96-435„ �, :: �A' r..q:y.��� , ' �� , :� , CiTY OF SAIH2 Pg1IL FINAL OBDS$ IH COADEHHASIOH PgOC%%DIHGS �ry'M�N��'Q _ 5���q�a �s 5 $ !y F /� p p '°i_J'e:%� 4I�L, lY 1fO�� 435 BY FILS HQ. 18817 VOTIHG AABD_7 In the Matter of Acquiring of property for bluff preservation and open space the folloving described property: Lot 12, Block 1; Lots 24 thru 26, Block 6; Lot 31, Block 6, Eacept the South 61/104 feet of Lot 40, Block 6; Except South 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 3, Block 6; Beginning on the Northwest corner of Lot 54 thence to a point on the Southerly line of and 60 feet from the West line of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 51 thence to beginning and all of Lot 55, Block 10; Lot 56 and 57, Block 10; Vacated a21ey East of and adjacent to and the East 35 feet of Lot I and all of Lots 58 and 59, Block 10; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 10; Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being 50 feet on the North line and 38 feet on the West line and all of Lot 8, Block 10; Subject to road, The following; Beginning on the North`westerly line of Lot 11 at a point 50 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly line, thence_Southeasterly parallel with and 50 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasterly line of Lot 12, thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of Lot 12 and 49 to the Northeasterly line of Lot 49,thence Northwesterly and Westerly along the Northerly lines of Lot 49 and-50 to the Northwesterly line of Lot 50, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of Lot 50 and its Southwesterly extension to the intersection of the Northwesterly.line of Lot 11, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of Lot 11 to ihe point of beginning; being part of Lots 11, 12, 49 and Lot 50, Block 10; Lots 2 and 3, Block 11; Lots 10 and 11, Block 11; Lot 42, Block 12; Burlington Heights, Division Number 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and subject to road easements, beginning at the corner of Garden Avenue and Weymouth Street thence Northwesterly on said street 150 feet thence Northeasterly parallel with said avenue 50 and 4/10 feet, thenee Southeasterly 150 feet to point on said Avenue 50 feet Northeasterly from said street thence Southwesterly 50 feet to the beginning in Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 14 Township 28 Range 22; . ,, . ; , .�-- ° Lot 17, Block 1; Except widened Afton Lot 37 and 38 and the Block 6; Lots 2`6'and 27, Block Lot 33, Block 7; Lot 35, Block 7;: Lot 17, Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47, Block Lot 5'9, Block 9; , Lot 66 and 68, B1`,ock Road, Lot 13 thru 16, Block 1; adjacent 1/2 of vacated Edgewood Place, 7; 9; 9; �rn��v�� - sltlqc� ; °1C_y3S r , „. Nar «�..-., e9;; � a c.... «,. ,. „.. �-e-s �� ear�—e�tc�a-� � s€ �e-� 3, �le�, k—'r'r B u r 1 i ag t o n ?,_, Heights, Division Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. ' ��. , � � under Preliminary Order ��— p�Q� '. appioved �a�, ��'f ,�qq6 �� _ ` �` i.r- • , A public hearing having been had npon the above impravement upon due notice, and the Couneil having heard all persons, objections a�d - � recommendations relative thereto, and, fully considered the same; therefore,��be it � � 8SS0LVSD, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby �rders said improvement_to be made RES�L9&D FIIEYHS$, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this impr�ovement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described above; and the:,City officers and City Attorney are hereby authoriaed and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. . - �urtker - &eae3�edy-�kat-tke-Eeeaet4-i�erebp-�etermsaes-tkat-t�e-estat r - reqaired o£f=eera-anfimit-a-repert-to-ti�n-Eitg-£onati�-fer-tfie-pnrpese�of-ti�e-Eonaef�ta maieiag asatasmtntsy-i£-ad9;-againat-t�ie-i�zae£itted-preperty: COIIACILPEHSOAS Yeas / Nays �key ° � o trom y�rin �Ciarris �_g,ard +iI�ettman ✓ffune Adopted by Council: Date � �q Certified Passed by Council Secretary � � In Favor By '' �. _ � Against S"] Mayor a Public Hearin Date - April 24, 1996 RE 2-16-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date 2-7-96 Green She� N�ber: 34p75 Frn�xr nm�cnox i covxcu. � r� em rm� rr� — nx�m�sr a ca� ..