.�. ` LidE (�� �i� sz.�, .N � WORCESTER W-�-L� P ,.., �• ��;' ;<<.�' � „ ,.. � � � .,. .. „ �, .�.. > _ • _, "+ `� ` ,� '��. - 4 _ r=' i. i � : =� '� ti ; � . :'. '* ; : ;,. i1'w ` ` �,-�' z � +.Ai �� -'.•_ J y � � : •'• "�., � �/t�2'y '' �: i '� `� d i� la � �r =!t. U � 14 �� � w ,,,. ; q y 4 i Si � 1 r � - � ' � ` � >�' ail� C��a� (ao) C"�) �Y (a'� '- ' ' ,B , „ . .. IlJ• (�9�1����il' Y (tJ� Sil�.� ��TJ- ��ml � l)� ? � Z J�! fi�i r.. in��. "" - ..i..-•"' r "___ ps" ' • JO (:f) ?7 (�J i � rJ rer � � ' �os..a A (rR) fCRENIk "� �� �.., pn) s NO. 497 soD ��,vE REG. LPND Sl'1RVEY ""'.. isoe.or. k/,FJV 1 K rz.rr� <�se) C . .... . uxz: •• i.r.0 r:... ...i r..n - " � � s L � J � ' � a � ♦ � i p` �/f � qw !!• /S /I N; /2��A� /O^� D !� 7 L� r � P � �� . 20 ,��«.> t; »' p••� (�n <ba ;p=I C.0 [w :n) Cw hn .,,� (,A pa "CiJ Gv .- Ca) `c �°°� II (br). �..n �.... T• � _ r. � n. ' � FlELD � D AVE. a • 21 �bb) � (i + ' ' _ " ' _ . .. " Si _ . - - � i e� iJ� ♦ M z z h>R ; „ ,� ,� ,r� ,G 5i ,z „ ,0 9 s r � r , � e , ..'I �... . _ 2J � ��7) ��x) [nd Qr) �yU �s.) �'�) (rv1 .r> U+N (rs» Oxq (�ie1 (oq ��b) �u) �u) (nn� i r F R l�` e ' 1 R i .. I c I� .• � �• /+ I+ iI � � � N L� F 'L � W 1+ L L .�+- s, d> >a i. � vs :v� �s zi zi �., .ri � iJt .IJ Jf JJ Jt � ' 1 RY. sco 1 u �� �pii ie + �.� L � 1 2 .t �LLi� � � ;,T E • �t11L� � � ,� . ���:� ,. � ��� CITY 6F 3T. PAUL • � ��• � ���. �� Na. ��z �a ____� � BY ��Sda 9, I9839,1F3R�4-�7 VtlTS3�iG WStRB � � Za t�xe Matter of Canstruction of a sanita �ain,`cvnrections �r. ��turn vcur*_ frc� ?dcrcast2r �re Ydorcester Rve &na ir� �Re�urn cvuz�t fra�: Fieid Ia�e to �TfG � \ � d� �a� . �� ��� \ a�` c� / t3I1�EI �'IB.�2IIt.'LIIv1SV {+PtS�r v �� ` — The Cc,unc�l of the G'ity c�f abov2 improuemeni, due notice Eh� Charter; and sew�rlcom2eat-an�d water uci �..p�rJh �v0 �t t ;r;utt ;�f anprox 130 feet rth of Field aggroued N �n _ ' � �� - 1 1' / uaul has conducted � g�a�lic tie�rin¢ upon *he having beer, given as }.re�cr;,bed by the City Ldt�REAS. The Cnuncil has �earc� �Il psrsons, ok a_r r�r_.�m.mer_�atir�.s pertalning to seid proposed ' provement and has fully"cen�idered the same; now, thereiore, �ae it RESOLVr:D, Tkxat the Co oiZ of tne City af Baint Ya:�3 does hereby or�er tnat t�e aLt�ve-dsscriYred improvemen be mac3?, end th¢ �roper City afficers are hereby dire�c�� arxd authorized ta praceed ith the ixapravement; and be it F`URTHEF, R.ESC�LVE�That upon the completion of said imgrovement, the prGper Citv c�fficera s?zall ca?cu� 4 aIl e�pens?s incurred therein an� sha21 rerrc�rt *_he r�ame to the City Cou?i.ci1 in s ccrdanae with Chspter 14 of the City c:harter. C0.7I�ICII,PERSVNS Yees Sde �"3Ia�2y 'Y�:Str-`�Z". HAFP13 ; iaue r Adopted by Council: I)ate C`ert�fied Passe� i7y Council Secretar_y Si� Fav:,r ny 8i.i13i. t'Ts:.�j"Oi �ublic Heaxing Date - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 �'Z, T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-12-97 Green Sheet Number: 38735 EPARTh1ErT DIItECTOR CTTY COIT.�CII, fact Pe�son and Phone Number: ATtOR�'EY CLERK Joe Mueller 266-6149 tJDCgt DIRECfOR �,& MGT. SVC- DIIL Bernie Bullert 266-6274 YOR (OR ASSISTAh"q � OUNCD, RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by:4-9-97 Musc be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-28-97 TAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) CTION REQUE5TED: et date of Public Hearing for the construction of a saaitary sewer, water ia and sexvice connections in Return Court. ile No. 18839 & 18839-W COMMEA'DAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) ORREiECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG: . Eias the personffirm ever wurked under a contraM for this department? YES NO ruan•uvc cocmwss�oN A srnt�e . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIV➢. SERVICE CO�LMS90N . Does this person/Cirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm coau�arrF;a current C�ty employee? kk lain all YES answers on a se te sheet and aitach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DIS7'RICT PLANNING COUNCIL �r TIATIIIG PROBLEM, ISSQE;APPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Wbere, Why?): etition has been received to construct sanitary sewer/water maia ia Retura ourt in order to develop 3 parcels of property. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: etitioner/property owners will be able to develop tha property. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: etitioner/property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: etitioner/property owaers will not be able to develop the property. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: $ 'J S� H O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACI'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� $48, 900 ASSESSMENTS ��"��� �°�`����' ��`��""� $26,900 CITY AID ��a�l��� ��a ii @ (�S�CIUm.M) .�:- �--,•.r �..pt� � . /� �. iC, � � � � r•� js ' . t/ . ` .,,� ' . °1-- ' r4 �� �i�L 'I� CI4Y 4F ST. P�Ui,, +� xt _ ...- &�'.. T f IiQd�I, iRiDEft � .� . � .. eM/��V1 3iQa . � \ �� V 3Y f ��.dr7 "" f ;i [3/l L/J// F$T.� t�?, 18839, 18A39-W YORI'ET� WAi$7 .s � - i� , � ` Ia the Ma�Eter oi' Constructioxi aT a san3.Eary sewer/connections end water �ain,'co:,nections in Retn�n vaurt frcm Warceater A;e tc, ap�rcx 3C� �2t s�ut� of ATorees±er Aae end in Return Court from Field Ave ta approx 130 feet narth of P'ield Ave. �, Y ` +, \ under Preliminary Order �� �� . ` \ �� �� \ ` 0\\� �� / � \ �� The CouZai:l of thG City o£ abtave i.mproaemen�� due notice L7 Charter; and �T73EREAS, The Caunci2 has , pertaininq to said proposed i�i� therefor�, be it � � ,/� ` t cy q ���PFroved t� v2�A � . � '\ ! � , > �.� Paul has �ondurg�� � p��,1ia haasing upon the heving been given as prescribed by tne Ci.ty , `� all persoaas, oY�jections and rao�r,sansndavions zt anri ha� fully'considered the seme; naw, RES6LVED,. Thst the Co cil. of the City of Saint Paul doss hereby order thst tine``' aboye-described improvemenfi�be mede, and the proper City officers are hereby d_reate� ana authoriaed to proceed ith ths i.mprovemenb; nnd be it . E'URTHER RE30LYEP, That upan the completion of �aid imgrovement, the psopex City officers shail" aelcul�te al2 expenaea incurred t2ierein aad shail report the ssme to Lhe-�ity Cauncil in a¢cordsnae with Chapter 19 of the City Cherter. COUNCILFER^uC�Id9 � Yeas Na �. . �3Ia#ey Bestr;:m Harris =��r �grar� ; � " Rei.tHtaii T}I�g Adopted by Counci2: Date Certifiad Pa�sed�by C;ouncil 9acretary ^ In Fsvar By Ti��&iti�� , � M�}T?�I' ° SUMMARY OF ENGiNEERING RECOMMENDATION Return Court / Sanitary Sewer and Water Project Project No. 9�- S- 8//I Report Prepared March 17, i997 Public Hearing May 28, 1997 P ROJ ECT: Construct a sanitary sewer and water system in Return Court. EX{STING COND{TION: The Project area is presently not served by sewer or water systems. PROPOSED fMPROVEMENTS: Construct sanitary sewer and water on Return Court from Worcester to approximately 280' south and on Return Court from Field to approximately 140' north. All work to be coordinated with the 1997 Morgan i Edgcumbe Residential Street Paving Project. ALTERNATIVE: To do nothing would require the property owners to not develop properties or request long private sewer and water connections for each property. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Pubiic sewer wiil be available to properties currently not served by pubiic sewer. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption, wi{I be present. COST ESTIMATES: Return Court Project Construction Engineering and inspection Misceilaneous Real Estate Fee Project Total Financing: Assessment City Aid Project Total RECOMMENDATION: Sanitary Sewer $61,300.00 .1�#;�9�6p �, ooa 4,500.00 3.000.00 .. .. . $53,2QQ.00 26 900.00 $80,100.00 The Department of Public Works has no recommendation in this matter. