97-354�. y �'6b, i F $� �_� o� ��, ���. rr�s�ax_ pgg� 9 m � S I � �'�,�5'� i7G. ` S37�fJ 1f�`���? �,�e_c Ira t2aa l�at o£ Rec�,x,$tnaction of ��d�vral� ai ttia foll�swzn� Ionati�ns; �93��3 - Both sidas i�bster at, frc,m uiace -S't, to Jeffersoa Are, 597004 - Both sides Livi.ngstox� Ave. from E. Sic3ney 3t. to E. Belvidere St. 5�7005 - Hoth sides Winslow Ave. from W. Elizabath St. to W. &akEr 8t. 597406 - nTorth aide of W. Georqa 8t. from Aall .T�ve. to 3tsyker five, and ths East side �trykes Ave. fram W. George St. to W. RaL+ie St. 5�7047 - Both sides Riehmand 3t, from Banfil St. to Cioodhua St. and E�st ai�e Richmond St. from Banfil st. tc, Goodrich Ave. ur: ' • � . . . . . � � . '. M'. . R�'sSD�rrmlA? tznm�s {One, twa or three family structures} . R�con�truati,on {replaoement of old sids�valk; - 57,4` �r front fvot fcr..a five (`,; faot wide walk and $8.94 per front foat for a six {6j foot wide walk. Al1 other wickths will be prorated accordingly. tiew constxvction {whera no walk existed) - 10�7"s of the actual cost estima±ec� to be �pproximate2y $3.33 per squara faot. P11 oarner rasidential gr�perties will rscaiv� a credit ug t� the fir�t 150 faet af naw or reaonstructed �idewalk alon� and abuttin� the R3ong si�3e*� oi th? �roperty, NiULTI-RESI�r�2ST2AL (More than threa famil structures} , IdON F�TD .NTr T, Am . �'or ?zew and reconstructed sid?wa2k; 1CS0� nf actuel coat e�tim�tEd to be approximstely $4.50 per squsre fooi, _ 1 � . , ; , �-7 -3Sy- under 'rreliminary order `� -' O 1 a?�Pr�v�r3 � �_ � � \ \ \ � The C�ruizeil of tize City of Saint �aui has aonducteri a nublic hearinq u��?� the abcve improvement, due notiae thereof naving i�een given as prescribed by "the �ity c�harror: an� - .._. WtIEEZEAS, The pertaining to said ther�fore, be it Council has hearc3 a12 �ersons, ohjections and rsccmm2:1t3atiG:s propaaed imprt�vsment and ha� fully atsnsidered the same; now, RE��3L6'ED, That the Cauncil af the City of Saint Raul does herEb} �r�er tiiat £n� ahave-desaribed imprav�ztent be made snc2 the nraper City �ffi�ers are her�by �irectad and autharizad to p:oceed vrith ths imF,rovement; und be it FtttzTk�ER Ftx.SULVED, Tliat ugon �i�e completion or said i_mprovement, tne proper City afficzrs shall calculate a?I axpensae in�urred therein and sha12 report the sar.te ta ±he City Cc�un�il in accardanoe with: Cha�ter 14 of ttie Cit_y Charter. CGUNCILPEASONS Yeas Ney� �akEy Bastrom � 1/�rris -� Mo�� �leqart3 �'ettmar. �nune �dopted by t'�auaGil: D�te�t�" 1' l Cestified Pa�s�ed by Council �earetary 1 In Favar By � �� ,� �Aaeinst � 2�Iayor : l rs A�' _.�� %> � Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 "-- "— ��, DEPARTMENTiOFGICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET No.� ?� Public Wotks Sidewalks 1'9'97 INITIAUDA7E MRIAWATE CONTAGT PEfl50N b PHONE pEQqpTMENT DIRECTOR � CCIY COUNGL RobertA.Lissick-2666086 N ��� �CINATIOHNEY �CITYCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNCiLAGENDABY(W'fE) 2—SL—17 MUSY � �BUDGETDIflECTOH �FIN.dMGT.SEFVICESDI be in Council Research Office �MAYOR(ORAS515iAN7) t� Coundl Research b SOTAL % OF SIGNANHE PAGES 1 ,{CllP ALL LOGAl10N5 GOR 9GHATURq � PS�C�lTE � DEPARTl1ENTAL ACCOUMANT ACTIOIJ PEWESiED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-� 2(See attached list) Pinance File No. 597003— tiEC�MMENDAT7oN5: npprrre (!q «Rejea (R) pEpgppp� gEAVECE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PUWNINGCOMMtSSIDN _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H� �� �•ES � NO� Worketl uMer 9 CorltraCl fOr ihis depattment? CIB CoMMfi7EE 2. Nas this persoNfirm ev¢r bean a ciry employee? — — YES NO A S7aFF 3. Dces ihis persoMfirm {wssess a skill rroi rrormalty pos5essed by am/ current city — empioyee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL — 7 J� � YES NO SUPPOflTS WNICH COUNCIL 09JECTNE? �P��� all yes aOSwals on separate sMeel aM attach to gleen sh6e[ Neighborhoods Ward 'Z INITIA71Nfi PROBLEM, I55UE. OPPORNNITY i�0, WNAT. WHEN, WHEAE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because