97-459., _ � s ,. . ..j �ITY OF ST. I+A�3L �� O�tSER �, � COTJRF F ?;z?. — `� 5`� By - xii �7031 ',��ti�� ��rd - 6 2n the Matter af New construction of sidewz�7k on Sast side Darlene St, fro� E, Hcyt Aue, Eo E, Icisha Ave; 4rest side Favid St. from E. Hoy[ Ave. to E. Idaixa Ave. and J��s:�ia 3ici8 i!i, i7au0 fiVB. i�C:fie ����T18 Se`,. 'G*? idY2c7. `.:�t. {yt ! i �F Y' �F:�`T�.hj�j7AT. Ri:?' �S` {one, tvro �r t2:ree family structures) - Rscoiastructian {r9p?��:emEnt of aId sidewalki -�7.45 per front foat f�r a five {5? feot wide wa2k and $8.94 per frant foat for a six {6} faot wide walk. AZl ather vridths Vriil be prorated accordingly. New-�anat.YUatios {where no se e;cistad) - 104�s �f the actugl ccst es�imated to �a appraximately g3.33 per square foot. A:1 corner residential properties iaill f�at of new or reconstruated sidewaik the �roperty. receiue a aredit up to t2ie fir�t 15Q along and abutting the ^long side° of a2t7. r- F r.n7mrRr. (Mare than rp,ree family struaturea}, *a�n* RFjT F7�TT r�z�T � For new and recanstructsd sidev�lk; 104$ of aotual cost estimated to be a��?i��€imeteiy $9.5i7 �er square fuot... under Prei�.mi.�ary order q� ^- �. o�. 1 appraved 1 �\a��W� S. L �\ The C011T1Cl� of the City of Saint Faul has aonducted a puhlic hearing upoxz the ab�ve i�gr�uemer.t, due notice tnaraof t�vir.q k,e�r. given as preserik,e� by the ��ity Charter; and wHERF.AS, The Council h&s heard all persons objectior.s and recammende*_inns p�rtaining tc, �aid progosad imgrovesent and has tully considerEd �hs same; n�w, therefore, be it `"- RESOI;VED, 3'hat the Ceuncil of the CitV of Sairat L'8li� C2028 her��y crc�er that the ' �Iiove-described �nprovemer�t be mat3s, anct t?ie praper C'ity officers are herek,y direc�e� and �}�t3scri�e� t�r �roceert with t,'.s 3.,.°�piovemerit; ax�� be it FUR�HEft F,ESOL�D. Tti�t us�cn t,`�e completion �if ��icl i.mprc�cem�r.t, tne prvper G`ity officers shall calcu3ate a22 expenses ir.curred therein �n� sixa2l repart the same t� the City Cauncil in aacardanee with Chapter 1�i of the City G`harter. COJNCILFER3CRIS Yeas :veys Y�Blakey �a;,troin �arris ✓'� Mcs��os3 fMegasd ✓��'ceimaa �\\: �ns �"hune Adopte�, by Council: IIats �� —'�`— � 1t1 F�V:.Jt � Aqain:�� a Certified PassEd by Cc,uncil Secretary .,tuolic Hearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 ��-� S� DEPARTMENT/OFFIGFICAUNCIL DATEMRIATED GREEN SHEET No. 36350 Public Works Sidawalks 14�-9� winavonrF MRIAL/DATE CANiACTPEfi59N8PHONE npFPARiMEMDIHECTOR ❑CIttWi1NCIL RobertA.Lissidc-26&6086 � �� �� GTVATTORNEY ❑crtYqERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAL�NDABY(OAtE�3�S-l)7 HOUfMG g�p�E7DIfiECTOfl FW.&MGT,SEflVICESDIp. Must be in Council Research Office °� � MAVOR(ORAS5157ANp 1 Courual Fesearch by noon on Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTALiOF31GIMT1lNEPAGES I. _ fGl1PALLlACA710HSFORe1GNANRE) ASSOCIATE � DE ALNCCWNTMf� ACTqNiiEWES7E� / �"_��' t Construct Sidewalk in Ward 6(See attached listj `' } ` ��iJ'f�� v �� ��� a � : ��� F1t��Ja_ 59� o ��-vN GtECOMMErmnnot�as: eppo+e l,y a aajea (Rf PEHSONAL S COlITHACTS MUST A1�6�i� LLOVlING WJEST10N5: PLANNING WMMISSqN _ CNIL SERVICE COAIMIS5ION 7. Hu tliis EY S NO wotked undef a conirac[��t? _cla CoMMRiEE _ 2. Has tl�is pers NO r been a ciry employee? A STAFF _ 9 • �s m� Aa��� D°8 a skill not normalty possessetl by arry curcent ciry employee? o�smicicouncn—Z YES NO ��� �� ��� ��� Explatn aN yss anawers on separete sheet and attsef+to green shest �l'E� ,c W 6 INRUITING PR08LEM. ISSUE, OPPOR1UNf1V (WHO. NM1IAT, WHEN. WHERE. WH1�: The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleter'rous su6grade material, akernating free/thaw cycles, serv'�ce I'rfe Iimits, chemical additives, ax[reme temperature variations, etc. These probtems occur on a citywide levei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrecied, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subject to inoreased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The commun%y wilf benetit from this project because it will provide safe detec[ free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resutt of ihis aciivity. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recnnstructians have created negative feedback in the area ot construction procedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despde the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains comroversial. .C� ����3 � �' 1= e � 1 � t��' DISADVAMAGES IG NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewa& stock to deteriorate, which in tum, will generate more personal injury suits, ukimately resulting in the expenditure of larger do{Iar amounts in eventual repairs andfor replacement, as well as claim Qayouts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTbNi 3O�S86,OO C09T1PEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES x0 FUNDIN6SWHCE 97 A, P{�A 97 = 557,000 pCRyRyNUMBER C97-2T729-4784-27052 FINANCIAUNFORMATION:iEXPLAIM . AST = 5fl �44O C, CFs 97 = 50,000 S� �03 / SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIMENDATION Wazd 6 �1-�l` PROJECT• CONSTRUCT S�DEWALH E.S. DARLENE ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave., W.S. DAVID ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave. & S.S. E. IDAHO AVE. from Darlene St. to David St. IINITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works and the Parks Department as public necessity. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is first time construction. ................................................................... a�l --y 53� CITY 6F 8T. PAUL CCt:.*_dc,ZL FSLE Fi%�. � � FRGL�NARX 4RDEIi uy `, �L�i Fi :�dc. S3',-t::i 10*�, _M Y�dFr'? 6 In the Ma'tter oP Y-ew .r_.:st-u.^ii=;� cr si3ewa�k ?n Es�t �idG I;s=i-nF _z:. fr�z-, __ ��,�;� AV2. t0 E. St1flt.C'• ZIVHj 'Vd+=.'",L .�'.1�� Dfl'41� tt. ZYv^.'Sl E. A[jL Fa.V�. t6 E.. I:13�i�+ tiE, BY.:; SGii�h Side E. Id'atiG iive, ii'vii ilaLieIIC :;.,. t'v i:3Tii�..� �'t. *F'TIMfim _r - ���� z^mrrpd Fam. � P�r'' T•7'P' i PA^'�" (OTlE� 'CiJU UI ti;i2� f3:f:i.�.�' �t�llCti]I��? Reaonstruction treplacen�Ent of �ld �iaewal'r:} -$7.45 per fran± foot for v five ,5j fr,Ur kiitie •v,a3w a, °$,gA �,a� frtx,t fC��t fC a�i:a ;6;� ,_ Wi1� we2k. Al? oti:e� w_dc,�s wi1l be p� �,���rdinUiy. 13ew coastsvctioa (Ttiti9lc IIC• FFS.'Li E:�5� - ii:?'� nt ti-9 a�..L;1fi� :p3: E���li::�.;.u<� r,� j,,F fi�LYn>1TR9t�=_� 53.=.�i y2T 3yli82'� fOGC. A.1i corYaer Y'�sld�ntl2� rrGpertie: tr�ll rucc_vE a c:tedi� �L'� tu t�;r- fir�t 15i� feet oi r,err c reconstructe�? sir?ewulx uionq �rr ab;;rt..ing the "lnn� �i3�" _t t:l� LI yeY_Y. h^ii"'I-" " 'F-i�_*_'c tt:�:. LtiZ;_F f6YTi11.' 'iili:-:LL_2Si ^- �e; T _F"T'1 �TT - F,T�. x�o • 5' � , r ��.�..=a=��� Fcr n.Ew c�rd re_r.r,:..�tn<rte� sid?vrz�lK; 1�?G� sf acr:ya� co°t e�r;,m3±Ed t.^ �o �i%pre::lma*ely ,•:.SG per �yusYe L`t>�r. ^.e Cca;�._�_ �=f th� :'it,r ^f �_:.rat Fau1 hat ia ; ra"aice� t? re� .rt •�f th� :ie:;�or y ..:, *_Le abov� _m�rc &:��3 '� run�id�_,e.3 sa_c� rep3sr, "t�ereby� resc;i�r��: 1. TS'sflL tii� P81<y Ytip� BT��� tfl� �c2Yt1'c '�8 Iia��<}; 8"�+i_+2`C 'rr"].L_?1 riG @ii�t'i1;�_•�E� �?t�� i.Lta'G iiae �9±i:iib`6'ri. ;.0.°i 'f.,i�iE6f .,._ 'JF'.F. p�i_i�; fn� _�_��t,�;Fri � i3�'E�3 f2P_�iiCF�'1 i��� 8&4e3°.^.!2i1�S 8R('�.. i-e!%1 �Filr�?iC ••s. >• ilil�•2'C'iP�S�nt 1'ti.�. _' Tris�i F T �P�i=i� __ . p• c:»�rd _m�� %:f! T _ }! � ____ `i n � " Ij`1(. 8L p��lr�r.�r �•�hi.. in ttiF' Council :_i�@��.e=-° Ci '�.�18 �_i`y ri:ii diai E3Vli3� Elilic2lri•� 12i tt1� C1L`y •�f S3iT'it rnlli. '. ^t'r_3_ ,;_.ti�c uf sBSd ubii�: T;cBi_7 Y,e '�Veri tC% 2Ya� - °*_ P b �°i- pe2sotis e;',d ln _- °a-,':�'_' �revidEa by the Ci,�_'ter, sta±ir.q the �ir.ic a.�<3 pia�e of hearir�, iY,e r.ar•.�r� �,P rri° i?r� �rid t'ri� t�_.r.91 CeSt �tieleGi «5 <�3tii':`.:�:�, L.CiT]�i:t= �'i _cci�: Ft8j /..: � ��atiey �/ /�'� .re-m ✓ � {/ j " }�� �_i�. V Q:St�L �enara / Y.G�' L L�ttlTl �/ i h:1Slr � Ii! F2'v'��r �r :; 4i;::, .. �'�r_ � � S)� i y :��a����: �z� � � � �r���7 ��eltiYiFd Pa��e�3 t_y t,n33r .:�cie`_�cs"y �_ �.