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Eggum City Engineer � �ZZ ffN �� "N' �" � rr � ^ � � \ o � � � `•.' L��.Z.. �. a N �: ° �v 1 O� M `� _ J 1 i� � w M v � 57lS/ w 1 O v � ° 1 • � � � r � p ♦ � j � �� -iti:, a i� �� , O .rr:� M �- � � o�U_ . i vC^i" � 3"" :.� � ; � . �"'` � h • A . � '� : _ � � N � . �i �^_ n r e �,: o� fi �^ � 1i. �,-�,� r Sz y i�El + Rf1 �a'ui �Tn m � ^� i � (� �����■ � ___'_'^ e9 � M G!Y!! � L- O ' ' �� l� f..iV�VY p w �-_ � � . " -, ru ��a . '.�' � ti^ �hFq i� a. .. `� O! y Sq SF. Q'. p u➢*r V., ed'zk! �. � � v� �� e " „ �� � 5 c , ^ • � � ' � v� `' ; � v � � Y � . . , ^ °' �? A� � � : „ � e vo-oa^ � ` ^ � i O v b � a° s� � � 4 v $• � N v � ` ° • . y 5 � '` ° P � f f tf/ \ ^ • �•� � t V `'' � 'v 1 h o Q : /: A H 5=,- f � - ,° (` � a1 aCI A i /YFI v �.. . 09 ''' \SS� � yS . ` ` u 1 o • N �f • /� ^�^ �� y7 m^ v ; (D � v'�4 ' r' � .CfSZ.-h�- ti.1 � - �O � \ .rzrv � � 6S t.. � � O � ` '!. «� . {y � N � j ti r � '' f 5 5 �° ""� `. ' 6t'Of! � 3_' OI v �^ � � y1 � � PJ � N \ ' .,. � 4�lN9I'+� � � ` fL 171 �.. _' �1 �w n � � v � (o[t}1 ^ � � l �� � � ' � N � �"-., ��.�1 <� m/ � � <L 1757t � � �L2_ � ([ �°• ^ � � J � g� � � � N � �fi n :. , s� � � .. l�'zii � ,` 0. i v i) c: Q N ��-� G Ov 6` '� c , e ht^- V � t� _-JJ' �/S�J .�. O SF'07/ v N N � �,� . - .� �o R , � �� ^ � o T : .. � v ���� zo W M •• � l �if2.a RE � ; 0 0! w` ` o� ' fL�U,L�-�b �? (/ZI! `�. ' r' � -� " 7 C�^�) � � i� " (�rv° : ` 6 �o ^��� e� v oi� N F9'i�� Q s V Q � v rn'ril :.. lrR� N + n �: f \ m ` �. . �� cFl___ ^ a. i y fi O�t W '" v „`" v ( � G ' .` � � " � '" N 4 � A� � �� � n '� _ ^ � ' �F'��l » Iu � '_ te'etl . ^_ _' '-,+ ` � ` .�.� O N Go [F/ t� Q h 19 O '^ �' ` ( ) � � • � g � . � �. � N i n�� ,'.` v fff CO � ]S'Ofl _ '^ ij' // Y'li/ T m � . ^ y � ~ �^ � M 93 Sf1 Q N � v� :�F y��i fLZ � _ T6 /Il TOAI� M �SJ ^ � T �iC{) �— —_ � � 7C' C ^ Q �_ N '.. v � 4 Sl')1! " � �o�� a 4G �!/ ' [� � � � v T 1 en �32 � n U'nu � $ � � N � = 1 ry $ : W s 1 YO/ � ` � n n '�lTrr� M � a "<itn � O ` y W ^ � � � ets�� rr re � v sn {]_ M � � � �r�2.r rc�a�� y n o� o ` � -{ n .A��f9� Y a � v_•N {v `" $_�.: " J c ti a p � :.,�s'r3N--- . . v (�='d � o � �°-,v r. � � c � ^ Sl� N// ^ 6 ; [ ((f � 4 � � � � [lR � 4 ] f�` � 5❑ b �. A W ° r N�^ �'_ L�_ _�.. ; P!'e0 a n �-V N _ v " h _ �<n�l � ry ti h e � W � • '� ; " O. �. �l �J ���,.r - s„ ` ,� � ar Q � '._.. of sii s �.' . o w. .n r o '� �__ ' NT6 ^ I w v N M • pv N v �O � RfiJ � `1 �l ry , , ' � • iS Z W v n � �'� �i • Y�— G! I � �\ (� '� o — __y� �[ri' "'J � \4�' i+ " tnr OL OS �.' y N ` M ' Q � v, b _ N � ' � �° f 1M �. � �p v� � • � V ♦^ �� v� IO lA/ \' � � A y a v �' e b �h o /L A y� �n y -- .��•� �� �(� N �, N ! N' N v 'Ti ` y N O � N .] W . i� C V O \ \ \ �! ..., ' U � „ W ,� . �-^ _ � �.,_ ^r T n �o r�+ �/ ((� o � .D{'Ct I � hv� N i� vg t � ^� �� LL� �� �- ...s ' S// f// J// �'I 1 h ` ' � � � � `` � � ti � � Oi o 0/ OL — O v Sl �� o � ' C�♦ Iw � J 1 � h r: N n P N O °�\/ hC �0v �l ���/ �� ;J . " J u � r ,V .J i 1 O O O � Y`� ^ N — ' � '^ ' N � _ ° N � W �. w � c � p 'Y O n/ `N . = � ` � ' 1 = ` � 9 1 m� ro„ � � 0 1 1 1 � ' {'t0 h0 INO � o ed o tt +' ImnSim ��< < � !2' Sl •. � � _ _T_ _ l N n ► ��"/ �( � A 1 � �' - �"VTr Y 1 J/ �� � v i �-�`� ��Z CITY OF $T. PAUL PREL2MINARY ORDER in the Matter o£ mainlconnections in Worcester Ave and in Ave. Coristruction vf Return Court from Return Court from ��,�=L �� No. � a9 BY -- CL�����7%/ `�' ' FILE NO. 18833,18S39-W VOTIN6 WARD a sanitary sEwer/cannectiaiis aiid water Worce;,ter Ace to apprrx 300 feet south of Field Ave to appro:c 130 feet north cf Field The CGllriCS,l of the City of sr,ir�t Paul having received the repc+rt of the Ntayor uFan the above improvement, and havinq considere� said repozt, hereby resolves: 1. That the said rep�irt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cUSt thereof is $75, B00 £inanced Y+y City Aid $26, �U4 ar,c� Assessmenta $98,9Q0. 