95-735' u � s( ' ORIGINAL p � CYiY OF SS. PAtTL COIINC�I FILE N0. / J��� FIAAL OBDSB 31 B9 p(�,�ti�-e- U.a..„_ �J�S? 4 �P File 230. 595049 Voting Ward 7 In the liatter of Sidewalk reconstrnction at the following location(s): on both sides North Ruth St. from IIpper Afton Rd, to North Park Drive. *ESTIMATED CONSTRIICTION RATES RESZDENTIAL RATES (One, tpo or three family structures) Hetonstraction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.04 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.46 per front foot for a sig (6) £oot wide walk. All other widths c,+ill be prorated accordingly. Bev coastrnction (where no n.alk existed) - 100% of the actual cost �stimated to be appro$imately $3.15 per square foot. A11 corner resid�ntial properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abut[ing the "long side" ot the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. under Preliminary order 1�J 1�j �S approved___�����5 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a pu lic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons� objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are herebp directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FIIRTFIER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sha11 calculate all egpenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSQNS - Yeas Nays ✓glakey Grimm _. ��p�,� �uerin v�arris ,�P4e$ard ✓Kettman ✓2hune �In Favor �Against Adopted by�.nuncil: Certifi�ed-Passe 1 Secretary By Mayor ua: nearing.uate — +Er+rro��ur�c� Works Sidewalks i PEq$pN g %IpNE �s P. Keefe - 266-6121 �:ONCOUNCLLAGENDABY(DAT� � = be in Council Re: Later than noon Fri OFSIGHANHEPAGFS __ 5, 1995 RE 4-28-95 - IS'73S �/ °"'�'"'�"'�° GREEN SHEET � No. � � 41495 MmavoarE �mawarE� �DEPARTIAEMDIHECTOF �CRVCOUNCiI ��� �CfTYATTORNEY �CRYCLERK �5 _ _ _ _ ��� 1 I & A1GT. SEHVICES D1R �j S-S-9S `_QMAYOR(ORASSISTANn ], _ (Cl1PALLLACAliON5WR9GW1NB4 ❑assocw� Reconstruct Sidewaqc in Ward 7{See attached I'ist) File No. 595049 PUINNING COAIMISSKKJ CIB COMMI7'fEE STAFF _ bISTRICTCOUNCIL 1 JRTS WHICHCWNCflO&IECTNE? Neighborhoods 1TIATING PR06LEM. ISSUE. � pEp3pNq� SEpV10E CONTRACT31lUST pNSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: CNIL SERVICE COMMISSIQY �� ��� E��fi NO w��kBd uMe/ a mntrati fw ihis deparb�tent? 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry Bm�0yB2? YES NO F�cplafn all yes answers on separete sheet and aitaeh to green sheet G1dTC1 � The problem "defective sidawalk" was created because of iree roots, deleterious subgrade material, aliernating freeAhaw cycles, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewa(k condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and�ubjed to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. Tfie communfty will benefit from this project because it wi(I provide safe detect free sidewaiks for its many cBizens. The sidewalk contrac[s are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a resuR of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVFA: Historically, the sidewalk reconstruciions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stafed, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. � �« � '� :���'�;:,:,� �";:'"is�`E s�=��w � , ��� <,�, � x �,� i � `���` �u`'J This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more persanal injury suits, uftimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. iOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTIONS 7�SH3.00 COSTIHEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDMGSWRCE 95-M-a664 A, P�A 95 = 5a5,000 ACITYITYNUMBER �95-zT727°o78� FlNANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPUIINj S� qs T = 416 x OOO C, Cts 95 = 50�000 /J . SI)MMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION ��� Ward 7 S9S� 'PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. N. RUTH ST. from Upper Afton Rd. to North Park Dr. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of five (5) compiaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, scaled, settled and cracked paneis.. ............................................................................................ qti �irr a F� �F'� s ��. o � :' . 2 ., � �%E e` � a 4� ^°� IJ1 ��85M1 � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council Notice Construction q� 73� COUNCIL DISTRICT #7 PLANNING COUNCIL q01 FILE # S95t7�9: = ° PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ��:a,:� , � w.e._m �,., _.��...s�:i' .;l��S �1 � Ea�� ----�--��:�. THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLfC PLACE: Cify Councii Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Naif-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foliows: RecOnstruction of sidewalk on both sides NORTH RUTH STREET from Upper Afton Road to North Park Drive. If the City Counci! approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $ THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and aiso the enclosure for additional project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: O6/i6/95 9S 73� ESTIMATED RATES RESIDENTIAL RATEB (One, two or three family structures) - Ae�oas`�rue���n (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.04 per front foot �x�.�:;,�::.....;:,...::r:;: :.�.. for a f3ve �5) foot wide sidewalk and $8.46 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated 4.......� accordingly. ii�iiC;�;�CA�t��t:�'011ti (where no wa2k existed) - 100 0 of � the actual cost'""estimatec3""�'to `be approximately $3.15 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the :loa���s;'id� of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures) and NONRESI- DENTIAL RATES - For new and reconstructed sidewalk: 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. PLEASE NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to rec�uest .:.,.:;:...e,.:..;::>:.o.._._::s: �,....:;..:,>,.,�::.>.:._,.: <,..,;,..:;-'::;;:,>^::�,;:::-...< .:..:.:......:............:... . . . your preference. A��" is�'t� ��t��a�`��7C� �*zlI be C47YSt�'t#cted ��8e� .. ......<.. „ ....... ...... ... ........ ..... � W3�'#iB'�:: .... . .... .. . . ..... . .......... Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120. Cl2S �B ST. TAiL PgHLI13IRAFY OBDSB 0 R! G I NA L COUNCIL FILE N0. � � By � ../o/t�=_ i o��s7 / File No. 595049 Vating Ward 7 Ia the 2iatter of Sidewalk reconstruction at the £ollowing location(s): on both sides North Ruth St. from Upper Afton Rd. to North Park Drive. *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATBS RESIDENTZAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Beconstrnction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.04 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.46 per front fbot f6r a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths wi11 be prorated ac�ordingly. Hev constrnction (where no walk existed) - 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.15 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewaik along and abutting the "Zong side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES Eor new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered' said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no a2ternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOV$ for estimated construction rates, financed by assessments and 1995 Public Improvement Aid. 2. 3. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on.the Sth day of July, 1995 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House BuiJ.ding in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays $kakey i��rimm t/G,uerin ✓$.arris ��I�.egard �/�.ettman i/Thnne Adopted by Council: Date(�� Ab�r.� Certified Passed by Council Se retary 10 In Favor � Against r F�-bser-}- By ayor