97-518, . . .. .s. a.f . t �' 4 � j CITY +?F SR. ,PAL7R. �;UUN�vIL FILE N�, � � —�J F�iAL 8RD$R' BY � /� T1 �Y6. S` :(7�1�,`.'�i iii Y�viIl�^., k7�Z� I Iu the b�tter a� Reyonstructi�n c,f �i�'swalk u� th� f�Ifn�ain� inc�t;fn�t 59700i - South sicie of �efand ?i�e £tom N. Mi2tan �t, te N. Chs�waorth st. s�7VD2 - Botr sides cf van Buren Ave. from N. �'t:atsvrcrth St, ta N, Okferci �t. ■w4 Y'_ E Y. � : Y'. �mc pnpTPT. gAR'mG 4CTl� CWJ vr �hree f�iy vtruc±urss} Racan�tx�actioa (replaoement �f ;,1�3 sidew�lk} -$7,q� F,er front foo+ f�f a five (5} fc�ot w s�ralk and $8.94 per frflnt f�c+t fo't a six j6} for_ wiae walk. A11 other widths will 1}e prcrated BCGpY(11Yiij�.]T. NGN aetx�truceion f�Txere n� va�Zk esis±ed} - 1�D� af the act�3�1 cost estimated to r�e appreximately $3.33 per square f�ot. A.Z1 corner resi�entie2 pra*�ertie� ?�i11 rP�eiv? a credit up tc� the f_rst 25G faet of new or rscon�truated sidawalk aiorag anct �33utting the "l�n� si�e" oP the property. ° ?fiiTTT RP<a�T' N` (is.�1'� L�±B?7 C$Y'E£' �8Z��1}� BYTllG"ti]2t3} Tv'i�3 1�WSTT)F.j,7'�TAi RA'f+R'^ For new and r�ccn�tr5�oted aidewalk; 100� aP aatzaal orst esti.�ate� tn ?-� ap�roxia�eteiy :.4.5G per e.�.ta�._. it�Ut. vnder Preliminary ors3er �� - 3y �' a�p Y'O'32C] �� a�q�� � The C6llIYC1�. Of the City of Ssint Bsul has con�uated a�ublic h�aring u�on Ch� alaave i�provement, ciue notice thereaf tiaving heen given as Fre4cribed by the Ci�y C"narter; and Wi�R�'R.S, The Causzcil ha� heard �11 persons, objections $nd recomm�n3atiesn� ��ertaiaing to �aid �iropa�ed improve�ent and r;as fuily can�idered �ha same; nosa, *_herefore, Yie ii �zESOI,',zED, mhat th2 c�unail o€ the City of saint Fau2 does 2;ereby crder that ��e abov?-describec3 impr�vament 'r�e made, �nci tfie pr�per �ity �fficer� ar� her4by dir��tect anrl au±�±eriae� to preaEa� sait:� t?xa i�tprav�m�.-,t: and be it FURTI?ER RESOLYED, That upon the comgietian of said intprovemEnt, the pr;,p�r Ci�y officers ahal3 aalculate all expensas incurred therein and stzall report the same *_o the vity Cauncil in sccor�ance r�ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CC�J1�iCILF'ERS��NS Yeas t7ayv � / �"y� �k°Y �/ .�i`c.�Pvul Harrii �/�� r f�cr`}b � �Meqarcl �� C.o f l,' n5 �/`� ane Adopted by Counoil: Date_�� ^�_ � q� rsrcifi�d Passed by C'auncii :�e etary �iti r L1YU� ��xc3ains s 3.�_e1 ' �,A.-�— a n—� 1 r� Public Hearing Date —�—�'r RE 1-24-97 '` `° DEPARTMENLOFFICE/COUNC0. DATE7NRIATED GREEN SHEET NO � � Public Works 5idewalks �-9'97 INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE CONTACTPEpSONBPHONE �p'pEpqqTNEN7DIRECTOfl �CCKCOUNCII Robert A Lissick - 266-6086 ��N � cm arroaNEr � cm aEwc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA'fE) 'Z-1 Z 7 � �� BUDGET DIFiECTOp � FM. 6 MGT_ SEHVICES DIR Must be in Coun il Research Office °� � MAYOH(OPASSISTAHT) i Couna'1 Research by noon Friday �-31-97 0 � TOTAL 1t OF SIGHA7UqE PAGES 1 _(CIJP ALL LOCA770N5 FOH SIG W1Nii� � ASSOC�ATE � DEPAFiiMEMAL ACCOUMANT ACTION fiEWESTED Reconstruct Sidewaik in Ward<, �(See attached list) Finance File No. 59700f— Z pECOMMENDATqNS: Appmve (lq or FejsG(F� pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNING WMMISSION _CNIL SEPVICE COMMISSION 1 . � m � E���� NO� worked under a contraIX for this d¢Partrnent? qe COMMf77EE 2. Has �his PersonlF�rm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO A SinFF 3. Does ihis persoN6rm possess a sW'll not normaity possessed by any wrrent ciry — � empioyee? Dt57q1CTCOUP7CiL — 7 YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTNE? �P��n ail yes ansWOB on sepanta sheet and attaeh to green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ', INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WVI1�: The problem "defedive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, afternating