af tree roots, deleterious subgrade materiai, aRernating freerthaw cycles, service tife limi[s, chemical add'dives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewafk condition would worsen to a state whera it would be rendered unusable and subjecllo inaeased pedestrian injuries from fa11s and possib�e litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tolbws that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DiSADVANTAGES fF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recenstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detesi assessment � des the fact u to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ��� �'u����� �'��'� i . , �,e. �; !� �,, �:s'`� �� .>��-:LL�nq� ��r�,�r JAN 3 Q ���� i ^. J� d� � ;n,�-� v� Gi i 3ve �� DISADVAMAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: 7his option would atlow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generats more personal injury suits, uRimately res�lting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs andlor replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNiOFTRANSACTiONS COSTfiiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES t�o FUNDINGSWRCE p, p�p q7 pCRVRYNUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (E%PLqIN) B , AST c. CIB 97 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING REGOMMENDATIONS Ward 2 ��-�S`� Sc�?0D3 PR03ECT: RECONSTRUCf SIDEWALS B.S. WEBS1'ER ST. from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave. ri�IITTATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Warks as public necessity on the basis of three (3J complaints, a petition with one (1} signer and an inspection of the walk. EXIBTING CONDITIONS: 11us walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches disintegrated, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. 5 y � a oy PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH B.S. LIVINGSTON AVE. from E. Sidney St. to E. Beividere St. I1vITIATIIVG ACTION: T'his order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. ESISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... s°f�00s p��EG"r: RECO1�iSTRUCT SIDE`OVALS B.S. WINSIAW AVE. from W. Elizabeth St. to W. Baker St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CUNDITIONS: TYus walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and settled panels. ................................................................... >�J?006 pROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH N.S. W. GEQRGE ST. from Hall Ave. to Stryker Ave. & E.S. STRYI�R AVE. from W. George St. to W. Robie St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspectlon of the waik. ERISTING CUNDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... t� pD7 PROJECT• RECONSTRUGT SIDEWAI.H B.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodhue St. & E.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodrich Ave. II�tITI'ATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one {1) complaint, a petition with one {1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches and cracked panels. J � �'♦ �l�-�S`i The Council of the City ef Saint Paul havinq received the report ef the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby reoolve�; 1. That the �sid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is +SEE aBOVE for estimated constructic+n rate�, financed by saaes9ments and 1997 Public Isprovement Aid. Ea 3 That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Apri1, 1997, at 4:30 o'clack P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hause Buildinq in the City of Saint Peul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placa of hear9.ng, the nature of the imprc+vement and the total cost thereof as estimated. CGtTNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays 1�Blakey ��trom ✓karris �ue r i/ i��ard �et z�xune �In Fav�r � Aqainst Adopted by Council: Date —y_ �, S�_1 l 1 1 Certified Passed by Counc3l Secretary �. y �'6b, i F $� �_� o� ��, ���. rr�s�ax_ pgg� 9 m � S I � �'�,�5'� i7G. ` S37�fJ 1f�`���? �,�e_c Ira t2aa l�at o£ Rec�,x,$tnaction of ��d�vral� ai ttia foll�swzn� Ionati�ns; �93��3 - Both sidas i�bster at, frc,m uiace -S't, to Jeffersoa Are, 597004 - Both sides Livi.ngstox� Ave. from E. Sic3ney 3t. to E. Belvidere St. 5�7005 - Hoth sides Winslow Ave. from W. Elizabath St. to W. &akEr 8t. 597406 - nTorth aide of W. Georqa 8t. from Aall .T�ve. to 3tsyker five, and ths East side �trykes Ave. fram W. George St. to W. RaL+ie St. 5�7047 - Both sides Riehmand 3t, from Banfil St. to Cioodhua St. and E�st ai�e Richmond St. from Banfil st. tc, Goodrich Ave. ur: ' • � . . . . . � � . '. M'. . R�'sSD�rrmlA? tznm�s {One, twa or three family structures} . R�con�truati,on {replaoement of old sids�valk; - 57,4` �r front fvot fcr..a five (`,; faot wide walk and $8.94 per front foat for a six {6j foot wide walk. Al1 other wickths will be prorated accordingly. tiew constxvction {whera no walk existed) - 10�7"s of the actual cost estima±ec� to be �pproximate2y $3.33 per squara faot. P11 oarner rasidential gr�perties will rscaiv� a credit ug t� the fir�t 150 faet af naw or reaonstructed �idewalk alon� and abuttin� the R3ong si�3e*� oi th? �roperty, NiULTI-RESI�r�2ST2AL (More than threa famil structures} , IdON F�TD .NTr T, Am . �'or ?zew and reconstructed sid?wa2k; 1CS0� nf actuel coat e�tim�tEd to be approximstely $4.50 per squsre fooi, _ 1 � . , ; , �-7 -3Sy- under 'rreliminary order `� -' O 1 a?�Pr�v�r3 � �_ � � \ \ \ � The C�ruizeil of tize City of Saint �aui has aonducteri a nublic hearinq u��?� the abcve improvement, due notiae thereof naving i�een given as prescribed by "the �ity c�harror: an� - .._. WtIEEZEAS, The pertaining to said ther�fore, be it Council has hearc3 a12 �ersons, ohjections and rsccmm2:1t3atiG:s propaaed imprt�vsment and ha� fully atsnsidered the same; now, RE��3L6'ED, That the Cauncil af the City of Saint Raul does herEb} �r�er tiiat £n� ahave-desaribed imprav�ztent be made snc2 the nraper City �ffi�ers are her�by �irectad and autharizad to p:oceed vrith ths imF,rovement; und be it FtttzTk�ER Ftx.SULVED, Tliat ugon �i�e completion or said i_mprovement, tne proper City afficzrs shall calculate a?I axpensae in�urred therein and sha12 report the sar.te ta ±he City Cc�un�il in accardanoe with: Cha�ter 14 of ttie Cit_y Charter. CGUNCILPEASONS Yeas Ney� �akEy Bastrom � 1/�rris -� Mo�� �leqart3 �'ettmar. �nune �dopted by t'�auaGil: D�te�t�" 1' l Cestified Pa�s�ed by Council �earetary 1 In Favar By � �� ,� �Aaeinst � 2�Iayor : l rs A�' _.�� %> � Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 "-- "— ��, DEPARTMENTiOFGICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET No.� ?� Public Wotks Sidewalks 1'9'97 INITIAUDA7E MRIAWATE CONTAGT PEfl50N b PHONE pEQqpTMENT DIRECTOR � CCIY COUNGL RobertA.Lissick-2666086 N ��� �CINATIOHNEY �CITYCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNCiLAGENDABY(W'fE) 2—SL—17 MUSY � �BUDGETDIflECTOH �FIN.dMGT.SEFVICESDI be in Council Research Office �MAYOR(ORAS515iAN7) t� Coundl Research b SOTAL % OF SIGNANHE PAGES 1 ,{CllP ALL LOGAl10N5 GOR 9GHATURq � PS�C�lTE � DEPARTl1ENTAL ACCOUMANT ACTIOIJ PEWESiED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-� 2(See attached list) Pinance File No. 597003— tiEC�MMENDAT7oN5: npprrre (!q «Rejea (R) pEpgppp� gEAVECE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PUWNINGCOMMtSSIDN _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H� �� �•ES � NO� Worketl uMer 9 CorltraCl fOr ihis depattment? CIB CoMMfi7EE 2. Nas this persoNfirm ev¢r bean a ciry employee? — — YES NO A S7aFF 3. Dces ihis persoMfirm {wssess a skill rroi rrormalty pos5essed by am/ current city — empioyee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL — 7 J� � YES NO SUPPOflTS WNICH COUNCIL 09JECTNE? �P��� all yes aOSwals on separate sMeel aM attach to gleen sh6e[ Neighborhoods Ward 'Z INITIA71Nfi PROBLEM, I55UE. OPPORNNITY i�0, WNAT. WHEN, WHEAE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because