� Peter White 26(r&850 � D�p�nR 8c MGT SVG DIR YOR(ORASSSTANn nemcwootngeodat.y: Matdty1995To�n�eaaner�rablicHe�gauAg724,�1v4G. #OF3GNAIVREPAGPS 1 (QIPAiLI.00A1iO1�ROR$GNATVRL� C1iON REQUL�SiPD: ondemn and acqnire 47 vacant parcels for open space and binff preservation in the Battle Creek Park • FINANCE FILE #18817 11�PlIDA1IOP�: APPROVE (A) OR REIECl (R) �u. �vicB coxrxncis a�usrnNSw�e x� r�ounwnv� PIAHI�IDdG OO�ON A ST�' Has the pe�onf6rm eve� ��e� a mntrart 6oc tltis de�nt? YES NO QVII. SBItVil3: CO�ON Aas dris peaon/fim ecet 6xa a 6ty empbyee? YES NO (� COA�N[i1FE Does fLis pe�on/f� pa�e� a st�L mt no�al(9 P� t'9 8 °Y _ CuneotCnyemplo9ae? YES NO " all YES amwea � a� shcet and attxL. R1S WiIIQI COUNCII. OH7PG11VEY en Space and Bluff eservation COUNCa. WARD(S� 7 DSPAIQ' PIANDIING COUNCClL I TING PROBI.EIN, I,SSUE, OPPORIVN[1'Y (Who, W6at, When. Wheie. WLy'x e properties in tlus area are too steep to build on per C51y building codes. VANl'AGES IFAPPROVF.D: e City will have acquired the properties that are to steep to bnild on and will not have to turn down uture building pemuts. ISADVANIAGES IFAPPROVPD: one. ISADVANi'i1GES 1F NOT AYPROVFA: e City conld be required by the courts to purchase the properties for not granting the building permit. nacourrr og �nenrrsncizoiv: $580,000 c�r/n$v�s suncgir� �c�ca� or� �s xo ING SOUR(Z AG'lIVI1R NUMBE2 IB & DERAL S c�u, uu�o�urnTtor� (�ianv� IB = $116,OOQ : FF.DERAI. ISTEA FiJNDS = $464,Oi10 . _ _. _ �. . _�� �: aw�;%�x �,��r�" w--� � J _vvv � 9 �-�t3s Saint Paul River Bluff Acquisition and Presernation Project Report Prepared February 6, 1996 Public Hearing April 24, 1996 PROJECT The acquisition of 47 parcels totalling 13.75 acres for open space. The project aZ'ea is bounded by Lower Afton Road, Burlington Road, Highwood Ave. and Highway 61. PURPOSE To preserve and enhance the scenic quality of Highway 61, the Mississippi River and the community by preserving this highly sensitive area from urban development. If the river bluff remains in private ownership, it will become increasingly covered with urban development and will become a scenic and environmental liability. Increased erosion and run-off due to development will have a negative impact on nearby Pig's Eye Lake and the Mississippi River. INITIATING ACTION The Zoning Division turned down a request of a development plan for a parcel in this area because the grade of the land was more than 180. In order to acquire the parcel and others in the area with the grade of 18� or more. The City requested Funds for these acquisitions, in a effort to prevent any legal action against the City. FUNDING The project cost is $580,000 with $464,000 from the Federal Government ISTEA Enhancement Program and $116,000 1996 CIB Funds. The Real Estate Division of The Department of Finance and Management Services will be acquiring the parcels for Open Space. F'or further information please contact Peter White or Bob Novak at 266-8850. Recommendation The Real Estate Division feels the project is necessary and worthwhile project and recommends approval of the project. Report prepared by Bob Novak of the Real Estate Division. (bluffrep) , ; . � CISY OF Si. pAIIL _.. CQIIACZL.FIL$ 0� ��r� o/'��OtI` PHS7.IHIHABY OaDSg , BY ti�� ����,,,,, FZLS HO. 15817 VOTZNG,AABD 7 In the Matter of Acquiring of property for bluff preservation and open space the foZlowing described property: Lot 12, Block 1; Lots 24 thru 26, Block 6; Lot 31, Block 6, Except the South 61/104 feet of Lot 40, Block 6; Except South 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 3, Block 6; Beginning on the Northwest corner of Lot 54 .thence to a point on the Southerly line of and 60 feet from the West 13ne of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 51 thence to beginning.and.all of Lot 55, Block 10; Lot 56 and 57, Block 10; Vacated alley East of and adjacent to and the East 35.feet of Lot 1 and,all of Lots 58 and 59, Block 10; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 10; Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being SO feet on.the North line,and 38 feet on the West line and all of Lot 8, BZock 10; Subject to road, The following; Beginning on the Northwester7.y line,of Lot 11 at a point 50 feet i�ortherly of the Southwesterly line, thence Southeasterly para2lel with a,nd 50 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasteriy line of Lot I2, thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of Lot 22 and 49 to the Northeastarly line of Lot 49,thence Northwesterly and Westerly along the Northerly lines of Lot 49 an i 50 to the Northwesterly line of Lot 50, thence Southwesterly along th. Northwesterly line of Lot 50 and its Southwesterly extension to th intersection of the Northwesterly line of Lot 11, thence Southwesterly alon� the Yorthwesterly line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning; being part o Lots 11, I2, 49 and Lot 50, Block 10; Lots 2 and 3, Block lI; Lots 10 and 11, $Iock 11; Lot 42, Siock 12; Burlington Heights, Division Number 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and su6ject to road easements, beginni at the corner o£ Garden Avenue and Weymouth Street thence Northwesterly said street 150 feet thence Northeasterly