2. That a public hearing be had on said impr�vement on the�8th day o� May. 19�7,_ nt 4:30 0' �o k it in the council Ch�mbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner previded by the Cnarter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement �nd the tot�l c�st thereof as estimated. CUUTdCILPERSUNS Yeas Ngys �lakey 1�ostram �rris� C�r � v\� r�-c � � v � �eqard ✓ Hettniuii Vl Adopted by �ouncil: Date_ A� �� Certified Psssed by Counci2 °ecretary ` In Fa Jor Ey �._� � � �� � H1�323111�t Mayor CITY p �.� � F m �•, O � x ..� Q [►FF�6&IIII ; , �� ` ti c � �ss. � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement Council � Notice `���°�� Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 _ - __ ._ _ . _ . -_. PLANNING COUNCIL �15 . FILE # <:'E8839 :: ----- - - =- -- PROPERTY ADDRESS <.,._>; ..Y:•:; ;:, ; . _ . . . . R±: :aiiii . . �. .. .. PARCEL ID ....._.� .. �......°:�-<; . .... ..�. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foflows: CONS7RUCT10N OF A SANITARY SEWER AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS M RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COUR7 FROM FIELD AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF � " F{ELD AVEtdl1E. � ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost wili be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Pfease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side `" of this notice. - - - .:_.. � :.�,g:�� �., ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��F � � �.�N , o?:t'� _w d�i�J � — _ ;��, CONTINUED ON REVERSE 5fDE NOTfF{CATION DATE: os/O9/s7 p1TY � F �� A @ r O � Z .� 6 iiiF�E ( I a � C �p�, n `�0,�'ss+ -� Saint Paul City Council `� . . • G Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY TAX DBSCRIPTION COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 - PLANNING COUNCIL #15 __:....:,...._...._.__ ... FILE # �t8�39��K:�;;:;;;-::_:` - -.- PROPERTY ADDRESS �.>� ,:>�.;:: PARCEL ID ,:,<..,,.:.:.; THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Councit at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: GONSTRUCT�ON OF A WATER MAIN AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 300 PEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COURT FROM FIELD AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF FIELD RVENIlE. - . ' - . ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, ail or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: . THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/O9/97 G.Z—��Z FILE NOS. 18839 AND 18839-W WATERf WATER SAIVITARY SEWER MAIN SEWER CONl�'S TOTAL Total Estimated Expenditures $16,350 �50,900 $8,550 $75,800 Assessmenu $16,350 $24,000 $8,550 $48,900 City Aid $ 0 $26,900 $ 0 $26,900 Totai Estimated Financing $16,350 $50,900 $8,550 $75,80� The assessable amounts will be divided equaliy among the 3 lots. For the water main, each ]ot will be assessed $5,450 and $1,750* for each connection. For the sanitary sewer, each lot will be assessed $8,000 and $1,100* for each connection. Total amount for each lot is $16,300. For construction questions, please call 2b6-6149 (sanitary sewer) or 266-6273 (water main). (• z � e ,� . - - - - - - . .. ,. �. i „ ,. ;,.� x� : , ..,. ... ,., .,. � �5:� MO W (W �ru N+� �� C ) : � 60� Cevi Gi7 , �x�_ ��,�:� . RGA . � � �'O : �rr � 1 tzi)e� Zs t4 23 It 2L �21 : �o /� : It�� /7� /r _ /!: m � 1' Urs •• r :a _. . 1 � i '.y � i ♦ u • � � (' ` ��) � � � . F�. s�-1. .� t• r� � � �.f �:: �i' o n.i . �� � = 4 O � . w� �i r-t � .� � e l'T ' ri � �� I I ' y '• �i • � • MORGAN� • AVE : ':. Z G�� � � �ro� �, �., �;'��. '°;� i . _ .. :. - ' ,,. ,. , .. ,. � . �� ,� 3t' � (w Go (�' C�� (�D (sy , (s.>� (5�.. (a.), (e'), �sH : � , ��) { �� ^ .,a� s ; � � �� � (� n �} S 6 7 t' D Je c! �t e U= + y. � �r, ,�G 4 t t�` � �.:�; Zz L.