96-671. , w ��-� ' � �- ���GI����4° Cl2Y OF SAIHT PAIIL FIHAL OiHSi IH COHBSHHASIOH P&OCS$DIHBS � 6� �o. 9 ��'1 � 2 In the 2�atter of Condemnation and taking of permanent easement for right-of- way purposes in connection with the Wabasha Street Improvement Project (City pro�ect 96-p-1142) - Proposed easements to be located at the intersection of Wabasha and Concord Streets, described as follows: A perpetual easement for public right-of-way purposes over, under and cross those parts of vacated Sibley Street, Lots 2 and 3, Block 34, West St. Paul Proper, according to the recorded plat thereof, said perpetual easement lies easterly, of the east right-of way line of Dakota Avenue (now known as South Wabasha Street) as opened under orders of the Comman Council November 17, 1886, and shown in Department of Public Works old Series Opening Book Number 5, and lies westerly of the south westerly right-of way line of 5outh Wabasha Street (now known as Concord Street) as opened under Council File Number 83022 approved October 23, 1929 (October 26, 1929). Eacept any part of the above described properties that lies easterly of a line described as follops: Beginning at the point of intersection of the westerly egtension of the southerly line of said Lot 3 with-said east right-of-way line of Dakota Avenue, thence northeasterly angle to the right of 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, from said east right-of-way line, 50 feet more or less to the point of intersection with said southwesterly right-of-way line of South Wabasha Street and said line there terminating. y q ... �tl!hd��.��..�yyF �`� •�' �1 �. • �� F ' .�` � �--� q �- G�� � ��� �-- � � 5 L� � under Prelimi,nary Order 5�c —�0 a approved y� ��<<{� �, ; t. A public hearing having been had npon the above improvement notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the therefore, be it npon due same; BESOLYED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said � improvement to be made $B S67s�$B-i+HB�H&E ,--�kat--Nirc �r-�xrt�-by- d�et-e-r-mi�res-t�z-ea t ate -r e q tt r r e� fer-ti�is-imprevement-to-fie-fet-aimp�e;-a3ao3ate-aad-taaemeata-as-deatrf�td- ai�ove;-aad-tiie-E�t9-e££ieera-and-Eit9-Atterney-are-k�erci�y-ant�+er=aed-aad- &f ree ted---hv-ta�ct--arr-a-rtic,na--accessarrp-tb--a eqerrre-��a-i-d--rea}--est�-t-e--�p perehase er-tm'raeat-&omarar Fnrther Besolved, That the Council hereby determines that the estate reqaired for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired aad determination of assessments, if any, against the benefitted property. E�$H�ILPS&S9HS Yeas Nays B akey 5� SiIOID �grin �arris �ard ✓Rettman ✓'�nune � In Favor (� Against �Adopted by Council: Date �- `� � -- �-- ` Cert'ified Pa�sed by Connc Secretary B y-��� �' - � > � � a✓ .�iLt�. � Mayoi Public Hearin Date - June 12 1996 RE 4-8-96 q Public Works Departmerrt smiss GREEN SHEET No.33587 �' ��o? INRUWDAiE INRI/JJDA7E CONTACTPERSONSPHONE OEPARiMEMDIflECTOR CIIYCOUNCIL Paul St. MaAin 266-6118 PPS � cmnrrorarEr ❑ crrvc�a�c xu�a wn MU5T9EONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DA'I� — — XOUIINO BUDGETDIRECTOR � FPI.SMGT.SEAVCESDIR Must be in Council Research Offic °� ����q no later than noon Frida 4-12-96 OMAVOR(ORASSISTANT) � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ������� ACTIDN REOUESTED Improve WABASHA STREET (City Project 9EP-1142) by condemning a triangular piece of land to the south of an intersection formed by the east property Iine of Wabasha S[reet and the southwesterly property line of Concord. RECOMMEPIDATqNS: AFpwe (A) a fieje� (F� pE�p� �py� �ppC7g MUST ANSWEH TFIE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION . _CMLSFAVICECOMMISSION �, �sH�ispersoNfirmev9rwarkedunderawniractforlliiisdaparunent? CIBCOMMITTEE � � A sr.uF — 2 Has tliis �S � NO� � a ciry employee? DISTflICT CWNdL 3. Does this possess a sltill rwt rwrtnally possed by arry cument ciry empbyee? P30 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTIVE? Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and atlaeh to green sheet INRIATING PR00LEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (NMO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This project was initiated by the Dept. of Public Works. The final order for the street improvement was approved by the Cfty Council on March 13, 1996. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A redesigned intersection will deliver significant improvements in service and safety for both vehicles and pedestrians. Some vacarrt land will be removed from the tax rolls. , �"°�. "`i.' ;:�<�'���;� ��� ua`�w ���a �. �. ��.