97-12r n rt . e . «iA+� � , CITY OF ST. HAUL FIY7AL OEtDEFt Ia ttte Matter af iaep'r�ve the alleys in sewer, catc}i k,asins an�1 �y grading �nd by Ohio, Page, Ch�r.iton and Sidney} ���. II. 97 a� —� SY 'svcs'; >$ ATSg IiO.#'_�`� 18336 VL3TIHG 19�RIS 2 _.-<' Knis�el' e �uhdivisivn �y cvrxstru�tiny storai gavin� with hiu m�t�ria2. (bcunded under Prsliminiry i�rder t b-} J tJ � �PF="y� ��0-�4 ����_ l rne �.;our.oaz or zt�s Ci.ty c�f ��i=<r Pa�a1 h�� c�,nd�3cted s p�ihlir ? upc=n ths s',3cse improvEment, due notice thereaf p�avir,g been given as prescrihed i7y the City Chartsr; an� T�?HEF�AS. The Gauncil ha� heard ai2 gerson� ob3e�tic+ns �ind racomu�e���i.ti�n� pertainixiq ta said pra�,osed improvement t�r�d has £ully censidered the same; now, therefore, I� it FcE�4LVE�, That the Couneil of tne City ar �aint Paul caoss herel �srder that ths abo�e-described �pzavement be s��e, end the prflper Cit�j offic�r� are }iereby �irected and authorizad to F,racee� with ttae improvement; ancil�e it E'EiRTHER P.E�flI,VEI>, Ttiat upon trie oompletion af aaid improvemenc, the prc�per City officers shall calculate a31 expen�es incu therein axid sha2l report r�� ��� te the City Councii in accordence with Chapter 14 of t�se CiEy �hsrter. COUNCSLPERSONS Yeas Navs V ��akey VBostrcYm 1ry /� ',t 6�3Ei�333 W RY�/ / l. 6�EN'G 4 L S(:A. W Q�= Y�1 t— " � H#i'z'9.� — �iOSeN f- �Sn �aior Viic{�gZ�cl k � tt�an �Ag�zinat t�Ri,uai8 � Ab Adopted by Council e nate� J _ _ r _q �� Certified F�vsed iay C�unci3 Saef�t�rY �Y � ._ � . � �i� sa-�_ � `�, (G �ny:si Public He3ring Date— January 8, 1997 RE 11-1-96 �� )� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINRIATE� GREEN SHEET NO. 36334 Public Works Department Oct. 3, 1996 iNmawn'rE INITULL/OATE CONTACTPEpSOF16PHONE pFppqTA1EN'(DIflECTOR �CfTVCOUNCIL PaulSt. Martin (fel. No.266�118) ��� cmaTroanEr ❑crtrcr.�aK MUSTBE�NCOUNCIIAGENDAB�'(QAlE� 11-20-96 RWn�* BUOGETDIRECTOq �FIN.&MG7.SERVICESDIP MusY be in Council Research Office � MAVOR(Ofl/SSISTANT) t0 Counal Research b noon.on Frida 11-8-96 � TOTAL# OF 9GNATURE PAGES I _ iCIM ALL LOCA7101i3 WR 9GNATOFI�7 ASSOCIAiE DEPARTMFNTALACCWMAN( ACTION REWES7ED rove the in HLQI9YFd.'3 SIIBDIVlSIDN unded b Ohio C1�at3ton and Sidn conslructin to catc an wi s mat con emnm� an ' an easement in e necessary or e s opes, w cuts an , in u rI t o reaa o te sup rt firom subject Iand or remaixider themof, occasfoned by e.xcavations thereof or constructtonofslopesin gradingandpavtngofsaid�allry. File No. 18836 FECOAIMENDATIONS: APP� fA) a�1� lPo PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACf3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINra QUESTIONS: PLAtiNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEflVICE COMMISSIIXJ i. HeS Clls pefSO11M NO WolkCtl uf1dC! a COf1t/dC[ f0! �tis dBp2NPent? Y ` CIB CoM11M117EE 2. Has Ihis persoNflrtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES 4J0 p g7pFF 3. Does this persnn/f�n possess a skill not normally passessed by arry current city — — employee? DISTFICTCWNGIL YES NO Sl1PPORTS VIFIICH COUNCILOBJECTNE? FxWain all yes anawers on saparata sheet and attaeh to gnen sheet Neighborhoods Ward 2 INIiIAliNG PpOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This improvement was inRiated by a petition signed by 65% of the property owners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dusi, and general disruption wifl occur. ���Si";='`: . .