af tree roots, deleterious subgrade materiai, aRernating freerthaw cycles, service tife limi[s, chemical add'dives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewafk condition would worsen to a state whera it would be rendered unusable and subjecllo inaeased pedestrian injuries from fa11s and possib�e litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tolbws that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DiSADVANTAGES fF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recenstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detesi assessment � des the fact u to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ��� �'u����� �'��'� i . , �,e. �; !� �,, �:s'`� �� .>��-:LL�nq� ��r�,�r JAN 3 Q ���� i ^. J� d� � ;n,�-� v� Gi i 3ve �� DISADVAMAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: 7his option would atlow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generats more personal injury suits, uRimately res�lting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs andlor replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNiOFTRANSACTiONS COSTfiiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES t�o FUNDINGSWRCE p, p�p q7 pCRVRYNUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (E%PLqIN) B , AST c. CIB 97 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING REGOMMENDATIONS Ward 2 ��-�S`� Sc�?0D3 PR03ECT: RECONSTRUCf SIDEWALS B.S. WEBS1'ER ST. from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave. ri�IITTATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Warks as public necessity on the basis of three (3J complaints, a petition with one (1} signer and an inspection of the walk. EXIBTING CONDITIONS: 11us walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches disintegrated, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. 5 y � a oy PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH B.S. LIVINGSTON AVE. from E. Sidney St. to E. Beividere St. I1vITIATIIVG ACTION: T'his order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. ESISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... s°f�00s p��EG"r: RECO1�iSTRUCT SIDE`OVALS B.S. WINSIAW AVE. from W. Elizabeth St. to W. Baker St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CUNDITIONS: TYus walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and settled panels. ................................................................... >�J?006 pROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH N.S. W. GEQRGE ST. from Hall Ave. to Stryker Ave. & E.S. STRYI�R AVE. from W. George St. to W. Robie St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspectlon of the waik. ERISTING CUNDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... t� pD7 PROJECT• RECONSTRUGT SIDEWAI.H B.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodhue St. & E.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodrich Ave. II�tITI'ATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one {1) complaint, a petition with one {1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches and cracked panels. J � �'♦ �l�-�S`i The Council of the City ef Saint Paul havinq received the report ef the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby reoolve�; 1. That the �sid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is +SEE aBOVE for estimated constructic+n rate�, financed by saaes9ments and 1997 Public Isprovement Aid. Ea 3 That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Apri1, 1997, at 4:30 o'clack P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hause Buildinq in the City of Saint Peul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placa of hear9.ng, the nature of the imprc+vement and the total cost thereof as estimated. CGtTNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays 1�Blakey ��trom ✓karris �ue r i/ i��ard �et z�xune �In Fav�r � Aqainst Adopted by Council: Date —y_ �, S�_1 l 1 1 Certified Passed by Counc3l Secretary �. y �'6b, i F $� �_� o� ��, ���. rr�s�ax_ pgg� 9 