free/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical addHives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and correcied on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sfdewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: The community will benefiit trom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuk of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED:� Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simpiy stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fad up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ,�,., ��,�� • . v ,� . .. : d "��c . �r, � , ��x �- w - : �. ;.�s�6�3e4'` `c3i �' iy, "�s�a.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimateVy resufting in the expenditure of larger doAar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement,_as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNTOFTPANSACitONS COST/REYENUfBUpGE[ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOUHCE A. P 1 A 97 ACfTV1TY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) g , AST C. CIB 97 SU MMARY O F ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� f � ` � VJard 1 Sg��� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. I.AFOND AVE. from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) compiaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. S`1700 Z pROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. VAN BUREN AVE. from I3. Chatsworth St. to N. Oxford St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of four {4) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, asphalt patches, scaled, setded and cracked panels. ................................................................... 04��! �Ef�r��E�_ =t'� - S ; 8� CITY OF 3T. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER gy �� Fll No. 1,Sr 2 Yo ing Ward � 1 2n the Matter o£ Reconstructicn of sidewalk at the f�llowing locations: S97Dfl1 - South side o£ Lafond Ave from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. 5�7402 - Both aides of Van Buren Ave. from N. Chatsworth St. te N. oxford st. _V' •+ RF.STDF.NTTA RAT s(pne, two or thxee family structures) Reaonstrnotion {replacement of old sidewalk) - 37.45 per front feot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot fcr a six t6) fGGt wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New aonstruat3on (where no walk existed) - 100�k of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive e credit up to the first 150 feet of naw or reconstruGted sidewalk along and abuttinq the TMlonq side" of the property. M11 TT— F.STD j.rmT T(More tti8ri three f&TR�].Y structurES) i rTON—ILN'STDFNTTAT, RRTFS For new and reconstructed 9idewslk; 100isr�f artual rG4t estimz�ted to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received thE report of the rieyor upori the above improvement, and having ron�idered said regort, hereby rESOlves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, end that the estimated coat thereof is *5EE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by ag9es9ments and t997 Public improvement Aid. '��'�` Mv P. That a public hearing be had on said improvement oii the -z'�-day of �tpri�, 1997, at 9:30 o'cloak P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and court House Buildir�g in the City ef Saint Faul. 3. That notiae of said public hearing be given ta the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statinq the time and place of nearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total ca�t theraof as eatimated. COUNCILPERSUNS Yeas Nays �B� akey ✓Bostrom � J ✓ M 6r R] n.{ i/�eqard �ettman (/'�une �` In Favor Q Aqainst Adopted by Council : DatE�,q � � Certified Pagsed by Council Ser-retary BY 1 \ � T'�"+ �h.