� � = e : �`� '��f �II' a��� � � Pi��6 DISADVANTAGES {P NOT APPROVED: _� N` ✓ � ,. TOTALAMWNTOFTpAN5ACT10Ni 97,�780p COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSWHCE p�seecmantq, PIA I ong Sid, C{it�sid,�f ACfTVRYNUMBER FINANCIAI INF�RMATION: (EXPLAIN) Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - October 3, 1996 Public Works Hearing - . Final Order Hearing - 9� /a--- PROJECT: improve the aileys in KNfS.PEL'S S(38DiViS{ON (bounded by Ohio, Page, Charlton and Sidney) by consfructing storm sewer, catch basins and grading and paving with bituminous materiai. Also, condemning and taking an easeme�lt in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, inciuding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder ihereofi, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. INITIATING ACTION: This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 65°/a of the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The alieys are piatted 10-11.5' feet wide. Tfie surface of the aifeys is dirt and gravel. PROPOSEDiMPROVEMENT: Construct storm sewer and a catch basin on the western portion of the east-west aliey, grade the alieys to a width of 10' and piace a hot mix bituminous pavement. ESTIMATED COST AND FINANCING: Estimated Costs Grading and Paving Storm Sewer Engineering and Inspection Miscellaneous Real Estate Fee Estimated Total Expenditures $8,300.00 8,000.00 3,400.00 1,600.00 i 278.00 $22,578.00 Financing Assessments P4A tong S+de Subsidy Total Estimated Rate per Assessable Foot INFORMATIONAL MEETiNG: Not schedu{ed yet. $14,155.00 8.423.OQ $22,578.00 $ 19.50 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL IN�ORMATION: For addiUonai information, contact Paul St. Martin at 266-61i8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works recommends that this project be consfructed. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works �' '�-��' � � ! �. , : � �.� � ����: �. CITSC OF �T. FAT]L a9 In the Matter o£ iu�prove the alleys in iCnispel's �ubdivisiun hy aoustructiny starm sewer, catch hasins a:.d k,y gradir.� and paving with bit�u:.in�u� a.at�rial. t�undE� by Cshio, Paye, CYi�rltc+n ai7d Sidney} Z�he Ccuncil vf t`r.e �ity ar Sair:t Paul 'navinq received the s�eport of the *ieyor uFon the abnva i.mprvver.;ent. �n� ria;�ing o�nsi�2ared s?�i� IF17GSt hezeb�= rFS�Ive�: � h L 3 axnEx ^hat the �aid report wnd *he aaiae _� hereby &yF7L4itC: -rrith r��, a].ternativ�s, ax�d thfit th� esr�8_�d cogt thereof is S2s,57ti.�0 fir�ance�i �y F ImFro:'e;aant tid $8, �23.CQ aad A.°uessu�ent� $24, ii5.04, i��at a public Yiearin� be hau on said improaemEr,t cn the a�r= �aj� �f _�anuars. t39� at 4:3{� o'cicck P.M., i�z t�e Counail Cham�ezs of the city riail and Courc Hause Buildinq in the �ity of 5aint Paul, That notice of said public hearing be qiven to the �ersons and in the �enner piovi:?ed by the charter, uta*ir.g th� tisne a2�d p2ac� �f h�aring, the nature of the imFrc,vemer.t ar.d the total cosu thereof as e�timated. CC-Jivi.S L.iER� t�i�+u vcgg N3Y3 �akey � � t rr_._; vGnerin t/�arr=s ��zgard ,/�`� R?