96-801-� m � . � �� - ' � � � �RlG�I�A� CIT7[ OR SR. PAUL . s �iAI. OFDSR n i � In tho Mattor aP 8Y FILE Ho. 186 �lUTIIIC� W�Ft� 5 - Sot PAA'77NG 77iE SKYWAY BRIDCES IN DOWh70�'N SAATf PAUI„ p.CLUDINGEX7ERIOR/➢S]'ERIOR PAWIWG, ANEX7IItIORACCII7[S7RIPE,TES7PAATAIG, PREPARqi70N WOkK, iRAFF7C CON7'ItOL AND II.'SURANCE FOR 7HEFOLLOw➢�G LCCAI70NS SKYWAY BRiDGE under Preliminz�ry The �ouncil abave iafprovement Charter; and :3fiuftEA.°„ Th t�ertaining to sa therefore, be it O�'ER JACKSON JACKSON 6TH a7H 57H SIBLEY MACOUfA ROHER7 ROBERT ROHER7 6TH a7» STH ML4NESOTA MWNESOTA 677i STH 47H 4TH ST. YE7ER CEDAR WABASHA 6TH WABASHA CEDAR 7TH PLACE » �� 57.PETER 4TH SIBLEY ALLEY ROHFRT BE'RVEEN 4Ty pNp STH STH A1.'D 6TH JACKSON AND SIHLEY JACKSON AND SIHLEY ]ACKSON AND SIHLEY 6TH AND 7TH 6TH ANp 77H <TH AND STH STH AND 6TH 67H A1Jll 7TH PLACE MA'NF_SOTA HNp ROBER7 M0�7NES07A ANp ROHERT MWNESO7A AND RO➢ERT STH ANp 6TH 67H AND 7Ty pyqCE CEDAR AND MWNEg07A CEDpR At.'D NIA'NESOTA U'AHASHA AND CEDAR ST. PETER AND WpBqSHA aTH AND STH ATN AND STH GTH AND 57H CEDAR AND WpgqSHA 6TH AIdD 7TH PLACE 7TH PLACE A�INESOTA ANp AOBER7 wqBpSHA AND CEDAR CEDAR ANfl M6diS&SOTA EXCHANGE ANp IOTH AOBER7 AND 1qCKSON KELLOGG /+ND <TH MUA'ICPAL PARY,IISG WiN3 AND CENTRAL TOWERS �rx r�.nncE a� �Tx srx�r � , upon the the City , naw, RESOLVEIS, That the Counail of the City of 5aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvemant be made, and the preper City offiaers ere hereby directed and authorized to proceed with thc improvement; and be it If'ffRTI�R RE9oLVED, That u�on the cczRp2eticn of said impravement, the proper City offiaer9 ahall calculate all expense� incurred therein and shall report the aame to the City Courieil in accardance witr ChapCer 14 of the City Charter. CUUPiCILPEFtS'JN� Yeas� Nays ✓ B�akey ✓B�strom ✓Cyyerin , ✓ / j� rris `� �1� CJaLd I/ Rett.�ian Thune — �1fls�N�t �S3] P'BVUY` O T,ya:i.nst t ��Oser�i `t"' Adopted i�y Council: Date_�� V q� �a Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY a �� '"v� � Mayos Public Hearing Date - Ju1y 10, 1996 RE 6-12-96 F.,IVI.SJJt2EAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 06l11/96 Green Sheet Number: 34159 EPAR'CMENT DIRECTOR CTTY COUNCII, onfad Peison and Phone Nwnber. .�w. IIY ATIORNF.7 ITY CLERK Kathryn Ter Horst 266-6650 i7DGET DII2ECfOR .& MGT. SVC DII2. YOR(ORASSISTAN7) 1 OUNCII.RESEARCH ust be on COUnCiI A enda b: 6-19-96 Must be in Council Research Office no later than Fri. 6-14 9 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) GTION REQUESfED: Settinq date of public hearing for the painting of the Skyway Bridges in owntown Saint Paul. ile No. 18831 OMhhIENDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RSJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLO\d'ING: . Aas the persoNfum ever worked under a contrdct for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANN[NGCOM1N�IISSION A SiAFF . Has this persoNfirm ever been a 6ty employee? YES NO C1YIL SERViCE COMMISSION . Does this persoNfiPm possess a s1u11 not norn�ally possessed by any yFS NO CIB COMMITfEE current CSty employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. urroxxswf[icxcouxcu,oarscr�� Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� Q pISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 17 NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNTf'Y (Who, R7�at, When, Where, Why?): Skyway Bridqe connected property owners have petitioned to have their 3kyway Bridges painted. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: skyway Bridges will con£orm with the commercial code regulations. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners will either have assessments via property taxes or will be invoiced. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Skyway Bridges will not meet commereial code regulations if not painted. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACI'ION: �5457�834.00 COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO xn�csouxce: ASSESSMENTS ONLY: Ac�'n�'rYNUmsER: FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� gt �� � ` � t�.�ia�:.,.,� s.d�.,..tu:� �r'', ��� � � ���� SKYWAY PAINTING � � _� � SUIVINIARY PROJECT: Downtown skyway interiorlexterior painting EXISTING CONDTTION: Orders from the Fire Department have been issued to building owners to repaint skyway bridges. 90% of the skyway bridges downtown haue cunent outstanding orders. INITIAITNG ACTION: Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) has petitioned the city to contract the painting of the bridges as a larger project and have agreed to have project costs assessed to the affected properties or to be invoiced upon completion. Signed statements of approval and waiver aze on file. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Proposed project includes exterior and interior painting, including architect/engineering fees associated with test painting, insurance, preparation, and traffic control. POSTTIVE BENEFTTS: Downtown skyway bridges will be painted enhancing the aesthetics of the downtown core. TIME SCHEDULE: Painting is expected to commence immediately and is anticipated to be completed Fall, 1996. FINANCING: Affected building owners will either be assessed or will be invoiced for a prorated cost of the project. SOURCE OF ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION: Kathryn Ter Horst, Department ofPlanning and Economic Development, 266-6650 RECOMIVIENDATION: The Department of Planning and Economic Development recommends approval of this project. 7une 12, 1996 �' �__ _ _____—__.. 3 � • 3 �oU '_ _ yi _ '—._._—__ <' u : `- i Z � _ /' ^_ NO ' / ' ' Z '�� � C Y '" 5 a �y ' �6 � ._ ' ._ ___.._ _ _ .__ _ . _ _ . "�__"_'. �<` ., Q �_ O z ° �� S'� 0 � � e'' a �< t-� z_� _ _ a E� � & '` °' F_ _ _.. __ 2 _ , � . v� _ �n �LL� J ��� o U e �� ) , _ __'-_" __ _ _— hampaolg - --' � '- n7noiaM OQ ?o � G-�ai ----- - � Fai9?5 ,� ` ��� u !� �-.< [��Z < °' V '_ _"' V'_ y uO :- z = 0 2'J z � V a u�i ' _"' ""' < _ __ " Gd Z�i �v� �_ r�Y aaz cOo y YOSJfJVf �� � � �O 7�aqoN w a j� (y Y t1a - ----�� - - - ---- -- -- - <Z - - - - - o '--- ' - -- - � - "-- ---' � -' - - -' - � - _-Z 7 .W v o uui � >� 3x ° v3� � 06 V r .� Z m n Z � �� y� F� � 2Y O � o �' � .y � __'_' '__ _' __' _ "_"-_'__ _'_ __-__ '_'�-' __- � m-_ _ ' " _ ' _ _ __ ' - 1°Pa7 d _ . __ o � - �-- � ,� a-�� - - ._ � ��� z � Z a oL � z �- p 0 Zu p F 'r�`� , 3�V Q 2 V �' a : y �., � u� y -15 �- ❑ a ¢ pQ ..� '�^� 3F `�� � �� � nc � _�. _ m > ___.___—_ -__ __� _�_ . _.__ ' uu vqsvqnj�.j '_ _ _ ' _ - . � � v '_.' __ _ __ _' _ _'_' '.' _'___' ' '__ _. _ __ '___._. , . 1 _ '_ _ ' '_ m .� �, ' � '� �� �vi � o ��: a ,� � � , u ' mw � r�.