¢)C �� rs �e ` 2 O � > i r� st Y.�t T � b) ol R �� ` � I ` . . a� i' n ' : � C d ' ,. I� ' ' � -.,;.. I F� , �r _ �� ` �t �'� �� � r. ,�y z� :� r. v: zz= l. _,: ,�. ,.� ��'�����g" <�>'�o °�• •; (�') (�v C�� Lcv t�.) zi (z9 <cs) lc:� l r . Soo • � io � � l , r is _ .. .. ,., �� . ` Y EF .-.�. ` LidE (�� �i� sz.�, .N � WORCESTER W-�-L� P ,.., �• ��;' ;<<.�' � „ ,.. � � � .,. .. „ �, .�.. > _ • _, "+ `� ` ,� '��. - 4 _ r=' i. i � : =� '� ti ; � . :'. '* ; : ;,. i1'w ` ` �,-�' z � +.Ai �� -'.•_ J y � � : •'• "�., � �/t�2'y '' �: i '� `� d i� la � �r =!t. U � 14 �� � w ,,,. ; q y 4 i Si � 1 r � - � ' � ` � >�' ail� C��a� (ao) C"�) �Y (a'� '- ' ' ,B , „ . .. IlJ• (�9�1����il' Y (tJ� Sil�.� ��TJ- ��ml � l)� ? � Z J�! fi�i r.. in��. "" - ..i..-•"' r "___ ps" ' • JO (:f) ?7 (�J i � rJ rer � � ' �os..a A (rR) fCRENIk "� �� �.., pn) s NO. 497 soD ��,vE REG. LPND Sl'1RVEY ""'.. isoe.or. k/,FJV 1 K rz.rr� <�se) C . .... . uxz: •• i.r.0 r:... ...i r..n - " � � s L � J � ' � a � ♦ � i p` �/f � qw !!• /S /I N; /2��A� /O^� D !� 7 L� r � P � �� . 20 ,��«.> t; »' p••� (�n <ba ;p=I C.0 [w :n) Cw hn .,,� (,A pa "CiJ Gv .- Ca) `c �°°� II (br). �..n �.... T• � _ r. � n. ' � FlELD � D AVE. a • 21 �bb) � (i + ' ' _ " ' _ . .. " Si _ . - - � i e� iJ� ♦ M z z h>R ; „ ,� ,� ,r� ,G 5i ,z „ ,0 9 s r � r , � e , ..'I �... . _ 2J � ��7) ��x) [nd Qr) �yU �s.) �'�) (rv1 .r> U+N (rs» Oxq (�ie1 (oq ��b) �u) �u) (nn� i r F R l�` e ' 1 R i .. I c I� .• � �• /+ I+ iI � � � N L� F 'L � W 1+ L L .�+- s, d> >a i. � vs :v� �s zi zi �., .ri � iJt .IJ Jf JJ Jt � ' 1 RY. sco 1 u �� �pii ie + �.� L � 1 2 .t �LLi� � � ;,T E • �t11L� � � ,� . ���:� ,. � ��� CITY 6F 3T. PAUL • � ��• � ���. �� Na. ��z �a ____� � BY ��Sda 9, I9839,1F3R�4-�7 VtlTS3�iG WStRB � � Za t�xe Matter of Canstruction of a sanita �ain,`cvnrections �r. ��turn vcur*_ frc� ?dcrcast2r �re Ydorcester Rve &na ir� �Re�urn cvuz�t fra�: Fieid Ia�e to �TfG � \ � d� �a� . �� ��� \ a�` c� / t3I1�EI �'IB.�2IIt.'LIIv1SV {+PtS�r v �� ` — The Cc,unc�l of the G'ity c�f abov2 improuemeni, due notice Eh� Charter; and sew�rlcom2eat-an�d water uci �..p�rJh �v0 �t t ;r;utt ;�f anprox 130 feet rth of Field aggroued N �n _ ' � �� - 1 1' / uaul has conducted � g�a�lic tie�rin¢ upon *he having beer, given as }.re�cr;,bed by the City Ldt�REAS. The Cnuncil has �earc� �Il psrsons, ok a_r r�r_.�m.mer_�atir�.s pertalning to seid proposed ' provement and has fully"cen�idered the same; now, thereiore, �ae it RESOLVr:D, Tkxat the Co oiZ of tne City af Baint Ya:�3 does hereby or�er tnat t�e aLt�ve-dsscriYred improvemen be mac3?, end th¢ �roper City afficers are hereby dire�c�� arxd authorized ta praceed ith the ixapravement; and be it F`URTHEF, R.ESC�LVE�That upon the completion of said imgrovement, the prGper Citv c�fficera s?zall ca?cu� 4 aIl e�pens?s incurred therein an� sha21 rerrc�rt *_he r�ame to the City Cou?i.ci1 in s ccrdanae with Chspter 14 of the City c:harter. C0.7I�ICII,PERSVNS Yees Sde �"3Ia�2y 'Y�:Str-`�Z". HAFP13 ; iaue r Adopted by Council: I)ate C`ert�fied Passe� i7y Council Secretar_y Si� Fav:,r ny 8i.i13i. t'Ts:.�j"Oi �ublic Heaxing Date - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 �'Z, T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-12-97 Green Sheet Number: 38735 EPARTh1ErT DIItECTOR CTTY COIT.�CII, fact Pe�son and Phone Number: ATtOR�'EY CLERK Joe Mueller 266-6149 tJDCgt DIRECfOR �,& MGT. SVC- DIIL Bernie Bullert 266-6274 YOR (OR ASSISTAh"q � OUNCD, RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by:4-9-97 Musc be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-28-97 TAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) CTION REQUE5TED: et date of Public Hearing for the construction of a saaitary sewer, water ia and sexvice connections in Return Court. ile No. 18839 & 18839-W COMMEA'DAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) ORREiECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG: . Eias the personffirm ever wurked under a contraM for this department? YES NO ruan•uvc cocmwss�oN A srnt�e . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIV➢. SERVICE CO�LMS90N . Does this person/Cirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm coau�arrF;a current C�ty employee? kk lain all YES answers on a se te sheet and aitach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DIS7'RICT PLANNING COUNCIL �r TIATIIIG PROBLEM, ISSQE;APPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Wbere, Why?): etition has been received to construct sanitary sewer/water maia ia Retura ourt in order to develop 3 parcels of property. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: etitioner/property owners will be able to develop tha property. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: etitioner/property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: etitioner/property owaers will not be able to develop the property. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: $ 'J S� H O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACI'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� $48, 900 ASSESSMENTS ��"��� �°�`����' ��`��""� $26,900 CITY AID ��a�l��� ��a ii @ (�S�CIUm.M) .�:- �--,•.r �..pt� � . /� �. iC, � � � � r•� js ' . t/ . ` .,,� ' . °1-- ' r4 �� �i�L 'I� CI4Y 4F ST. P�Ui,, +� xt _ ...- &�'.. T f IiQd�I, iRiDEft � .� . � .. eM/��V1 3iQa . � \ �� V 3Y f ��.dr7 "" f ;i [3/l L/J// F$T.� t�?, 18839, 18A39-W YORI'ET� WAi$7 .s � - i� , � ` Ia the Ma�Eter oi' Constructioxi aT a san3.Eary sewer/connections end water �ain,'co:,nections in Retn�n vaurt frcm Warceater A;e tc, ap�rcx 3C� �2t s�ut� of ATorees±er Aae end in Return Court from Field Ave ta approx 130 feet narth of P'ield Ave. �, Y ` +, \ under Preliminary Order �� �� . ` \ �� �� \ ` 0\\� �� / � \ �� The CouZai:l of thG City o£ abtave i.mproaemen�� due notice L7 Charter; and �T73EREAS, The Caunci2 has , pertaininq to said proposed i�i� therefor�, be it � � ,/� ` t cy q ���PFroved t� v2�A � . � '\ ! � , > �.� Paul has �ondurg�� � p��,1ia haasing upon the heving been given as prescribed by tne Ci.ty , `� all persoaas, oY�jections and rao�r,sansndavions zt anri ha� fully'considered the seme; naw, RES6LVED,. Thst the Co cil. of the City of Saint Paul doss hereby order thst tine``' aboye-described improvemenfi�be mede, and the proper City officers are hereby d_reate� ana authoriaed to proceed ith ths i.mprovemenb; nnd be it . E'URTHER RE30LYEP, That upan the completion of �aid imgrovement, the psopex City officers shail" aelcul�te al2 expenaea incurred t2ierein aad shail report the ssme to Lhe-�ity Cauncil in a¢cordsnae with Chapter 19 of the City Cherter. COUNCILFER^uC�Id9 � Yeas Na �. . �3Ia#ey Bestr;:m Harris =��r �grar� ; � " Rei.tHtaii T}I�g Adopted by Counci2: Date Certifiad Pa�sed�by C;ouncil 9acretary ^ In Fsvar By Ti��&iti�� , � M�}T?�I' ° SUMMARY OF ENGiNEERING RECOMMENDATION Return Court / Sanitary Sewer and Water Project Project No. 9�- S- 8//I Report Prepared March 17, i997 Public Hearing May 28, 1997 P ROJ ECT: Construct a sanitary sewer and water system in Return Court. EX{STING COND{TION: The Project area is presently not served by sewer or water systems. PROPOSED fMPROVEMENTS: Construct sanitary sewer and water on Return Court from Worcester to approximately 280' south and on Return Court from Field to approximately 140' north. All work to be coordinated with the 1997 Morgan i Edgcumbe Residential Street Paving Project. ALTERNATIVE: To do nothing would require the property owners to not develop properties or request long private sewer and water connections for each property. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Pubiic sewer wiil be available to properties currently not served by pubiic sewer. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption, wi{I be present. COST ESTIMATES: Return Court Project Construction Engineering and inspection Misceilaneous Real Estate Fee Project Total Financing: Assessment City Aid Project Total RECOMMENDATION: Sanitary Sewer $61,300.00 .1�#;�9�6p �, ooa 4,500.00 3.000.00 .. .. . $53,2QQ.00 26 900.00 $80,100.00 The Department of Public Works has no recommendation in this matter. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Eggum City Engineer � �ZZ ffN �� "N' �" � rr � ^ � � \ o � � � `•.' L��.Z.. �. a N �: ° �v 1 O� M `� _ J 1 i� � w M v � 57lS/ w 1 O v � ° 1 • � � � r � p ♦ � j � �� -iti:, a i� �� , O .rr:� M �- � � o�U_ . i vC^i" � 3"" :.� � ; � . �"'` � h • A . � '� : _ � � N � . �i �^_ n r e �,: o� fi �^ � 1i. �,-�,� r Sz y i�El + Rf1 �a'ui �Tn m � ^� i � (� �����■ � ___'_'^ e9 � M G!Y!! � L- O ' ' �� l� f..iV�VY p w �-_ � � . " -, ru ��a . '.�' � ti^ �hFq i� a. .. `� O! y Sq SF. Q'. p u➢*r V., ed'zk! �. � � v� �� e " „ �� � 5 c , ^ • � � ' � v� `' ; � v � � Y � . . , ^ °' �? A� � � : „ � e vo-oa^ � ` ^ � i O v b � a° s� � � 4 v $• � N v � ` ° • . y 5 � '` ° P � f f tf/ \ ^ • �•� � t V `'' � 'v 1 h o Q : /: A H 5=,- f � - ,° (` � a1 aCI A i /YFI v �.. . 09 ''' \SS� � yS . ` ` u 1 o • N �f • /� ^�^ �� y7 m^ v ; (D � v'�4 ' r' � .CfSZ.-h�- ti.1 � - �O � \ .rzrv � � 6S t.. � � O � ` '!. «� . {y � N � j ti r � '' f 5 5 �° ""� `. ' 6t'Of! � 3_' OI v �^ � � y1 � � PJ � N \ ' .,. � 4�lN9I'+� � � ` fL 171 �.. _' �1 �w n � � v � (o[t}1 ^ � � l �� � � ' � N � �"-., ��.�1 <� m/ � � <L 1757t � � �L2_ � ([ �°• ^ � � J � g� � � � N � �fi n :. , s� � � .. l�'zii � ,` 0. i v i) c: Q N ��-� G Ov 6` '� c , e ht^- V � t� _-JJ' �/S�J .�. O SF'07/ v N N � �,� . - .� �o R , � �� ^ � o T : .. � v ���� zo W M •• � l �if2.a RE � ; 0 0! w` ` o� ' fL�U,L�-�b �? (/ZI! `�. ' r' � -� " 7 C�^�) � � i� " (�rv° : ` 6 �o ^��� e� v oi� N F9'i�� Q s V Q � v rn'ril :.. lrR� N + n �: f \ m ` �. . �� cFl___ ^ a. i y fi O�t W '" v „`" v ( � G ' .` � � " � '" N 4 � A� � �� � n '� _ ^ � ' �F'��l » Iu � '_ te'etl . ^_ _' '-,+ ` � ` .�.� O N Go [F/ t� Q h 19 O '^ �' ` ( ) � � • � g � . � �. � N i n�� ,'.` v fff CO � ]S'Ofl _ '^ ij' // Y'li/ T m � . ^ y � ~ �^ � M 93 Sf1 Q N � v� :�F y��i fLZ � _ T6 /Il TOAI� M �SJ ^ � T �iC{) �— —_ � � 7C' C ^ Q �_ N '.. v � 4 Sl')1! " � �o�� a 4G �!/ ' [� � � � v T 1 en �32 � n U'nu � $ � � N � = 1 ry $ : W s 1 YO/ � ` � n n '�lTrr� M � a "<itn � O ` y W ^ � � � ets�� rr re � v sn {]_ M � � � �r�2.r rc�a�� y n o� o ` � -{ n .A��f9� Y a � v_•N {v `" $_�.: " J c ti a p � :.,�s'r3N--- . . v (�='d � o � �°-,v r. � � c � ^ Sl� N// ^ 6 ; [ ((f � 4 � � � � [lR � 4 ] f�` � 5❑ b �. A W ° r N�^ �'_ L�_ _�.. ; P!'e0 a n �-V N _ v " h _ �<n�l � ry ti h e � W � • '� ; " O. �. �l �J ���,.r - s„ ` ,� � ar Q � '._.. of sii s �.' . o w. .n r o '� �__ ' NT6 ^ I w v N M • pv N v �O � RfiJ � `1 �l ry , , ' � • iS Z W v n � �'� �i • Y�— G! I � �\ (� '� o — __y� �[ri' "'J � \4�' i+ " tnr OL OS �.' y N ` M ' Q � v, b _ N � ' � �° f 1M �. � �p v� � • � V ♦^ �� v� IO lA/ \' � � A y a v �' e b �h o /L A y� �n y -- .��•� �� �(� N �, N ! N' N v 'Ti ` y N O � N .] W . i� C V O \ \ \ �! ..., ' U � „ W ,� . �-^ _ � �.,_ ^r T n �o r�+ �/ ((� o � .D{'Ct I � hv� N i� vg t � ^� �� LL� �� �- ...s ' S// f// J// �'I 1 h ` ' � � � � `` � � ti � � Oi o 0/ OL — O v Sl �� o � ' C�♦ Iw � J 1 � h r: N n P N O °�\/ hC �0v �l ���/ �� ;J . " J u � r ,V .J i 1 O O O � Y`� ^ N — ' � '^ ' N � _ ° N � W �. w � c � p 'Y O n/ `N . = � ` � ' 1 = ` � 9 1 m� ro„ � � 0 1 1 1 � ' {'t0 h0 INO � o ed o tt +' ImnSim ��< < � !2' Sl •. � � _ _T_ _ l N n ► ��"/ �( � A 1 � �' - �"VTr Y 1 J/ �� � v i �-�`� ��Z CITY OF $T. PAUL PREL2MINARY ORDER in the Matter o£ mainlconnections in Worcester Ave and in Ave. Coristruction vf Return Court from Return Court from ��,�=L �� No. � a9 BY -- CL�����7%/ `�' ' FILE NO. 18833,18S39-W VOTIN6 WARD a sanitary sEwer/cannectiaiis aiid water Worce;,ter Ace to apprrx 300 feet south of Field Ave to appro:c 130 feet north cf Field The CGllriCS,l of the City of sr,ir�t Paul having received the repc+rt of the Ntayor uFan the above improvement, and havinq considere� said repozt, hereby resolves: 1. That the said rep�irt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cUSt thereof is $75, B00 £inanced Y+y City Aid $26, �U4 ar,c� Assessmenta $98,9Q0. 