96-39; a�f" 1 4 � f Ck � �' i`a L. CITY OY ST. YAIIL FIHAL OgllSY (� M �� ('a �p ���ala� COBHCIL��IILE 0. �� � � � ' � � ` BY �L'`/�9,�' Y FILE HO. 18 02MC VOTIHG AAffD 3 �=1M�i3ACYJ - 5��.�1t�l�e 6.Shett 3koLj In the Matier of assessments for the Cretin/Bapard Area Residential Street Paving Project, including the construction of concrete curb and gutter, bituminous roadway, concrete aprons and outwalks, sewer repairs, and refurbishing of egisting lighting system on Mount Curve Boulevard from Eord Parkwap to Randolph Ave. Amendment made on lJ 10/96: With the exception for the repaving, construrtion of concrete curb and gutter, concrete a�rons and outwalks on the West si3e of Mount Curve Boulevard between Highland Parkway and P.mendment made on 1/24/96: (add onto above amendment of 1J10/96) currene a. mill ana ovarlay undezPreliminary0rder of Mount Curve ter on approved side t The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and' recommendations pettaining to said proposed improvement and has full'p considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers aze hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper Citp officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Citp Charter. COUNGILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date_,���q� Yeas� Nays Blakep Certified Passed by Counci Secretary ✓ yuerin ./�I'arris ���fegard ��� ettman �/ Thune ` In Favor � Against Public Hearin� Date - January 10, 1996 RE 12-29-95 � �� �J / F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/Z7/95 Green Shcet Number. 34061 FPARIAffiYP DII2CCPDR Q1Y COUNC[I. txt Pcrson and p600e Nombc� , �.�� A"ITORNL'Y �-E� �own PETER WfITTE 266-8850 °°°' UDCECDIRECfOR ffiMGP.SVGDIIL. YOR (OR ASSISI'ANn 1 UNCII. RESFARCH MuttbeonCouna7Agendaby.AT COUNCIL`S REQUEST HEARING DATE IS SET FOR JANUARY 10� 1996 AL # OF S[GNAIVRL� PAGES 1 (Q.iP ALL TACe1TIONS FOR SIGNAIURL� C1ION REQUP5IFD: 1. Set date of 1/10/96 for Final Order Hearing to approve the paving of Mount Curve Boulevard from Ford Parkway to Randolph Avenue as part of the Cretin/Bayard Area Residential Street Paving and Lighting Project (Finance File Number 18802MC) . Approve said project. RL�COMME:NDAIIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REIECI' (R) ERSONAI. SERVICE CONfRe1C1S MUSl' ANSWER THf? FOLLOWING P(t�NNING COhIl�SiSSION A ST� L Has the pecsonf fum evcc wox�ed u¢dei a m¢tmct fac t6is deQacunent? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMhIISS[ON —J Has this pexson/fum ever becn a Gty employee? YFS NO � Dces tLis pcison/ficm pm�es a skitl mt noxmally posusud bY �9 QB CAMh4T1FE _ Cux�nt Ciry emptoyee? YES NO lain all YES answexs on a separate sheet and attacL. •ureoR�rswEU�c;ouxcn,osmcriv�e getter & Safer Streets COUNCQ. WARD(S� 3 DISIRICI' PL4NNING COUNCQ. iS INIT7A77NG PROBI.EM, ISSt7E, OPPORIVNIlY (Who, What, Wheq Whem. Wh}r!r Residential Street Paving Project has been approved in the area of Cretin and Bayard Avenues. The length of Mount Curve Boulevard from Ford Parkway to Randolph Avenue was incl�ded wit�h this r�.',ect. 6ut has been broken off for separate consideration. �°�'��"� �''� �'�'��'��'` _ � � � .��:�� �. �, u �, . �v VANi'AGES IF APPROVFD: ount Curve Boulevard will be paved and assessed for this improvement along with the rest of the Cretin/Bayard area project DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVFA: Unpaid assessments couid be collected with property taxes, becoming an encumbrance on the property. DISADVANl'qGES IF NOTAPPAOVED: Mount Curve Boulevard would have to be paved some time in the future, likely at a higher rate of assessment. rni, nr�ovxr oF •r�uvsncnox: $2,840,587* �Y�-�E BvuG��m (cmc� or� �s xo r•unm�xc sovacE: 1996 CIB and assessments A�j1°riY r��ER Fu�rnivcrAL uaro�nnorr: (ra��,uv� *The estimated cost for this part of the Cretin/Bayard project is included in the estimated cost of the ntire project, which is shown here. r� - :��J� � • � u� � � � � 1 � �� ��� _. �2 '��►1 �� . �� i �.