�a--.. c Mayor , . . .. .s. a.f . t �' 4 � j CITY +?F SR. ,PAL7R. �;UUN�vIL FILE N�, � � —�J F�iAL 8RD$R' BY � /� T1 �Y6. S` :(7�1�,`.'�i iii Y�viIl�^., k7�Z� I Iu the b�tter a� Reyonstructi�n c,f �i�'swalk u� th� f�Ifn�ain� inc�t;fn�t 59700i - South sicie of �efand ?i�e £tom N. Mi2tan �t, te N. Chs�waorth st. s�7VD2 - Botr sides cf van Buren Ave. from N. �'t:atsvrcrth St, ta N, Okferci �t. ■w4 Y'_ E Y. � : Y'. �mc pnpTPT. gAR'mG 4CTl� CWJ vr �hree f�iy vtruc±urss} Racan�tx�actioa (replaoement �f ;,1�3 sidew�lk} -$7,q� F,er front foo+ f�f a five (5} fc�ot w s�ralk and $8.94 per frflnt f�c+t fo't a six j6} for_ wiae walk. A11 other widths will 1}e prcrated BCGpY(11Yiij�.]T. NGN aetx�truceion f�Txere n� va�Zk esis±ed} - 1�D� af the act�3�1 cost estimated to r�e appreximately $3.33 per square f�ot. A.Z1 corner resi�entie2 pra*�ertie� ?�i11 rP�eiv? a credit up tc� the f_rst 25G faet of new or rscon�truated sidawalk aiorag anct �33utting the "l�n� si�e" oP the property. ° ?fiiTTT RP<a�T' N` (is.�1'� L�±B?7 C$Y'E£' �8Z��1}� BYTllG"ti]2t3} Tv'i�3 1�WSTT)F.j,7'�TAi RA'f+R'^ For new and r�ccn�tr5�oted aidewalk; 100� aP aatzaal orst esti.�ate� tn ?-� ap�roxia�eteiy :.4.5G per e.�.ta�._. it�Ut. vnder Preliminary ors3er �� - 3y �' a�p Y'O'32C] �� a�q�� � The C6llIYC1�. Of the City of Ssint Bsul has con�uated a�ublic h�aring u�on Ch� alaave i�provement, ciue notice thereaf tiaving heen given as Fre4cribed by the Ci�y C"narter; and Wi�R�'R.S, The Causzcil ha� heard �11 persons, objections $nd recomm�n3atiesn� ��ertaiaing to �aid �iropa�ed improve�ent and r;as fuily can�idered �ha same; nosa, *_herefore, Yie ii �zESOI,',zED, mhat th2 c�unail o€ the City of saint Fau2 does 2;ereby crder that ��e abov?-describec3 impr�vament 'r�e made, �nci tfie pr�per �ity �fficer� ar� her4by dir��tect anrl au±�±eriae� to preaEa� sait:� t?xa i�tprav�m�.-,t: and be it FURTI?ER RESOLYED, That upon the comgietian of said intprovemEnt, the pr;,p�r Ci�y officers ahal3 aalculate all expensas incurred therein and stzall report the same *_o the vity Cauncil in sccor�ance r�ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CC�J1�iCILF'ERS��NS Yeas t7ayv � / �"y� �k°Y �/ .�i`c.�Pvul Harrii �/�� r f�cr`}b � �Meqarcl �� C.o f l,' n5 �/`� ane Adopted by Counoil: Date_�� ^�_ � q� rsrcifi�d Passed by C'auncii :�e etary �iti r L1YU� ��xc3ains s 3.�_e1 ' �,A.-�— a n—� 1 r� Public Hearing Date —�—�'r RE 1-24-97 '` `° DEPARTMENLOFFICE/COUNC0. DATE7NRIATED GREEN SHEET NO � � Public Works 5idewalks �-9'97 INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE CONTACTPEpSONBPHONE �p'pEpqqTNEN7DIRECTOfl �CCKCOUNCII Robert A Lissick - 266-6086 ��N � cm arroaNEr � cm aEwc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA'fE) 'Z-1 Z 7 � �� BUDGET DIFiECTOp � FM. 6 MGT_ SEHVICES DIR Must be in Coun il Research Office °� � MAYOH(OPASSISTAHT) i Couna'1 Research by noon Friday �-31-97 0 � TOTAL 1t OF SIGHA7UqE PAGES 1 _(CIJP ALL LOCA770N5 FOH SIG W1Nii� � ASSOC�ATE � DEPAFiiMEMAL ACCOUMANT ACTION fiEWESTED Reconstruct Sidewaik in Ward<, �(See attached list) Finance File No. 59700f— Z pECOMMENDATqNS: Appmve (lq or FejsG(F� pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNING WMMISSION _CNIL SEPVICE COMMISSION 1 . � m � E���� NO� worked under a contraIX for this d¢Partrnent? qe COMMf77EE 2. Has �his PersonlF�rm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO A SinFF 3. Does ihis persoN6rm possess a sW'll not normaity possessed by any wrrent ciry — � empioyee? Dt57q1CTCOUP7CiL — 7 YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTNE? �P��n ail yes ansWOB on sepanta sheet and attaeh to green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ', INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WVI1�: The problem "defedive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, afternating