�Cti33Y � t�o$tv�'�" v1 nuna �IU ^ucor � AcJ8l.13o'L � ���h� ��_ � 7-/� Ii:.i«� �,� t,�. ..�ii: uata, [ \�1L_��L l�� T CaT't1fj� F'agg�ti hy r011n--1 °2C*_'�'!_�2'ii r� �� ��� M»�.or � CITY OA+ �'¢ 9�1' o � '� K � "���€ [i i a w ,��� b A '� �85t � Saint Paul City Council ����� . . . � Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANHING COIiNCIL #03 FILE � -18836 >: �>::>: ;<:;€'_ PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCELID 1'kOPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Ha11-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMEfVT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: IMPROVE THE ALLEYS IN KNISPEL'S SUBDIVISION BY CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWER, CATCH BASINS AND BY CaRADING AND PAVING WITH BITUMMOUS MATERIAL. �BOUNDED BY OHIO, PAGE, CHARLTON AND SIDNEY) It the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THiS iS NOT A BIILI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: i2/20/96 r n rt . e . «iA+� � , CITY OF ST. HAUL FIY7AL OEtDEFt Ia ttte Matter af iaep'r�ve the alleys in sewer, catc}i k,asins an�1 �y grading �nd by Ohio, Page, Ch�r.iton and Sidney} ���. II. 97 a� —� SY 'svcs'; >$ ATSg IiO.#'_�`� 18336 VL3TIHG 19�RIS 2 _.-<' Knis�el' e �uhdivisivn �y cvrxstru�tiny storai gavin� with hiu m�t�ria2. (bcunded under Prsliminiry i�rder t b-} J tJ � �PF="y� ��0-�4 ����_ l rne �.;our.oaz or zt�s Ci.ty c�f ��i=<r Pa�a1 h�� c�,nd�3cted s p�ihlir ? upc=n ths s',3cse improvEment, due notice thereaf p�avir,g been given as prescrihed i7y the City Chartsr; an� T�?HEF�AS. The Gauncil ha� heard ai2 gerson� ob3e�tic+ns �ind racomu�e���i.ti�n� pertainixiq ta said pra�,osed improvement t�r�d has £ully censidered the same; now, therefore, I� it FcE�4LVE�, That the Couneil of tne City ar �aint Paul caoss herel �srder that ths abo�e-described �pzavement be s��e, end the prflper Cit�j offic�r� are }iereby �irected and authorizad to F,racee� with ttae improvement; ancil�e it E'EiRTHER P.E�flI,VEI>, Ttiat upon trie oompletion af aaid improvemenc, the prc�per City officers shall calculate a31 expen�es incu therein axid sha2l report r�� ��� te the City Councii in accordence with Chapter 14 of t�se CiEy �hsrter. COUNCSLPERSONS Yeas Navs V ��akey VBostrcYm 1ry /� ',t 6�3Ei�333 W RY�/ / l. 6�EN'G 4 L S(:A. W Q�= Y�1 t— " � H#i'z'9.� — �iOSeN f- �Sn �aior Viic{�gZ�cl k � tt�an �Ag�zinat t�Ri,uai8 � Ab Adopted by Council e nate� J _ _ r _q �� Certified F�vsed iay C�unci3 Saef�t�rY �Y � ._ � . � �i� sa-�_ � `�, (G �ny:si Public He3ring Date— January 8, 1997 RE 11-1-96 �� )� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINRIATE� GREEN SHEET NO. 36334 Public Works Department Oct. 3, 1996 iNmawn'rE INITULL/OATE CONTACTPEpSOF16PHONE pFppqTA1EN'(DIflECTOR �CfTVCOUNCIL PaulSt. Martin (fel. No.266�118) ��� cmaTroanEr ❑crtrcr.�aK MUSTBE�NCOUNCIIAGENDAB�'(QAlE� 11-20-96 RWn�* BUOGETDIRECTOq �FIN.