97-1455CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORD$R ,- NO. No. In the Matter of Reconstruction o£ sidewalks a�ollowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *BSTIMATED CONSTRiTCTION RATES � RESIDENTTAL RATES (One, two or three £amily structures) Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. under Preliminary order 97-757 approved_AUgust 27, 1997_ The Council of the City of 5aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CQUNCILPERSQNS Yeas� Nays Slakey �strom �11ins �rris Megard — � �jS��"" �rton (JI`I�une �In Favor QAgainst � �IJ�E�� Adopted by Council: Date���j� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By -1y55 Mayor Publfc Hearing Date — December 3, 1997 RE 9-26-97 q� " � y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICAUNCIL DATEINITIATEO GREEN SHEET No.38561 public Works Sidewalks $' INITIAUDATE INRWUDATE CONTACT PEFSOPI & PHONE � DEPAFiiMENT DIqECTOA CITY COUNCR RobertA. Lissick-266-6121 ASSIGN �CffYATTORNEV CINCLEflK MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) O—S S�9 � ROUlING� ��� �BUOGETDIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIP. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(OflASSISTAM) 0 Coundl Research no later than Frida 10-3-97 � TOTAL i� OF SIGNATURE PAGES J. __ (CUP ALL LOCATONS WR 9GNATURE) � ASSOCIATE � DEFAHTMEP�T PIT ACTION FiEWESTED � 2 Reconstruct Sidewatk in Ward 2(See attached list) fiECOMMENDA710NS: Apprave (A) or Rejed (F� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOIM17NG QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION __��V{L SEflVICE COMMIS510P1 �• �� S� fi� NOef wOtked Uflder d Con[rdCt fof ihiS dePa1011Cnt? — YE CIH COMM(TiEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? — — YES NO A S7AFF _ 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a Skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? OISTRICTCOUNCIL �'? _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL'OBJECTNE? EXP�ain all ye5 answers on 5epara[8 Sheet and atlech to gr0en sheet W INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. W}tERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncrorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a stffie where it would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for ks many ckizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � H+storicalty, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, @ still remains conlroversiaL ��;��;; ,����� �� ��..� 2:= e��'7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option wouid allow the infrastructure of sidewalk slock to deteriorate, which in turn, wiN generate more personal injur/ suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure ot larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. tOTALAMOUNiOFTRANSACTION$ E 997 OO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) ES NO FUNDMGSOURCE 9Ji'I'�^DC?C2J A P�`A J7 ' S5�a� pqTVlTYNUMBEH Gg7�ZT�27'�784�27��2 fINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPUJN) B� �ST � 3�� a'Q�Q c, c�s 97 s 50,000 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� _`y� Ward 2 ��D� PROJECT' RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALS E.S. CHEROKEE AVE. from W. G George St. to S. Smith Ave. at 416 & 422 Cherokee Ave. Only. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by requests from the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with cracked panels. ................................................................... ��� 02 RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK: E.S. MINNESOTA ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. � J Fifth St., S.S. E. FIFTH ST. from Minnesota St. to I3. Robert St. & W.S. N. � ROBERT ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. Fifth St. at 332 Minnesota St. {First National Bank). I1ITITIATTNG ACTION: This order was initiated by a request from the property owner. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL ORDER e No. S ing Ward a,�� In the Matter of Reconstruction of sidewalks at�r_?±�Slowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Raconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a £ive (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square £oot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDEI3TIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved witfi no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by assessments and 1997 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays � 1 akey ✓Bostrom ✓Collins ✓Aarris ✓Piegard ✓Nlorton vThune �In Favor QAgainst a�-���ss Adopted by Council: Date��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �l► �L �.�--- Mayor CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORD$R ,- NO. No. In the Matter of Reconstruction o£ sidewalks a�ollowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *BSTIMATED CONSTRiTCTION RATES � RESIDENTTAL RATES (One, two or three £amily structures) Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. under Preliminary order 97-757 approved_AUgust 27, 1997_ The Council of the City of 5aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CQUNCILPERSQNS Yeas� Nays Slakey �strom �11ins �rris Megard — � �jS��"" �rton (JI`I�une �In Favor QAgainst � �IJ�E�� Adopted by Council: Date���j� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By -1y55 Mayor Publfc Hearing Date — December 3, 1997 RE 9-26-97 q� " � y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICAUNCIL DATEINITIATEO GREEN SHEET No.38561 public Works Sidewalks $' INITIAUDATE INRWUDATE CONTACT PEFSOPI & PHONE � DEPAFiiMENT DIqECTOA CITY COUNCR RobertA. Lissick-266-6121 ASSIGN �CffYATTORNEV CINCLEflK MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) O—S S�9 � ROUlING� ��� �BUOGETDIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIP. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(OflASSISTAM) 0 Coundl Research no later than Frida 10-3-97 � TOTAL i� OF SIGNATURE PAGES J. __ (CUP ALL LOCATONS WR 9GNATURE) � ASSOCIATE � DEFAHTMEP�T PIT ACTION FiEWESTED � 2 Reconstruct Sidewatk in Ward 2(See attached list) fiECOMMENDA710NS: Apprave (A) or Rejed (F� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOIM17NG QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION __��V{L SEflVICE COMMIS510P1 �• �� S� fi� NOef wOtked Uflder d Con[rdCt fof ihiS dePa1011Cnt? — YE CIH COMM(TiEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? — — YES NO A S7AFF _ 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a Skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? OISTRICTCOUNCIL �'? _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL'OBJECTNE? EXP�ain all ye5 answers on 5epara[8 Sheet and atlech to gr0en sheet W INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. W}tERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncrorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a stffie where it would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for ks many ckizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � H+storicalty, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, @ still remains conlroversiaL ��;��;; ,����� �� ��..