96-665�n ♦ Y d� Cl2Y OF Sr. PAUL FIHAL OBDSL ! 'f e a . : �R�i�����p� 55, couaciz F $ a .. S BY J/.. FILS H . 188 VOiI$G AABD 1 fi 4 In the 1Satter of Znstallation of a decorative lantern type lighting system on Selby Ave. from the east end of the bridge at Ayd Mill Rd, to Lexington Pkwy. underPreliminary0rder � � — �jg� approved �,,,�_� 1'� �q Q ( T _'�_ The Gouncil of the Gity of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Citp Charter; and WAEBEAS, The Council has heard all persons, objectipas and recommendations pettaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above—described improvement be made, and the proper Citp officers are hereby directed and authori2ed to proceed with the improvement; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City oFficers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �,lakey ✓Bostrom Guerin— AbSent ✓H�arxis Megard– fl�aser� t- !/Rettman �Ihune � In Favor Q Against � �bsen-l- Adopted by Council: Date �. \qq� Certified Passed by Counci Secretary B y � G Mayor Public Hearing Date - June 12, 1996 RE 4-5-96 � o�pA,��ro�°�o��„ °A��"�nA'E° GREEN SHEET N0. Public wosks (Tra�c) Marcn 1a,199s OONTACiPpi$pqdPHONE INRI 1 �EPARTMENfDIRECTOFI � � CRYCOUNCIL Ed Hally 2666216 �ssicr� �,� o�A„n� Q�� n+u sEOrrc�OUr�.nr�oaerma 4-24-9� novmac iust e in ounci Researc Offic amm �e�°��raa�cr°a �'p�al� -- no later than noon Frida 4-12-96 �" ���+�Research OTAL t OF SIGNR7UHE PAGES 1 (CLJP A11lACA7qN5 f-0R SIGNATUHEI O ASSOCiATE Q DEPf. ACCOUNT AC'TIOHREWESim � �'a Schedule a public hearing to approve a proposat tor construction of a Street Lighting System on Sefby from bridge art Ayd Mitl Rd. to Lexington Parkway. File No. 18522 nepMM��anoNS: aq,m"e w� o�pe�ec� � pEpgpryp� SERVICE CONTRACiS MU5T ANSWER 7HE FOLLOW WG �UES710NS: _,PUNNINGCOMtR$SION _�l ���E ������ 7. FIaS tllispB rsofUfiRn ever Wofk9d ufldBf a CoMraCt fof Nlis C8p2rtmeM? A CIB COMI.4TTEE YES NO A STAfF 2 � m � s Y�ES � NO er been a eity empbyee? — — 3. Does this perso�rtn possgss a sldll not normaly po5sessed by any curtent city A O15TRIC7CAUNCIL 13 empioyee? YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJEC'INE1 Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet Neighbortwods Wards 1 & 4 INtT7AT1NG PROBLEM, 1$SUE, aPPORTUNT' (WHp, WHAT, W{iEN, WHFRE, Wf1Y)_ This project was submitted to the CIB Committee by the Community Councii. RF ��� �Fi�, RF9 F sTqT o L 1 °9 ` gb' s�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Improves roadway safety conditions and enhances aesthetics of the area. DISADVANTA6ES IP APPROVED: Increased operating and maintenance costs. 4�Yc1is���# ,4`°�:,'�i•.'�'.R.'^.'[�i°i as��4�i� ��� � 4 i�9� DISAWANTAGE3IF NOT APPROVEG Street lighting improvements would not occur. TOTALAMOUNTOF7RANSACTION$ $�04.000.0� CO5T/fiEVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AST. MSA. PIA ACINfTY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMA710N: (EXPWN) Construc6on 586,650.00 AST Fnandn9 $22.000.00 . £ngineering $iG�30.00 MSA Fnandng $76�000.00 Fnancing $1.320.00 PlAfinancin9 $6,00 0.00 Total Casts � $704,000.00 To1af Fnancing $104.0OO.OD � $�� 9G-4�s SUMMARYOF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS MaRCH 14, 1996 . Project Installation of a decorative fantem type lighting system on Selby Avenue from the East end of the bridge at Ayd Mill Road to Lexington Parkway. Initiating Action Recommendation by District Council and approval by CIB Committee. Existing Conditions The