�d� ___��� To do nothing would continue to compromise vehicle and pedestrian safety. Constructing a traffic island would address safety concerns but wouid limit turning movements in the Wabasha-Concord intersection. This proposal was rejected by the affected business community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $$6000.00 COST! REVENUE BUDGETED (CHECK ONE) F'E� NO U FUNDING SOURCE MSA ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPLAIN) Summary of Engineering Recommendations ����' t` Report Prepared - Mar. 26, 1996 Public Works Committee - � Public Hearing - PROJECT Improve WABASHA STREET by taking and condemning the following described parcel of land; A perpetual easement for public right-of-way purposes over, under and cross those parts of vacated Sibley Street, Lots 2 and 3, Block 34, West St. Paul Proper, according to the recorded plat thereof, said perpetual easement lies easterly, of the east right-of-way line of Dakota Avenue (now known as South Wabasha Street) as opened under orders of the Common Council November 17, 1886, and shown in Department of Public Works old Series Opening Book Number 5, and lies westerly of the south westerly right-of-way line of South Wabasha Street (now known as Concord Street) as opened under Council File Number 83022 approved October 23, 1929 (October 26, 1929). Except any part of the above described properties that lies easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of the westerly exiension ofi the souiherfy line of said Lot 3 with said east right-of-way line of Dakota Avenue, thence northeasterly angle to the right of 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, trom said east right-of-way line, 50 feet more or iess to the point of iniersection with said southwesterly right-of-way line of South Wabasha Street and said line there terminating. This document drafted by the City ofi St. Paul Department ofi Public Works Survey Section, 900 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. EXISTING CONDITIONS WABASHA STREET intersects Concord Street at approximateiy 45 degrees. This creates undesirable turning movements an driver confusion. At further issue are the long walk crossings which compromise pedestrian safety. INiT1ATfNG ACTION The Final Order for this project was initiated by the Department of Pubiic Works. The final order for the street improvement (CF-96-268) was approved by the City Councif on Mar. i 3, 1996. Condemning and taking additional right-of-way would make construction of a traditionai 90 degree street intersection possible. fn conjunction with a"bump ouY' constructed on Concord, pedestrian walkways couid be shortened and clearly delineated. �`'ts l, ALTERNATE A traffic island could be built to cieariy delineate tuming movements at the intersection but it would eliminate left turns onto Wabasha from Concord. Local businesses are opposed to this design. Pedestrian safety co�cerns could be met with this appraach. COST ESTIMATE TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING MSA Acquisition Costs $6000.00 $6000.00 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, Paul St. Martin at 266-6118. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the order. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 2 a�-��i d r r 0 � � a � � 0 d � h e . � —� --------------- ------ WABAS 5 —' I � � —,� � _ _ _ ___ �_.1__ — '. � _ _` S I �_ 65.�2'. ' � i n 3 � .v1 i�� pv � f '8 � � 1 � � � ♦ �`\� / / � / / � % / / / / � / � / / / / / � / / / �/ / � vo � . o� ' v � i i , � � / ' � � � \ � � � ♦ . _ . .. .. CISY OF S2. PAIIL PFELI![IHAYi O=DSL ORfG!l��A� ��.-G�1 FI�R HO � �� 18828 `" . 2 --� In the �faiter of Condemaation and taking of permanent easement for right-of- wap purposes in connection with the Wabasha Street Improvement Pro3ect (City project 96-p-1142) - Proposed easements to be located at the intersection of Wabasha and Concord Streets, described as follows: A perpetual easement for public right-of-way purposes over, under and cross those parts of vacated Sibley Street, Lots 2 and 3, Block 34, West St. Paul Proper, according to the recorded plat thereof, said perpetual easement lies easterly, of the east right-of way line of Dakota Avenue (now known as South Wabasha Street) as opened under orders of the Comman Council Nooember 17, 1886, and shown in Department of Public Works old Series Opening Book Number 5, and lies westerly of the south westerly right-of way line of South Wabasha Street (now known as Concord Street) as opened under Council File Number 83022 approved October 23, 1929 (October 26, 1929). Except any part of the above described properties that lies easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the westerly extension of the southerly line of said Lot 3 with said east right-of-way line of Dakota Avenue, thence northeasterly angle to the right of 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, from said east right-of-way line, 50 feet more or less to the point of intersection with said southwesterly right-of-way line of South Wabasha Street and said line there terminating. _ . , _r.. public hearing be given to by the Charter, stating the of the improvement and the ��������� i� The Counc3l of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hezeby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $6,000 financed by Municipal State Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of June, 1996 , at 4:3D o`clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays �/B�.akey �strom uerin �rris �rgard l/R�e tman I/2`hune t In Favor � Against the persons and in time and place of total cost thereof Adopted hy Council: Date�( �� ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � c� . t r� Mayor