97-580., � -�,� :� , �.� _ t _ ,�� ��y�� � ,? � �. 4 Ld.di YF Vpiali}'�AVii : FiiVW � � t V" �+' � ��g�=�l: ���J Ix� tha Ldstter aP ORCGI��-AL � . ! y'VV7V 1�I� �;� 1 — V� Perm�ne:t� �aseme�t f�,r p.il�li4 right-�f-way oz, over .grid. �rbava the -�c,S3�winy u praperty: i � � ?�31 thet part af L�t 32, Auditars Snbdivisian No. 52 St. Pau2 Mlnn. lyiny va�sterly of �ire foilavring described li.ne, Beginning at a point on the northwe�terly 1ir,e of said Lot 32, 3.�E} feet northeasterly cf the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thenae svuthsaaterly to a paint an the �outhwasterly line of sai<i Lo± 32,'�55.40 fest southeasterly of t3�e most uresterly aerner of said Lot .�2� �nd t?sere; sei� Iine terminates. i . � vnd�r p,;elsminary order. ��[ ^� �.�,5 approved�� ��{,�°��� r'� puhlic hearinc} haviny been Yiad upc,n the sbove im�rovement upon,due notic°.e, and the �'ox�ncil h�ving heard ail gersons, objeotions and recommendations r�Iati.ve ther�to, and,.ha�ing fuliy considered the same; herefare, be 1.t , RESQLVED That tAe,Council of the City of Saint,Pau3 hereby ordars ssid �, improvement to be made. ... _, _ _ 8urthsr Resolved, That` the Counr.:i.l herelay determines that the estate required for this im�s�ve�ent b? aa described aix+ua, �nd that tha pra�r Gity offiaers submit s report to the City e'.ounail for the .purpose of the Council's �axinq an award or �amage� fcr the interest acquired and determination af asses�arients, ii any, ay�?nst the nenefitted nroperty. ��tR7CSLYERuOT4� Yea� Nays v Blakey �Bo trom— ��SC h1 '�"- � ✓H ra4 'Mortp� �Zx7 Favar � 1£� ��n(p�)�„� � Aqainst �ne n 1 , � H��S��r+T Adopted I�y Counoil: ,7ate q q� Certified Pas�ed by Cauncil SeoretarLLr Public Hearing Date - May 14, 1997 RE 3-7-97 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��� 2/28/97 Green Sheet Number: O�Q3� EPARTMEN'f DIRFiCPOR CS'lY COUNCII, i Person and Phone N�lxr. �« .�w. - ow�w ATI�DRNEY CLER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °� iIDGEf DIRECl'OR .& MGT. 3VC. DIR. YOR(ORASS7SfAN'n 1 Council Research ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office b noon Erida 3-14-97 OTAL A OF S[GNATURfi PAGPS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfION RF.QUESTED: btain a Right-of-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. �LE 1J0. lt��yD COMI�ffi1DAIYONS: APPROVE (e� OR REJECT (1� RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Has fhe peisa�n/fum ever worked mder a emtrad for this depeifiient? YES NO PL4NNING COM.W.SSION SIAFF . HdS tI11S I�150I✓{IL111 CVCt LCCII 8 Clfj' CT1j1IOj'CC� YI:.S NO CIVII, SEBV ICE COhA95S W N . Das this perswJ6rm possess a skill not norn�ally passessed by any YES NO current (,tity employee? cm conu�nrree ein eR YES answers on a se sheet and attadi. PORTS WIIICH COUNCIL OBJRCTIVE? CAUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fj IATING PROBLEM, ISS[JE, pPPORT[7NITY (Who, What, When, Where, WLy?): This part of Maiden I.ane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. VANTAGFS IF APPROVRD: e City w►�1 receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. ISADVANTAGES IF APPTiOVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he South Branch of Maiden Lane would note be wide enough for traffic. OTAL AMOUN'T OF TRANSACTION: �Q � COSf/REVF.NLJE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER Axcinr. �o�nTroN: (�i,a[� ��;q��; . �� g �k :.'.. :i' �' 7 ?