m � S I � �'�,�5'� i7G. ` S37�fJ 1f�`���? �,�e_c Ira t2aa l�at o£ Rec�,x,$tnaction of ��d�vral� ai ttia foll�swzn� Ionati�ns; �93��3 - Both sidas i�bster at, frc,m uiace -S't, to Jeffersoa Are, 597004 - Both sides Livi.ngstox� Ave. from E. Sic3ney 3t. to E. Belvidere St. 5�7005 - Hoth sides Winslow Ave. from W. Elizabath St. to W. &akEr 8t. 597406 - nTorth aide of W. Georqa 8t. from Aall .T�ve. to 3tsyker five, and ths East side �trykes Ave. fram W. George St. to W. RaL+ie St. 5�7047 - Both sides Riehmand 3t, from Banfil St. to Cioodhua St. and E�st ai�e Richmond St. from Banfil st. tc, Goodrich Ave. ur: ' • � . . . . . � � . '. M'. . R�'sSD�rrmlA? tznm�s {One, twa or three family structures} . R�con�truati,on {replaoement of old sids�valk; - 57,4` �r front fvot fcr..a five (`,; faot wide walk and $8.94 per front foat for a six {6j foot wide walk. Al1 other wickths will be prorated accordingly. tiew constxvction {whera no walk existed) - 10�7"s of the actual cost estima±ec� to be �pproximate2y $3.33 per squara faot. P11 oarner rasidential gr�perties will rscaiv� a credit ug t� the fir�t 150 faet af naw or reaonstructed �idewalk alon� and abuttin� the R3ong si�3e*� oi th? �roperty, NiULTI-RESI�r�2ST2AL (More than threa famil structures} , IdON F�TD .NTr T, Am . �'or ?zew and reconstructed sid?wa2k; 1CS0� nf actuel coat e�tim�tEd to be approximstely $4.50 per squsre fooi, _ 1 � . , ; , �-7 -3Sy- under 'rreliminary order `� -' O 1 a?�Pr�v�r3 � �_ � � \ \ \ � The C�ruizeil of tize City of Saint �aui has aonducteri a nublic hearinq u��?� the abcve improvement, due notiae thereof naving i�een given as prescribed by "the �ity c�harror: an� - .._. WtIEEZEAS, The pertaining to said ther�fore, be it Council has hearc3 a12 �ersons, ohjections and rsccmm2:1t3atiG:s propaaed imprt�vsment and ha� fully atsnsidered the same; now, RE��3L6'ED, That the Cauncil af the City of Saint Raul does herEb} �r�er tiiat £n� ahave-desaribed imprav�ztent be made snc2 the nraper City �ffi�ers are her�by �irectad and autharizad to p:oceed vrith ths imF,rovement; und be it FtttzTk�ER Ftx.SULVED, Tliat ugon �i�e completion or said i_mprovement, tne proper City afficzrs shall calculate a?I axpensae in�urred therein and sha12 report the sar.te ta ±he City Cc�un�il in accardanoe with: Cha�ter 14 of ttie Cit_y Charter. CGUNCILPEASONS Yeas Ney� �akEy Bastrom � 1/�rris -� Mo�� �leqart3 �'ettmar. �nune �dopted by t'�auaGil: D�te�t�" 1' l Cestified Pa�s�ed by Council �earetary 1 In Favar By � �� ,� �Aaeinst � 2�Iayor : l rs A�' _.�� %> � Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 "-- "— ��, DEPARTMENTiOFGICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET No.� ?� Public Wotks Sidewalks 1'9'97 INITIAUDA7E MRIAWATE CONTAGT PEfl50N b PHONE pEQqpTMENT DIRECTOR � CCIY COUNGL RobertA.Lissick-2666086 N ��� �CINATIOHNEY �CITYCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNCiLAGENDABY(W'fE) 2—SL—17 MUSY � �BUDGETDIflECTOH �FIN.dMGT.SEFVICESDI be in Council Research Office �MAYOR(ORAS515iAN7) t� Coundl Research b SOTAL % OF SIGNANHE PAGES 1 ,{CllP ALL LOGAl10N5 GOR 9GHATURq � PS�C�lTE � DEPARTl1ENTAL ACCOUMANT ACTIOIJ PEWESiED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward-� 2(See attached list) Pinance File No. 597003— tiEC�MMENDAT7oN5: npprrre (!q «Rejea (R) pEpgppp� gEAVECE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PUWNINGCOMMtSSIDN _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H� �� �•ES � NO� Worketl uMer 9 CorltraCl fOr ihis depattment? CIB CoMMfi7EE 2. Nas this persoNfirm ev¢r bean a ciry employee? — — YES NO A S7aFF 3. Dces ihis persoMfirm {wssess a skill rroi rrormalty pos5essed by am/ current city — empioyee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL — 7 J� � YES NO SUPPOflTS WNICH COUNCIL 09JECTNE? �P��� all yes aOSwals on separate sMeel aM attach to gleen sh6e[ Neighborhoods Ward 'Z INITIA71Nfi PROBLEM, I55UE. OPPORNNITY i�0, WNAT. WHEN, WHEAE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because af tree