96-329�� �;-�t -: - �., CZ'iY OP SS. PAIIL FIHAL pE�S2 ORIGIf�!AL �" COQSCIL BY J '�c FI7,E H 1$81 VOTIL�G �AED 556 3I In the 2[atter of construction of Edgerton Street Bridge No. 62567 between Reanep and Ahitall and approaches which includes: bridge construction, grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards� constructing storm sewer, installing lant�ern style street lighting and doing all other work necessary Co complete said improvement. underPreliminary0rder � � — ��� approved "���, ��, ,���o The Council of the Citp of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above—described improvement be made, and the proper City offieers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completio❑ of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the Citq Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas /� Nays ✓B lakey �strom � erin H�-�' ris ✓fie ard ettman 1�1'Iiune Adopted by Council: Date ��p�.;� 3_ �qq �„ �— Certified Passed by Council Secretary � In Favor By � Q Against Mayor %, A �. 9�-3�,t9 Public Hearing Date - April 3, 1996 RE 2-6-96 � '- oE Publi T C Wo�s �i � 96 �REEN SHEE N_ 3 4 0 7' C/JNTACT PERSON & DEPAFTMEM �IRE CRV COUNpL INITIAIJDATE Kevin Nelson - 2y( -y1g2 As,�cw � cmnrror+ner � crtvc�aK Dave Nelson - 266-8860 NUMBEBFOR � � MUST BE ON UP1q1. AGENDA BY (DATE) 'z—Z 7•� pOMNG � BU�GET DIRECTOP O flN. & MGT. SEii1/ICES DIH. oaoEp MAyORiORASSISTANT) Council Research SET THE HEARING DATE FOR 4-3-96 ❑ � T07A1 # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT7ON fiE�UESTED: Setting Public Hearing £or construciion o£ Edgerton Street Bridge Y3o. 62567 between Reaney and Whitall. File No. 18818 RECOMMENDq71pNS: Apyrwa (A) or Aejad (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FO�LOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? - _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO �, s7aFF _ 2. Has this personffirm ever been a cfty empioyee? VES NO _ DISTRIC7 CpFi�' C 011RC1L S fr h 3. Does this personftirm ssess a skill twt nOrmall � po y possessetl by eny curreni ciry empbyee. SUPPOqT$WHICHCqUNCILOBJECTIVE� Wards 5& 6 rES No Explain all yes answers on sepante sheet and eMach to green sheet Neighborhoods INffIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. Wheq When. Where, WhY)� The bridge was closed to vehicular traffic on September 19, 1992 after it was struck by a Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company train. ADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: Bridge would be re-opened and traffic could once again use it. No property owners assessed. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None , r, � � � ��a� �i�r$a?3�� ;ti's���.,6 a�n �" �� � �a �3��� QISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: , Bridge would stay closed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 2 S�O � OOO. OO COST/REVENUE BUOGETEO (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOUHCE LOC&1 Funds, State Transportation ACTIVITYIlUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION.(EXPLAIN� and Federal Bridge Replacement Fund. °►c.-3�q (� Cl2Y OF Si. PAIIL PBSLIISISAYY OBDSH -� "' 1881 AAgD 5�6 In the �atter of construction of Edgerton Street Bridge No. 62567 between Reaney and Whitall and approaches which includes: bridge construction, grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding Soulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above imptovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternat3ves, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,570,000. financed by Local Funds (Chicago Northwestern Railroad, County State Aid Highway, Municipal State Aid & City) $770,000, State Transportation (Fund 29) $360,000 and Federal Bridge Replace— ment Fund $1,440,000. �:vo �.m. 2. That a public hearing be had oi said improvement on the 3rd_ day of April, 1996, at 3-�3� o'clock P.M,, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartei, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPEKSONS Yeas Nays ✓B�].akey ��Bpstrom ✓G erin �rris �ygard vkf ttman c/Phune �In Eavor �Against Adopted by Council: Date�,�,ly Certified Passed hy