2. That a public hearing be had on said impr�vement on the�8th day o� May. 19�7,_ nt 4:30 0' �o k it in the council Ch�mbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner previded by the Cnarter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement �nd the tot�l c�st thereof as estimated. CUUTdCILPERSUNS Yeas Ngys �lakey 1�ostram �rris� C�r � v\� r�-c � � v � �eqard ✓ Hettniuii Vl Adopted by �ouncil: Date_ A� �� Certified Psssed by Counci2 °ecretary ` In Fa Jor Ey �._� � � �� � H1�323111�t Mayor CITY p �.� � F m �•, O � x ..� Q [►FF�6&IIII ; , �� ` ti c � �ss. � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement Council � Notice `���°�� Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 _ - __ ._ _ . _ . -_. PLANNING COUNCIL �15 . FILE # <:'E8839 :: ----- - - =- -- PROPERTY ADDRESS <.,._>; ..Y:•:; ;:, ; . _ . . . . R±: :aiiii . . �. .. .. PARCEL ID ....._.� .. �......°:�-<; . .... ..�. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foflows: CONS7RUCT10N OF A SANITARY SEWER AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS M RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COUR7 FROM FIELD AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF � " F{ELD AVEtdl1E. � ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost wili be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Pfease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side `" of this notice. - - - .:_.. � :.�,g:�� �., ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��F � � �.�N , o?:t'� _w d�i�J � — _ ;��, CONTINUED ON REVERSE 5fDE NOTfF{CATION DATE: os/O9/s7 p1TY � F �� A @ r O � Z .� 6 iiiF�E ( I a � C �p�, n `�0,�'ss+ -� Saint Paul City Council `� . . • G Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY TAX DBSCRIPTION COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 - PLANNING COUNCIL #15 __:....:,...._...._.__ ... FILE # �t8�39��K:�;;:;;;-::_:` - -.- PROPERTY ADDRESS �.>� ,:>�.;:: PARCEL ID ,:,<..,,.:.:.; THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Councit at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: GONSTRUCT�ON OF A WATER MAIN AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN RETURN COURT FROM WORCESTER AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 300 PEET SOUTH OF WORCESTER AVENUE AND IN RETURN COURT FROM FIELD AVENUE 70 APPROXIMATELY 130 FEET NORTH OF FIELD RVENIlE. - . ' - . ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, ail or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: . THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/O9/97 G.Z—��Z FILE NOS. 18839 AND 18839-W WATERf WATER SAIVITARY SEWER MAIN SEWER CONl�'S TOTAL Total Estimated Expenditures $16,350 �50,900 $8,550 $75,800 Assessmenu $16,350 $24,000 $8,550 $48,900 City Aid $ 0 $26,900 $ 0 $26,900 Totai Estimated Financing $16,350 $50,900 $8,550 $75,80� The assessable amounts will be divided equaliy among the 3 lots. For the water main, each ]ot will be assessed $5,450 and $1,750* for each connection. For the sanitary sewer, each lot will be assessed $8,000 and $1,100* for each connection. Total amount for each lot is $16,300. For construction questions, please call 2b6-6149 (sanitary sewer) or 266-6273 (water main). (• z � e ,� . - - - - - - . .. ,. �. i „ ,. ;,.� x� : , ..,. ... ,., .,. � �5:� MO W (W �ru N+� �� C ) : � 60� Cevi Gi7 , �x�_ ��,�:� . 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