97-397- r , ., - .� , . m, � nn+ v am raxrsr aia vr saa. s�suu _ , •-i - �,, �. � �4. °I�q� ��� � ' - � ��� l`��i���� ,._ / � Y $$34 Stt}TSPG iPARD { 't Sa ths t�7atter of coastructinq a rxew sanitary pumpi.r,g statioa to replace the existiriq Red Raak 3outh p�mip sta�ion. under Prsliminary t�rder \�— I� a aPPraved �� . l� ��_�� The Council af the City c>f 3aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the abave improvement, due natice thexaof havinq 2�eeri qiven as �rescribed t,y the City Char�er; and Wf?ER�.§�, Th�r, CounciZ h�� heard all peraona, objeation� rxnd recomsten�ataan�+ pertaininq- ta eaid propr,sed impr�vem�nt enc� hes fully cozisid�red the same; nc,v;, thsrefore, be it RE�flLYEIS, That Ghe Caeuf�il of ths City of Saint P�ul dae� he�s�y c?rder that the $bave-cie�4ribed improvement be made, and the proper city afficers ere hereby diracted �nd authflrized ta proceed with the improvement; and bE it FfTRTHER RE30I,VE�, That upan tPie aampletion af said i.mprovement, th� �rc,per Ci*� officers sha22 calculste all expenses inaurred therein and �ha'tl raport the same ta the City Counail in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charte>. G�UNCSLPERSt7NS y°�° � l�Tays V� / B2�key 7i �gstrom �3arrie 1 i�%� 1 r\GrR3yl �sard RQ.�ttmaa— ��sen'}"' i/�hune � Iri I�'avor QAgainst _ �bs�r� Adopted by Councii: Date Q q �c��{'7 __1_'-,-'—'-t-` / CertiPiad P�ss�d by Council 3ecre}ary �� � r d i� � / r2yc,- Pub�.ic Hearin Date – A ril 9, 1997 RE 1-31-97 pl/l ��q� �EPARTMENT/OFFICECWNCIL TE INITATED PublicWorks �mr�� GREEN SHEET No.32158 iNmnuoarE iNrnaware— CONfACTPERSON&PFIDNE �pEPAq7lA@RdfiECTOR � GNCAUNCfL 7ce Mueller (2666149) �� �� arr anon� � cm c�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV{OA f1GU7N6 �BUOGETDIFiECTOR � FlN&MGT.SEFNICESD�R Must be in Coun il�lt�s��ig�i Office � ypYOp(ORASSISTANT) b noon Frida �L-7-97 ❑ � Council Research TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES I l��ILLLlAG1710N8WNSitiTU1NX� �nssacu���oEVaa�Fxraccouur AC710N REWE5fED Consuuct a new sanitazy sewa pimmping stalion m the vicinity of the existing Red Rock South P�ping Statian. File No. 18838 nECOMMENOnnoMSAaawe W wRqaC IPo PER5W1Al5ERV1� CONfAACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUES710NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CMLSEFNICECOMMSSION � �� personRYm eVer wotked urder a croNract forihLs tleparlmerA? C7B COMMIISEE _ YES N(3 A STAFF 2. HasVYSpersoMtrmeverbeenacdyemployee? _ qSTRICTCOUNCIL � L_ 3. Does llis OersoMi possess a sla9 not rwrmalN P�ssed by any currerrt ciry empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&1EC71VE7 �S NO E�lai� a4 yec s�awas on aepacate ahaet aM atlach to green sheet Neighboxhoods Ward 7 INIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WNERE, WHY�: The eacisting pump station was constructed in 1968 and designed for 100 gallons per minute (GPNn. A recent pump stapon condition report indicates that tlris station will require repairs and/or rehabilitation within the next 5 years. North Star Steel has changed [heir industrial process and the pump station now needs to dischazges 300 GPM. North Star Steel bas petiaoned tLe City to construct a new pump sta6on and offered w be assessed 50% of she costs. ADVAM'AGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry would acquire a new pump station for less cost than repairing the exisfing one. Major industry would be allowed to improve the'u PfOCCSSID$• DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City wauld have to conshvct new pump starion 1 to 5 years earlier tLan making repairs to oid pump station. �i���' 3�'z.-�?���':�i �;as'ta�; u�'i�v c.�i� �. �:c`��iv� �ISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: '� ., .._._ , . City would have to repair or rehabilitaze an older pump stauion. Major industry would have to fmd an altemate way to process water. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$16S�OOO COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE $2 ,500 Assessments p�7ry�TYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAII� � � 1 ���� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDA710NS RED ROCK ROAD SOUTH SANI7ARY PUMPING STATION CITY PROJECT 97 - S- 1860 PROJECT: To construct a new sanitary pump station to replace the ex+sting Red Rock Road South Pump Station. EXISTiNG CONDfTIONS: The existing Red Rock Road South Pump Station was constructed in 1968. it was designed to discharge 100 gallons per minute (GPM) at 35 feet of total dynamic head. A recent pump station condition report indicated that this station will need renovation and repairs in the amount of $108,000 within the next five years. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: North Star Steel is the ma}or property served by this pump station. They have recently changed the way they process water and now discharge 75 GPM to the Red Rock South Pump Station. The station can handle the increased flow; however, the pumps are running ionger than originally designed. We are monitoring the station and North Sta , S ^ t , � e , el has agreed to discontinue discharging to the station if we experience any P�OUIC111S. (CUItB�I �GSI NifiCiICc3 Vvvuiu rey�ire a pump station receiving a fiow of 75 GPM to be designed to handle 300 GPM.) North Star Steel has also petitioned the City to reconstruct the Red Rock Road South Pump Station to accommodate the increased flow. They have also agreed to pay 50% of the cost of the new station. ALTERNATES: The City could have North Star Steel modify their discharge rate to the previous rate of less than 25 GPM; however, we wouid still have to make needed repairs to the pump station within the ne� 5 years. POSITIVE BENEfITS: The City would get a new pump station at a lower cost than it would have to spend on improving a 30 year old station. A major Saint Paul industry would function more productive!y. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction would be present. However, because of the location, construction problems would be minimal. `_ ��-��7 TIME SCHEDULE: The project would beqin in the spring of 1997 and be completed by mid summer of 1997. COST ESTiMATES: Construction Engineering & Inspection Valuations PROJEC7 TOTAL: ESTtMATED FlNANCING: North Star Steel Sewer Service Fund PROJECT TOTAL: SOl1RCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: $ i 35,000 25,OQ0 5.000 $165,000 $82,500 82.500 $165,OQ0 For additional information contact Joe Mueller at 266-6149 or Pat Byrne at 266-6171. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works feels this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the engineering recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works CITY OF ST. PSUL PRELIMII3ARY ORDER oR���NAL 9'1-��'7 . r�� � M ] • �' , _ ��J!.�� . . .. .. Ia the MetEer of coxzstructiny a new sai7itary pumping station to replace the exisririg Red Rcck South pumg station. T2,e Gouncil of the City of S�int Paul having received the repoit �f the Maycr upon the above improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves: l. a � `Phat the �aid report and the aame ia hereby ap�roved witti no alternatives, and that th� esta.mated ctst thereef is $16v,OG0 financ:e3 by N�+rth star Steµ1 $�3�, SOQ and �ewsr 3ervic� E�nd $f3�, 500. Triat a public t,earing be had an sai� impr+�vement �n ttie 9th day c,_f Rrrr> >. 