97-400. 4 , , � : a� . CZTY OS SR. PAUL �ar.�:_: . . ;r._:-_- /� � W�� COUNCIL LE NO., �� � �"{OQ . s� File S� 019- �7C17 la't ng ,��ard 5 �aa the �»fatter a£ Recorrstr�action of �idev.-r�lk at the following l�cutianu= a�74I� -��th :,i�es �. Cali€�,raiiQ r'l�e. frost �r��ertan St. kd. to en� of cul-de-sac. �y7�i15 - Ftotn sides Gaitier 3t. from W. Gock Ave. to W. Jessamine ave. S�S7Q'tb -$o�h sides A9aricrn St. fr�m W. �sssa.��ine Ave. to W, G'erani�im AFe. S9?4i7 - East side Cisage 3t. from Id. Victoria Bt. tc� W. Ivy Ave. ),���_ ■ - • T�'T''STZ} .NTTAT A {Cme, two or three fami2y structures} Recor�tructicn ireplacement ai olcl aide-rraikl -$7.4� per front foat for a five (Si faot wide v�a1k en� $�,gq per frQnt foot for a sir-_ {5} f�ot vaide w A21 other :ti�aths will Xie gr�r�ted �o�ordingly. �7Ew aasastru�tion {wi:ere na *rralk exieted; - lv4€ ef the actua3 ccst eati�sted ±c be approximately $3.33 �+er square faot. A3_1 corner residential �ropertie� will recEiue a credit ug to the fir�t 15�J feet af r.ew or reccnstructec� sidawalk alor_g arid ak,utting the "lc,ng siden of Ghe r�roper+y. �ir.mr-nrorn�wm {More than thre° f�ily structures; , N N PFcra�,NT'�AT ATE^ For r�ew ar�d �econstructad sidewslk; 100� of actual crsr�t estinated to be appzoxisnately $�.50 �,ar square foot, � ,`,� z i �� � ��9 � , u �der Prelimi �ary crd�r � � -- } � 1 approved � � _ � a ��q_� The Gouncii of the C:ity of �aint kaul has conduated a pubiic hearing upan the a}aove lmprc�vement, c�ue notice thereof hrci�g ��n qi°-r�;� a� pr�scri?;ed hy tT;e City �harter, and � Wf�EREAS� The pertaininy ta said therefore, be it Council has heard ell persons, �Y+jectians and reccmmendations praposecl impr�remEnt and has fully aan�id�red the sas�e; now, �ES6LUE➢, That the Cauncil of the C.2Ly of Saint pau2 d�es Yiereby order that .the a3aove-describe� imgrovement be made, and t;,e pr�per City officers are hereby directe� ar�rl.authoxized to procee� with the improvem�nt; �nd be it FCiRTFIL�� R.ESOL•4'EP, That u�?2 tii� co��+letion of aaici i.m�rovesnen� j tre prcxpe� City officers shall Gal�ulata �11 exgensss incurrsa therain and s2x�11 regost rhe aame to the City Council in accordar.ce with Chapter 14 c�f tYie City �:hartes. ' COUNCILPERSQ.'3S Ye�s � Nays °� yl.akey i/�fB stram r/ Aarris �� M,� t "}' on Megard _ � / R j� fl � ttstan e- -AbS,e,yi� V ',{'j1tj+'?A �In Favcsr � Aqain�t !. t�bse,�`� I�c3opted by Council; Date ,� � L�,� � Certified Passec3 k,y cc�ur�eil Secretaty �� Mayor 4 rr A� !] n U c�n Public Hearin Date — A ril 9 1997 RE 1-31-97 �` ' DEPAflT1AENT/OFFICEJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO� Public Works Sidewalks 1 � 9- g� iNinnwnre INITIAL/DATE GONTACTPERSONBPHONE �pEPqpTMEN7DIPECTOfl �CfiYCOUNCIL Roberl A. Lissick - 266-6086 �N � cm nnoaruer � cm c�aK NUMBEN PoN MUSTBEONGOUNGLAG£NDAflY(DAT� Z-19-q] ROU�ING g�7p�ETp1pECTOA �F�N.SMGT.SEFVICESD7 Must be in Council ResearcIi Office � µAYOP(OAASSISTANn t0 Counal Research b noon on Frida 2-7-97 � TOTAL x OF SIGNATURE PAGES I ` (CUP ALL LOCAilONS iOR SIGNATUqq � ASSOCIAIE � DEPAR7MED77AL ACCWNTANT ACTION REWES7E� Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-- �(See attached list) Finance File No. S970Jy� ! RECOMMENDA710N5: Appmre (iq or Rejea iR7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� � m� �ES � NO� worked under a conVac[ for ihi5 departrnent? GIB GOMMI7TEE 2. N2s ihis persontt'rcm evei been a city ernployee? I l — — YES NO / A STAFF 3. Dces this person/firm possess a ski11 not normafty possessed by arry curcent ciry — employee? _D�STfliCTCOUNCIL � Sj 6�Q YES NO SUPPoFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? �P�� �� Yes artswers ert separate sheet and apaeh ro green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ''�� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The problem "defedive sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deieterious subgrade material, aRernating free/thaw cycles, service I'rfe limiis, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. LeR uncorrected, ihe sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from ia11s and possible iitigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: 7he communfly will benefit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so i[ follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this aciivity. �+��,�i��'`� ��� �J'rS�`� eD 1. 7�m6i DISADYAN7AGES lF MPFiOVED: Hisioricafiy, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to ane-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: This option would allow the irtfrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uftimately resulting in the expenditure of larger doliar amounts in eventual repairs and/or repiacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWMOFTRANSACTIONS COST/FiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIpCLEONE) YES No FUNDMGSWiiCE A, P!A 97 ACRV(fYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B , AS7 C. c16 g7 CITY p �O� A A � O � � ,� a ttt[� � ➢IIII 4 �,IH d� ►I a h C � �sss � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER .� �� G �t�l — `�� O COUNCTL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #05 _.._.. . ._. FILE # S�?tYEa� ;:�='.:' `=: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ae> . <.. .. . , ,-. _ . . . . '4 ��' �. ... � ,�. _. ,� _ i�,.�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. -_- -- �� PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Nall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES EAST CALIFORNIA AVENUE FROM EDC,ERTON STREE7 WEST TO END OF CUL-DE-SAC. If the City Council approves tfie project, al! or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED QN REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/97 SHOULD THE COi3NCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, �� YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO TfIE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be nofif'ied of another publicc� hearing, w}uch will occur either in the same year as the construciion or the yeaz following the construckion. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at wtrich time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You wili receive more information at the rime of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property taYes over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENT5 qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may appiy for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferrai period interest wili continue to accrue. � For more informadon on deferments, piease call 266-8858. COI3NEC1'IO1�S If the project is for a storm sewer and jor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�cpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant prpperties. Aiso, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments, For.questions regazding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNE30TA 55102 p1TY Q R � A � N o ' x .� '' tl�Il.� d11I1 6 11Hi 9�7 II a �C � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � L� �j'1 -�t� COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNINCs COUAICIL #06 FILE # 'S�7(#'[5':=::::::> : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION m .�-.._ . �_`_ M�_<:.�:.. � -.�; f� _ -�<;., _ `E�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha11=Court_ House HEARWG Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered' by�" - �4-� the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approvai of the proposed project as follows: AECONSTFIUCSION OF SIDEWALK pN BOTH StDES GALTIEfl STREET FROM WEST COOK AVENUE TO WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BiLLi Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: os/2vs7 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLEGTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'MENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, wlrich will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratificarion of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run aud the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your properry taxes over a period of i to 20 yeazs. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment fpllowing approval of the Rati�ication of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONI�IECTIONS If the pro}ect is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new commections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction o£ the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cabievision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, piease see the enciosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55102 � CITY �A � 9�r o �� m .� a seellL 6$�II a 4 [l4[ ti h � 1 8b9 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYBR � ai � _ �od COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL �10 FILE # :`S87(�tT <;' '; : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � , u ::�;,a _., _. _ _ � , ..w_ .�,.u.�,., .�.�<�_� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 A7 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMEN7 1NFORMATiON ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUC710N OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OSAGE STREET FROM NORTH VICTORIA STREET TO WEST IVY AVENUE. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMRTED assessment for the above property is N07E: THIS IS NOT A BILLi Please see PAYMENT INFORMATI4N on the reverse side of this notice. CQNTINUED ON REVERSE SIpE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/87 SHOULD TIiE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS P120,TECI', YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'ME1VT When the construction, which will begin some time after approvai of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following tha construction. This public hearing is called "RA'TIFTCATION OF ASSESSMErITS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 3Q days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property talces over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENPS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardstrip and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. Buring the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CO1�i1�tECTIONS If the project is for a storm sewer andfor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fauliy, broken pr deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry ths prograzn live on Channel 18 at the scheduled ume shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regazding construction, piease see the enclosed sheet. NOTTCE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DMSION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102 �,STY p ��� F b ♦ O � 'Z H 4 IIHI�� I� a h � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER �� �� arl _ i- ( 00 COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # S�7t)'F6"'`:::' ::? PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � ��� r � � �:� �...�. �u�i THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fbor City Halt-Court House HEARING Wr'stten or oral statements by any owner wili be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCU�ATION To consider approval of the proposed project as folfows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES MARiON STREET FF?OM WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE TO WE5T GERANIUM AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost Wil� be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT iNFORMATiON on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REV�RSE SIDE NOTiFICATION DATE: 03/2t/97 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECf, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Rati�cation of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property t�es over a period of 1 to 20 yeazs. Partial paymenu of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it wouid be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may apply for defened payment following approval of the Rati�cation of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, ii will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on defermenu, please call 266-8858. COIVNECPIONS If the project is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fanity, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during wnstruction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATiON For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this nodce. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DBPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 SUMMl�RY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Ward 5 S cl ���t� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. E. CALIFORNIA AVE. from Edgerton St. W. to End of Cul-de-sac. �� � OO IIVITIATING ACTIOI�I: 'ihis order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... S 9 �p/SPROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. GALTIER ST. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jessanune Ave. INITIATING ACTI011T: as public necessity on walk. This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works the basis of suc (6) complaints and an inspection of the EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... Sc��p,6 PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALI� B.S. MARION ST. from W. Jessamine Ave. to W. Geranium Ave. INITIATING ACTI0I3: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of six (6) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTiNG CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. Sc�70/7 PROJECT: RECONS3'RUCT SIDEWALK E.S. OSAGE ST. from N. Victoria St. to W.Ivy Ave. IPTITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of flive (5) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settied and cracked panels. C��E�`������ � � �. �.� °� ."'t �. 35��� CItY 4F $T. PAVi. CU[R3tIT� FILE J��. — ?RZLIIdgiARY ORDER By / f Fil No. S97Ii14-3y7017 Vo ing Ward 5 In th� I�tt�r af Reconstruction of aidawalk at the following 2ocations: 597014 - Both sides E. California Ave. fram Edgerton S±. W. to end of cul-de-sac. 597015 - Both sidea Galtier St. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jeaaamine Ave. 597016 - 5sth gidea Marion S't. from W. Jeaaamine Ave. Lo W. t;eranium AvE. 597017 - Eant 'ide Oaage St. from N. Victoria St. to W. Ivy Ave, tur� r ,. � RESIDENTIAL RATE5 (One, two or three family 3tSUCLllrBS� ReconsLruatiaa {replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per frent f��t fur a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.44 per frant fo�t for a six t�) foot wide walk. R11 other widths will be prorated accordinq2y. 13ew aonatruction {where no wa2k exieted7 - 100� of the actual cost eatimated to bE approximately $3.33 per square foot. A21 corner re�idential prc,pErtiea wi11 rec:Eive s credit u�, t� the firat 15� feet of new or reoonstructed aidetvralk �].�ng and sbutting +he "long side" of the property. M[r .mT_RR rn .umTpT. ��re than three family structures) � P:OAT-RF.RTDF.7`TTa7, RaT .R For new and reconstructad sidewalk; 100; of actual cost esti.mated t� be spproximately $9.50 per square foot. � �'I � .' � �', l i`� � �': � �� - ��� ���''�.`�"� , ��.. � .� The Council of the City of Saint Pau2 having received the report of the Mayor upon the abvvE improvement, and having cvn9ider�d asid report, kiereby resolves: 1. 2 . 3, That the aaid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimeted cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated aenstruction rates, financed by as�esaments and 1497 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on aaid impravement on the 9th day o �nr11, 1997, e 4: � o' -70 .1K.. in the Councii Chrsmbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City ef Saint Paul. That notice of said public 2xearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartar, stating the ti.me and place of hearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yea9 Nays ✓ $lakey ��Bpatrom ✓�arris ��2�auer ��M�gard ✓�ttman ✓Thune � In Favor � Against Adopted by Counci2: Date ,,'d t ��� \ Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��� . J �� a - r - `^ - Mayor . 4 , , � : a� . CZTY OS SR. PAUL �ar.�:_: . . ;r._:-_- /� � W�� COUNCIL LE NO., �� � �"{OQ . s� File S� 019- �7C17 la't ng ,��ard 5 �aa the �»fatter a£ Recorrstr�action of �idev.-r�lk at the following l�cutianu= a�74I� -��th :,i�es �. Cali€�,raiiQ r'l�e. frost �r��ertan St. kd. to en� of cul-de-sac. �y7�i15 - Ftotn sides Gaitier 3t. from W. Gock Ave. to W. Jessamine ave. S�S7Q'tb -$o�h sides A9aricrn St. fr�m W. �sssa.��ine Ave. to W, G'erani�im AFe. S9?4i7 - East side Cisage 3t. from Id. Victoria Bt. tc� W. Ivy Ave. ),���_ ■ - • T�'T''STZ} .NTTAT A {Cme, two or three fami2y structures} Recor�tructicn ireplacement ai olcl aide-rraikl -$7.4� per front foat for a five (Si faot wide v�a1k en� $�,gq per frQnt foot for a sir-_ {5} f�ot vaide w A21 other :ti�aths will Xie gr�r�ted �o�ordingly. �7Ew aasastru�tion {wi:ere na *rralk exieted; - lv4€ ef the actua3 ccst eati�sted ±c be approximately $3.33 �+er square faot. A3_1 corner residential �ropertie� will recEiue a credit ug to the fir�t 15�J feet af r.ew or reccnstructec� sidawalk alor_g arid ak,utting the "lc,ng siden of Ghe r�roper+y. �ir.mr-nrorn�wm {More than thre° f�ily structures; , N N PFcra�,NT'�AT ATE^ For r�ew ar�d �econstructad sidewslk; 100� of actual crsr�t estinated to be appzoxisnately $�.50 �,ar square foot, � ,`,� z i �� � ��9 � , u �der Prelimi �ary crd�r � � -- } � 1 approved � � _ � a ��q_� The Gouncii of the C:ity of �aint kaul has conduated a pubiic hearing upan the a}aove lmprc�vement, c�ue notice thereof hrci�g ��n qi°-r�;� a� pr�scri?;ed hy tT;e City �harter, and � Wf�EREAS� The pertaininy ta said therefore, be it Council has heard ell persons, �Y+jectians and reccmmendations praposecl impr�remEnt and has fully aan�id�red the sas�e; now, �ES6LUE➢, That the Cauncil of the C.2Ly of Saint pau2 d�es Yiereby order that .the a3aove-describe� imgrovement be made, and t;,e pr�per City officers are hereby directe� ar�rl.authoxized to procee� with the improvem�nt; �nd be it FCiRTFIL�� R.ESOL•4'EP, That u�?2 tii� co��+letion of aaici i.m�rovesnen� j tre prcxpe� City officers shall Gal�ulata �11 exgensss incurrsa therain and s2x�11 regost rhe aame to the City Council in accordar.ce with Chapter 14 c�f tYie City �:hartes. ' COUNCILPERSQ.'3S Ye�s � Nays °� yl.akey i/�fB stram r/ Aarris �� M,� t "}' on Megard _ � / R j� fl � ttstan e- -AbS,e,yi� V ',{'j1tj+'?A �In Favcsr � Aqain�t !. t�bse,�`� I�c3opted by Council; Date ,� � L�,� � Certified Passec3 k,y cc�ur�eil Secretaty �� Mayor 4 rr A� !] n U c�n Public Hearin Date — A ril 9 1997 RE 1-31-97 �` ' DEPAflT1AENT/OFFICEJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO� Public Works Sidewalks 1 � 9- g� iNinnwnre INITIAL/DATE GONTACTPERSONBPHONE �pEPqpTMEN7DIPECTOfl �CfiYCOUNCIL Roberl A. Lissick - 266-6086 �N � cm nnoaruer � cm c�aK NUMBEN PoN MUSTBEONGOUNGLAG£NDAflY(DAT� Z-19-q] ROU�ING g�7p�ETp1pECTOA �F�N.SMGT.SEFVICESD7 Must be in Council ResearcIi Office � µAYOP(OAASSISTANn t0 Counal Research b noon on Frida 2-7-97 � TOTAL x OF SIGNATURE PAGES I ` (CUP ALL LOCAilONS iOR SIGNATUqq � ASSOCIAIE � DEPAR7MED77AL ACCWNTANT ACTION REWES7E� Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-- �(See attached list) Finance File No. S970Jy� ! RECOMMENDA710N5: Appmre (iq or Rejea iR7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� � m� �ES � NO� worked under a conVac[ for ihi5 departrnent? GIB GOMMI7TEE 2. N2s ihis persontt'rcm evei been a city ernployee? I l — — YES NO / A STAFF 3. Dces this person/firm possess a ski11 not normafty possessed by arry curcent ciry — employee? _D�STfliCTCOUNCIL � Sj 6�Q YES NO SUPPoFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? �P�� �� Yes artswers ert separate sheet and apaeh ro green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ''�� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The problem "defedive sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deieterious subgrade material, aRernating free/thaw cycles, service I'rfe limiis, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. LeR uncorrected, ihe sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from ia11s and possible iitigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: 7he communfly will benefit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so i[ follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this aciivity. �+��,�i��'`� ��� �J'rS�`� eD 1. 7�m6i DISADYAN7AGES lF MPFiOVED: Hisioricafiy, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to ane-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: This option would allow the irtfrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uftimately resulting in the expenditure of larger doliar amounts in eventual repairs and/or repiacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWMOFTRANSACTIONS COST/FiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIpCLEONE) YES No FUNDMGSWiiCE A, P!A 97 ACRV(fYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B , AS7 C. c16 g7 CITY p �O� A A � O � � ,� a ttt[� � ➢IIII 4 �,IH d� ►I a h C � �sss � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER .� �� G �t�l — `�� O COUNCTL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #05 _.._.. . ._. FILE # S�?tYEa� ;:�='.:' `=: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ae> . <.. .. . , ,-. _ . . . . '4 ��' �. ... � ,�. _. ,� _ i�,.�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. -_- -- �� PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Nall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES EAST CALIFORNIA AVENUE FROM EDC,ERTON STREE7 WEST TO END OF CUL-DE-SAC. If the City Council approves tfie project, al! or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED QN REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/97 SHOULD THE COi3NCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, �� YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO TfIE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be nofif'ied of another publicc� hearing, w}uch will occur either in the same year as the construciion or the yeaz following the construckion. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at wtrich time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You wili receive more information at the rime of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property taYes over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENT5 qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may appiy for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferrai period interest wili continue to accrue. � For more informadon on deferments, piease call 266-8858. COI3NEC1'IO1�S If the project is for a storm sewer and jor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�cpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant prpperties. Aiso, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments, For.questions regazding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNE30TA 55102 p1TY Q R � A � N o ' x .� '' tl�Il.� d11I1 6 11Hi 9�7 II a �C � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � L� �j'1 -�t� COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNINCs COUAICIL #06 FILE # 'S�7(#'[5':=::::::> : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION m .�-.._ . �_`_ M�_<:.�:.. � -.�; f� _ -�<;., _ `E�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha11=Court_ House HEARWG Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered' by�" - �4-� the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approvai of the proposed project as follows: AECONSTFIUCSION OF SIDEWALK pN BOTH StDES GALTIEfl STREET FROM WEST COOK AVENUE TO WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BiLLi Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: os/2vs7 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLEGTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'MENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, wlrich will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratificarion of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run aud the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your properry taxes over a period of i to 20 yeazs. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment fpllowing approval of the Rati�ication of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONI�IECTIONS If the pro}ect is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new commections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction o£ the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cabievision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, piease see the enciosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55102 � CITY �A � 9�r o �� m .