roots, deleterious subgrade materiai, aRernating freerthaw cycles, service tife limi[s, chemical add'dives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewafk condition would worsen to a state whera it would be rendered unusable and subjecllo inaeased pedestrian injuries from fa11s and possib�e litigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tolbws that private sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DiSADVANTAGES fF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk recenstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detesi assessment � des the fact u to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. ��� �'u����� �'��'� i . , �,e. �; !� �,, �:s'`� �� .>��-:LL�nq� ��r�,�r JAN 3 Q ���� i ^. J� d� � ;n,�-� v� Gi i 3ve �� DISADVAMAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: 7his option would atlow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generats more personal injury suits, uRimately res�lting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs andlor replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTALAMWNiOFTRANSACTiONS COSTfiiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES t�o FUNDINGSWRCE p, p�p q7 pCRVRYNUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (E%PLqIN) B , AST c. CIB 97 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING REGOMMENDATIONS Ward 2 ��-�S`� Sc�?0D3 PR03ECT: RECONSTRUCf SIDEWALS B.S. WEBS1'ER ST. from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave. ri�IITTATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Warks as public necessity on the basis of three (3J complaints, a petition with one (1} signer and an inspection of the walk. EXIBTING CONDITIONS: 11us walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches disintegrated, settled and cracked panels. .................................................................. 5 y � a oy PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH B.S. LIVINGSTON AVE. from E. Sidney St. to E. Beividere St. I1vITIATIIVG ACTION: T'his order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. ESISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... s°f�00s p��EG"r: RECO1�iSTRUCT SIDE`OVALS B.S. WINSIAW AVE. from W. Elizabeth St. to W. Baker St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CUNDITIONS: TYus walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and settled panels. ................................................................... >�J?006 pROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH N.S. W. GEQRGE ST. from Hall Ave. to Stryker Ave. & E.S. STRYI�R AVE. from W. George St. to W. Robie St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspectlon of the waik. ERISTING CUNDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... t� pD7 PROJECT• RECONSTRUGT SIDEWAI.H B.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodhue St. & E.S. RICHMOND ST. from Banfil St. to Goodrich Ave. II�tITI'ATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one {1) complaint, a petition with one {1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphait patches and cracked panels. J � �'♦ �l�-�S`i The Council of the City ef Saint Paul havinq received the report ef the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby reoolve�; 1. That the �sid report and the aame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is +SEE aBOVE for estimated constructic+n rate�, financed by saaes9ments and 1997 Public Isprovement Aid. Ea 3 That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Apri1, 1997, at 4:30 o'clack P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hause Buildinq in the City of Saint Peul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placa of hear9.ng, the nature of the imprc+vement and the total cost thereof as estimated. CGtTNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays 1�Blakey ��trom ✓karris �ue r i/ i��ard �et z�xune �In Fav�r � Aqainst Adopted by Council: Date —y_ �, S�_1 l 1 1 Certified Passed by Counc3l Secretary