7 G7. at 4:3 ' t, k P.i�t., in the c:ounail Ch�ers of the City Hall and L.ourt Acuse Hui2ding in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat natiG� of said gublic hearing t,e giv�n to the persons snd in ti,e manner provided by the Charter, ststinq the time and place of hearing, the r,ature of the improvemEnt and the total aost thereof as estimated. COUNCZLPERSON° Yeas 2days flakey fstr�m farris ��uer ✓ M�e ard ✓Re tman hune '1 In Favor QAgainst Ar3opted by Couricil: Dste , �� i q 9 � Certified Pasaed by Caunci2 Secretary By ,�. ��iv Mayor :: }::C;'T'Y'.::;}l. � 4 O �,. =.�,� s <:;. :'. � �' a � IIFEE€ FI(fl �, �[[F[ [ __ {j a � �_ �=;.. "�'1.� l 81 • � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council }� Notice Construction �a� a�� COUNCIL DISTRICT �7 PLANNIA'G COUNCIL q01 FILE N 18838:i ::::::.: ::.:. PROPERTY ADARESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRit 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBI�IC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ASSESS1IEtiT I1�FORNiATIO'3 To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: CONSTRUCTING A NEW SANITARY PUMPING STATION TO REPLACE THE EXISTING RED ROCK ROAD SOU7H PUMP STATION. If the City Council appro�•es the project, 50 per cent of the total costs of the improvement will be assessed against \'orth Star Steel. Cost Estimate Estimated Financing ;�orth Star Steet SeKer Ser��ice Fund Total �.�NTiN��rn �N r�r-vF��F S�DE $165,000 $ 82,500 82.500 $165,000 "�f�t669:��� � k F ��=:a ,� i:.�, , n F _ . : �' � .�.nwrer NOTIFICATION DATE: o3/2vs7 - r , ., - .� , . m, � nn+ v am raxrsr aia vr saa. s�suu _ , •-i - �,, �. � �4. °I�q� ��� � ' - � ��� l`��i���� ,._ / � Y $$34 Stt}TSPG iPARD { 't Sa ths t�7atter of coastructinq a rxew sanitary pumpi.r,g statioa to replace the existiriq Red Raak 3outh p�mip sta�ion. under Prsliminary t�rder \�— I� a aPPraved �� . l� ��_�� The Council af the City c>f 3aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the abave improvement, due natice thexaof havinq 2�eeri qiven as �rescribed t,y the City Char�er; and Wf?ER�.§�, Th�r, CounciZ h�� heard all peraona, objeation� rxnd recomsten�ataan�+ pertaininq- ta eaid propr,sed impr�vem�nt enc� hes fully cozisid�red the same; nc,v;, thsrefore, be it RE�flLYEIS, That Ghe Caeuf�il of ths City of Saint P�ul dae� he�s�y c?rder that the $bave-cie�4ribed improvement be made, and the proper city afficers ere hereby diracted �nd authflrized ta proceed with the improvement; and bE it FfTRTHER RE30I,VE�, That upan tPie aampletion af said i.mprovement, th� �rc,per Ci*� officers sha22 calculste all expenses inaurred therein and �ha'tl raport the same ta the City Counail in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charte>. G�UNCSLPERSt7NS y°�° � l�Tays V� / B2�key 7i �gstrom �3arrie 1 i�%� 1 r\GrR3yl �sard RQ.�ttmaa— ��sen'}"' i/�hune � Iri I�'avor QAgainst _ �bs�r� Adopted by Councii: Date Q q �c��{'7 __1_'-,-'—'-t-` / CertiPiad P�ss�d by Council 3ecre}ary �� � r d i� � / r2yc,- Pub�.ic Hearin Date – A ril 9, 1997 RE 1-31-97 pl/l ��q� �EPARTMENT/OFFICECWNCIL TE INITATED PublicWorks �mr�� GREEN SHEET No.32158 iNmnuoarE iNrnaware— CONfACTPERSON&PFIDNE �pEPAq7lA@RdfiECTOR � GNCAUNCfL 7ce Mueller (2666149) �� �� arr anon� � cm c�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV{OA f1GU7N6 �BUOGETDIFiECTOR � FlN&MGT.SEFNICESD�R Must be in Coun il�lt�s��ig�i Office � ypYOp(ORASSISTANT) b noon Frida �L-7-97 ❑ � Council Research TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES I l��ILLLlAG1710N8WNSitiTU1NX� �nssacu���oEVaa�Fxraccouur AC710N REWE5fED Consuuct a new sanitazy sewa pimmping stalion m the vicinity of the existing Red Rock South P�ping Statian. File No. 18838 nECOMMENOnnoMSAaawe W wRqaC IPo PER5W1Al5ERV1� CONfAACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUES710NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CMLSEFNICECOMMSSION � �� personRYm eVer wotked urder a croNract forihLs tleparlmerA? C7B COMMIISEE _ YES N(3 A STAFF 2. HasVYSpersoMtrmeverbeenacdyemployee? _ qSTRICTCOUNCIL � L_ 3. Does llis OersoMi possess a sla9 not rwrmalN P�ssed by