� a seellL 6$�II a 4 [l4[ ti h � 1 8b9 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYBR � ai � _ �od COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL �10 FILE # :`S87(�tT <;' '; : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � , u ::�;,a _., _. _ _ � , ..w_ .�,.u.�,., .�.�<�_� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 A7 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMEN7 1NFORMATiON ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUC710N OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OSAGE STREET FROM NORTH VICTORIA STREET TO WEST IVY AVENUE. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMRTED assessment for the above property is N07E: THIS IS NOT A BILLi Please see PAYMENT INFORMATI4N on the reverse side of this notice. CQNTINUED ON REVERSE SIpE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/87 SHOULD TIiE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS P120,TECI', YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'ME1VT When the construction, which will begin some time after approvai of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following tha construction. This public hearing is called "RA'TIFTCATION OF ASSESSMErITS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 3Q days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property talces over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENPS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardstrip and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. Buring the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CO1�i1�tECTIONS If the project is for a storm sewer andfor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fauliy, broken pr deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry ths prograzn live on Channel 18 at the scheduled ume shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regazding construction, piease see the enclosed sheet. NOTTCE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DMSION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102 �,STY p ��� F b ♦ O � 'Z H 4 IIHI�� I� a h � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER �� �� arl _ i- ( 00 COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # S�7t)'F6"'`:::' ::? PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � ��� r � � �:� �...�. �u�i THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fbor City Halt-Court House HEARING Wr'stten or oral statements by any owner wili be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCU�ATION To consider approval of the proposed project as folfows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES MARiON STREET FF?OM WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE TO WE5T GERANIUM AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost Wil� be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT iNFORMATiON on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REV�RSE SIDE NOTiFICATION DATE: 03/2t/97 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECf, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Rati�cation of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property t�es over a period of 1 to 20 yeazs. Partial paymenu of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it wouid be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may apply for defened payment following approval of the Rati�cation of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, ii will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on defermenu, please call 266-8858. COIVNECPIONS If the project is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fanity, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during wnstruction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATiON For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this nodce. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DBPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 SUMMl�RY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Ward 5 S cl ���t� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. E. CALIFORNIA AVE. from Edgerton St. W. to End of Cul-de-sac. �� � OO IIVITIATING ACTIOI�I: 'ihis order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... S 9 �p/SPROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. GALTIER ST. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jessanune Ave. INITIATING ACTI011T: as public necessity on walk. This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works the basis of suc (6) complaints and an inspection of the EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... Sc��p,6 PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALI� B.S. MARION ST. from W. Jessamine Ave. to W. Geranium Ave. INITIATING ACTI0I3: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of six (6) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTiNG CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. Sc�70/7 PROJECT: RECONS3'RUCT SIDEWALK E.S. OSAGE ST. from N. Victoria St. to W.Ivy Ave. IPTITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of flive (5) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settied and cracked panels. C��E�`������ � � �. �.� °� ."'t �. 35��� CItY 4F $T. PAVi. CU[R3tIT� FILE J��. — ?RZLIIdgiARY ORDER By / f Fil No. S97Ii14-3y7017 Vo ing Ward 5 In th� I�tt�r af Reconstruction of aidawalk at the following 2ocations: 597014 - Both sides E. California Ave. fram Edgerton S±. W. to end of cul-de-sac. 597015 - Both sidea Galtier St. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jeaaamine Ave. 597016 - 5sth gidea Marion S't. from W. Jeaaamine Ave. Lo W. t;eranium AvE. 597017 - Eant 'ide Oaage St. from N. Victoria St. to W. Ivy Ave, tur� r ,. � RESIDENTIAL RATE5 (One, two or three family 3tSUCLllrBS� ReconsLruatiaa {replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per frent f��t fur a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.44 per frant fo�t for a six t�) foot wide walk. R11 other widths will be prorated accordinq2y. 13ew aonatruction {where no wa2k exieted7 - 100� of the actual cost eatimated to bE approximately $3.33 per square foot. A21 corner re�idential prc,pErtiea wi11 rec:Eive s credit u�, t� the firat 15� feet of new or reoonstructed aidetvralk �].