��7 ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQW S{T{ON Y I����� Dear Property owner: City Council Ward $� Planning District $ � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a uermanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as part of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATiON Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, � Third Floor Council Chambers - City Ha11/ court xouse Real Estate: 266-8650 Also, City sta£f will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 340 citg Ha11J�yurt Hovse � This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall/COUrt House n; tt 2,; 1997 �g�JflCl� ( ?' + oa�3fC�i (�'3[l�s9f MAP ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQUISITION Dear Property Owner: City Council Ward #� Planning District # � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a permanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as aart of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATION Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, Third Floor Council Chambers - City Hall/ Court House Real Estate: 266-8850 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 140 City Ha1T/COUrt House �, ; �.: This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11/COUrt House :l��a� � <i ��9� , �e��n€�F� �� ������ ��€�� MAP 1 /1 . . ,� � n �a � 8 `� � �� 6 6 �� 0 9�0 -� . v. 00 •OBna. �> N �• � �-�. ,• '� u ��,: � � .oc �' ' 6 � �lgl�� La � . ru.D9 � �,�res9 A4 � 01 � ��_ � �tt�' °C�°) °� .o � � 11 . '� � O (9t) 10_ � o ��g21 �------ o-- --. ♦ /Q .. . r. ai �9z) /t '�` � (-3z/4? � __ 2✓b CoNOOMtNVM f19 , _ 190£RDlSN ��"� 4 0 00 �33� � i � � � , GO ��7 �gb� .a t .r � vR c� ; ` z ��s' s s-� �� I [0 737i :: . • ^ ti5 p�O �` .. h� • ` / � 1y ':r t �'li0� .,� r ,3..:s w � �°�ati�/6 (�9� • .. `1i /' � 4 � � /� 0 w .i�w �6� b�- - u 4 � .� V 1 � � � . �� 3 � i �/ v -. �. v . �1��� � � . 0 �o i� �p b Z ' °`''� ';� 7� ��� � .s"S 3S. .so. � O. 6 . 9�T S� � b y °t�-s�o So. •s .Ro,•6 -to 1'.� oB 6a. o io 7� iT � C34 � r. �� �) �% ,a� �n �/ �� H o0 � 1 � 3 ` / � / 6 .� � `� � � � /��bl•y � �. �!'� �1 � ��p� a k � ' � � o 0 �0� a� ` �J� La o�yE P • ��a 3 � 6a•�� ( � �� �9 0 �� _� � w 5 � p. �� 3 � �� � 2 � . .4�i�. N� r k�� `x Q� • fl � s ti 0 �) � ��4t C�� S O,� .� �/ � 20 '�-�.'y ti6 � � 3 � ? 29 i N y � � �� \oo G i �, � /�� ..a „;' � O 0 l � • _ \. 20� �. �� t� 4' ' �, -� ' ►° c o �.y °S.� 1 � � �'o , /� 0 }�^ Z oo Y� �� . (a8� � i q9 �� �+ .e�� � ' P ��,� co 2 \ �� e � ��� �. •, ag o �•,, � � o Z 6 �� \�\ \�� �� �\ C O� ^ t � ..�� \ `�-�` �41� � �� � \ 4 0� 'w�'n � Q C39 - . 0 2� ���� - �A� k°� � �I' �E� `Y � � C��lG(I���%�L CITY OF 3T. PAUL PRELIMINARX ORDER Sn the Matter of 97-.5�0 �o,��=L �_� �o. a� BY FI 30. 0 9 V IN6 A 1 Permsnent Eesement for public right-of-way on, over end above the following described property: All that part of Lot 32, Auditors SuY,divisinn No. 52 �t. Paul Minn, lyinq westerly of the following desaribed line. Beginning at a poiirt on the northvresterly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 feet northeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thence southeasterly to a point on t?.e southwesterly line of S�id i.ot 32, 55.U0 feef s�utheasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32, end there eaid lir;e terminatea. rne council of the City of Seiiit Faul haviiiy received thE report of the Mayar upon the above improvement, and havinq conaidered oaid repr�rt, hereby re�vlvea: 1. That the �sid report and the aame io hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the City will receive a right-of-way eaeement st no coat. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 74th dav of May �g�� at 4•30 �'�t�����M � in the Counril Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of saint Paul. 3. That notice ef said public hearing be given to the persons and in the maruier provided by the Charter, 9tatinq the time and place of heazinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereaf as estim�ted. COUNCILPERSONS Y<-+es Nays �Blakey e/�Bostrom �Harris /'Yk�r� N r'rtsne�x- �egard Rettman ✓Thune �° In Favor � Against Rdopted by Council : Date {�,�,�� t ��1 ct r-� f Certified Fessed by C�uncil Secretary Fiy� 1�-r„� - 'C� � Ma yc, r ., � -�,� :� , �.