any currerrt ciry empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&1EC71VE7 �S NO E�lai� a4 yec s�awas on aepacate ahaet aM atlach to green sheet Neighboxhoods Ward 7 INIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WNERE, WHY�: The eacisting pump station was constructed in 1968 and designed for 100 gallons per minute (GPNn. A recent pump stapon condition report indicates that tlris station will require repairs and/or rehabilitation within the next 5 years. North Star Steel has changed [heir industrial process and the pump station now needs to dischazges 300 GPM. North Star Steel bas petiaoned tLe City to construct a new pump sta6on and offered w be assessed 50% of she costs. ADVAM'AGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry would acquire a new pump station for less cost than repairing the exisfing one. Major industry would be allowed to improve the'u PfOCCSSID$• DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City wauld have to conshvct new pump starion 1 to 5 years earlier tLan making repairs to oid pump station. �i���' 3�'z.-�?���':�i �;as'ta�; u�'i�v c.�i� �. �:c`��iv� �ISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: '� ., .._._ , . City would have to repair or rehabilitaze an older pump stauion. Major industry would have to fmd an altemate way to process water. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$16S�OOO COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE $2 ,500 Assessments p�7ry�TYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAII� � � 1 ���� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDA710NS RED ROCK ROAD SOUTH SANI7ARY PUMPING STATION CITY PROJECT 97 - S- 1860 PROJECT: To construct a new sanitary pump station to replace the ex+sting Red Rock Road South Pump Station. EXISTiNG CONDfTIONS: The existing Red Rock Road South Pump Station was constructed in 1968. it was designed to discharge 100 gallons per minute (GPM) at 35 feet of total dynamic head. A recent pump station condition report indicated that this station will need renovation and repairs in the amount of $108,000 within the next five years. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: North Star Steel is the ma}or property served by this pump station. They have recently changed the way they process water and now discharge 75 GPM to the Red Rock South Pump Station. The station can handle the increased flow; however, the pumps are running ionger than originally designed. We are monitoring the station and North Sta , S ^ t , � e , el has agreed to discontinue discharging to the station if we experience any P�OUIC111S. (CUItB�I �GSI NifiCiICc3 Vvvuiu rey�ire a pump station receiving a fiow of 75 GPM to be designed to handle 300 GPM.) North Star Steel has also petitioned the City to reconstruct the Red Rock Road South Pump Station to accommodate the increased flow. They have also agreed to pay 50% of the cost of the new station. ALTERNATES: The City could have North Star Steel modify their discharge rate to the previous rate of less than 25 GPM; however, we wouid still have to make needed repairs to the pump station within the ne� 5 years. POSITIVE BENEfITS: The City would get a new pump station at a lower cost than it would have to spend on improving a 30 year old station. A major Saint Paul industry would function more productive!y. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction would be present. However, because of the location, construction problems would be minimal. `_ ��-��7 TIME SCHEDULE: The project would beqin in the spring of 1997 and be completed by mid summer of 1997. COST ESTiMATES: Construction Engineering & Inspection Valuations PROJEC7 TOTAL: ESTtMATED FlNANCING: North Star Steel Sewer Service Fund PROJECT TOTAL: SOl1RCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: $ i 35,000 25,OQ0 5.000 $165,000 $82,500 82.500 $165,OQ0 For additional information contact Joe Mueller at 266-6149 or Pat Byrne at 266-6171. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works feels this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the engineering recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works CITY OF ST. PSUL PRELIMII3ARY ORDER oR���NAL 9'1-��'7 . r�� � M ] • �' , _ ��J!.�� . . .. .. Ia the MetEer of coxzstructiny a new sai7itary pumping station to replace the exisririg Red Rcck South pumg station. T2,e Gouncil of the City of S�int Paul having received the repoit �f the Maycr upon the above improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves: l. a � `Phat the �aid report and the aame ia hereby ap�roved witti no alternatives, and that th� esta.mated ctst thereef is $16v,OG0 financ:e3 by N�+rth star Steµ1 $�3�, SOQ and �ewsr 3ervic� E�nd $f3�, 500. Triat a public t,earing be had an sai� impr+�vement �n ttie 9th day c,_f Rrrr> >. 7 G7. at 4:3 ' t, k P.i�t., in the c:ounail Ch�ers of the City Hall and L.ourt Acuse Hui2ding in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat natiG� of said gublic hearing t,e giv�n to the persons snd in ti,e manner provided by the Charter, ststinq the time and place of hearing, the r,ature of the improvemEnt and the total aost thereof as estimated. COUNCZLPERSON° Yeas 2days flakey fstr�m farris ��uer ✓ M�e ard ✓Re tman hune '1 In Favor QAgainst Ar3opted by Couricil: Dste , �� i q 9 � Certified Pasaed by Caunci2 Secretary By ,�. ��iv Mayor :: }::C;'T'Y'.::;}l. � 4 O �,. =.�,� s <:;. :'. � �' a � IIFEE€ FI(fl �, �[[F[ [ __ {j a � �_ �=;.. "�'1.� l 81 • � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council }� Notice Construction �a� a�� COUNCIL DISTRICT �7 PLANNIA'G COUNCIL q01 FILE N 18838:i ::::::.: ::.:. PROPERTY ADARESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRit 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBI�IC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ASSESS1IEtiT I1�FORNiATIO'3 To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: CONSTRUCTING A NEW SANITARY PUMPING STATION TO REPLACE THE EXISTING RED ROCK ROAD SOU7H PUMP STATION. If the City Council appro�•es the project, 50 per cent of the total costs of the improvement will be assessed against \'orth Star Steel. Cost Estimate Estimated Financing ;�orth Star Steet SeKer Ser��ice Fund Total �.�NTiN��rn �N r�r-vF��F S�DE $165,000 $ 82,500 82.500 $165,000 "�f�t669:��� � k F ��=:a ,� i:.�, , n F _ . : �' � .�.nwrer NOTIFICATION DATE: o3/2vs7 - r , ., - .� , . m, � nn+ v am raxrsr aia vr saa. s�suu _ , •-i - �,, �. � �4. °I�q� ��� � ' - � ��� l`��i���� ,._ / � Y $$34 Stt}TSPG iPARD { 't Sa ths t�7atter of coastructinq a rxew sanitary pumpi.r,g statioa to replace the existiriq Red Raak 3outh p�mip sta�ion. under Prsliminary t�rder \�— I� a aPPraved �� . l� ��_�� The Council af the City c>f 3aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the abave improvement, due natice thexaof havinq 2�eeri qiven as �rescribed t,y the City Char�er; and Wf?ER�.§�, Th�r, CounciZ h�� heard all peraona, objeation� rxnd recomsten�ataan�+ pertaininq- ta eaid propr,sed impr�vem�nt enc� hes fully cozisid�red the same; nc,v;, thsrefore, be it RE�flLYEIS, That Ghe Caeuf�il of ths City of Saint P�ul dae� he�s�y c?rder that the $bave-cie�4ribed improvement be made, and the proper city afficers ere hereby diracted �nd authflrized ta proceed with the improvement; and bE it FfTRTHER RE30I,VE�, That upan tPie aampletion af said i.mprovement, th� �rc,per Ci*� officers sha22 calculste all expenses inaurred therein and �ha'tl raport the same ta the City Counail in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charte>. G�UNCSLPERSt7NS y°�° � l�Tays V� / B2�key 7i �gstrom �3arrie 1 i�%� 1 r\GrR3yl �sard RQ.