� � 5 9 <� �! y� o S�� � � V � �_� 2� V Q� � := D¢O V< UVVSj 'f � �V� � viL "�' k :ti � : ' _" y'_"__ 4`_' __ "__"" 0 "_ ___ `__-_-__" � , __._" fdiad'7$ �-__, j • y z ` '___ � _"_"__" "_ = , _ f ._,� , __"___" __' 6___ _' � , � r'� I �y . _. / .� E z ' ,� < F' C' � I ^ 7A OG ' F yY, V Q � • ��\ i , Yi G. � -a �. y , � � , n � ��.. � � � � � Z g . : � � �: J;: � < x � , � z ,.�\ .,�,; ; �� x 3 z SF �y �< � � Z� +� j O mL 1 b� ��� ��'\\ �;` �`it � y F° � �� %� ��\ \ g� ` ~ _�`„ r ,` , ; < ; y ' // \ / i '' j � � � J /' � f / \ � Q ; ..��a��D� `� j � ..y � / � � \ a d ' r� �. --- - ' / f � //< My / ""_ _-_'_-___ _"_ � � ' V � yo :� 4J �,' , � � , f . � • . ( �� � � �fuS y�.•�j� 7 � i , ✓ i i�l o � `?r � �, � � � � ' �// °=£1�'l : i : , � ' '______' '_ "' ' ' "' '._'____'_"�� t_'_'_ "_" ""'� .." _"_ \� "" _._'..�. � S � 0 X u W 7 � G � N � ., � CITY OF ST. FAUL �-.• � n •-.�- NO. =a 'Ehe Matter of PAINTIf4p 7HE SKYWAY BRIUGFS IN DOR'N700.'N SAWT PAU4 INQ.UDINGDCTFRIORM`TERIOR PAWTINO, ANFX7ER10RACCENTS7RIPE,TES?PAWT7N0, PREPARq770N wORX, TRnFFIC CONTROL AND A75URANCE FpR THEFOLLOWA'O ],pCA770N5: 51CYWAY BRIDCE The Counci: upon the above in 1., That alter finan OYE ]ACKSON IACKSON 6TH 4TH STH SffiLEY WACOlTTA ROBERT AOBERT ROBERT 6i}I 4TH STH Mll4NE507A 1.SOJNFSOTA 6TH STH 47H aTH S7. PE7ER CEDAR WABASHA 6TH Wq$pSHA CEDAR 7TH PLACE 77H 7TH Si. PETER ani SiBLEy A1 t F noesxr BETS•EEN • 47N AND $TH STN AND 6iH 7ACKSON AND SIHI.EY JACKSON AND S�LEY IACKSON AND SIBLEY 6TH AND 7TH biH ANp 7TH <TH AND STN STH AND 6TH 6TH AND 7TH PLACE 1.@7NES07A AND ROBER7 MA1NE507A AND ROBERi MAiNFS07A AND ROIIER7 57H pNp 6TH 6TH ATiD 7TH PLACE CED/Jt AND T@.'NESOTA CEDAR AND S.�IINtJESOTA ll'ABASHA At7D CEDAR ST. PETER AT1D WqgASHA arH pxp snt dTy ANp 57H d7N AND 57H CEDAR AND WAEqSHA 67Si NSD 77H PLACE 7T}J pLACE h@dNESOTA AND ROBERT wpgASHA ANp CEDAR CEDAR AND MR�'NESOTA EXCHANGE AND IOTH ROHERT ANp 7pCK50N XEI.t.00G AND eTH nnnncra�. rnrtr.wc nar.� s,i� c�rw�. rowFxs 7TH M,ACE hND 77H 57REET qG-�o� �s the Mayor �H: with no B34 2. That a public hearing be had on 9aid improvement on the lOth dey of July, 1996, at 9:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hou�e Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of 9aid public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statinq the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�t thereof as eatimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas / Nays ✓ B�akey ��B� strom ✓G� erin ✓karris • I}egard ^ Ac�Sen+' ��Rettman �hune �In Favor �Against � {���nfi Adopted by Council: Date \a, ,,q q�, certified Passed by Council Secretary BY� �c1- ., ��_�o n.��„ _ \ Mayor � . � �} SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCfL PUBLIC HEARlNG NOTICE 9�-�0� SKYWAY BRIDGE PAINTING Dear Property Owner: PURPOSE . � ESTIMATED COS7_ HEARING TIME HEARING PLACE auESrioNs City Planning Wazd 2 District Planning Council 17 File No. 18831 Painting the skyway bridges in downtown Saint Paul, including exterior/interior painting, an ea�terior accent stripe, test painring, prepazation work, traffic control and insurance. (See attachment for locations) The estimated cost for the Skyway Bridge Painting is $457,834. The cost wiii be financed 100% by assessments/invoices. Wednesday, July 10,1996 at 4:30 P.M. City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall. Written and oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. Painting - 266-b650 Assessments - 266-885d. � �6312RC� ,- °!t'�1 '�1��C J�l� � � ���� ,l . e ..� CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 06l28/96 (notice.sky) a1 `- �01 SHOULD T'� COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PROJECT, XOUR ASSESSMENTITNVOICE WILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO Tf� FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: ASSESSMENT For those property owners who requested that the painting be assessed, you will be notified of INFORMATION another public hearing, which will occur in the same year as the painting or the yeaz following the painting. The painting has to be completed or substantially completed. This public hearing is called "RATiFICATION OF ASSESSMENT", at which time the City Council will consider the approval ofthe assessments for the project. A few days after the Ratification of Assessment public hearing, you will receive a bill. Xou will then haue the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remaining balances will be collected with your property ta�ces over a period of 10 yeazs. Partial payments of $40.00 or more wil] be accepted at any time. INVOICE INFORMATION For those property owners who requested that the painting be invoiced, you will receive the invoice after the painting is completed or has been substantially completed. The invoice will then have to be paid in full, thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. No public hearing is required to send out invoices. If the invoice is not paid in full in thirty (30) days, the City of Saint Paul reserves the right to collect the amount due as an assessment against the Property Owner's property via property taYes. A six percent (6%) Assessment Fee would be added to the amount due. The assess- ment would be collected in accordance to the ASSESSMENT INFORMATION given above. OTHER INFO.R11fATTON For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend the hearings, Cablevision will cazry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTA'I'E DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND NTANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CTTY HALIrCOURT HOUSE SAINT PAiIL, MINNESOTA 55102 (skyway.noQ Q �-�ol FILE NO. 18831 PAII�TING 7EiE SKYWAY BRIDCES IN DOWNI'OWN SAINT PAUL, INCLUDINGEXI"ERIOR/ATERIOR PABITAIG, AN EXTERIOR ACCENT SIRIPE, TEST PAINLTNG, PREPARATION WORK, TRAFFIC CONTROL AND ATSURANCE FOR THEFOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 5KYWAY BRIDGE OVER JACKSON JACKSON 6TH 4TH STH SIBLEY WACOUTA ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT 6TH 4TH 51T-I MA'NESOTA MINNESOTA 6TH 5'IH 4TH 4TH ST. PETER CEDAR WABASHA 6TH WABASHA CEDAR 7TH PLACE 7TH 7TH ST. PETER 4TH SIBLEY ALLEY ROBERT BESWEEN 4TH AND STH STH AND 6TH 3ACKSON AND SIBLEY JACKSON AND SIBLEY JACKSON AND SIBLEY 6TfI AND 7TH 6TH AND 7TH 4TH AND STH STH AND 6TH 6TH AND 7TH PLACE MINNESOTA AND ROBERT MIIINESOTA AND 120BERT MINNESOTA AND ROBERT STH AND 6TH 6TH AND 7TH PLACE CEDAR AND MINNESOTA CEDAR AND N,WNESOTA WABASHA AND CEDAR ST. PETER AND WABASHA 4TI3 AND STH 4TH AND STT-I 4TH AND STH CEDAR ANII WABASHA 6TH AND 7TH PLACE 9TH PLACE MINNSSOTA AND ROBERT WABASHA AND CEDAR. CEDAR AND MINNESOTA EXCTTANGE AND IOTFI ROBERT AND JACKSON KFTT"OG[', AND 4TH MUNLCIPAL PARKING RAMP AND CENTRAI, TOWERS 7TH PLACE AND 7TH ST'REET (paintsky.waY)