�t; �N � � _ 3�, ia ( a � � � h � � rr ��. � ;'� � - ���, .,,:. �� .. �,� J �� �� ;� . . z J C 0 , ; :�'� �:`.,• �` Q � PALACE 4J � r � q� -3q > D �-� Q o JAMES 3 UC�C RANDOLPH �"' ��n� l► �� W � O � N Z 0 � MOUNT CURVE BLVD. - FORD PKWY. TO RANDOLPH � AREA TO BE PAVED � AREA OF CONCERN 1-24-96 PAS � ! wATSat� Av�. w � � � _� � 1,� v �. ,w: HARTFOR - AVE. ��� � :#�i : vi � �"�' BAYARD • � a� � . SCHEFFE AvE. Z 1 ELEANOR W z �.��� C HIGHLQ ° N � C � PINEHUR T �- AYE. � FORD PKMY. FOR D MOTOR C� � � I s q�-3� _ � � 0 0 z Q � 0 0 �- � � m � � � Q � � � • 0 > � m w > � � U � z � 0 � � w � � � c� o � Q J m m � � U �-- Q � � � Q � 0 w � 0 � O � � � � � � U zi W d. � � C.� z � � x w t0 o> N � Q a �� ----� � � � c � � �� � U � � � � � Z o 0 0 0 � o ch v r p � a co �n o F � � <c co n co � � O r r F N W � V �s vi vi ar � � W � � Q O W Q � W �O J W � W O � w Q 0 � � 3 �n � o a o � �¢ a <n � f - a ¢ F- c = - WO� z � a � _ � `° '�� >zO > � ¢ > � W n 0.Oa n i � � ga 5gZ g� a C��� � W ¢ QZm ¢Z � W W z _ > n - > t0 � - > � ° a aWWm booQ i�occ� corr o � �>� ` ° W � ° UW � ° v � O a a U O¢ p O¢ w p O¢ w > � � W 0. �ww a�w aJU�w a='u`5 � O U Z Z O�¢ O� � Q O� � ��- G > m o > � � o U � Z a � � W � Q 7 � Q y W 2 N O = v a � J Q � oz N � O� c� } Qa U Y � � ¢ a N z � C) � w � W W O W Z m 6 . ��Yy) CITY OF ST. PAIIL FIAAL OgDEE �'�1� � 1'v 'fJ � �Q - 1 a �aO/9S 0 R I G I f A L ��,��� COIINCIL FILE N0. P aY ; : f� .� ,.� i. � �: 2,z ��, FILE HQ. 18802 VOTIHG AABD 3 � In the Hatter of Street improvements for the Cretin/Bayard Area Residential Street Paving Program, including the construction of concrete curb and gutter, bituminous toadway, concrete aprons and outwalks, sewer repairs, and a lantern style lighting system for the following streets: Woodlawn *�_oodlawn �** ���� Montrose Finn Finn Juno Hartford Bayard Scheffer Eleanor Highland Pkwy Pinehurst Ford Pkwy to Highland Pkwy Hi h nd P ''ssi pi For_ d to Randolp� �- n a r t r o r a ri Alley So. of Pinehurst to Juno to Randolph Cretin to Cleveland Mississippi River Blvd to Mount Curve to Cleveland Mount Curve eo Cleveland Mount Curve to Cleveland Mississippi River Blvd to Mount Curve to Cleveland River Blvd -f-o Q ciir, . ! Q� C49 P Bayard Cleveland Cleveland * Street lighting work only. No paving assessment. ** Old lighting to be refurbished. No lighting assessment. *** Paved at less than standard width. Reduced assessment. **** Paving work only. No street lighting assessment. ,�- ;; ��'� �t underPreliminary0rder � S —� c� b� approved Q,�. �p `�q5 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and 'FTHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above—described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it.. FURTHER RESoLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓ B�akey i�G� i mm ✓G rin t/If�.gard t/�kettman �/lnune �In Favor QAgainst Adopted by Council: Date �� aO CerCified Passed by Council Secretary By � � e ...�� .� Mayor ,a� ��� ��5' �- Public Hearing Date - December 13, 1995 RE 10-6-95 ` F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 09/27J95 Green Sheet Nnmber: 34032 EPAICIT�141' DIRE?C1Y)R CTIY COUN((�.. aa Peaan aad Plwne Number „� ..