&MG7.SERVICESDIP MusY be in Council Research Office � MAVOR(Ofl/SSISTANT) t0 Counal Research b noon.on Frida 11-8-96 � TOTAL# OF 9GNATURE PAGES I _ iCIM ALL LOCA7101i3 WR 9GNATOFI�7 ASSOCIAiE DEPARTMFNTALACCWMAN( ACTION REWES7ED rove the in HLQI9YFd.'3 SIIBDIVlSIDN unded b Ohio C1�at3ton and Sidn conslructin to catc an wi s mat con emnm� an ' an easement in e necessary or e s opes, w cuts an , in u rI t o reaa o te sup rt firom subject Iand or remaixider themof, occasfoned by e.xcavations thereof or constructtonofslopesin gradingandpavtngofsaid�allry. File No. 18836 FECOAIMENDATIONS: APP� fA) a�1� lPo PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACf3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINra QUESTIONS: PLAtiNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEflVICE COMMISSIIXJ i. HeS Clls pefSO11M NO WolkCtl uf1dC! a COf1t/dC[ f0! �tis dBp2NPent? Y ` CIB CoM11M117EE 2. Has Ihis persoNflrtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES 4J0 p g7pFF 3. Does this persnn/f�n possess a skill not normally passessed by arry current city — — employee? DISTFICTCWNGIL YES NO Sl1PPORTS VIFIICH COUNCILOBJECTNE? FxWain all yes anawers on saparata sheet and attaeh to gnen sheet Neighborhoods Ward 2 INIiIAliNG PpOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This improvement was inRiated by a petition signed by 65% of the property owners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dusi, and general disruption wifl occur. ���Si";='`: . .� � = e : �`� '��f �II' a��� � � Pi��6 DISADVANTAGES {P NOT APPROVED: _� N` ✓ � ,. TOTALAMWNTOFTpAN5ACT10Ni 97,�780p COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSWHCE p�seecmantq, PIA I ong Sid, C{it�sid,�f ACfTVRYNUMBER FINANCIAI INF�RMATION: (EXPLAIN) Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - October 3, 1996 Public Works Hearing - . Final Order Hearing - 9� /a--- PROJECT: improve the aileys in KNfS.PEL'S S(38DiViS{ON (bounded by Ohio, Page, Charlton and Sidney) by consfructing storm sewer, catch basins and grading and paving with bituminous materiai. Also, condemning and taking an easeme�lt in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, inciuding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder ihereofi, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. INITIATING ACTION: This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 65°/a of the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The alieys are piatted 10-11.5' feet wide. Tfie surface of the aifeys is dirt and gravel. PROPOSEDiMPROVEMENT: Construct storm sewer and a catch basin on the western portion of the east-west aliey, grade the alieys to a width of 10' and piace a hot mix bituminous pavement. ESTIMATED COST AND FINANCING: Estimated Costs Grading and Paving Storm Sewer Engineering and Inspection Miscellaneous Real Estate Fee Estimated Total Expenditures $8,300.00 8,000.00 3,400.00 1,600.00 i 278.00 $22,578.00 Financing Assessments P4A tong S+de Subsidy Total Estimated Rate per Assessable Foot INFORMATIONAL MEETiNG: Not schedu{ed yet. $14,155.00 8.423.OQ $22,578.00 $ 19.50 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL IN�ORMATION: For addiUonai information, contact Paul St. Martin at 266-61i8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works recommends that this project be consfructed. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works �' '�-��' � � ! �. , : � �.