free/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical addHives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and correcied on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sfdewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: The community will benefiit trom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuk of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED:� Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simpiy stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fad up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ,�,., ��,�� • . v ,� . .. : d "��c . �r, � , ��x �- w - : �. ;.�s�6�3e4'` `c3i �' iy, "�s�a.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimateVy resufting in the expenditure of larger doAar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement,_as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNTOFTPANSACitONS COST/REYENUfBUpGE[ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOUHCE A. P 1 A 97 ACfTV1TY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) g , AST C. CIB 97 SU MMARY O F ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� f � ` � VJard 1 Sg��� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. I.AFOND AVE. from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) compiaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. S`1700 Z pROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. VAN BUREN AVE. from I3. Chatsworth St. to N. Oxford St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of four {4) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, asphalt patches, scaled, setded and cracked panels. ................................................................... 04��! �Ef�r��E�_ =t'� - S ; 8� CITY OF 3T. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER gy �� Fll No. 1,Sr 2 Yo ing Ward � 1 2n the Matter o£ Reconstructicn of sidewalk at the f�llowing locations: S97Dfl1 - South side o£ Lafond Ave from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. 5�7402 - Both aides of Van Buren Ave. from N. Chatsworth St. te N. oxford st. _V' •+ RF.STDF.NTTA RAT s(pne, two or thxee family structures) Reaonstrnotion {replacement of old sidewalk) - 37.45 per front feot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot fcr a six t6) fGGt wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New aonstruat3on (where no walk existed) - 100�k of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive e credit up to the first 150 feet of naw or reconstruGted sidewalk along and abuttinq the TMlonq side" of the property. M11 TT— F.STD j.rmT T(More tti8ri three f&TR�].Y structurES) i rTON—ILN'STDFNTTAT, RRTFS For new and reconstructed 9idewslk; 100isr�f artual rG4t estimz�ted to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received thE report of the rieyor upori the above improvement, and having ron�idered said regort, hereby rESOlves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, end that the estimated coat thereof is *5EE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by ag9es9ments and t997 Public improvement Aid. '��'�` Mv P. That a public hearing be had on said improvement oii the -z'�-day of �tpri�, 1997, at 9:30 o'cloak P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and court House Buildir�g in the City ef Saint Faul. 3. That notiae of said public hearing be given ta the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statinq the time and place of nearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total ca�t theraof as eatimated. COUNCILPERSUNS Yeas Nays �B� akey ✓Bostrom � J ✓ M 6r R] n.{ i/�eqard �ettman (/'�une �` In Favor Q Aqainst Adopted by Council : DatE�,q � � Certified Pagsed by Council Ser-retary BY 1 \ � T'�"+ �h.