�., AITORNL�Y QERK PeterWhite 265-8850 °°` ECDIItEC1VR gMCsL_SVGDIIZ YOR (OR AS4SfAN1) 1 UN((q,. RESFARCH MUST BE IN COi713CIL RESEARCA OFFICE NO LATER THAN NOON FRIDAY 10-13-95 � x� c�aa n�oaa ep 10-25-95 to set the date of Public Hearing for 12-13-95 # OF SIGNA'iURE PAGES 1 (Q7P ALL IACA7IONS FOR STGNATURL� CIION RF.QUPSIPD: 1. Set hearing date of Aecember 13th, 1995, to final order the construction of concrete curb & tter,bituminous roadway, driveway aprons, necessary sewer repairs, and a lantern style lighting system or the CRETIN/BAYARD AREA RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROJECT, Finance File #18802. . Approve said project. RF.COhf�ffi�IDAIIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RPJECl' (R) ERSONAI. SERVICE CONl"RAC1S MUST ANSWER 7HE FOISAWING PIAN[JII�IG COI�LTSION A �T� �S tye pe�ou/Fum eva wo:ted mder a mnhact fot tLis depazhvent? YES NO CtVII, SERVICE COMbIISSION Has ihis P«sov/�m cvcr been a Gry emplopee? YES NO . . Does tLis peaon/fum posuss a sbll not aoimaii9 P�d b9 �Y � ��M�nTt� _ Ctitrent Gty employec? YPS NO lain all YES aattveis on a sepazate Shee[ and atYatit �������-���-"�'' Better & safer neighborhoods COUNCI[. WARD(S� 3 DLSPRICl' PIAHI�IING COUNCQ, 1S 17NG PROBLF.M� SSSU� OPPORITJHI'IY (Who, WLa; Wheq Wheie, Wh�): is project is part of the Residential Street Paving Program. the roadways within the project area are ostly unpaved or have a deteriorating surface. The available lighting is primarily NSP wood pole. VANTAGES 1F APPROVFD: estored driveability of the streets and continued improvements to the street system in Saint Paul. The ew lighting will also improve safety in the area. F4 �' . i�S�R u.�__,..,.u:i i.+ :F:a ISADVANCAGPS IF APPROVID: ormal construction effects, such as noise, dust, and general disruption. �� � J" 1��j LSADVANl'AGES IF NOT APPROVFD: avement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and service level of the street 'll drop. AL t1MOUNi' OF TRANSACRON: $2 ,804,587 �T/�'��E Bv�c�re° (c��c�.e orie� Yns xo u�G S°u�c� CIB, Assessments A��n'r1Y r�u�ex: cwi. nvro�nox: �rau� stimated: CIB - $2,104,769 Assessments - $735,818 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL .NOrm Coleman, Macor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � � StacyM. Beckeq Director � �-� • . :-' � TO: FROM: 1�7:���i Councilmember Michael Harris Saint Paul City Council Paul St. Martin Street Engineering Division January 10, 1996 SUBJECT: MOUNT CURVE BOULEVARI) Highland Parkway to Eleanor Avenue � ` � � � `i � ° `` a ,,�..� ,.,����'�� i ... P ; �t,:.:. �....�:�:����� q � � �-� � {� , ` ,�t `�_. b� , ��1� � 1 t As you are aware, the curbs and pavement on the west half of Mount Curve Boulevard between Highland Parkway and Eleanor Avenue were reconstructed in 1991 due to the large amount of sewer and water work done in that block as part of the Highland/Mount Curve Sewer Separation Projeet. The property owxrers on the West side of the block do not want the street paved as part of the Cretin/Bayard RSP Project. Public Works feels this section of the street should be reconstructed. The e�sting curbs do not match the curbs proposed for the rest of Mount Curve. The residents were not assessed for the 1991 work. If the City Council desires to remove the West half of this block, the Final Order for Mount Curve (96-39) could be approved with the following amendment: Except for the repaving, construction of concrete curb and gutter, concrete aprons and outwalks on the West side of Mount Curve Boulevard between Highland Parkway and the northerly line of the southerly one-half of I,ot 24, Block 2, Riverwood Addition. you have any questions, please call me at 266-6118. Sincerely, �� � � � Paul St. Martin Civil Engineer N PAS:smh cc: Stacy Becker ResponsiveServices • QualityFacflities • EmployeePride � QRl���ii.