96-977c Y ° ". r R!:LS . X .. �ITY OF SAIIifi PAIIL EIDIl4L ORDER IHS CO�DEt�.TIC9l4 PA���GS ��� C4�CIL EILE N4�,� -9�!'' BY� ' r � �� �� �,�'�" IPII�'NO. 2�83�2 � V[?TINQ� ti�iiD S � fi In the �fia.tter af Condemning and taking of teraporary easements necessary for the Edgerton St. Hridge Construction Pro�ect, near Edaerton and Whitall Streets, as snawn �a the map c�n file with tFle Degeartment �rf �`ixiance anc3 Management Services, roam I40 City Hall, ivarkeci sheet 3 vf 3, �ridge Project HI170. Said Easements to expire January l, 1998, or at completion of project, whichever occurs £irst. under Prelim.inary Order _ 1�-� f� � approved� p , A public hearinct havincr been had upon the above impravement �zpon due notice, anci�the Caunci3 l�aving heard all persons, c�bject2�ns and reco�endations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same, therefore, be it RES�LVED, That the C�uncil of the City �f Saint Paul here�}� ordsrs saic3 im�rovement }o be made, ��° - -c . .��:: •�;: •` - _ _ . - _. � .. r�_ _ - _ _.,. � _. _ __ _ " _' _ : "' ..,_� __� � �_ ..' ° - _ _ .. � _'. '_ . '� .. ' ' _'_ ' __ ' _ _ _ _ • • ._; : -_ _- �. • • . _. ° _ _ ' " ' � ' _ . _ '. _ _ � ..� . _ � . .. + E'urther Resolves3, That the Council heTEl3y d�te?'ZCt1R�3 that the estate require�3 f�r tYsis imprr�vament be as �escribed �ove, and that the proper City officers suk�mit a report to the City �ouncil for the purpose af the Council's raaking an award Gf damages far tre interest acquired and determ2.s.aticn af assessments, if any, against the benefitted property. CQUNCILPERSQNS Yeas � Nays a/H�.ak�y ✓ ostram G�rin - Ya1�se�n�' ✓Fi� ris (o In Favor ✓f�� gar� f/f`tettman _�A�ainst �/S�hune � �1�se,n+- Adogted by C�uncil: Date \ ` � Certifiea Fassec� �y ��i.u�cil Seeretary H S _ �r.� �j 1 h A � ��� Mayar ■ G'�.-�' Public Hearing Date - August 14, 1996 RE 7-3-96 :7 -��� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 28,1996 Green Sheet Number: 34107 EPARPIYIFVPDIRECLOR 4 CTL7 COUNCIS, ontact Penon and Phax Nmnber. �� 1 ATIORNEY TT7'CLII2K Louise A Langberg� 266-8850 °°m' ET DII2ECIOR 2 �i. � MGf. SVC DII2. 3 YOR(ORASSISIAP71j ust be on Councii A euda b :7-17-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 7-12- 6 OTALitOFSICNATUREYAGES 1 (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSICNATURE) CCIOPi REQ[iESTED: 1. Set Final Order hearing date to approve the acquisition oi temporary easements for the construction of the new Edgerton Street Bridge - F�NRHC� F�� N�, �gS�Z . Approve said acquisition project COM�IF,NDAtIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF..TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRSCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC: 1. Has the peison/5rm ever worked under a contrac[ tor tlils depar[ment? YES NO PLAYNtYCCOMMiS510t1 A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever 6cen a City employee? YES NO CML SERVSCE COMMISSiOH . Does this penodtirm posxss a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO current CSty employee? Ci8 CDMM1lTCE � Ea lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORT5 WEiICH COUNCIL OB.TECCIVE? COUPiCIL WARD(S) r� �� DISTRICI PLAIVNI`7G CDUNC7L 5 NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSU$ OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 �en, Where, Why?): he old Edgerton Bridge is scheduled to be demolished and replaced. To do this work, it will be necessary to cquire temporary easements on the adjoining propert'ses both for the construction and for access to the onstruction site. �outtC� .. q �t G�n VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: f , s# � �,�, ���� � � ew bridge can be constructed as planned ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - amages would have to be paid to compensate the property owners for the temporary ioss of use of their land. ISADVe4YTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ew bridge could not be buiit as planned. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACfTON: $jSOO.00 roST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEOYE) YES NO mvnixc souxcE: 1994 MSA ACTIVITY Yli INANCLIL INFORNIATION: (EXPLAil� �RIGIf��i� �IfiY dF ST. PADL Fx, r,.n,r: • ._:. ��. ��-a�� � covxczz Fz� xo. � � � ��/.�X'J EII,E NO. 18832 wT=xa � 5s6 In the hfa,tter o� Condemning and taking of tem�orary easements necessary for the Edgerton St. Hridge Construction Project, near Edgerton and Whitall Streets, as shown on the map on file with the De�artment of Finance and Manaqement services, room 140 City Hall, marked sheet 3 of 3, Bridye Project BI17d. Said Easements to expire January l, 1998, or at completion of project, whichever occurs first. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the re�,ort of the Mayor upan the above impxovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with na alteznatives, and that the estimated cost tl�ereof is $5,50U.00 financed by 1994 Municipal State Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th day of August, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P,M„ in tha Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner pravided by the Charter, stating the time and place af hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays Blakey �strom �erin arris +�Iegard �/ etTman Thune — �b�_v� � Adopted by Council: Date_���1 cT '��� Certified Pa�sed by Council Secretary �In Favor Hy � -� �,��_ � � ;vgainst ` �hSe rs �`� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION � � -�`�� To: City Council Wards 5&6 Planning District # � File No. 18832 PURPOSE To decide whether or not to proceed with the condemnation AND and taking of temporary easements as shown on the attached LOCATION map for the construction of the Edgerton Street Bridge. HEARING Wednesday, Auqust ia, 1996� at a:so p.m. City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall QUESTIONS call z65-8sso and refer to File #18s32. Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hall any time before the hearing. Notice mailed August 1, 1996, by: Real Estate Division Department of Finance & Management Services Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul MN 55102 (18832.FON) -�, r� . 7, r.��. � �J -�G