� _ t _ ,�� ��y�� � ,? � �. 4 Ld.di YF Vpiali}'�AVii : FiiVW � � t V" �+' � ��g�=�l: ���J Ix� tha Ldstter aP ORCGI��-AL � . ! y'VV7V 1�I� �;� 1 — V� Perm�ne:t� �aseme�t f�,r p.il�li4 right-�f-way oz, over .grid. �rbava the -�c,S3�winy u praperty: i � � ?�31 thet part af L�t 32, Auditars Snbdivisian No. 52 St. Pau2 Mlnn. lyiny va�sterly of �ire foilavring described li.ne, Beginning at a point on the northwe�terly 1ir,e of said Lot 32, 3.�E} feet northeasterly cf the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thenae svuthsaaterly to a paint an the �outhwasterly line of sai<i Lo± 32,'�55.40 fest southeasterly of t3�e most uresterly aerner of said Lot .�2� �nd t?sere; sei� Iine terminates. i . � vnd�r p,;elsminary order. ��[ ^� �.�,5 approved�� ��{,�°��� r'� puhlic hearinc} haviny been Yiad upc,n the sbove im�rovement upon,due notic°.e, and the �'ox�ncil h�ving heard ail gersons, objeotions and recommendations r�Iati.ve ther�to, and,.ha�ing fuliy considered the same; herefare, be 1.t , RESQLVED That tAe,Council of the City of Saint,Pau3 hereby ordars ssid �, improvement to be made. ... _, _ _ 8urthsr Resolved, That` the Counr.:i.l herelay determines that the estate required for this im�s�ve�ent b? aa described aix+ua, �nd that tha pra�r Gity offiaers submit s report to the City e'.ounail for the .purpose of the Council's �axinq an award or �amage� fcr the interest acquired and determination af asses�arients, ii any, ay�?nst the nenefitted nroperty. ��tR7CSLYERuOT4� Yea� Nays v Blakey �Bo trom— ��SC h1 '�"- � ✓H ra4 'Mortp� �Zx7 Favar � 1£� ��n(p�)�„� � Aqainst �ne n 1 , � H��S��r+T Adopted I�y Counoil: ,7ate q q� Certified Pas�ed by Cauncil SeoretarLLr Public Hearing Date - May 14, 1997 RE 3-7-97 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��� 2/28/97 Green Sheet Number: O�Q3� EPARTMEN'f DIRFiCPOR CS'lY COUNCII, i Person and Phone N�lxr. �« .�w. - ow�w ATI�DRNEY CLER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °� iIDGEf DIRECl'OR .& MGT. 3VC. DIR. YOR(ORASS7SfAN'n 1 Council Research ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office b noon Erida 3-14-97 OTAL A OF S[GNATURfi PAGPS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfION RF.QUESTED: btain a Right-of-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. �LE 1J0. lt��yD COMI�ffi1DAIYONS: APPROVE (e� OR REJECT (1� RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Has fhe peisa�n/fum ever worked mder a emtrad for this depeifiient? YES NO PL4NNING COM.W.SSION SIAFF . HdS tI11S I�150I✓{IL111 CVCt LCCII 8 Clfj' CT1j1IOj'CC� YI:.S NO CIVII, SEBV ICE COhA95S W N . Das this perswJ6rm possess a skill not norn�ally passessed by any YES NO current (,tity employee? cm conu�nrree ein eR YES answers on a se sheet and attadi. PORTS WIIICH COUNCIL OBJRCTIVE? CAUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fj IATING PROBLEM, ISS[JE, pPPORT[7NITY (Who, What, When, Where, WLy?): This part of Maiden I.ane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. VANTAGFS IF APPROVRD: e City w►�1 receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. ISADVANTAGES IF APPTiOVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he South Branch of Maiden Lane would note be wide enough for traffic. OTAL AMOUN'T OF TRANSACTION: �Q � COSf/REVF.NLJE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER Axcinr. �o�nTroN: (�i,a[� ��;q��; . �� g �k :.'.. :i' �' 7 ?