CouncilSecretary sy �� a- '(� �� ayor q�-3a9 Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared January 31,1996 Public Hearing PRO}ECT Construct EDGERTOI�3 ST`REET BRIDGE No. b2567 and APPROACHES which indudes: bridge construction, grading, paving with bituminous, construciing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantem style street lighting and doing all other work necessary to compiete said improvement. INITIATING ACTION The bridg was dosed to vehicular traffic on September 19 1992 afte�' i�as strusk by� Chicago and Northwestem T ortati� on Comnanv train The Eastern fascia beam over e trac s was damaged beyond repair, and the structure is presently being supported by temporary steel beams placed on top of the deck from bent #4 to bent #5. Before the train accident the bridge had a load limit of 24 tons per single vehicle and 36 tons for a semi-trailer combinations. EXISTING CONDITIONS In Place Road Section Descri tion The highway section to be dealt with in this project is approximately 0.30 km (0.19 miles) in length, and is contained in a 20.12 m(66 foot) right-of-way. 'The existing approach roadway width is 10.47 m(36 feet) from face of curb to face of curb. Edgerton Street, at the bridge, had a 1991 ADT of 5525 and an HCADT of approximately 3%, or 150 per day. The bridge was closed September 19,1992, after it was damaged by a train owned by the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company. Because of the significant cost to repair the damage, the bridge will remain closed until it can be replaced. In Place Bridge Descri�tion Based on field appraisal ratings, this bridge is considered deficient and warrants replacement. To warrant replacement, one of the foilowing conditions must be met: - Structure Condition is three or less. (The rating £or Bridge 90412 is 0.) - Safe Load Capacity is four or less. (The rating for Bridge 90412 is 0.} In addition to the above criteria, a bridge is eligible for replacement under the Federal Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program if it is at least 20 feet in length, and has a sufficiency rating of less than 50.0. The sufficiency rating for Bridge No. 90412 is 33.3 (See Attachment #3,"Structure Inventory Sheet"). g` -3a� PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Ma�or Desi�n Elements - Roadway (Bridge A�roachesZ 1. Design Traffic Uolume ADT - 5525 vehicles per day 2. Heavy Commerciai - 3% 3. Surface Type and Capacity - Bituminous 8.16 t(9 ton) 4. Traffic Lane Width - 3.66 m(12 feet) 5. Shoulder Lane Width 6. Inslope Ratio Main Roadway Driveways 7. Clear Zone Width face 8. Posted or Regulatory Speed 9. Design Speed 10. Proposed Right of Way Width 11. Vertical Clearance 12. Sidewalk Width 13. Curb Ramps for Handicapped improved - 2.44 m {8 feet) - 2:1 maximum - 2:1 maximum - No fixed objects within 0.61 m(2 feet) of of curb - 50 kph (30 miles per hour} - 50 kph (30 miles per hour) - Use the existing Right of Way - not applicable, see Bridge Design Elements - 2.44 m (8 feet) - Curb ramps will be provided at all street corners. 'TIME SCHEDULE Work will begin in eariy summer of 1996 and be completed by the spring of 1997. 2 . °I � -3 a� FUI`TDII�TG COST ESTIMATE Pro�ect Costs Remove Existing Bridge Approach Roadway and Wing walls Bridge Misc.(R.R.,Water Utility, Traffic) En�ineerine Total Costs $1Q0,0�0 $300,000 $1,656,000 $81,000 3 000 $2,570,000 Project Fundine Local Funds (CNW RR, CSAH,MSA&City)$770,000 State Transportation (Fund 24) 360,000 Federal Bridge Re�lacement Fund 1440 000 Totai Funding $2,570,000 RESIDENT ASSESSMENT Residents will not be assessed for this project. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, Kevin L Nelson 266- 6182. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, -� Stacy Becker D'uector of Public Works � �� H � O � � N � W � " .Si S-i �2 r U � � � w O � � � � �1 � � / N � H Q r-� a 6 � � � O F x C�'3 � x 6 E�-� � � og a � � � ^r «� U }, � r- � z d z � Nti�n �o � O O 1 � � � N U Z O O� U � ���� ry O O J '�'^ ¢' � a oj .-�. m N m m p U V Z� [z] F' O[- c� o; o=' ¢ s��"' � 0 . i E"" I v � � 0.' F- �- r z��+ z a /� Q / � .x � n 2 N � www p w ~ µ� V��� L 4 LL F W W� p � a ��� r � i vj o aNO o � � W O 0. �..