� 2:= e��'7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option wouid allow the infrastructure of sidewalk slock to deteriorate, which in turn, wiN generate more personal injur/ suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure ot larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. tOTALAMOUNiOFTRANSACTION$ E 997 OO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) ES NO FUNDMGSOURCE 9Ji'I'�^DC?C2J A P�`A J7 ' S5�a� pqTVlTYNUMBEH Gg7�ZT�27'�784�27��2 fINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPUJN) B� �ST � 3�� a'Q�Q c, c�s 97 s 50,000 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� _`y� Ward 2 ��D� PROJECT' RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALS E.S. CHEROKEE AVE. from W. G George St. to S. Smith Ave. at 416 & 422 Cherokee Ave. Only. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by requests from the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with cracked panels. ................................................................... ��� 02 RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK: E.S. MINNESOTA ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. � J Fifth St., S.S. E. FIFTH ST. from Minnesota St. to I3. Robert St. & W.S. N. � ROBERT ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. Fifth St. at 332 Minnesota St. {First National Bank). I1ITITIATTNG ACTION: This order was initiated by a request from the property owner. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL ORDER e No. S ing Ward a,�� In the Matter of Reconstruction of sidewalks at�r_?±�Slowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Raconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a £ive (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square £oot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDEI3TIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved witfi no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by assessments and 1997 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays � 1 akey ✓Bostrom ✓Collins ✓Aarris ✓Piegard ✓Nlorton vThune �In Favor QAgainst a�-���ss Adopted by Council: Date��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �l► �L �.�--- Mayor CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORD$R ,- NO. No. In the Matter of Reconstruction o£ sidewalks a�ollowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *BSTIMATED CONSTRiTCTION RATES � RESIDENTTAL RATES (One, two or three £amily structures) Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. under Preliminary order 97-757 approved_AUgust 27, 1997_ The Council of the City of 5aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. CQUNCILPERSQNS Yeas� Nays Slakey �strom �11ins �rris Megard — � �jS��"" �rton (JI`I�une �In Favor QAgainst � �IJ�E�� Adopted by Council: Date���j� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By -1y55 Mayor Publfc Hearing Date — December 3, 1997 RE 9-26-97 q� " � y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICAUNCIL DATEINITIATEO GREEN SHEET No.38561 public Works Sidewalks $' INITIAUDATE INRWUDATE CONTACT PEFSOPI & PHONE � DEPAFiiMENT DIqECTOA CITY COUNCR RobertA. Lissick-266-6121 ASSIGN �CffYATTORNEV CINCLEflK MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) O—S S�9 � ROUlING� ��� �BUOGETDIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIP. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(OflASSISTAM) 0 Coundl Research no later than Frida 10-3-97 � TOTAL i� OF SIGNATURE PAGES J. __ (CUP ALL LOCATONS WR 9GNATURE) � ASSOCIATE � DEFAHTMEP�T PIT ACTION FiEWESTED � 2 Reconstruct Sidewatk in Ward 2(See attached list) fiECOMMENDA710NS: Apprave (A) or Rejed (F� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOIM17NG QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION __��V{L SEflVICE COMMIS510P1 �• �� S� fi� NOef wOtked Uflder d Con[rdCt fof ihiS dePa1011Cnt? — YE CIH COMM(TiEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? — — YES NO A S7AFF _ 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a Skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? OISTRICTCOUNCIL �'? _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL'OBJECTNE? EXP�ain all ye5 answers on 5epara[8 Sheet and atlech to gr0en sheet W INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. W}tERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncrorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a stffie where it would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The community will benetit from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for ks many ckizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � H+storicalty, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, @ still remains conlroversiaL ��;��;; ,����� �� ��..� 2:= e��'7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option wouid allow the infrastructure of sidewalk slock to deteriorate, which in turn, wiN generate more personal injur/ suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure ot larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. tOTALAMOUNiOFTRANSACTION$ E 997 OO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) ES NO FUNDMGSOURCE 9Ji'I'�^DC?C2J A P�`A J7 ' S5�a� pqTVlTYNUMBEH Gg7�ZT�27'�784�27��2 fINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPUJN) B� �ST � 3�� a'Q�Q c, c�s 97 s 50,000 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS �� _`y� Ward 2 ��D� PROJECT' RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALS E.S. CHEROKEE AVE. from W. G George St. to S. Smith Ave. at 416 & 422 Cherokee Ave. Only. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by requests from the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with cracked panels. ................................................................... ��� 02 RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK: E.S. MINNESOTA ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. � J Fifth St., S.S. E. FIFTH ST. from Minnesota St. to I3. Robert St. & W.S. N. � ROBERT ST. from E. Fourth St. to E. Fifth St. at 332 Minnesota St. {First National Bank). I1ITITIATTNG ACTION: This order was initiated by a request from the property owner. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with scaled, settled and cracked panels. ................................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL ORDER e No. S ing Ward a,�� In the Matter of Reconstruction of sidewalks at�r_?±�Slowing location(s): 416 & 422 Cherokee Avenue and at 332 Minnesota Street (First National Bank). *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Raconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.45 per front foot for a £ive (5) foot wide walk and $8.94 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.33 per square £oot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDEI3TIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.50 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved witfi no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by assessments and 1997 Public Improvement Aid. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays � 1 akey ✓Bostrom ✓Collins ✓Aarris ✓Piegard ✓Nlorton vThune �In Favor QAgainst a�-���ss Adopted by Council: Date��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �l► �L �.�--- Mayor