��7 ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQW S{T{ON Y I����� Dear Property owner: City Council Ward $� Planning District $ � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a uermanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as part of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATiON Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, � Third Floor Council Chambers - City Ha11/ court xouse Real Estate: 266-8650 Also, City sta£f will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 340 citg Ha11J�yurt Hovse � This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall/COUrt House n; tt 2,; 1997 �g�JflCl� ( ?' + oa�3fC�i (�'3[l�s9f MAP ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQUISITION Dear Property Owner: City Council Ward #� Planning District # � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a permanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as aart of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATION Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, Third Floor Council Chambers - City Hall/ Court House Real Estate: 266-8850 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 140 City Ha1T/COUrt House �, ; �.: This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11/COUrt House :l��a� � <i ��9� , �e��n€�F� �� ������ ��€�� MAP 1 /1 . . ,� � n �a � 8 `� � �� 6 6 �� 0 9�0 -� . v. 00 •OBna. �> N �• � �-�. ,• '� u ��,: � � .oc �' ' 6 � �lgl�� La � . ru.D9 � �,�res9 A4 � 01 � ��_ � �tt�' °C�°) °� .o � � 11 . '� � O (9t) 10_ � o ��g21 �------ o-- --. ♦ /Q .. . r. ai �9z) /t '�` � (-3z/4? � __ 2✓b CoNOOMtNVM f19 , _ 190£RDlSN ��"� 4 0 00 �33� � i � � � , GO ��7 �gb� .a t .r � vR c� ; ` z ��s' s s-� �� I [0 737i :: . • ^ ti5 p�O �` .. h� • ` / � 1y ':r t �'li0� .,� r ,3..:s w � �°�ati�/6 (�9� • .. `1i /' � 4 � � /� 0 w .i�w �6� b�- - u 4 � .� V 1 � � � . �� 3 � i �/ v -. �. v . �1��� � � . 0 �o i� �p b Z ' °`''� ';� 7� ��� � .s"S 3S. .so. � O. 6 . 9�T S� � b y °t�-s�o So. •s .Ro,•6 -to 1'.� oB 6a. o io 7� iT � C34 � r. �� �) �% ,a� �n �/ �� H o0 � 1 � 3 ` / � / 6 .� � `� � � � /��bl•y � �. �!'� �1 � ��p� a k � ' � � o 0 �0� a� ` �J� La o�yE P • ��a 3 � 6a•�� ( � �� �9 0 �� _� � w 5 � p. �� 3 � �� � 2 � . .4�i�. N� r k�� `x Q� • fl � s ti 0 �) � ��4t C�� S O,� .� �/ � 20 '�-�.'y ti6 � � 3 � ? 29 i N y � � �� \oo G i �, � /�� ..a „;' � O 0 l � • _ \. 20� �. �� t� 4' ' �, -� ' ►° c o �.y °S.� 1 � � �'o , /� 0 }�^ Z oo Y� �� . (a8� � i q9 �� �+ .e�� � ' P ��,� co 2 \ �� e � ��� �. •, ag o �•,, � � o Z 6 �� \�\ \�� �� �\ C O� ^ t � ..�� \ `�-�` �41� � �� � \ 4 0� 'w�'n � Q C39 - . 0 2� ���� - �A� k°� � �I' �E� `Y � � C��lG(I���%�L CITY OF 3T. PAUL PRELIMINARX ORDER Sn the Matter of 97-.5�0 �o,��=L �_� �o. a� BY FI 30. 0 9 V IN6 A 1 Permsnent Eesement for public right-of-way on, over end above the following described property: All that part of Lot 32, Auditors SuY,divisinn No. 52 �t. Paul Minn, lyinq westerly of the following desaribed line. Beginning at a poiirt on the northvresterly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 feet northeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thence southeasterly to a point on t?.e southwesterly line of S�id i.ot 32, 55.U0 feef s�utheasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32, end there eaid lir;e terminatea. rne council of the City of Seiiit Faul haviiiy received thE report of the Mayar upon the above improvement, and havinq conaidered oaid repr�rt, hereby re�vlvea: 1. That the �sid report and the aame io hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the City will receive a right-of-way eaeement st no coat. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 74th dav of May �g�� at 4•30 �'�t�����M � in the Counril Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of saint Paul. 3. That notice ef said public hearing be given to the persons and in the maruier provided by the Charter, 9tatinq the time and place of heazinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereaf as estim�ted. COUNCILPERSONS Y<-+es Nays �Blakey e/�Bostrom �Harris /'Yk�r� N r'rtsne�x- �egard Rettman ✓Thune �° In Favor � Against Rdopted by Council : Date {�,�,�� t ��1 ct r-� f Certified Fessed by C�uncil Secretary Fiy� 1�-r„� - 'C� � Ma yc, r ., � -�,� :� , �.� _ t _ ,�� ��y�� � ,? � �. 