� � ����: �. CITSC OF �T. FAT]L a9 In the Matter o£ iu�prove the alleys in iCnispel's �ubdivisiun hy aoustructiny starm sewer, catch hasins a:.d k,y gradir.� and paving with bit�u:.in�u� a.at�rial. t�undE� by Cshio, Paye, CYi�rltc+n ai7d Sidney} Z�he Ccuncil vf t`r.e �ity ar Sair:t Paul 'navinq received the s�eport of the *ieyor uFon the abnva i.mprvver.;ent. �n� ria;�ing o�nsi�2ared s?�i� IF17GSt hezeb�= rFS�Ive�: � h L 3 axnEx ^hat the �aid report wnd *he aaiae _� hereby &yF7L4itC: -rrith r��, a].ternativ�s, ax�d thfit th� esr�8_�d cogt thereof is S2s,57ti.�0 fir�ance�i �y F ImFro:'e;aant tid $8, �23.CQ aad A.°uessu�ent� $24, ii5.04, i��at a public Yiearin� be hau on said improaemEr,t cn the a�r= �aj� �f _�anuars. t39� at 4:3{� o'cicck P.M., i�z t�e Counail Cham�ezs of the city riail and Courc Hause Buildinq in the �ity of 5aint Paul, That notice of said public hearing be qiven to the �ersons and in the �enner piovi:?ed by the charter, uta*ir.g th� tisne a2�d p2ac� �f h�aring, the nature of the imFrc,vemer.t ar.d the total cosu thereof as e�timated. CC-Jivi.S L.iER� t�i�+u vcgg N3Y3 �akey � � t rr_._; vGnerin t/�arr=s ��zgard ,/�`� R?�Cti33Y � t�o$tv�'�" v1 nuna �IU ^ucor � AcJ8l.13o'L � ���h� ��_ � 7-/� Ii:.i«� �,� t,�. ..�ii: uata, [ \�1L_��L l�� T CaT't1fj� F'agg�ti hy r011n--1 °2C*_'�'!_�2'ii r� �� ��� M»�.or � CITY OA+ �'¢ 9�1' o � '� K � "���€ [i i a w ,��� b A '� �85t � Saint Paul City Council ����� . . . � Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANHING COIiNCIL #03 FILE � -18836 >: �>::>: ;<:;€'_ PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCELID 1'kOPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Ha11-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMEfVT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: IMPROVE THE ALLEYS IN KNISPEL'S SUBDIVISION BY CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWER, CATCH BASINS AND BY CaRADING AND PAVING WITH BITUMMOUS MATERIAL. �BOUNDED BY OHIO, PAGE, CHARLTON AND SIDNEY) It the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THiS iS NOT A BIILI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: i2/20/96 r n rt . e . «iA+� � , CITY OF ST. HAUL FIY7AL OEtDEFt Ia ttte Matter af iaep'r�ve the alleys in sewer, catc}i k,asins an�1 �y grading �nd by Ohio, Page, Ch�r.iton and Sidney} ���. II. 97 a� —� SY 'svcs'; >$ ATSg IiO.#'_�`� 18336 VL3TIHG 19�RIS 2 _.-<' Knis�el' e �uhdivisivn �y cvrxstru�tiny storai gavin� with hiu m�t�ria2. (bcunded under Prsliminiry i�rder t b-} J tJ � �PF="y� ��0-�4 ����_ l rne �.;our.oaz or zt�s Ci.ty c�f ��i=<r Pa�a1 h�� c�,nd�3cted s p�ihlir ? upc=n ths s',3cse improvEment, due notice thereaf p�avir,g been given as prescrihed i7y the City Chartsr; an� T�?HEF�AS. The Gauncil ha� heard ai2 gerson� ob3e�tic+ns �ind racomu�e���i.ti�n� pertainixiq ta said pra�,osed improvement t�r�d has £ully censidered the same; now, therefore, I� it FcE�4LVE�, That the Couneil of tne City ar �aint Paul caoss herel �srder that ths abo�e-described �pzavement be s��e, end the prflper Cit�j offic�r� are }iereby �irected and authorizad to F,racee� with ttae improvement; ancil�e it E'EiRTHER P.E�flI,VEI>, Ttiat upon trie oompletion af aaid improvemenc, the prc�per City officers shall calculate a31 expen�es incu therein axid sha2l report r�� ��� te the City Councii in accordence with Chapter 14 of t�se CiEy �hsrter. COUNCSLPERSONS Yeas Navs V ��akey VBostrcYm 1ry /� ',t 6�3Ei�333 W RY�/ / l. 6�EN'G 4 L S(:A. W Q�= Y�1 t— " � H#i'z'9.