�ttmaa— ��sen'}"' i/�hune � Iri I�'avor QAgainst _ �bs�r� Adopted by Councii: Date Q q �c��{'7 __1_'-,-'—'-t-` / CertiPiad P�ss�d by Council 3ecre}ary �� � r d i� � / r2yc,- Pub�.ic Hearin Date – A ril 9, 1997 RE 1-31-97 pl/l ��q� �EPARTMENT/OFFICECWNCIL TE INITATED PublicWorks �mr�� GREEN SHEET No.32158 iNmnuoarE iNrnaware— CONfACTPERSON&PFIDNE �pEPAq7lA@RdfiECTOR � GNCAUNCfL 7ce Mueller (2666149) �� �� arr anon� � cm c�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV{OA f1GU7N6 �BUOGETDIFiECTOR � FlN&MGT.SEFNICESD�R Must be in Coun il�lt�s��ig�i Office � ypYOp(ORASSISTANT) b noon Frida �L-7-97 ❑ � Council Research TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES I l��ILLLlAG1710N8WNSitiTU1NX� �nssacu���oEVaa�Fxraccouur AC710N REWE5fED Consuuct a new sanitazy sewa pimmping stalion m the vicinity of the existing Red Rock South P�ping Statian. File No. 18838 nECOMMENOnnoMSAaawe W wRqaC IPo PER5W1Al5ERV1� CONfAACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUES710NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CMLSEFNICECOMMSSION � �� personRYm eVer wotked urder a croNract forihLs tleparlmerA? C7B COMMIISEE _ YES N(3 A STAFF 2. HasVYSpersoMtrmeverbeenacdyemployee? _ qSTRICTCOUNCIL � L_ 3. Does llis OersoMi possess a sla9 not rwrmalN P�ssed by any currerrt ciry empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&1EC71VE7 �S NO E�lai� a4 yec s�awas on aepacate ahaet aM atlach to green sheet Neighboxhoods Ward 7 INIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WNERE, WHY�: The eacisting pump station was constructed in 1968 and designed for 100 gallons per minute (GPNn. A recent pump stapon condition report indicates that tlris station will require repairs and/or rehabilitation within the next 5 years. North Star Steel has changed [heir industrial process and the pump station now needs to dischazges 300 GPM. North Star Steel bas petiaoned tLe City to construct a new pump sta6on and offered w be assessed 50% of she costs. ADVAM'AGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry would acquire a new pump station for less cost than repairing the exisfing one. Major industry would be allowed to improve the'u PfOCCSSID$• DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City wauld have to conshvct new pump starion 1 to 5 years earlier tLan making repairs to oid pump station. �i���' 3�'z.-�?���':�i �;as'ta�; u�'i�v c.�i� �. �:c`��iv� �ISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: '� ., .._._ , . City would have to repair or rehabilitaze an older pump stauion. Major industry would have to fmd an altemate way to process water. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$16S�OOO COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE $2 ,500 Assessments p�7ry�TYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAII� � � 1 ���� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDA710NS RED ROCK ROAD SOUTH SANI7ARY PUMPING STATION CITY PROJECT 97 - S- 1860 PROJECT: To construct a new sanitary pump station to replace the ex+sting Red Rock Road South Pump Station. EXISTiNG CONDfTIONS: The existing Red Rock Road South Pump Station was constructed in 1968. it was designed to discharge 100 gallons per minute (GPM) at 35 feet of total dynamic head. A recent pump station condition report indicated that this station will need renovation and repairs in the amount of $108,000 within the next five years. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: North Star Steel is the ma}or property served by this pump station. They have recently changed the way they process water and now discharge 75 GPM to the Red Rock South Pump Station. The station can handle the increased flow; however, the pumps are running ionger than originally designed. We are monitoring the station and North Sta , S ^ t , � e , el has agreed to discontinue discharging to the station if we experience any P�OUIC111S. (CUItB�I �GSI NifiCiICc3 Vvvuiu rey�ire a pump station receiving a fiow of 75 GPM to be designed to handle 300 GPM.) North Star Steel has also petitioned the City to reconstruct the Red Rock Road South Pump Station to accommodate the increased flow. They have also agreed to pay 50% of the cost of the new station. ALTERNATES: The City could have North Star Steel modify their discharge rate to the previous rate of less than 25 GPM; however, we wouid still have to make needed repairs to the pump station within the ne� 5 years. POSITIVE BENEfITS: The City would get a new pump station at a lower cost than it would have to spend on improving a 30 year old station. A major Saint Paul industry would function more productive!y. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction would be present. However, because of the location, construction problems would be minimal. `_ ��-��7 TIME SCHEDULE: The project would beqin in the spring of 1997 and be completed by mid summer of 1997. COST ESTiMATES: Construction Engineering & Inspection Valuations PROJEC7 TOTAL: ESTtMATED FlNANCING: North Star Steel Sewer Service Fund PROJECT TOTAL: SOl1RCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: $ i 35,000 25,OQ0 5.000 $165,000 $82,500 82.500 $165,OQ0 For additional information contact Joe Mueller at 266-6149 or Pat Byrne at 266-6171. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works feels this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the engineering recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works CITY OF ST. PSUL PRELIMII3ARY ORDER oR���NAL 9'1-��'7 . r�� � M ] • �' , _ ��J!.�� . . .. .. Ia the MetEer of coxzstructiny a new sai7itary pumping station to replace the exisririg Red Rcck South pumg station. T2,e Gouncil of the City of S�int Paul having received the repoit �f the Maycr upon the above improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves: l. a � `Phat the �aid report and the aame ia hereby ap�roved witti no alternatives, and that th� esta.mated ctst thereef is $16v,OG0 financ:e3 by N�+rth star Steµ1 $�3�, SOQ and �ewsr 3ervic� E�nd $f3�, 500. Triat a public t,earing be had an sai� impr+�vement �n ttie 9th day c,_f Rrrr> >. 7 G7. at 4:3 ' t, k P.i�t., in the c:ounail Ch�ers of the City Hall and L.ourt Acuse Hui2ding in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat natiG� of said gublic hearing t,e giv�n to the persons snd in ti,e manner provided by the Charter, ststinq the time and place of hearing, the r,ature of the improvemEnt and the total aost thereof as estimated. COUNCZLPERSON° Yeas 2days flakey fstr�m farris ��uer ✓ M�e ard ✓Re tman hune '1 In Favor QAgainst Ar3opted by Couricil: Dste , �� i q 9 � Certified Pasaed by Caunci2 Secretary By ,�. ��iv Mayor :: }::C;'T'Y'.::;}l. � 4 O �,. =.�,� s <:;. :'. � �' a � IIFEE€ FI(fl �, �[[F[ [ __ {j a � �_ �=;.. "�'1.� l 81 • � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council }� Notice Construction �a� a�� COUNCIL DISTRICT �7 PLANNIA'G COUNCIL q01 FILE N 18838:i ::::::.: ::.:. PROPERTY ADARESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRit 9, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBI�IC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ASSESS1IEtiT I1�FORNiATIO'3 To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: CONSTRUCTING A NEW SANITARY PUMPING STATION TO REPLACE THE EXISTING RED ROCK ROAD SOU7H PUMP STATION. If the City Council appro�•es the project, 50 per cent of the total costs of the improvement will be assessed against \'orth Star Steel. Cost Estimate Estimated Financing ;�orth Star Steet SeKer Ser��ice Fund Total �.�NTiN��rn �N r�r-vF��F S�DE $165,000 $ 82,500 82.500 $165,000 "�f�t669:��� � k F ��=:a ,� i:.�, , n F _ . : �' � .�.nwrer NOTIFICATION DATE: o3/2vs7