4 Ld.di YF Vpiali}'�AVii : FiiVW � � t V" �+' � ��g�=�l: ���J Ix� tha Ldstter aP ORCGI��-AL � . ! y'VV7V 1�I� �;� 1 — V� Perm�ne:t� �aseme�t f�,r p.il�li4 right-�f-way oz, over .grid. �rbava the -�c,S3�winy u praperty: i � � ?�31 thet part af L�t 32, Auditars Snbdivisian No. 52 St. Pau2 Mlnn. lyiny va�sterly of �ire foilavring described li.ne, Beginning at a point on the northwe�terly 1ir,e of said Lot 32, 3.�E} feet northeasterly cf the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thenae svuthsaaterly to a paint an the �outhwasterly line of sai<i Lo± 32,'�55.40 fest southeasterly of t3�e most uresterly aerner of said Lot .�2� �nd t?sere; sei� Iine terminates. i . � vnd�r p,;elsminary order. ��[ ^� �.�,5 approved�� ��{,�°��� r'� puhlic hearinc} haviny been Yiad upc,n the sbove im�rovement upon,due notic°.e, and the �'ox�ncil h�ving heard ail gersons, objeotions and recommendations r�Iati.ve ther�to, and,.ha�ing fuliy considered the same; herefare, be 1.t , RESQLVED That tAe,Council of the City of Saint,Pau3 hereby ordars ssid �, improvement to be made. ... _, _ _ 8urthsr Resolved, That` the Counr.:i.l herelay determines that the estate required for this im�s�ve�ent b? aa described aix+ua, �nd that tha pra�r Gity offiaers submit s report to the City e'.ounail for the .purpose of the Council's �axinq an award or �amage� fcr the interest acquired and determination af asses�arients, ii any, ay�?nst the nenefitted nroperty. ��tR7CSLYERuOT4� Yea� Nays v Blakey �Bo trom— ��SC h1 '�"- � ✓H ra4 'Mortp� �Zx7 Favar � 1£� ��n(p�)�„� � Aqainst �ne n 1 , � H��S��r+T Adopted I�y Counoil: ,7ate q q� Certified Pas�ed by Cauncil SeoretarLLr Public Hearing Date - May 14, 1997 RE 3-7-97 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��� 2/28/97 Green Sheet Number: O�Q3� EPARTMEN'f DIRFiCPOR CS'lY COUNCII, i Person and Phone N�lxr. �« .�w. - ow�w ATI�DRNEY CLER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °� iIDGEf DIRECl'OR .& MGT. 3VC. DIR. YOR(ORASS7SfAN'n 1 Council Research ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office b noon Erida 3-14-97 OTAL A OF S[GNATURfi PAGPS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfION RF.QUESTED: btain a Right-of-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. �LE 1J0. lt��yD COMI�ffi1DAIYONS: APPROVE (e� OR REJECT (1� RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Has fhe peisa�n/fum ever worked mder a emtrad for this depeifiient? YES NO PL4NNING COM.W.SSION SIAFF . HdS tI11S I�150I✓{IL111 CVCt LCCII 8 Clfj' CT1j1IOj'CC� YI:.S NO CIVII, SEBV ICE COhA95S W N . Das this perswJ6rm possess a skill not norn�ally passessed by any YES NO current (,tity employee? cm conu�nrree ein eR YES answers on a se sheet and attadi. PORTS WIIICH COUNCIL OBJRCTIVE? CAUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fj IATING PROBLEM, ISS[JE, pPPORT[7NITY (Who, What, When, Where, WLy?): This part of Maiden I.ane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. VANTAGFS IF APPROVRD: e City w►�1 receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. ISADVANTAGES IF APPTiOVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he South Branch of Maiden Lane would note be wide enough for traffic. OTAL AMOUN'T OF TRANSACTION: �Q � COSf/REVF.NLJE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER Axcinr. �o�nTroN: (�i,a[� ��;q��; . �� g �k :.'.. :i' �' 7 ?