96-42YI 4 .� Oe OR�Gl���AL CISY OF ST. PAIIL FZHAL OHDEg . q � ��� couaciL ��p. �� 2 (: BY J FILE HO� 1&812 VOTIA6 AABD 7 �,SheeT-33S67 In the liatter of improving the following streets with a new bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the Fourth/Howard Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: East Fourth Street Fremont Avenue Pedersen Street Howard Street Winthrop Street from Ruth Street to McICnight Road. from Ruth Street to Howard Street. from East Third Street to East Fifth Street. Erom East Third Street to East Fifth Street. from East Fourth Street to East Pifth Street. underPreliminary0rder �S ��35 � approved Np�.�s , `�q,S The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed bp the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sha11 calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Gharter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �Blakey — ��osev�,�" � u�n - ROsz-v��" ✓Harris ✓Fiegard ,/�ettman �/Thune �In Favor � Against o� �bSen� Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Coun ' Secretary :C ►: _ . ► -�_--� -- I , 1,, i,� ���. � � 1 � . �. .- n � . Public Hearing Date - January 10, 1996 RE 11-3-95 � ' -" DEPARTAIENT(pFFICE/COUNCIL �^�wR�^�� GREEN SHEET r,o. 335s? Pl1byC wOC�LS DC})3T�7CIlt QCt. �s 1995 INITIpUDpTE WRUUDqTE CONTACTPERSON6PHONE �DEPM7MENTDIRECTOR �cmcouwca Paul Sf. Martin 7eL No. 266-6118 �N Qcrzr arrow+er ❑cm aeax MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DKfE) 11-22-95 "" Must be in Gouncil Research Office � ��������p ❑FW�dMGT.SERVICFS�IR no later than noon Frida 11-10-95 ��AYOR(ORASSISTAN'n � Counci Research TOTAL! OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �(tLP ALL LOCA710N5 FOA SIGHANAp � ASSOCIA7E � DEPAFiMENTl1 AC(.'DIJNTANT ACTION qEWESiED Canstructbn of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, wffier and sewer service connections and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and construct a lantern style i'ghting system in the area called Fourth/I3oward RSP (Area 6) generally bounded by Ruth Street, Minnehaha Avenue, McKnight Road and Old Hudson Road. File No. 18812 flECOMMENDATqNS: ppprove (/q a RejeU (i� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEfi THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _PLANNPX9 COMMISSKk! _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• � m � s E�S Nfi NO er wo�ked under a contract for this depaNnent? _CIB COMMI77EE _ 2 Has this PersonRrtn O r been a tiry employee? Y A SiqFF 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessad by arry curcent ciry — — employee? _DISTRICTCOUNCIL— 1 _ YES NO SUPPOR7S WFIICH COUNC�t rJ9AEGTNE? ExP�ain all yes answaro on se{areta sheet aM attach to gre6n s1�9et Neighborhoods Ward 7 N3ITIATING PR09LEM, iSSUE.OPPORTUTltSY (WH6, YMAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): This pmject is being completed under the Residential Street Paving 1'rogram. �'�"�°SaC,FZ ;'����:��8 � 6�Cs� � 199� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A newly rebufft roadway. with new curb and gutter, wlll restore the drmability of this street and cont3nue our efTorts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. The new street lighting will also improve safety in the area. DISADVANTAGES IF APPI70VED: Normal pmblems associated with constrvction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occur. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: The pavement structure will continue to detenorate, maintenance costs will rise. and the level of seivice provided by this street will drop. TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTIONS RSQ�pO(1�0 . � C YES p0 FUNDING SOURCE CaDiYaf Impmvement Bonds. ASSessments ACITYfTY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOflMATION:�EXPLAIN) � �� 1 ��j�- � SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIMENDATIONS Fourth/Howard RSP (Area 6) City Project No. 96-P-8092 Report Prepared - October 16, 1995 Public Hearing (1995) PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, water and sewer service connections and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and construct a lantern style lighting system in the area called FourthjHoward RSP (Area 6), City Project No. 96-P-8092, generally bounded by Ruth Sfreet, Minnehaha Avenue, McKnight Road and Old Hudson Road. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Most of the streets in the project area are paved with a full depth bituminous pavement and concrete curb and gutter and have ornamental street lighting. This was done over the past several years as part of the sewer separatfon work. The remaining oiled streets, some of which also have sections of concrete curb, are in generally poor condition. The oiled streets within the project area have Northern States Power wood pole lighting. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Improve the following oiled streets by the construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, and a lantern style street lighting system. (The proposed widths are shown in parenthesis) FOURTH STREET - Ruth to McKnight Road (30'-32'); FREMONT AVENUE - Ruth to Howard (30'-32'); PEDERSEN STREET - Third Street to Fifth Street (30'-32'j; HOWARD STREET - Third Street to Fifth Street (30'-32'); WINTHROP STREET - Fourth Street to Fifth Street (30'-32'}. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the city's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. P�SITIVE BENEFITS: General unprovement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street offing would be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. y� �a-- � ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal probiems associated with construction such as noise dust and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES The alignment of the curbs will be selected to minimize the loss of trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE: Construction of this project will begin in the summer of 1996 and will be completed by fall of 1996. There wili be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. COST ESTTMATES Street Construction Engineering & Inspection Miscellaneous Lighting {Includes Eng.) Project Total ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1996 Capital Improvement Bonds Assessments Project Total $540,000 109,000 54,000 151.000 $854,000 �633,000 221.000 $854,000 The assessment rate for the street paving and lighting is: $23.07 per Assessable Ft. for the street paving on residential streets; $4.08 per Assessable Ft. for lantern style street lighting on residential streets. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Paul St. Martin, at 266-6118. SUMMARY ANT? RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works �a HUDSON RD. fl.0 0.7 0.2 0.] 0.4 0.1 � � e . . , . s MlLES FOURTNlHOWARD STREETS TO BE � EXISTING OILED PAYED IN Y996 �STING OIDER PAVED 10/17/55 9996 � 1.3 MILES I!////I i � Ptojxt No.6 96P-8092 MINNEHAHA Cf6 ``�� CITY OF ST. PAIIL PFELIlSIHdBY OYDSR � �� ��� �� � � � � � �`il�f , �� COIIN IL FILE N0. � — BY ���� FILS �O� 18812 VOTING AAgD _7 In the Hatter o£ improving the follo�.*ing streets with a new bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the FourthJHoward Area Street Faving and Lighting Project: East Fourth Street Fremont Avenue Pedersen Street Howard Street Winthrop Street from Ruth Street to McRnight Road. from Ruth Street to Howard Street. from East Third Street to East Fifth Street. from East Third Street to East Fifth Street. from East Fourth Street to East Fifth Street. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received [he report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $854,000 financed by 1996 Capital Improvement Bonds $b33,000 and Assessments $221,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the lOth_ day of January, 1996, at 3:3� o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓�lakey ✓G�r i mm �erin �rris �egard ✓I�ettman �une �In Favor Q Against Adopted by Council: DateN���G��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary B y— , `—��� `� p1 Mayor , �GITY �� • • - � y�i Saint Paul City � ��E_�€�__,,, b� Public Hearing 6 FSL_ _�=' ,� ��-" �°' Public Improv�ment a � 1 839 OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council � Notice �G -��- Construction COUNCIL DISTRICT #7 PLANNING COUNCIL #01 FILS # 188�2 `° ":<` - PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PARCEL ID w , �� ,�,.� ..Y.._�•. ea�c� � � - ��^ _ . �;� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1996 AT 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiii be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: FOURTH/HOWARD AREA STREET PAVlNG AND LIGHTING PROJECT. ESTIMATED If the City Gouncil approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION tSTIMATED assessment for the above property is $ NOTE: THIS 1S NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMEN7 CALCULATION CnNTINUFD ON REVFRSE SIDE NOTIFIGATION DATE: 12/22/95 �� ��� FZLE NO. 18812 Improving the following streets with a new bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing a11 other work necessary to complete said improve�aent for the FOURTH/HOWARD AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: East Fourth Street from Ruth Street to McKnight Road. Fremont Avenue from Ruth Street to Howard Street. Pedersen Street from East Third Street to East Fifth Street. Howard Street from East Third Street to East Fifth Street. Winthrop Street from East Fourth Street to East Fifth Street. FUNDING Total Estimated Expenditures Estimated Financing: Capital Improvement Bonds Assessments Total Street Paving. Lantern Style Lighting* $854�000 $633,000 ,�21, 000 $854,000 - $23.07 - $ 4.08 *Bent straw lighting is available at $2.56 per assessable foot by petition with 70 percent of the abutting property owners signing. The first 150 feet on the long side of a residential corner lot will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under this paving and lighting program. FILE NO. 18812-CONN The construction andJor repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer andJor water service connections, if requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the FOURTH/HOWARD AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. You may request new connections and/or the repair oP storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water service connections. if you own vacant property, we suggest you consider requesting these connections at this time. Installation at a later time will be more expensive. Coiineotit�ns ivxli assessedKat�'�the"actua3: cas� at �he.-�ime�'of .�ns�allataozi: .... -. . �. � M,. �,.,, a ....:. ... .,. �.,...� .. ,�.,... . . ,�.. .... , ., �,.„. �. u._W... �.. .... .w,. .... QUESTIONS? Construction 266-6118 Assessments 266-8850 (4thoward.rsp) �T �� _ � �. � � � ��� - r .� ; �-�,-- � � �— , v C J - �t: ti fJ � 3 Ro. ' T. ,_,T. 0 � =-�.6 " �� ! .::— ir, --�.: .T.-� C� a .� - — _ � � .... ..: � � - 9 � � 1"NO�Al10 � v ��' q.7��r:i'l�:l' CL o 0 �_ AY[.�_ _ � v jL� � � _ � Z Y U � MINNEHAHA FtFTH FOURTH FREMONT cor+waY OLD HUDSON RD.