96-909__ . wt p ��RIGINAL �� CIRY OF SS. PAVL �1NC L F LE N�, �� 9 oq. FZi87tL 4RDER By �� Fi'le ISa, S96Q02 Voting F7ard_3 IA ths Matt*r cP Reconatruction of sidewalk on both sides Eleanor Aae. from Ifenneth St, to 5. Wilder St. �y�.. � �_� . 4. . �it A .4 . i2F.STD •NR'TAT, A .S (�e, twa or three family structure,�} Rnaenstruotion {repleaement of old sidewalk} -�7.21 per front foot for a five t5} faot wide walk and $$.69 per fzont foat for a aix (6y foat wide . walk. All other widths *xi13. be prorated aacordingly. Narr aex�atruation {where no zvalk existed} - I00'k of the actual coat eatimated to be approximately $3.23 per square foot. R11 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long 9ide" of the property. ML2'f.TT-RFfiTTfFNTTAt. �j�jpre thsn three Paa�ily structures}, N � F.RTD.NTTAT. A9!F.q For new and reconstructed sidewalk; lOQ� of actual cost estimated ta be approximately $4.35 per aquare foot. under Preliminary order � ( — � �S sPPrc,ved� �( 10.q ( � TY�e Counaii af the City af a^aint Paul ha� aanducted a public heariag ugan the above impravement, due notice thereof havinq been giuen as preacribed by the City Charter; and Wf��REA;, The Council has heard all persona, objectiona and reoommendstions pertaining to said prapased improvement and has fully consldered the same; now, therefore, be it RE5oLVED, That the Council of the City of saint Paul does hereby order thst the above-descri'r,,ad improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hareby direete�3 and authoriaed to proceed with the improeement; and be it FUP.THEFt RE$t)LVED, That upon the completivn of said improvement, the proper City officers sha12 calculete alI expenses incurred thsrein and shsll report the sea�e to the G"ity Council in accordance witi� Chapter 14 of the c:ity G`harter. less N&ys �$lakey ��b�strom �,���� rin t�i�rris ✓ti ✓i2ettalan Thune�. �} 6SCh-� � Sn Feroor �Againgt I Abs�Na- � Adopted b_y Counci2: Date C`ertified Pas�ed by Council Se retary By °�ij�1(G , . u-24agoi . Public Hearing Date — Au ust 7, 1996 RE 5-31-96 r DEPARTMEN7/OFFICECAUNqL DATEWITIA7ED GREEN SHEET NO. `�`�`�� Public Works Sidewalks 3-5-96 iNiriaware INRIAUDATE CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE � pFpqqTMENT OIRECTOR � CITY CAUNCIL ThomasP.Keefe-266-6121 assicx �CRYATfORNEY �GIiYCIERK (`o � — NU616ER fOR MUSTBEONCOl1NCILAGENDABY(OATE) 6-19-96 R� OBUDGETDIRECTOR �FIN.8MGT.SEHVICESDIR. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 1� Council Research no later than n on F ida 6-7— � TOTAL i OF SGNANPE PAGES 1 __ (Ct1P ALL LOCAiiONS FOR SIGNATUREj � ASSOCIATE � OEPARTMENT NTANT ACTIIXJ REQUES7ED � Reconstruct Sidewalk in Ward 3(Sae attached fist) File No. 596002 RECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A� or Reje�s (R) PERSONAL SERNCE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _�M�L SERVICE COMMISSK7N t� � m�s y � NOer worked under a contBC[ for Nis departrnent? CIB COMMII7EE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO A S7AFF 3. Does thi5 persoNfirm possess a skill not normaly passessed by arry current ciry — — empioyee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJECTNE?- � S �p�atn all yes answets on separate sheet and anaeh to green sheet Neighborhoods Ward 3 INITIATING PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OAPORN!liTY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHEftE, WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade materiai, aRernating freerthaw cycles, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annuai basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible litigations. ADVANTAGESIFAPPpOVED: The community will benefit from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows ihat private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. �'7^ r�ha7� "° _ ��::r.>:s,. _.,..,w_,..v_ k.,�„ .a n�.. eg 9 �:t.'