� — �iOSeN f- �Sn �aior Viic{�gZ�cl k � tt�an �Ag�zinat t�Ri,uai8 � Ab Adopted by Council e nate� J _ _ r _q �� Certified F�vsed iay C�unci3 Saef�t�rY �Y � ._ � . � �i� sa-�_ � `�, (G �ny:si Public He3ring Date— January 8, 1997 RE 11-1-96 �� )� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINRIATE� GREEN SHEET NO. 36334 Public Works Department Oct. 3, 1996 iNmawn'rE INITULL/OATE CONTACTPEpSOF16PHONE pFppqTA1EN'(DIflECTOR �CfTVCOUNCIL PaulSt. Martin (fel. No.266�118) ��� cmaTroanEr ❑crtrcr.�aK MUSTBE�NCOUNCIIAGENDAB�'(QAlE� 11-20-96 RWn�* BUOGETDIRECTOq �FIN.&MG7.SERVICESDIP MusY be in Council Research Office � MAVOR(Ofl/SSISTANT) t0 Counal Research b noon.on Frida 11-8-96 � TOTAL# OF 9GNATURE PAGES I _ iCIM ALL LOCA7101i3 WR 9GNATOFI�7 ASSOCIAiE DEPARTMFNTALACCWMAN( ACTION REWES7ED rove the in HLQI9YFd.'3 SIIBDIVlSIDN unded b Ohio C1�at3ton and Sidn conslructin to catc an wi s mat con emnm� an ' an easement in e necessary or e s opes, w cuts an , in u rI t o reaa o te sup rt firom subject Iand or remaixider themof, occasfoned by e.xcavations thereof or constructtonofslopesin gradingandpavtngofsaid�allry. File No. 18836 FECOAIMENDATIONS: APP� fA) a�1� lPo PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACf3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINra QUESTIONS: PLAtiNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEflVICE COMMISSIIXJ i. HeS Clls pefSO11M NO WolkCtl uf1dC! a COf1t/dC[ f0! �tis dBp2NPent? Y ` CIB CoM11M117EE 2. Has Ihis persoNflrtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES 4J0 p g7pFF 3. Does this persnn/f�n possess a skill not normally passessed by arry current city — — employee? DISTFICTCWNGIL YES NO Sl1PPORTS VIFIICH COUNCILOBJECTNE? FxWain all yes anawers on saparata sheet and attaeh to gnen sheet Neighborhoods Ward 2 INIiIAliNG PpOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This improvement was inRiated by a petition signed by 65% of the property owners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dusi, and general disruption wifl occur. ���Si";='`: . .� � = e : �`� '��f �II' a��� � � Pi��6 DISADVANTAGES {P NOT APPROVED: _� N` ✓ � ,. TOTALAMWNTOFTpAN5ACT10Ni 97,�780p COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSWHCE p�seecmantq, PIA I ong Sid, C{it�sid,�f ACfTVRYNUMBER FINANCIAI INF�RMATION: (EXPLAIN) Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - October 3, 1996 Public Works Hearing - . Final Order Hearing - 9� /a--- PROJECT: improve the aileys in KNfS.PEL'S S(38DiViS{ON (bounded by Ohio, Page, Charlton and Sidney) by consfructing storm sewer, catch basins and grading and paving with bituminous materiai. Also, condemning and taking an easeme�lt in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, inciuding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder ihereofi, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. INITIATING ACTION: This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 65°/a of the