\ \ �.��` "�. - � -'\ Sy"Y�.�i ' � � � � ?''f a y . : i pITY � ,t44 A d N O � � .� a [1He���tlR� a 4 @9� ti ti C � �859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � ��� � ��r�\S� COUNCIL DISTRICT N6 PLAI3PIING COUNCIL #02 FILE � S��'lT3i;""< PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION gs4,� `- - .. . . 1'$'�,7'°,y3 R9�cr-+,d � n:J� -.. . � 4 _. Qaii��f '---_�_x ._ ..,._._ ' - ,-} THE TIME: 4YEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 7997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hafl-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTfMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF 51DEWALK ON EAST SIDE DARLENE STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE TO EAST IDAHO AVENUE; WEST SIDE DAVID�STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE 70 EAST IDAHO AVENUE AND SOUTN SIDE EAST IDAHO AVENUE FROM DARLENE STREET TO DAViD STREET. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cosi will be assessed against the benefitied properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTlMt1ED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/oal9� �i �'��°� SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROYE THIS PROTECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECfED ACCORDING TO THE FOLIAWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which wili begin some time after approvai of the project, has INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be nodfied of another public heazing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFTCATION OF ASSESSMEN'T5", at which time the Ciry Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balauces will be coIIected with your property taxes over a period of 1 to 20 years, Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disabiIity may PAYMENTS qualify for deferted payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for @eferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferral period interest will continne to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONNECTIONS If tbe project is for a sYOrm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�rpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repairefl during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections wili be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. • QLTESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY TAE REAT.. ESTATE DIVISION DEPAR'TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CTTY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102 ., _ � s ,. . ..j �ITY OF ST. I+A�3L �� O�tSER �, � COTJRF F ?;z?. — `� 5`� By - xii �7031 ',��ti�� ��rd - 6 2n the Matter af New construction of sidewz�7k on Sast side Darlene St, fro� E, Hcyt Aue, Eo E, Icisha Ave; 4rest side Favid St. from E. Hoy[ Ave. to E. Idaixa Ave. and J��s:�ia 3ici8 i!i, i7au0 fiVB. i�C:fie ����T18 Se`,. 'G*? idY2c7. `.:�t. {yt ! i �F Y' �F:�`T�.hj�j7AT. Ri:?' �S` {one, tvro �r t2:ree family structures) - Rscoiastructian {r9p?��:emEnt of aId sidewalki -�7.45 per front foat f�r a five {5? feot wide wa2k and $8.94 per frant foat for a six {6} faot wide walk. AZl ather vridths Vriil be prorated accordingly. New-�anat.YUatios {where no se e;cistad) - 104�s �f the actugl ccst es�imated to �a appraximately g3.33 per square foot. A:1 corner residential properties iaill f�at of new or reconstruated sidewaik the �roperty. receiue a aredit up to t2ie fir�t 15Q along and abutting the ^long side° of a2t7. r- F r.n7mrRr. (Mare than rp,ree family struaturea}, *a�n* RFjT F7�TT r�z�T � For new and recanstructsd sidev�lk; 104$ of aotual cost estimated to be a��?i��€imeteiy $9.5i7 �er square fuot... under Prei�.mi.�ary order q� ^- �. o�. 