�a--.. c Mayor , . . .. .s. a.f . t �' 4 � j CITY +?F SR. ,PAL7R. �;UUN�vIL FILE N�, � � —�J F�iAL 8RD$R' BY � /� T1 �Y6. S` :(7�1�,`.'�i iii Y�viIl�^., k7�Z� I Iu the b�tter a� Reyonstructi�n c,f �i�'swalk u� th� f�Ifn�ain� inc�t;fn�t 59700i - South sicie of �efand ?i�e £tom N. Mi2tan �t, te N. Chs�waorth st. s�7VD2 - Botr sides cf van Buren Ave. from N. �'t:atsvrcrth St, ta N, Okferci �t. ■w4 Y'_ E Y. � : Y'. �mc pnpTPT. gAR'mG 4CTl� CWJ vr �hree f�iy vtruc±urss} Racan�tx�actioa (replaoement �f ;,1�3 sidew�lk} -$7,q� F,er front foo+ f�f a five (5} fc�ot w s�ralk and $8.94 per frflnt f�c+t fo't a six j6} for_ wiae walk. A11 other widths will 1}e prcrated BCGpY(11Yiij�.]T. NGN aetx�truceion f�Txere n� va�Zk esis±ed} - 1�D� af the act�3�1 cost estimated to r�e appreximately $3.33 per square f�ot. A.Z1 corner resi�entie2 pra*�ertie� ?�i11 rP�eiv? a credit up tc� the f_rst 25G faet of new or rscon�truated sidawalk aiorag anct �33utting the "l�n� si�e" oP the property. ° ?fiiTTT RP<a�T' N` (is.�1'� L�±B?7 C$Y'E£' �8Z��1}� BYTllG"ti]2t3} Tv'i�3 1�WSTT)F.j,7'�TAi RA'f+R'^ For new and r�ccn�tr5�oted aidewalk; 100� aP aatzaal orst esti.�ate� tn ?-� ap�roxia�eteiy :.4.5G per e.�.ta�._. it�Ut. vnder Preliminary ors3er �� - 3y �' a�p Y'O'32C] �� a�q�� � The C6llIYC1�. Of the City of Ssint Bsul has con�uated a�ublic h�aring u�on Ch� alaave i�provement, ciue notice thereaf tiaving heen given as Fre4cribed by the Ci�y C"narter; and Wi�R�'R.S, The Causzcil ha� heard �11 persons, objections $nd recomm�n3atiesn� ��ertaiaing to �aid �iropa�ed improve�ent and r;as fuily can�idered �ha same; nosa, *_herefore, Yie ii �zESOI,',zED, mhat th2 c�unail o€ the City of saint Fau2 does 2;ereby crder that ��e abov?-describec3 impr�vament 'r�e made, �nci tfie pr�per �ity �fficer� ar� her4by dir��tect anrl au±�±eriae� to preaEa� sait:� t?xa i�tprav�m�.-,t: and be it FURTI?ER RESOLYED, That upon the comgietian of said intprovemEnt, the pr;,p�r Ci�y officers ahal3 aalculate all expensas incurred therein and stzall report the same *_o the vity Cauncil in sccor�ance r�ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CC�J1�iCILF'ERS��NS Yeas t7ayv � / �"y� �k°Y �/ .�i`c.�Pvul Harrii �/�� r f�cr`}b � �Meqarcl �� C.o f l,' n5 �/`� ane Adopted by Counoil: Date_�� ^�_ � q� rsrcifi�d Passed by C'auncii :�e etary �iti r L1YU� ��xc3ains s 3.�_e1 ' �,A.-�— a n—� 1 r� Public Hearing Date —�—�'r RE 1-24-97 '` `° DEPARTMENLOFFICE/COUNC0. DATE7NRIATED GREEN SHEET NO � � Public Works 5idewalks �-9'97 INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE CONTACTPEpSONBPHONE �p'pEpqqTNEN7DIRECTOfl �CCKCOUNCII Robert A Lissick - 266-6086 ��N � cm arroaNEr � cm aEwc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA'fE) 'Z-1 Z 7 � �� BUDGET DIFiECTOp � FM. 6 MGT_ SEHVICES DIR Must be in Coun il Research Office °� � MAYOH(OPASSISTAHT) i Couna'1 Research by noon Friday �-31-97 0 � TOTAL 1t OF SIGHA7UqE PAGES 1 _(CIJP ALL LOCA770N5 FOH SIG W1Nii� � ASSOC�ATE � DEPAFiiMEMAL ACCOUMANT ACTION fiEWESTED Reconstruct Sidewaik in Ward<, �(See attached list) Finance File No. 59700f— Z pECOMMENDATqNS: Appmve (lq or FejsG(F� pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNING WMMISSION _CNIL SEPVICE COMMISSION 1 . � m � E���� NO� worked under a contraIX for this d¢Partrnent? qe COMMf77EE 2. Has �his PersonlF�rm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO A SinFF 3. Does ihis persoN6rm possess a sW'll not normaity possessed by any wrrent ciry — � empioyee? Dt57q1CTCOUP7CiL — 7 YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTNE? �P��n ail yes ansWOB on sepanta sheet and attaeh to green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ', INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WVI1�: The problem "defedive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, afternating free/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical addHives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and correcied on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sfdewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: The community will benefiit trom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuk of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED:� Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simpiy stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fad up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ,�,., ��,�� • . v ,� . .. : d "��c . �r, � , ��x �- w - : �. ;.�s�6�3e4'` `c3i �' iy, "�s�a.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimateVy resufting in the expenditure of larger doAar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement,_as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNTOFTPANSACitONS COST/REYENUfBUpGE[ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOUHCE A. P 1 A 97 ACfTV1TY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) g , AST C. CIB 97 SU MMARY O F ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� f � ` � VJard 1 Sg��� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK S.S. I.AFOND AVE. from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) compiaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. S`1700 Z pROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. VAN BUREN AVE. from I3. Chatsworth St. to N. Oxford St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of four {4) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, asphalt patches, scaled, setded and cracked panels. ................................................................... 04��! �Ef�r��E�_ =t'� - S ; 8� CITY OF 3T. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER gy �� Fll No. 1,Sr 2 Yo ing Ward � 1 2n the Matter o£ Reconstructicn of sidewalk at the f�llowing locations: S97Dfl1 - South side o£ Lafond Ave from N. Milton St. to N. Chatsworth St. 5�7402 - Both aides of Van Buren Ave. from N. Chatsworth St. te N. oxford st. _V' •+ RF.STDF.NTTA RAT s(pne, two or thxee family structures) Reaonstrnotion {replacement of old sidewalk) - 37.45 per front feot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot fcr a six t6) fGGt wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New aonstruat3on (where no walk existed) - 100�k of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive e credit up to the first 150 feet of naw or reconstruGted sidewalk along and abuttinq the TMlonq side" of the property. M11 TT— F.STD j.rmT T(More tti8ri three f&TR�].Y structurES) i rTON—ILN'STDFNTTAT, RRTFS For new and reconstructed 9idewslk; 100isr�f artual rG4t estimz�ted to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received thE report of the rieyor upori the above improvement, and having ron�idered said regort, hereby rESOlves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, end that the estimated coat thereof is *5EE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by ag9es9ments and t997 Public improvement Aid. '��'�` Mv P. That a public hearing be had on said improvement oii the -z'�-day of �tpri�, 1997, at 9:30 o'cloak P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and court House Buildir�g in the City ef Saint Faul. 3. That notiae of said public hearing be given ta the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statinq the time and place of nearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total ca�t theraof as eatimated. COUNCILPERSUNS Yeas Nays �B� akey ✓Bostrom � J ✓ M 6r R] n.{ i/�eqard �ettman (/'�une �` In Favor Q Aqainst Adopted by Council : DatE�,q � � Certified Pagsed by Council Ser-retary BY 1 \ � T'�"+ �h.�a--.. c Mayor