�,t CITY OF ST. PAIIL �INAL OHDEE RM�c�o� �' �o(q� s� � 3 g 3'� COIINCIL ZLE O. BY FILE HO. 18 02MC VOTIAG WAED 3 6. Sh ect- 34oG/ In the Matter of assessments for the Cretin/Bayard Area Residential Street Paving Project, including the construction of concrete curb and gutter, bituminous roadway, concrete aprons and outwalks, sewer repairs, and refurbishing of existing lighting system on Mount Curve Boulevard from Ford Parkway to Randolph Ave. Amendment made on 1/ 10/96: With and the r the repaving, construction of concrete curb and n the West side of Mount Curve Boulevard between e of the southerlv one-half of Lot 24, Block 2, R ter, concr L ��` h �� S� - ��-P �'u�G-Gr'C wdr� UU� a h?ai`t Cu�''/'�- 1'V' ` %' /�1tCu�✓t�lU � 1 �Q v�e cur ��j lac.e � �� /`a � � � � a o ����� b �Wes�� s1� ���,�� �1Y �) rQ� e,� c u r.� � �� a c-e nderPrelinina�r rder � � � � roved � e�) CiC 4 �r a v' � � The Counci of��he�City o Saint Pa�h s co d�ed� upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having prescribed by the City Charter; and c� �r �h e�f).�`dP. / a public hearing been given as WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUATCILPERSOi�`S Yeas Nays � Blakey 6o�rze..+ Guerin Harris Megard Rettman Thune _In Favor Against Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary � ayor Public Hearing Date - January 10, 1996 RE 12-29-95 � ��-.� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/27/95 Green Sheet Number. 34061 DFpAR1AffiYf DQti.(.' TOR (T1Y COUNCII- =ontac[ Pcaon aed P6one Numbcr. , •.�.�u. Q1Y ATl'ORNCY C1TY CLERK PETER WHITE 266-8850 °o°' B�� D��-TQR - g�� �'G DIR MAYOR (OR ASSISI'ANl) 1 COUNCII. RFSE1' 1RCH NustbconCounc�lAgeudaby.AT COUNCIL'S REQUEST AEARING DATE IS SET FOR SANUARY 10� 1996 # OR SIGNAT[JRL PAGES I (CLIP ALI• IACATIONS FOR S[GNATURL� Set date of 1/10/96 for Final Order Hearing to approve the paving of Mount Curve $oulevard from �rd ParA to Randolph Avenue as part of the Cretin/Bayard Area Residential Street Paving and ghting Project (Finance File Number 18802MC) Approve said project. �?NDATIONS: APPROVL (A) UK Kt�J�ll" (K) ERSONAI, SERVICE CONrRAC1S MUSf ANSWERTFI4� FOLIAWING: Pl�INIYING COMD4SSION A STAiT Haz tfie pnsoa/fixm ever wodced undcr a con[ract for tEis dcpactmea[? YES NO C[VR. SERVICE COMhIISSION Has tLis pe�on/fum cver btca a Gry empioyce? YL'S NO cm co�um-i� no� m;s pG�oa/s.m p� a� ooc oo�y r�a br�r �s xo _ cua�c c`uy �ptoya- lain all YES ansvas on a scpamtc sfieet and aftacti ��'�����-���' Better & Safer Streets covxcn. w�uzn(s� 3 nisnucr rtaxxar� courrcn. 15 T7AT[NG PROBLEM, LSSUP OPPORIVNRY (GVhq What, When, Where. Why?): Residential Street Paving Project has been approved in the area of Cretin and Bayard Avenues. The �gth of Mount Cnrve Boulevard from Ford Parkway to Randolph Avenue was included with this roject, ,t has been broken off for separate consideration. "' �' �`' �� � ��i �y� IFAYPROVFD: Curve Boulevard will be paved and assessed for this improvement along with the rest of the Bayard area project IFAPPROVID: assessments could be coilected with property taxes, becoming an encumbrance on the property. IF NOT APPROYID: t Curve Boutevard woald have to be paved some time in the future, likely at a higher rate of �ment. nMOUrrr or Txnrvsncnorr: $2,840,587* �'/�� auDC� �c�ccc,s o� �s xo souxc� 1996 CIB and assessments AcnvaY Ncrna�ER NANCIAL INPORMATION: (E7CPIATI� *The estimated cost for this part of the Cretin/Bayard project is inciuded in the estimated cost of th ttire project, which is showre here.