�ng and sbutting +he "long side" of the property. M[r .mT_RR rn .umTpT. ��re than three family structures) � P:OAT-RF.RTDF.7`TTa7, RaT .R For new and reconstructad sidewalk; 100; of actual cost esti.mated t� be spproximately $9.50 per square foot. � �'I � .' � �', l i`� � �': � �� - ��� ���''�.`�"� , ��.. � .� The Council of the City of Saint Pau2 having received the report of the Mayor upon the abvvE improvement, and having cvn9ider�d asid report, kiereby resolves: 1. 2 . 3, That the aaid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimeted cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated aenstruction rates, financed by as�esaments and 1497 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on aaid impravement on the 9th day o �nr11, 1997, e 4: � o' -70 .1K.. in the Councii Chrsmbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City ef Saint Paul. That notice of said public 2xearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartar, stating the ti.me and place of hearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yea9 Nays ✓ $lakey ��Bpatrom ✓�arris ��2�auer ��M�gard ✓�ttman ✓Thune � In Favor � Against Adopted by Counci2: Date ,,'d t ��� \ Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��� . J �� a - r - `^ - Mayor . 4 , , � : a� . CZTY OS SR. PAUL �ar.�:_: . . ;r._:-_- /� � W�� COUNCIL LE NO., �� � �"{OQ . s� File S� 019- �7C17 la't ng ,��ard 5 �aa the �»fatter a£ Recorrstr�action of �idev.-r�lk at the following l�cutianu= a�74I� -��th :,i�es �. Cali€�,raiiQ r'l�e. frost �r��ertan St. kd. to en� of cul-de-sac. �y7�i15 - Ftotn sides Gaitier 3t. from W. Gock Ave. to W. Jessamine ave. S�S7Q'tb -$o�h sides A9aricrn St. fr�m W. �sssa.��ine Ave. to W, G'erani�im AFe. S9?4i7 - East side Cisage 3t. from Id. Victoria Bt. tc� W. Ivy Ave. ),���_ ■ - • T�'T''STZ} .NTTAT A {Cme, two or three fami2y structures} Recor�tructicn ireplacement ai olcl aide-rraikl -$7.4� per front foat for a five (Si faot wide v�a1k en� $�,gq per frQnt foot for a sir-_ {5} f�ot vaide w A21 other :ti�aths will Xie gr�r�ted �o�ordingly. �7Ew aasastru�tion {wi:ere na *rralk exieted; - lv4€ ef the actua3 ccst eati�sted ±c be approximately $3.33 �+er square faot. A3_1 corner residential �ropertie� will recEiue a credit ug to the fir�t 15�J feet af r.ew or reccnstructec� sidawalk alor_g arid ak,utting the "lc,ng siden of Ghe r�roper+y. �ir.mr-nrorn�wm {More than thre° f�ily structures; , N N PFcra�,NT'�AT ATE^ For r�ew ar�d �econstructad sidewslk; 100� of actual crsr�t estinated to be appzoxisnately $�.50 �,ar square foot, � ,`,� z i �� � ��9 � , u �der Prelimi �ary crd�r � � -- } � 1 approved � � _ � a ��q_� The Gouncii of the C:ity of �aint kaul has conduated a pubiic hearing upan the a}aove lmprc�vement, c�ue notice thereof hrci�g ��n qi°-r�;� a� pr�scri?;ed hy tT;e City �harter, and � Wf�EREAS� The pertaininy ta said therefore, be it Council has heard ell persons, �Y+jectians and reccmmendations praposecl impr�remEnt and has fully aan�id�red the sas�e; now, �ES6LUE➢, That the Cauncil of the C.2Ly of Saint pau2 d�es Yiereby order that .the a3aove-describe� imgrovement be made, and t;,e pr�per City officers are hereby directe� ar�rl.authoxized to procee� with the improvem�nt; �nd be it FCiRTFIL�� R.ESOL•4'EP, That u�?2 tii� co��+letion of aaici i.m�rovesnen� j tre prcxpe� City officers shall Gal�ulata �11 exgensss incurrsa therain and s2x�11 regost rhe aame to the City Council in accordar.ce with Chapter 14 c�f tYie City �:hartes. ' COUNCILPERSQ.'3S Ye�s � Nays °� yl.akey i/�fB stram r/ Aarris �� M,� t "}' on Megard _ � / R j� fl � ttstan e- -AbS,e,yi� V ',{'j1tj+'?A �In Favcsr � Aqain�t !. t�bse,�`� I�c3opted by Council; Date ,� � L�,� � Certified Passec3 k,y cc�ur�eil Secretaty �� Mayor 4 rr A� !] n U c�n Public Hearin Date — A ril 9 1997 RE 1-31-97 �` ' DEPAflT1AENT/OFFICEJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO� Public Works Sidewalks 1 � 9- g� iNinnwnre INITIAL/DATE GONTACTPERSONBPHONE �pEPqpTMEN7DIPECTOfl �CfiYCOUNCIL Roberl A. Lissick - 266-6086 �N � cm nnoaruer � cm c�aK NUMBEN PoN MUSTBEONGOUNGLAG£NDAflY(DAT� Z-19-q] ROU�ING g�7p�ETp1pECTOA �F�N.SMGT.SEFVICESD7 Must be in Council ResearcIi Office � µAYOP(OAASSISTANn t0 Counal Research b noon on Frida 2-7-97 � TOTAL x OF SIGNATURE PAGES I ` (CUP ALL LOCAilONS iOR SIGNATUqq � ASSOCIAIE � DEPAR7MED77AL ACCWNTANT ACTION REWES7E� Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-- �(See attached list) Finance File No. S970Jy� ! RECOMMENDA710N5: Appmre (iq or Rejea iR7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� � m� �ES � NO� worked under a conVac[ for ihi5 departrnent? GIB GOMMI7TEE 2. N2s ihis persontt'rcm evei been a city ernployee? I l — — YES NO / A STAFF 3. Dces this person/firm possess a ski11 not normafty possessed by arry curcent ciry — employee? _D�STfliCTCOUNCIL � Sj 6�Q YES NO SUPPoFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? �P�� �� Yes artswers ert separate sheet and apaeh ro green sheet Neighborhoods Ward ''�� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The problem "defedive sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deieterious subgrade material, aRernating free/thaw cycles, service I'rfe limiis, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. LeR uncorrected, ihe sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from ia11s and possible iitigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: 7he communfly will benefit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so i[ follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this aciivity. �+��,�i��'`� ��� �J'rS�`� eD 1. 7�m6i DISADYAN7AGES lF MPFiOVED: Hisioricafiy, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to ane-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: This option would allow the irtfrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uftimately resulting in the expenditure of larger doliar amounts in eventual repairs and/or repiacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWMOFTRANSACTIONS COST/FiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIpCLEONE) YES No FUNDMGSWiiCE A, P!A 97 ACRV(fYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B , AS7 C. c16 g7 CITY p �O� A A � O � � ,� a ttt[� � ➢IIII 4 �,IH d� ►I a h C � �sss � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER .� �� G �t�l — `�� O COUNCTL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #05 _.._.. . ._. FILE # S�?tYEa� ;:�='.:' `=: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ae> . <.. .. . , ,-. _ . . . . '4 ��' �. ... � ,�. _. ,� _ i�,.�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. -_- -- �� PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Nall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES EAST CALIFORNIA AVENUE FROM EDC,ERTON STREE7 WEST TO END OF CUL-DE-SAC. If the City Council approves tfie project, al! or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED QN REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/97 SHOULD THE COi3NCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, �� YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO TfIE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be nofif'ied of another publicc� hearing, w}uch will occur either in the same year as the construciion or the yeaz following the construckion. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at wtrich time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You wili receive more information at the rime of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property taYes over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENT5 qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may appiy for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferrai period interest wili continue to accrue. � For more informadon on deferments, piease call 266-8858. COI3NEC1'IO1�S If the project is for a storm sewer and jor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more e�cpensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant prpperties. Aiso, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments, For.questions regazding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNE30TA 55102 p1TY Q R � A � N o ' x .� '' tl�Il.� d11I1 6 11Hi 9�7 II a �C � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � L� �j'1 -�t� COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNINCs COUAICIL #06 FILE # 'S�7(#'[5':=::::::> : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION m .�-.._ . �_`_ M�_<:.�:.. � -.�; f� _ -�<;., _ `E�� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha11=Court_ House HEARWG Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered' by�" - �4-� the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approvai of the proposed project as follows: AECONSTFIUCSION OF SIDEWALK pN BOTH StDES GALTIEfl STREET FROM WEST COOK AVENUE TO WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BiLLi Piease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: os/2vs7 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLEGTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'MENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substanrially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, wlrich will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratificarion of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run aud the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your properry taxes over a period of i to 20 yeazs. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and oider or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hazdship and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment fpllowing approval of the Rati�ication of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CONI�IECTIONS If the pro}ect is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new commections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction o£ the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cabievision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, piease see the enciosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55102 � CITY �A � 9�r o �� m .� a seellL 6$�II a 4 [l4[ ti h � 1 8b9 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYBR � ai � _ �od COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL �10 FILE # :`S87(�tT <;' '; : PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � , u ::�;,a _., _. _ _ � , ..w_ .�,.u.�,., .�.�<�_� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 A7 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMEN7 1NFORMATiON ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUC710N OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OSAGE STREET FROM NORTH VICTORIA STREET TO WEST IVY AVENUE. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMRTED assessment for the above property is N07E: THIS IS NOT A BILLi Please see PAYMENT INFORMATI4N on the reverse side of this notice. CQNTINUED ON REVERSE SIpE NOTIFICATION DATE: 03/21/87 SHOULD TIiE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS P120,TECI', YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAI'ME1VT When the construction, which will begin some time after approvai of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following tha construction. This public hearing is called "RA'TIFTCATION OF ASSESSMErITS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of years the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 3Q days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property talces over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENPS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardstrip and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgive the payment. Buring the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. CO1�i1�tECTIONS If the project is for a storm sewer andfor street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fauliy, broken pr deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATION For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry ths prograzn live on Channel 18 at the scheduled ume shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regazding construction, piease see the enclosed sheet. NOTTCE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DMSION � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55102 �,STY p ��� F b ♦ O � 'Z H 4 IIHI�� I� a h � 1 859 � Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER �� �� arl _ i- ( 00 COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # S�7t)'F6"'`:::' ::? PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � � ��� r � � �:� �...