1 appraved 1 �\a��W� S. L �\ The C011T1Cl� of the City of Saint Faul has aonducted a puhlic hearing upoxz the ab�ve i�gr�uemer.t, due notice tnaraof t�vir.q k,e�r. given as preserik,e� by the ��ity Charter; and wHERF.AS, The Council h&s heard all persons objectior.s and recammende*_inns p�rtaining tc, �aid progosad imgrovesent and has tully considerEd �hs same; n�w, therefore, be it `"- RESOI;VED, 3'hat the Ceuncil of the CitV of Sairat L'8li� C2028 her��y crc�er that the ' �Iiove-described �nprovemer�t be mat3s, anct t?ie praper C'ity officers are herek,y direc�e� and �}�t3scri�e� t�r �roceert with t,'.s 3.,.°�piovemerit; ax�� be it FUR�HEft F,ESOL�D. Tti�t us�cn t,`�e completion �if ��icl i.mprc�cem�r.t, tne prvper G`ity officers shall calcu3ate a22 expenses ir.curred therein �n� sixa2l repart the same t� the City Cauncil in aacardanee with Chapter 1�i of the City G`harter. COJNCILFER3CRIS Yeas :veys Y�Blakey �a;,troin �arris ✓'� Mcs��os3 fMegasd ✓��'ceimaa �\\: �ns �"hune Adopte�, by Council: IIats �� —'�`— � 1t1 F�V:.Jt � Aqain:�� a Certified PassEd by Cc,uncil Secretary .,tuolic Hearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 ��-� S� DEPARTMENT/OFFIGFICAUNCIL DATEMRIATED GREEN SHEET No. 36350 Public Works Sidawalks 14�-9� winavonrF MRIAL/DATE CANiACTPEfi59N8PHONE npFPARiMEMDIHECTOR ❑CIttWi1NCIL RobertA.Lissidc-26&6086 � �� �� GTVATTORNEY ❑crtYqERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAL�NDABY(OAtE�3�S-l)7 HOUfMG g�p�E7DIfiECTOfl FW.&MGT,SEflVICESDIp. Must be in Council Research Office °� � MAVOR(ORAS5157ANp 1 Courual Fesearch by noon on Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTALiOF31GIMT1lNEPAGES I. _ fGl1PALLlACA710HSFORe1GNANRE) ASSOCIATE � DE ALNCCWNTMf� ACTqNiiEWES7E� / �"_��' t Construct Sidewalk in Ward 6(See attached listj `' } ` ��iJ'f�� v �� ��� a � : ��� F1t��Ja_ 59� o ��-vN GtECOMMErmnnot�as: eppo+e l,y a aajea (Rf PEHSONAL S COlITHACTS MUST A1�6�i� LLOVlING WJEST10N5: PLANNING WMMISSqN _ CNIL SERVICE COAIMIS5ION 7. Hu tliis EY S NO wotked undef a conirac[��t? _cla CoMMRiEE _ 2. Has tl�is pers NO r been a ciry employee? A STAFF _ 9 • �s m� Aa��� D°8 a skill not normalty possessetl by arry curcent ciry employee? o�smicicouncn—Z YES NO ��� �� ��� ��� Explatn aN yss anawers on separete sheet and attsef+to green shest �l'E� ,c W 6 INRUITING PR08LEM. ISSUE, OPPOR1UNf1V (WHO. NM1IAT, WHEN. WHERE. WH1�: The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleter'rous su6grade material, akernating free/thaw cycles, serv'�ce I'rfe Iimits, chemical additives, ax[reme temperature variations, etc. These probtems occur on a citywide levei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrecied, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subject to inoreased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The commun%y wilf benetit from this project because it will provide safe detec[ free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resutt of ihis aciivity. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recnnstructians have created negative feedback in the area ot construction procedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despde the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains comroversial. .C� ����3 � �' 1= e � 1 � t��' DISADVAMAGES IG NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewa& stock to deteriorate, which in tum, will generate more personal injury suits, ukimately resulting in the expenditure of larger do{Iar amounts in eventual repairs andfor replacement, as well as claim Qayouts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTbNi 3O�S86,OO C09T1PEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES x0 FUNDIN6SWHCE 97 A, P{�A 97 = 557,000 pCRyRyNUMBER C97-2T729-4784-27052 FINANCIAUNFORMATION:iEXPLAIM . AST = 5fl �44O C, CFs 97 = 50,000 S� �03 / SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIMENDATION Wazd 6 �1-�l` PROJECT• CONSTRUCT S�DEWALH E.S. DARLENE ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave., W.S. DAVID ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave. & S.S. E. IDAHO AVE. from Darlene St. to David St. IINITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works and the Parks Department as public necessity. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is first time construction. ................................................................... a�l --y 53� CITY 6F 8T. PAUL CCt:.*_dc,ZL FSLE Fi%�. � � FRGL�NARX 4RDEIi uy `, �L�i Fi :�dc. S3',-t::i 10*�, _M Y�dFr'? 6 In the Ma'tter oP Y-ew .r_.:st-u.^ii=;� cr si3ewa�k ?n Es�t �idG I;s=i-nF _z:. fr�z-, __ ��,�;� AV2. t0 E. St1flt.C'• ZIVHj 'Vd+=.'",L .�'.1�� Dfl'41� tt. ZYv^.'Sl E. A[jL Fa.V�. t6 E.. I:13�i�+ tiE, BY.:; SGii�h Side E. Id'atiG iive, ii'vii ilaLieIIC :;.,. t'v i:3Tii�..� �'t. *F'TIMfim _r - ���� z^mrrpd Fam. � P�r'' T•7'P' i PA^'�" (OTlE� 'CiJU UI ti;i2� f3:f:i.�.�' �t�llCti]I��? Reaonstruction treplacen�Ent of �ld �iaewal'r:} -$7.45 per fran± foot for v five ,5j fr,Ur kiitie •v,a3w a, °$,gA �,a� frtx,t fC��t fC a�i:a ;6;� ,_ Wi1� we2k. Al? oti:e� w_dc,�s wi1l be p� �,���rdinUiy. 13ew coastsvctioa (Ttiti9lc IIC• FFS.'Li E:�5� - ii:?'� nt ti-9 a�..L;1fi� :p3: E���li::�.;.u<� r,� j,,F fi�LYn>1TR9t�=_� 53.=.�i y2T 3yli82'� fOGC. A.1i corYaer Y'�sld�ntl2� rrGpertie: tr�ll rucc_vE a c:tedi� �L'� tu t�;r- fir�t 15i� feet oi r,err c reconstructe�? sir?ewulx uionq �rr ab;;rt..ing the "lnn� �i3�" _t t:l� LI yeY_Y. h^ii"'I-" " 'F-i�_*_'c tt:�:. LtiZ;_F f6YTi11.' 'iili:-:LL_2Si ^- �e; T _F"T'1 �TT - F,T�. x�o • 5' � , r ��.�..=a=��� Fcr n.Ew c�rd re_r.r,:..�tn<rte� sid?vrz�lK; 1�?G� sf acr:ya� co°t e�r;,m3±Ed t.^ �o �i%pre::lma*ely ,•:.SG per �yusYe L`t>�r. ^.e Cca;�._�_ �=f th� :'it,r ^f �_:.rat Fau1 hat ia ; ra"aice� t? re� .rt •�f th� :ie:;�or y ..:, *_Le abov� _m�rc &:��3 '� run�id�_,e.3 sa_c� rep3sr, "t�ereby� resc;i�r��: 1. TS'sflL tii� P81<y Ytip� BT��� tfl� �c2Yt1'c '�8 Iia��<}; 8"�+i_+2`C 'rr"].L_?1 riG @ii�t'i1;�_•�E� �?t�� i.Lta'G iiae �9±i:iib`6'ri. ;.0.°i 'f.,i�iE6f .,._ 'JF'.F. p�i_i�; fn� _�_��t,�;Fri � i3�'E�3 f2P_�iiCF�'1 i��� 8&4e3°.^.!2i1�S 8R('�.. i-e!%1 �Filr�?iC ••s. >• ilil�•2'C'iP�S�nt 1'ti.�. _' Tris�i F T �P�i=i� __ . p• c:»�rd _m�� %:f! T _ }! � ____ `i n � " Ij`1(. 8L p��lr�r.�r �•�hi.. in ttiF' Council :_i�@��.e=-° Ci '�.�18 �_i`y ri:ii diai E3Vli3� Elilic2lri•� 12i tt1� C1L`y •�f S3iT'it rnlli. '. ^t'r_3_ ,;_.ti�c uf sBSd ubii�: T;cBi_7 Y,e '�Veri tC% 2Ya� - °*_ P b �°i- pe2sotis e;',d ln _- °a-,':�'_' �revidEa by the Ci,�_'ter, sta±ir.q the �ir.ic a.�<3 pia�e of hearir�, iY,e r.ar•.�r� �,P rri° i?r� �rid t'ri� t�_.r.91 CeSt �tieleGi «5 <�3tii':`.:�:�, L.CiT]�i:t= �'i _cci�: Ft8j /..: � ��atiey �/ /�'� .re-m ✓ � {/ j " }�� �_i�. V Q:St�L �enara / Y.G�' L L�ttlTl �/ i h:1Slr � Ii! F2'v'��r �r :; 4i;::, .. �'�r_ � � S)� i y :��a����: �z� � � � �r���7 ��eltiYiFd Pa��e�3 t_y t,n33r .:�cie`_�cs"y �_ �.\ \ �.��` "�. - � -'\ Sy"Y�.�i ' � � � � ?''f a y . : i pITY � ,t44 A d N O � � .� a [1He���tlR� a 4 @9� ti ti C � �859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � ��� � ��r�\S� COUNCIL DISTRICT N6 PLAI3PIING COUNCIL #02 FILE � S��'lT3i;""< PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION gs4,� `- - .. . . 1'$'�,7'°,y3 R9�cr-+,d � n:J� -.. . � 4 _. Qaii��f '---_�_x ._ ..,._._ ' - ,-} THE TIME: 4YEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 7997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hafl-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTfMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF 51DEWALK ON EAST SIDE DARLENE STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE TO EAST IDAHO AVENUE; WEST SIDE DAVID�STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE 70 EAST IDAHO AVENUE AND SOUTN SIDE EAST IDAHO AVENUE FROM DARLENE STREET TO DAViD STREET. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cosi will be assessed against the benefitied properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTlMt1ED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/oal9� �i �'��°� SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROYE THIS PROTECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECfED ACCORDING TO THE FOLIAWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which wili begin some time after approvai of the project, has INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be nodfied of another public heazing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFTCATION OF ASSESSMEN'T5", at which time the Ciry Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balauces will be coIIected with your property taxes over a period of 1 to 20 years, Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disabiIity may PAYMENTS qualify for deferted payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for @eferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferral period interest will continne to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONNECTIONS If tbe project is for a sYOrm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�rpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repairefl during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections wili be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. • QLTESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY TAE REAT.. ESTATE DIVISION DEPAR'TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CTTY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102 ., _ � s ,. . ..j �ITY OF ST. I+A�3L �� O�tSER �, � COTJRF F ?;z?. — `� 5`� By - xii �7031 ',��ti�� ��rd - 6 2n the Matter af New construction of sidewz�7k on Sast side Darlene St, fro� E, Hcyt Aue, Eo E, Icisha Ave; 4rest side Favid St. from E. Hoy[ Ave. to E. Idaixa Ave. and J��s:�ia 3ici8 i!i, i7au0 fiVB. i�C:fie ����T18 Se`,. 'G*? idY2c7. `.:�t. {yt ! i �F Y' �F:�`T�.hj�j7AT. Ri:?' �S` {one, tvro �r t2:ree family structures) - Rscoiastructian {r9p?��:emEnt of aId sidewalki -�7.45 per front foat f�r a five {5? feot wide wa2k and $8.94 per frant foat for a six {6} faot wide walk. AZl ather vridths Vriil be prorated accordingly. New-�anat.YUatios {where no se e;cistad) - 104�s �f the actugl ccst es�imated to �a appraximately g3.33 per square foot. A:1 corner residential properties iaill f�at of new or reconstruated sidewaik the �roperty. receiue a aredit up to t2ie fir�t 15Q along and abutting the ^long side° of a2t7. r- F r.n7mrRr. (Mare than rp,ree family struaturea}, *a�n* RFjT F7�TT r�z�T � For new and recanstructsd sidev�lk; 104$ of aotual cost estimated to be a��?i��€imeteiy $9.5i7 �er square fuot... under Prei�.mi.�ary order q� ^- �. o�. 1 appraved 1 �\a��W� S. L �\ The C011T1Cl� of the City of Saint Faul has aonducted a puhlic hearing upoxz the ab�ve i�gr�uemer.t, due notice tnaraof t�vir.q k,e�r. given as preserik,e� by the ��ity Charter; and wHERF.AS, The Council h&s heard all persons objectior.s and recammende*_inns p�rtaining tc, �aid progosad imgrovesent and has tully considerEd �hs same; n�w, therefore, be it `"- RESOI;VED, 3'hat the Ceuncil of the CitV of Sairat L'8li� C2028 her��y crc�er that the ' �Iiove-described �nprovemer�t be mat3s, anct t?ie praper C'ity officers are herek,y direc�e� and �}�t3scri�e� t�r �roceert with t,'.s 3.,.°�piovemerit; ax�� be it FUR�HEft F,ESOL�D. Tti�t us�cn t,`�e completion �if ��icl i.mprc�cem�r.t, tne prvper G`ity officers shall calcu3ate a22 expenses ir.curred therein �n� sixa2l repart the same t� the City Cauncil in aacardanee with Chapter 1�i of the City G`harter. COJNCILFER3CRIS Yeas :veys Y�Blakey �a;,troin �arris ✓'� Mcs��os3 fMegasd ✓��'ceimaa �\\: �ns �"hune Adopte�, by Council: IIats �� —'�`— � 1t1 F�V:.Jt � Aqain:�� a Certified PassEd by Cc,uncil Secretary .,tuolic Hearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 ��-� S� DEPARTMENT/OFFIGFICAUNCIL DATEMRIATED GREEN SHEET No. 36350 Public Works Sidawalks 14�-9� winavonrF MRIAL/DATE CANiACTPEfi59N8PHONE npFPARiMEMDIHECTOR ❑CIttWi1NCIL RobertA.Lissidc-26&6086 � �� �� GTVATTORNEY ❑crtYqERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAL�NDABY(OAtE�3�S-l)7 HOUfMG g�p�E7DIfiECTOfl FW.