��7 ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQW S{T{ON Y I����� Dear Property owner: City Council Ward $� Planning District $ � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a uermanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as part of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATiON Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, � Third Floor Council Chambers - City Ha11/ court xouse Real Estate: 266-8650 Also, City sta£f will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 340 citg Ha11J�yurt Hovse � This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall/COUrt House n; tt 2,; 1997 �g�JflCl� ( ?' + oa�3fC�i (�'3[l�s9f MAP ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPERTY ACQUISITION Dear Property Owner: City Council Ward #� Planning District # � File Nos. 18840 PURPOSE Acauirinq a permanent Easement for public riqht-of- AND wav as aart of the Maiden Lane Reconstruction LOCATION Proiect. HEARING Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 4:3o pm, Third Floor Council Chambers - City Hall/ Court House Real Estate: 266-8850 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute qu�stions on this project in Room 140 City Ha1T/COUrt House �, ; �.: This notice Was Made: April 21, 1997 City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11/COUrt House :l��a� � <i ��9� , �e��n€�F� �� ������ ��€�� MAP 1 /1 . . ,� � n �a � 8 `� � �� 6 6 �� 0 9�0 -� . v. 00 •OBna. �> N �• � �-�. ,• '� u ��,: � � .oc �' ' 6 � �lgl�� La � . ru.D9 � �,�res9 A4 � 01 � ��_ � �tt�' °C�°) °� .o � � 11 . '� � O (9t) 10_ � o ��g21 �------ o-- --. ♦ /Q .. . r. ai �9z) /t '�` � (-3z/4? � __ 2✓b CoNOOMtNVM f19 , _ 190£RDlSN ��"� 4 0 00 �33� � i � � � , GO ��7 �gb� .a t .r � vR c� ; ` z ��s' s s-� �� I [0 737i :: . • ^ ti5 p�O �` .. h� • ` / � 1y ':r t �'li0� .,� r ,3..:s w � �°�ati�/6 (�9� • .. `1i /' � 4 � � /� 0 w .i�w �6� b�- - u 4 � .� V 1 � � � . �� 3 � i �/ v -. �. v . �1��� � � . 0 �o i� �p b Z ' °`''� ';� 7� ��� � .s"S 3S. .so. � O. 6 . 9�T S� � b y °t�-s�o So. •s .Ro,•6 -to 1'.� oB 6a. o io 7� iT � C34 � r. �� �) �% ,a� �n �/ �� H o0 � 1 � 3 ` / � / 6 .� � `� � � � /��bl•y � �. �!'� �1 � ��p� a k � ' � � o 0 �0� a� ` �J� La o�yE P • ��a 3 � 6a•�� ( � �� �9 0 �� _� � w 5 � p. �� 3 � �� � 2 � . .4�i�. N� r k�� `x Q� • fl � s ti 0 �) � ��4t C�� S O,� .� �/ � 20 '�-�.'y ti6 � � 3 � ? 29 i N y � � �� \oo G i �, � /�� ..a „;' � O 0 l � • _ \. 20� �. �� t� 4' ' �, -� ' ►° c o �.y °S.� 1 � � �'o , /� 0 }�^ Z oo Y� �� . (a8� � i q9 �� �+ .e�� � ' P ��,� co 2 \ �� e � ��� �. •, ag o �•,, � � o Z 6 �� \�\ \�� �� �\ C O� ^ t � ..�� \ `�-�` �41� � �� � \ 4 0� 'w�'n � Q C39 - . 0 2� ���� - �A� k°� � �I' �E� `Y � � C��lG(I���%�L CITY OF 3T. PAUL PRELIMINARX ORDER Sn the Matter of 97-.5�0 �o,��=L �_� �o. a� BY FI 30. 0 9 V IN6 A 1 Permsnent Eesement for public right-of-way on, over end above the following described property: All that part of Lot 32, Auditors SuY,divisinn No. 52 �t. Paul Minn, lyinq westerly of the following desaribed line. Beginning at a poiirt on the northvresterly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 feet northeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32; thence southeasterly to a point on t?.e southwesterly line of S�id i.ot 32, 55.U0 feef s�utheasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 32, end there eaid lir;e terminatea. rne council of the City of Seiiit Faul haviiiy received thE report of the Mayar upon the above improvement, and havinq conaidered oaid repr�rt, hereby re�vlvea: 1. That the �sid report and the aame io hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the City will receive a right-of-way eaeement st no coat. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 74th dav of May �g�� at 4•30 �'�t�����M � in the Counril Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of saint Paul. 3. That notice ef said public hearing be given to the persons and in the maruier provided by the Charter, 9tatinq the time and place of heazinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereaf as estim�ted. COUNCILPERSONS Y<-+es Nays �Blakey e/�Bostrom �Harris /'Yk�r� N r'rtsne�x- �egard Rettman ✓Thune �° In Favor � Against Rdopted by Council : Date {�,�,�� t ��1 ct r-� f Certified Fessed by C�uncil Secretary Fiy� 1�-r„� - 'C� � Ma yc, r