D00135�Proved Copiesto: C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR - City qerk (Originaq - Finance DepL's Accourrting Division - Requesting Dept •� II '• i'��1' � 1� : �� • Na JAJlJ Date: �(,� ADM(NISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent w+th the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 ot the City Charter and based on ffie request of the Chief of the St. Paui Police Departrnent to amend the 1994 budget of the Potice Genesaf Fund, ffie Director ot the DepartrneM of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budgei in the following manner: � 001 - General Fund 04200 - Administration Division 0229-40029 - Other Communica6ons TO: WARENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGEf CHANGES BUDGET 8,595 (5,400} 3,195 8,595 (5,400) 3,195 • 001 - General Fund 04200 - Administration Division 0848-40029 - Other Specialized Equipment 25,245 5,400 30,645 25,245 5,400 3Q,645 NetChange -0- The above changes will allow the purchase of speCial recording equipment. �1 �4' J•.t3� Approved by: Budget Direc[or Date � A042794B �, . : � _ � !�l35 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 2 7 9 4�1 Po���eisrU 4/22/94 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITAVDATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR CffYCAUNCIL Chief William Finney/292-3558 A��GN OCINATfORNEY CITYCLERK NUYBERFOP 5T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUi1N6 UDGEf DIflECTOR FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIFi. ORDER MqyOR (OR ASSISTANn T07AL # OF SIGNATl1RE PAGES (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: _ Approved attached A.O. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE F�LLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ Cl8 COMMI7TEE VES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — � AFF — YES NO _ DlSifuCi COUFiT _ 3. Does this persocv'�irm possess a skiN }rot norma�ty possessed by any CurreM aty empbyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate shset antl attach to green she¢t INITIATING PR�BLEM, ISSUE, �PPORTUNITV (Who, Whal, When, Where, Why�: Although the appropriate amount of funds were budgeted for the purchase of this equipment (Bartec Dialed Number Recorders), they were inadvertantly requested under 200 numbers instead of 800 numbers. VANTAGES IF APPflOVED: Will be able to purchase equipment which is necessary for the investigative function of several department units. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. ����.� �J �L9 RECEIVED M�Y 9 f�g�t MAY 31 1994 CVTY CLERK �t��::�r �FF10E DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Will not be able to purchase needed equipment. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�� O COST/fiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUM9EH �_��r7(J FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) , �'. / W