�iJ t"t`Sr^.7 cA y DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of canstruction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uttimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. TOTAIAMWNTOFTRANSAC7ION$ �,H23.00 COSUREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSWRCE 96-M A, P(q 96 = 535,o0Q pCRVITYNUMBER C96-2T728-0784-27oit FINANCIAL INFOfiMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) $ � AST = 432 � QOO C. Cra 96 = 50,000 SUNIMARY OF ENGINEEI2ING RECOMMENDATION Q`_ G' 0� Ward 3 Sq6U p. Z PRarEC•r • RECOi�iSTRUCT SIDEWALH B.S. ELEANOR AVE. from Kenneth St. to S. Wilder St. IIvITIATING ACTIOI�i: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Wprks as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk.. This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches and cracked panels. ................................................................... CITY 6E 3fi. kIaUL • -�. - �RRG�NQ� ��� Cy[Jf,I IL �2���•. / $ r File No. 596042 Voting werd_3 In tha Matter o£ Reconstruction of aiderralk on both aidea Eleanor Ave. frem i4enneth St. to S. Wilder st. wr: ► ��. ; • : � $�'.4ID .NTT S. AT .G (One, two or three family atructures) Reaonstruation (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.21 per front foot for a five (5) foot �aide walk and $8.6fl pez front foot for a eix (6) foat wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. t3ew ooaatxuation (where no walk exi�ted) - 104'k of the actual co�t eati.mated to be approximately $3.23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will raceive a crEdit up to the first 150 feet of new or z'econatructed aidewalk ulonq and abutting the ^ long oide" of the property. Mt7 .TT_RF. rD �NTrnr.(More than three femily structures), 24oN-RESZDENTZAt. ttnmEs For new•and reconatructed aidewalk; 100'k of actunl coat e�timated to be approximately $9.35 per square foot. The Council of the City of 5aint Paul havinq received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement� and having considered said report, hereby reaolves: 1. That the said report and the eame is hereby approved with no alternativee, and that the estimated cost thereof ia *SEE ABOVE for eati.mnted oonatruation raten, financed by a��e��menta and 1996 Public Improvement Rid. 2. 3. That a public hearing be had ott said improvement on the 7th day of Auguat, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers af the City Hall and Court House Buildinq in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said pUblic hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the ia+provement and the total cosC theraof as estisated. Yea� Naye ✓ 3�lakey v�oatrom Guerin— AbS�h'�' ✓�Iarri� v f�gara ✓I� ttman 'rhune — AbSe� �- S In Fnvpr O Against � A�Ser�'�' Adopted by Council: Date��),,,� �( \9°i( � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY��� F—�.�}\e�a�-- Mayor �fTy � a � F s �� k k� 2 O ,- y a E`[I��If[III ° F�F€ �[I il a a /l � m ! � , Vln 1 854 � Saint Paul City Council }� Public Hearing Notice � Public Improvement Construction �6- 9d9 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # S9fi0fl2>:: .-:`:' ° -' PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION �g;,�TMart ��:r: , , . � � . ii�? � .� + ,..� ::JY'� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1996 AT+' 4:30 P.M. PUBLIG PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wili be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES ELEANOR AVENUE FROM KENNETH STREET TO SOUTH WILDEii STREET. If the City Council approves the project, alf or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT 1NFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 07/�9/s6 q�-qd� � Y_i � RESZDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - ,.; ......::,..:._.,. _...,, 3teccas��ctia� (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.21 per front foot f�or a five (Sj foot wide sidewalk and $8.64 per Pront foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Ne��`co�s�:ntc�:i�n (where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet oP � or xeconstructed sidewalk along and abutting .. ��... the lo�g;;side of the property. Mt3LTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three £amily structures) and NONRESI- pENTIAL RATES - For new a�7_d_ reconstructed sidewalk: 100% oP the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.35 per square foot. PLEASS NOT&: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where tYfis is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request our reference. A11>�'aevi"'s3iies�alks:;`:vilI:'�':bet'";coas�ruc�e3;:;:'5�s-f�e� X,,..,...u<P _. -..,... .....,.. ..... ,........ ,....: ,.. ........ . ...... . ........ ... szi�e;:; Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The EsTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCIILATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120.