East end of the Selby Avenue Bridge is currently illuminated by 70W HPS Twin Lantern style street lights. The intersection at Selby and Hamiine is illuminated by three (3) bent straw styfe street iights mounted on traffic signal poles. The balance of Selby Avenue, between the bridge and Lexington Parkway is illuminated by six (6) 150W HPS overhead fixtures mounted on wooden NSP power poles. Proposed Improvements Instail approximately 19-14 foot, 150 Watt HPS, decorative lantern style street lights, staggered on both sides of Selby Avenue from the East end of the br+dge over Ayd Mill Road to the West side of the intersection at Lexington Parkway. Positive Benefits Improves safety conditions and enhances the aesthetics of the roadway. Adverse Effects Increased maintenance and operating costs. Time Schedule 1996 construction season. Cost Estimate Construction Engineering & tnspection Finance Financing MSA AST PIA TOTAL $86,650.00 16,030.00 1.320.00 $104,000.00 $76,000.00 22,000.00 6.000.00 TOTAt $144,000.00 The assessment rate for decorative lantern type street lighting is $4.08/Assessable Ft. 1 � �- GGS SUMMARY O F ENGINEER(NG R.ECOMMENDATIONS MARCH 14 1996 Source of Additional Information Contact Ed Hally at 266-6216 Recommendation This proposal is consistent with the City of St. Paul Sfreet Lighting Policy and practice for street lighting instaNation. The Department of Pubiic Works recommends approval of this project. Respectfuliy submitted, �--�,�, �, � .� Stacy M. Becker Director of Public Works 2 � �-G �i > a z 0 r U Z X W J CITY OF ST. PAUL UGHTfNG PROJEC7 96-V-0883 SELBY AVE. AYD MILL TO LEXINGTON � DAYTON ti �_ .r ° Cl2Y OY Si. PAIIL P$ELI�IISA=Z 02DSi OR4GINAL ��-��s tq cou iv ai� � . , _, B LS s0. 188 OSIHG iiAHD fi 4 In the xatter of Installaiion of a decorative lantern type lighting syatem on Selby Ave. £rom the east end of the bridge at Ayd Mill Rd. to Leaiagton Pkwy. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: l. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $104,000 financed by Municipal State Aid $I5,000., Public Improvement Aid $6,000 and Assessments $22,000. �-1 : 3 o p .,�., , 2. That a public hearing b had on said improvement on the _12th_ day of_June, 1996, at °^^ '''- �", in the Council Chambers of the CiCy Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �lakey Bostrom ✓Guerin ✓�arris ✓�egard �ttman ✓�hune �In Favor t,� Against Adopted by Council: Date � � 1�' Certified Passed by Council Secretary By or � GITY � ¢ � � 9 • k �i � O � t€[[€ � If[ft , � IE€t € P_ I a � � � �854 Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER � � G - GS COUNCIL DISTRICT #1,4 PLAI3I3ING COUNCIL �13 FILE # ;18$���:�.%°;;:�::;:_:; PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID _ ........... ... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ��'�:>��4 ,_�_._.e.; .�,-.�_. F: �e, C ° E�f i �� `� "��'`i E.��,� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 72, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hail-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: INSTALLATION OF A DECORATIVE LAN7ERN TYPE LIGHTING SYSTEM ON SELBY AVENUE FROM 7HE EAS7 END OF THE BRIDGE AT AYD MILL ROAD TO LEXINGTON PARKWAY. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost wili be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is - NOTE: 1'HIS IS NOT A BiLL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. CONTINUED ON REVERSE StDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/28/96