&MGT,SEflVICESDIp. Must be in Council Research Office °� � MAVOR(ORAS5157ANp 1 Courual Fesearch by noon on Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTALiOF31GIMT1lNEPAGES I. _ fGl1PALLlACA710HSFORe1GNANRE) ASSOCIATE � DE ALNCCWNTMf� ACTqNiiEWES7E� / �"_��' t Construct Sidewalk in Ward 6(See attached listj `' } ` ��iJ'f�� v �� ��� a � : ��� F1t��Ja_ 59� o ��-vN GtECOMMErmnnot�as: eppo+e l,y a aajea (Rf PEHSONAL S COlITHACTS MUST A1�6�i� LLOVlING WJEST10N5: PLANNING WMMISSqN _ CNIL SERVICE COAIMIS5ION 7. Hu tliis EY S NO wotked undef a conirac[��t? _cla CoMMRiEE _ 2. Has tl�is pers NO r been a ciry employee? A STAFF _ 9 • �s m� Aa��� D°8 a skill not normalty possessetl by arry curcent ciry employee? o�smicicouncn—Z YES NO ��� �� ��� ��� Explatn aN yss anawers on separete sheet and attsef+to green shest �l'E� ,c W 6 INRUITING PR08LEM. ISSUE, OPPOR1UNf1V (WHO. NM1IAT, WHEN. WHERE. WH1�: The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleter'rous su6grade material, akernating free/thaw cycles, serv'�ce I'rfe Iimits, chemical additives, ax[reme temperature variations, etc. These probtems occur on a citywide levei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrecied, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subject to inoreased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The commun%y wilf benetit from this project because it will provide safe detec[ free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resutt of ihis aciivity. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recnnstructians have created negative feedback in the area ot construction procedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despde the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains comroversial. .C� ����3 � �' 1= e � 1 � t��' DISADVAMAGES IG NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewa& stock to deteriorate, which in tum, will generate more personal injury suits, ukimately resulting in the expenditure of larger do{Iar amounts in eventual repairs andfor replacement, as well as claim Qayouts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTbNi 3O�S86,OO C09T1PEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES x0 FUNDIN6SWHCE 97 A, P{�A 97 = 557,000 pCRyRyNUMBER C97-2T729-4784-27052 FINANCIAUNFORMATION:iEXPLAIM . AST = 5fl �44O C, CFs 97 = 50,000 S� �03 / SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIMENDATION Wazd 6 �1-�l` PROJECT• CONSTRUCT S�DEWALH E.S. DARLENE ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave., W.S. DAVID ST. from E. Hoyt Ave. to E. Idaho Ave. & S.S. E. IDAHO AVE. from Darlene St. to David St. IINITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works and the Parks Department as public necessity. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is first time construction. ................................................................... a�l --y 53� CITY 6F 8T. PAUL CCt:.*_dc,ZL FSLE Fi%�. � � FRGL�NARX 4RDEIi uy `, �L�i Fi :�dc. S3',-t::i 10*�, _M Y�dFr'? 6 In the Ma'tter oP Y-ew .r_.:st-u.^ii=;� cr si3ewa�k ?n Es�t �idG I;s=i-nF _z:. fr�z-, __ ��,�;� AV2. t0 E. St1flt.C'• ZIVHj 'Vd+=.'",L .�'.1�� Dfl'41� tt. ZYv^.'Sl E. A[jL Fa.V�. t6 E.. I:13�i�+ tiE, BY.:; SGii�h Side E. Id'atiG iive, ii'vii ilaLieIIC :;.,. t'v i:3Tii�..� �'t. *F'TIMfim _r - ���� z^mrrpd Fam. � P�r'' T•7'P' i PA^'�" (OTlE� 'CiJU UI ti;i2� f3:f:i.�.�' �t�llCti]I��? Reaonstruction treplacen�Ent of �ld �iaewal'r:} -$7.45 per fran± foot for v five ,5j fr,Ur kiitie •v,a3w a, °$,gA �,a� frtx,t fC��t fC a�i:a ;6;� ,_ Wi1� we2k. Al? oti:e� w_dc,�s wi1l be p� �,���rdinUiy. 13ew coastsvctioa (Ttiti9lc IIC• FFS.'Li E:�5� - ii:?'� nt ti-9 a�..L;1fi� :p3: E���li::�.;.u<� r,� j,,F fi�LYn>1TR9t�=_� 53.=.�i y2T 3yli82'� fOGC. A.1i corYaer Y'�sld�ntl2� rrGpertie: tr�ll rucc_vE a c:tedi� �L'� tu t�;r- fir�t 15i� feet oi r,err c reconstructe�? sir?ewulx uionq �rr ab;;rt..ing the "lnn� �i3�" _t t:l� LI yeY_Y. h^ii"'I-" " 'F-i�_*_'c tt:�:. LtiZ;_F f6YTi11.' 