parallel with said avenue 50 a 4/10 feet, thence Southeasterly 150 feet to point on said Avenue 50 fe Northeasterly from said street thence Southwesterly 50 feet to the beginn� in Northwest I/4 of the Northeast 1/4 0£ Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 qG-�t3s �='i�� . „ . Lot 17, Block 1; Except widened Afton Road, Lot 13 thru 16, Block 1; Lot 37 and 38 and the adjacent 1/2 of vacated Edgewood Place, Block 6; Lots 2b and 27, Block 7; Lot 33, Block 7; Lot 35, B2ock 7; Lot 17, Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47, Block 4; Lot 69, Block 9; Lot 6b and 68, Block 9; Lot 4 Easterly of a line rnnning from a point on the North Zine of and 5 feet West of the Northeasterly corner to a point on the South line and 16 feet Northwest of Southeasterly corner and alI of Lot 5, Block I1; Burlington Heights, Div3sion Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon Lhe above improvement, and having considered said report, herebp resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternaiives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $580,000 fiaanced by Capital Improvement Bonds $116,000 and Intermodal Surface Ttansportation Enhancement Act $464,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th daq of April, 1996 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Counci Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City o Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas� Nays ✓ �.lakey ✓�.ostrom /G erin ' v�arris ��M,egard �� ttman a/`thune public hearing be given to the persons and � by the Charter, stating the time and place � of the i.mprovement and the total cost there� �In Favor Q Against Adopted by Council: Date �Q��. �-b' Certified Passed by Counci.l Secret� By ���---_-_�-� Ma SL PAUL C1TY COUNGL PUBLIC HEARING PROPERTY ACC�UISITION � � q G-4 35 Dear Property Owner: City Council Ward ,$ � Planninq District � � File Nos. 18817 PURPOSE Condemniag and acquiring vacant parcels for open AND space and btufE preservaUon in the Battle Creek Park LOCATION Area HEJ�RING Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 5:00 pm, Third Floor Council Chambers City Ha11JCOUrt House FIMANCING ESTIMATED ACQUISITION COSTS: $580,000 INFORMA.TION ESTIMATED FINANCE by: Federal ICETEA Funds: $464,000 C.I.B.: $116.000 $580,000 If this acquisition is approved by the City Council. There wi11 an appraisal done on your property. After which the City will make an offer to purchase your property. To aid in your decision, you may wish to secure your own appraisal, the city will reimburse yau in an amount not to exceed $500. Please note that there are certain conditions that must be met before the City can reimburse you for the additional apprazsal. QUESTIQNS Real Esfiate: 266-5850 If your ehould have any questions please call the above number and/or City staf£ will be availabla to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 Citv Hall/ Court House (Attached 1s a map of your property highlighted in blue) MAP OF PROJECT AREA Gou�e4i €�s�R�;rF G^n'a� �PR 12 19��i � Project Area--► Thie notice wae made: April 11, 1996 � City of salnt aaul, Rea1 Setate Divfezon Roan 140 City Hall/COUtt Houee �������.�� � . r� _ ,�. : ., , - .. :� ' ���'i���i1'�� ��--:�,.�:._�� � ST. PAUL CIIY COUNCIL ' PUBLIC HEARING PROPERTY ACQUISITION I' / /. ► 9 �-y�S Dear Property Owner: City Council Ward #� Planning District # File Nos. 18817 PURPOSE Condemning and acquiring vacant parcels for open AND space and bluff preservation in the Battle Creek Park LOCATION Area HEARING wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 5:0o pm, Third Floor Council Chambers City Hall/COUrt House FINANCING ESTIMATED ACQUISITION COSTS: $580,000 INFORMATION ESTIMATED FINANCE by: Federal ICETEA Funds: $464,000 C.I.B.: $116,000 $580,000 If this acquisition is approved by the City Council. There will an appraisal done on your property. After which the City will make an ofPer to purchase your property. To aid in your decision, you may wish to secure your own appraisal, the City will reimburse you in an amount not to exceed 5500. Please note that there are certain conditions that must be met before the City can reimburse you for the additional appraisal. QUESTIONS Real Estate: 266-8850 If your should have any questions please aall the above number and/or City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 Citv Hall/ Court House (Attached is a map of your property higrilighted in blue) MAP OF PROJECT AREA . r �.x , i� n . , .5� � �,taE�B'f�!,�� C��s�• . � ,d j�,��� �. l 'ia�,is �, Thie notice wae made= April 11, 1996 City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Diviaion Room 140 City Hall/COUrt Houae ;�:� :< ;;:x : ::'' `"':�1:. s, `. I � . u C.; f v$: Project A