property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The alieys are piatted 10-11.5' feet wide. Tfie surface of the aifeys is dirt and gravel. PROPOSEDiMPROVEMENT: Construct storm sewer and a catch basin on the western portion of the east-west aliey, grade the alieys to a width of 10' and piace a hot mix bituminous pavement. ESTIMATED COST AND FINANCING: Estimated Costs Grading and Paving Storm Sewer Engineering and Inspection Miscellaneous Real Estate Fee Estimated Total Expenditures $8,300.00 8,000.00 3,400.00 1,600.00 i 278.00 $22,578.00 Financing Assessments P4A tong S+de Subsidy Total Estimated Rate per Assessable Foot INFORMATIONAL MEETiNG: Not schedu{ed yet. $14,155.00 8.423.OQ $22,578.00 $ 19.50 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL IN�ORMATION: For addiUonai information, contact Paul St. Martin at 266-61i8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works recommends that this project be consfructed. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works �' '�-��' � � ! �. , : � �.� � ����: �. CITSC OF �T. FAT]L a9 In the Matter o£ iu�prove the alleys in iCnispel's �ubdivisiun hy aoustructiny starm sewer, catch hasins a:.d k,y gradir.� and paving with bit�u:.in�u� a.at�rial. t�undE� by Cshio, Paye, CYi�rltc+n ai7d Sidney} Z�he Ccuncil vf t`r.e �ity ar Sair:t Paul 'navinq received the s�eport of the *ieyor uFon the abnva i.mprvver.;ent. �n� ria;�ing o�nsi�2ared s?�i� IF17GSt hezeb�= rFS�Ive�: � h L 3 axnEx ^hat the �aid report wnd *he aaiae _� hereby &yF7L4itC: -rrith r��, a].ternativ�s, ax�d thfit th� esr�8_�d cogt thereof is S2s,57ti.�0 fir�ance�i �y F ImFro:'e;aant tid $8, �23.CQ aad A.°uessu�ent� $24, ii5.04, i��at a public Yiearin� be hau on said improaemEr,t cn the a�r= �aj� �f _�anuars. t39� at 4:3{� o'cicck P.M., i�z t�e Counail Cham�ezs of the city riail and Courc Hause Buildinq in the �ity of 5aint Paul, That notice of said public hearing be qiven to the �ersons and in the �enner piovi:?ed by the charter, uta*ir.g th� tisne a2�d p2ac� �f h�aring, the nature of the imFrc,vemer.t ar.d the total cosu thereof as e�timated. CC-Jivi.S L.iER� t�i�+u vcgg N3Y3 �akey � � t rr_._; vGnerin t/�arr=s ��zgard ,/�`� R?�Cti33Y � t�o$tv�'�" v1 nuna �IU ^ucor � AcJ8l.13o'L � ���h� ��_ � 7-/� Ii:.i«� �,� t,�. ..�ii: uata, [ \�1L_��L l�� T CaT't1fj� F'agg�ti hy r011n--1 °2C*_'�'!_�2'ii r� �� ��� M»�.or � CITY OA+ �'¢ 9�1' o � '� K � "���€ [i i a w ,��� b A '� �85t � Saint Paul City Council ����� . . . � Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANHING COIiNCIL #03 FILE � -18836 >: �>::>: ;<:;€'_ PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCELID 1'kOPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLiC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Ha11-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMEfVT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: IMPROVE THE ALLEYS IN KNISPEL'S SUBDIVISION BY CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWER, CATCH BASINS AND BY CaRADING AND PAVING WITH BITUMMOUS MATERIAL. �BOUNDED BY OHIO, PAGE, CHARLTON AND SIDNEY) It the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THiS iS NOT A BIILI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: i2/20/96