� ' � E'" � Q N i z in n c+ ° W a ° aa ° � N��o � E�'.,, _� o E' Q o o � o ,., Q y z ��i Z �" � V' O�i V W (� — (1 � Z' U1 Q W F i�� m°;v� a p "" �"' U w C9 rn vi -, O U � A Q � N U"1 F" Q V 4 F W �� W a a' �mz FFO ¢ lF !V � z z ^ � w I � I N U� W � aa�z Q i ti U � 0 0 O � � W �s m� w° ¢ ¢ � � o � F LL O U � r �� z a = a o ;� N 17 �� ,, p� b� d �w �� �: � � n_ 6. ('\`�\ � \ ' .a � � Y 4 � 3 ¢ oa p�<i� q���i u qm„ woo�� N�„�c FZw ��� z y � � � � k � �� �„ �„ 3 . � L� U � W S � <o, � : . „$�o N : 5 } J ��� s`�k� z�\�. inoa�. €oy� .a � � � �f�€ � Us � � � (.fl -wN � _ ,� J O � I _m.Wi .o . � co < 'n � � �r. O Z d u � � e � r § r ° R` °> a - W � ` � y g� _ Y � � 8 a� � ¢ I:; FILE NO. 18818 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Remove Existing Bridge - $100,000 Roadway Approach & Wing Walls - $300,000 New Bridge - $1,65b,000 Miscellaneous Costs - 5514.000 Total Costs - $2,570,000 ESTIMATED PROTECT RIINDING Local Funds - $770,000 State Transportation Fund - $360,000 Federal Bridge Replacement Fund - �1,440.000 Total Funding - $2,570,000 THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT!!!!� ���� c�rr ;-�o,;�cr �o. e—>>;o 2EC•'N CiTY FROJ�CT N0. 2-i170 . —:�-1-:L�_i _' ;'; '_ _ I ( J N �"5 � \ I �R�:!:.�'C�� �� i ��„� ` t�._. _„ i� < r:,+K ) .-• j - - �: � S � � �� a I r n�cRy�,c•,�� '� n�:4c _�.^ o , O 5 ' V � C '. �Y { j , n,.�.��K. v4. I Fit'Vi I<t':, x t � y U V � �`� + } h?°:��RY I C O� J � V i j »"f4? ;AUAILb_, 3I T � � ' t � ` I�n,^,4A$� C I I P\:. ZI a` � 1 GOf_� i'ENK `UDSCN �i � -3 �.°� B��CG� no. 62667 LE�GTH = �12,c2 _._.-.� i -� i ri' � 1 � � / < � , ti� O °, I � I F✓' � . 7 � 7. O. � G` 1 ' � ��f n ( c:=. � / .?` . /,F �� _�i� ' 9 _ . Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER CITY OF ST PAUL/PW PAYNE AVE AT ROSS EXCESS ROW E SIDE 15 KELLOGG BLVD W#140 COURT HOUSE ST PAUL MN 55102-1613 Council � � Notice Construction COUNCIL DISTRICT #5,6 PLANNING COUNCIL #05,06 FILE # -1$8�5::; :°::'<:<�::::-.::; PROPERTY ADDRESS 0 PA1'R!E< A�tE - . PARCELTD ...... ..:..::,.:: _.._.:;. _.: �9=�9=�22"=43=0123' PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION CHAS. WEIDES SUBDIVISION OF PART OF BLOCK 45 OF ARLINGTON HILLS ADD. TO ST. PAUL N 50 FT OF PART S OF CHAS WEIDES SUBD, OF BLK 45 ARLINGTON HILLS ADD 8� IN SD CHAS WEIDES SUBD LOTS 15 THRU LOT 20 THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1996 AT 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hail-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE "fo consider approvai of the proposed project as follows: CONSTRUCT EDGERTON STREET BRIDGE 8 APPROACHES BETWEEN REANEY 8 WHITAI.L BY CONSTRUCTING BRfDGE; GRADE/PAVE WITH BtTUMINOUS; CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB, GUT7ER, DRIVEWAY APRONS & WALKS; PLACE TOPSOIL, SOD BOULEVARDS; CONS7RUC7 STORM SEWER; INS7ALL LANTERN LIGHTS & DO ALL OTHER WORK NECESSARY. THIS NOTICE 1S FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLYI THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THIS PROPERTY. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 14D CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 NOTIFICATION DATE: o3/i5/ss CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 31,1996 Dave Nelson Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SWry M. Becker, D'vector °I � -� a., 600CiryHallAnnec Telephane:672-266-6070 SairstPau�MN55702 Facsimile:612-292-7857 RECEIVED FEB - 2 t��� REAL ESTATE DIVISION RE: Edgerton Street Bridge No. 62567 between Reaney and Whitall (City Project 96-B-1170) Dear Mr. Nelson: Please take the necessary steps to schedule a public hearing on the following matter: Construct EDGERTON STREET BRIDGE No. 62567 and APPROACHES which includes: bridge construction, grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. Additional Right-of-Way and Easements will be required for this project. The County wiil be obtaining chis property, but must have concurrance from the City. Sincerely, `2 � � � Kevin L Nelson, P.E. Civil Engineer IV Attachments Responsive Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Pride �