'iili:-:LL_2Si ^- �e; T _F"T'1 �TT - F,T�. x�o • 5' � , r ��.�..=a=��� Fcr n.Ew c�rd re_r.r,:..�tn<rte� sid?vrz�lK; 1�?G� sf acr:ya� co°t e�r;,m3±Ed t.^ �o �i%pre::lma*ely ,•:.SG per �yusYe L`t>�r. ^.e Cca;�._�_ �=f th� :'it,r ^f �_:.rat Fau1 hat ia ; ra"aice� t? re� .rt •�f th� :ie:;�or y ..:, *_Le abov� _m�rc &:��3 '� run�id�_,e.3 sa_c� rep3sr, "t�ereby� resc;i�r��: 1. TS'sflL tii� P81<y Ytip� BT��� tfl� �c2Yt1'c '�8 Iia��<}; 8"�+i_+2`C 'rr"].L_?1 riG @ii�t'i1;�_•�E� �?t�� i.Lta'G iiae �9±i:iib`6'ri. ;.0.°i 'f.,i�iE6f .,._ 'JF'.F. p�i_i�; fn� _�_��t,�;Fri � i3�'E�3 f2P_�iiCF�'1 i��� 8&4e3°.^.!2i1�S 8R('�.. i-e!%1 �Filr�?iC ••s. >• ilil�•2'C'iP�S�nt 1'ti.�. _' Tris�i F T �P�i=i� __ . p• c:»�rd _m�� %:f! T _ }! � ____ `i n � " Ij`1(. 8L p��lr�r.�r �•�hi.. in ttiF' Council :_i�@��.e=-° Ci '�.�18 �_i`y ri:ii diai E3Vli3� Elilic2lri•� 12i tt1� C1L`y •�f S3iT'it rnlli. '. ^t'r_3_ ,;_.ti�c uf sBSd ubii�: T;cBi_7 Y,e '�Veri tC% 2Ya� - °*_ P b �°i- pe2sotis e;',d ln _- °a-,':�'_' �revidEa by the Ci,�_'ter, sta±ir.q the �ir.ic a.�<3 pia�e of hearir�, iY,e r.ar•.�r� �,P rri° i?r� �rid t'ri� t�_.r.91 CeSt �tieleGi «5 <�3tii':`.:�:�, L.CiT]�i:t= �'i _cci�: Ft8j /..: � ��atiey �/ /�'� .re-m ✓ � {/ j " }�� �_i�. V Q:St�L �enara / Y.G�' L L�ttlTl �/ i h:1Slr � Ii! F2'v'��r �r :; 4i;::, .. �'�r_ � � S)� i y :��a����: �z� � � � �r���7 ��eltiYiFd Pa��e�3 t_y t,n33r .:�cie`_�cs"y �_ �.\ \ �.��` "�. - � -'\ Sy"Y�.�i ' � � � � ?''f a y . : i pITY � ,t44 A d N O � � .� a [1He���tlR� a 4 @9� ti ti C � �859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � ��� � ��r�\S� COUNCIL DISTRICT N6 PLAI3PIING COUNCIL #02 FILE � S��'lT3i;""< PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION gs4,� `- - .. . . 1'$'�,7'°,y3 R9�cr-+,d � n:J� -.. . � 4 _. Qaii��f '---_�_x ._ ..,._._ ' - ,-} THE TIME: 4YEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 7997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hafl-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTfMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF 51DEWALK ON EAST SIDE DARLENE STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE TO EAST IDAHO AVENUE; WEST SIDE DAVID�STREET FROM EAST HOYT AVENUE 70 EAST IDAHO AVENUE AND SOUTN SIDE EAST IDAHO AVENUE FROM DARLENE STREET TO DAViD STREET. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cosi will be assessed against the benefitied properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTlMt1ED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/oal9� �i �'��°� SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROYE THIS PROTECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECfED ACCORDING TO THE FOLIAWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which wili begin some time after approvai of the project, has INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be nodfied of another public heazing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFTCATION OF ASSESSMEN'T5", at which time the Ciry Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balauces will be coIIected with your property taxes over a period of 1 to 20 years, Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disabiIity may PAYMENTS qualify for deferted payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for @eferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferral period interest will continne to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONNECTIONS If tbe project is for a sYOrm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�rpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repairefl during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections wili be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. • QLTESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY TAE REAT.. ESTATE DIVISION DEPAR'TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CTTY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102