�. �u�i THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fbor City Halt-Court House HEARING Wr'stten or oral statements by any owner wili be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTiMATED ASSESSMENT CALCU�ATION To consider approval of the proposed project as folfows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES MARiON STREET FF?OM WEST JESSAMINE AVENUE TO WE5T GERANIUM AVENUE. � If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost Wil� be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT iNFORMATiON on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REV�RSE SIDE NOTiFICATION DATE: 03/2t/97 SHOULD THE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECf, YOUR ASSESSMENT WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE! PAYMENT When the construction, which will begin some time after approval of the project, INFORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATIFICATTON OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval of the assessmenu for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing concerning the number of yeazs the assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Rati�cation of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property t�es over a period of 1 to 20 yeazs. Partial paymenu of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENTS qualify for deferred payment of special assessments. If it wouid be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may apply for defened payment following approval of the Rati�cation of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, ii will not forgive the payment. During the deferr� period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on defermenu, please call 266-8858. COIVNECPIONS If the project is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more expensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is fanity, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during wnstruction of the project. The Public Works Department will notify you if your connection needs repair. New connections and repaired connections will be assessed. INFORMATiON For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this nodce. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessments. For.questions regarding construction, please see the enclosed sheet. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION � DBPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALLrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 SUMMl�RY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Ward 5 S cl ���t� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. E. CALIFORNIA AVE. from Edgerton St. W. to End of Cul-de-sac. �� � OO IIVITIATING ACTIOI�I: 'ihis order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... S 9 �p/SPROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. GALTIER ST. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jessanune Ave. INITIATING ACTI011T: as public necessity on walk. This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works the basis of suc (6) complaints and an inspection of the EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... Sc��p,6 PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALI� B.S. MARION ST. from W. Jessamine Ave. to W. Geranium Ave. INITIATING ACTI0I3: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of six (6) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTiNG CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. Sc�70/7 PROJECT: RECONS3'RUCT SIDEWALK E.S. OSAGE ST. from N. Victoria St. to W.Ivy Ave. IPTITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of flive (5) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settied and cracked panels. C��E�`������ � � �. �.� °� ."'t �. 35��� CItY 4F $T. PAVi. CU[R3tIT� FILE J��. — ?RZLIIdgiARY ORDER By / f Fil No. S97Ii14-3y7017 Vo ing Ward 5 In th� I�tt�r af Reconstruction of aidawalk at the following 2ocations: 597014 - Both sides E. California Ave. fram Edgerton S±. W. to end of cul-de-sac. 597015 - Both sidea Galtier St. from W. Cook Ave. to W. Jeaaamine Ave. 597016 - 5sth gidea Marion S't. from W. Jeaaamine Ave. Lo W. t;eranium AvE. 597017 - Eant 'ide Oaage St. from N. Victoria St. to W. Ivy Ave, tur� r ,. � RESIDENTIAL RATE5 (One, two or three family 3tSUCLllrBS� ReconsLruatiaa {replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per frent f��t fur a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.44 per frant fo�t for a six t�) foot wide walk. R11 other widths will be prorated accordinq2y. 13ew aonatruction {where no wa2k exieted7 - 100� of the actual cost eatimated to bE approximately $3.33 per square foot. A21 corner re�idential prc,pErtiea wi11 rec:Eive s credit u�, t� the firat 15� feet of new or reoonstructed aidetvralk �].�ng and sbutting +he "long side" of the property. M[r .mT_RR rn .umTpT. ��re than three family structures) � P:OAT-RF.RTDF.7`TTa7, RaT .R For new and reconstructad sidewalk; 100; of actual cost esti.mated t� be spproximately $9.50 per square foot. � �'I � .' � �', l i`� � �': � �� - ��� ���''�.`�"� , ��.. � .� The Council of the City of Saint Pau2 having received the report of the Mayor upon the abvvE improvement, and having cvn9ider�d asid report, kiereby resolves: 1. 2 . 3, That the aaid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimeted cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated aenstruction rates, financed by as�esaments and 1497 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on aaid impravement on the 9th day o �nr11, 1997, e 4: � o' -70 .1K.. in the Councii Chrsmbers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City ef Saint Paul. That notice of said public 2xearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartar, stating the ti.me and place of hearinq, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yea9 Nays ✓ $lakey ��Bpatrom ✓�arris ��2�auer ��M�gard ✓�ttman ✓Thune � In Favor � Against Adopted by Counci2: Date ,,'d t ��� \ Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��� . J �� a - r - `^ - Mayor