95-454; Y� CITY OF ST. .PAIIL FIHAL OFDSH r� . �7, -� 9s-�� � COUN ILFI 0. B ' N.o. 595 7-595029 V ing Ward 5 ��5� --� - In the 2latter of Sidewalk reconstruction at the following location(s): 595017 - at 321 and 331 Burgess Street. 595018 - on both sides Case Ave, from Edgerton St. to Jessie St. 595019 - on both sides West Cook Ave. from NorCh Western Ave. to Cumberland St. 595020 - with integral curb on both sides Front Ave. from North Chatsworth St. to North Oaford St. S95021 - on both sides Galtier St. from Maryland Ave. West to Orange Ave. West. 595022 - on both sides Galtier St. from West Orange Ave. to West Zvy Ave. S95023 - on both sides North Grotto St. from West Wheelock Parkway to West Ivy Ave. - 595024 - on both sides Hatch Ave. from Ryde St. to North Chatsvorth St. 595025 - an both sides Kilburn St. from Front Ave. to Orchard Ave. 595026 - on both sides Marion St. from West Maryland Ave. to West Orange Ave. 595027 - an the east side Maywood St. from West Orange Ave. to West Wheelock Parkway. 595028 - on the south side Orchard Ave. from Churchill St. to.North Lexington Parkwzy. 595029 - on both sides Woodbridge St. from West Maryland Ave. to West Orange Ave. *ESTIMATED CONSTRIICTION RATES ���5� RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three Eamily-structures) Eeeonstrnction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.04 per front foot.for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.46 per front foot for a sig .(6).foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Hev eonstrnction_ (where no walk egisted) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approaimately $3.15 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and a6utting the "long side" of the property. MULTZ-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures), NON RESIDENT.IAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. under Preliminary order 9� .�..�� approved �itC+li Y� 1�115 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS� The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it AESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described i.mprovement be made, and the proper City.officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the imptovement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That ,upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance.with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas Nays Blakey 1/G r i mm � uerin Ij.arr3s 1/t�egard i/Ijzttman �/Thune Adopted by Council: Date_��+I���S' ��j�'�� Certified Passed by Council S retary � �In Favor �Against � Psbs���' �,�� �_ ,, .� 1 �i; r7,' 1,�.,1`lj�j . 4 Public Hearin Date — Ma 3, 1995 RE 2-24-95 i���L{ DEPARTMEM/OFFICFJCWNCII DATEINITIATED G�EEN SHEET NO. ' Publ'�c Works Sidewalks 2-10-95 wmawn� iNmawa� C�NrACTPFASON&PHONE �pEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR ❑CITYCOUNCIL Thomas P. Keefe -266�121 A� r w1�EaPoR CRYATfOflt�Y �CITYCLEflK MUSTBEONCWNCILAGENDABVjD ,3 S ROOTNG BUDC�TDIpECTOR FIN &MGT.SERVICESDIFi. Must be in Counca��esearc Office rncea no later than noon Frida 3-3-95 D�voacoAassusr,wn i Council Research TOTALiOFSMJLINIffiPAGFS 'j _ �q]PA71lACAT10NSFOA3IGNANfik� � A5SOC1AlE � DEPARlIAENTALACWUMANi ACTIONpEQUES7m � �2 Reconstruct Sidewalk 8 Reconstruct Sidewaqc Wrth Integral Curb in Ward 5(See attached list) �� �' .S � � � RECOMMENOATpNS: AppOMB (A� or HBjec! (FA PEPSONAI SERVICE CONTfiACT3 AIUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSbN _qVIL SEflVICE COMMISSpN �, Has Nis persoNfirm everworked under a contract fir this departrnen[? CI8 COMMfTTEE � � — 2. Haa tl�is persoNfirtn ever been a ciry empbyee? A STAFF _ VES NQ o ������� ` f�_ 3. Does this perwNfirm possess a skill no[ nwmally possessed by arry current dry — � J employee? SUPPORTSWHK%ICOUNCILO&IECTNE? �S � Explain a11 yes armwara on aeparate shaet and attaeh to gTeen sheet INIT7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoflTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE, WH1�: The problem "detective sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade materia{, akernating treefthaw cycles, service life limits, chemical additives, eutreme temperature variations, etc. These problems oxur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk cond8ion would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subjec[ to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigatwns. ADVANTAGES IF APPF{OVED: The community will benefit from this project because ft will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. ������ ������h Center � E�3 � � 1895 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback i� the area of cnnstrudion procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fad up to one•half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: This option would albw the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deterrorate, which in turn, will generate more personai injury suds, ultimately resufting in the expenditure of larger doilar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well �s claim payouts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS (�7 a �y7.nn CAST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOUHCE 9S^F1�-066tk A� P�A 95 = S�S ACITVITYNUlABEH G95-2T727 ^�]$�1 - 27��� FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) B AST =!f � S�,OOO C, Cf� 95 = 50,000 � ORIG��IAL K CIiY OF 51. PAIIL COUNC F N0. /�° / PBELIIiIHAHY OBDSF By �� Fi e No. S95 17-S95029 /�C Vo ing Ward 5 In the Hatter of Sidewalk reconstruction at the following location(s): 595017 - at 321 and 331 Burgess Street. 595018 - on both sides Case Ave. from Edgerton St. to Jessie St. 595019 - on both sides West Cook Ave. from North Western Ave. to Cumbezland St. 595020 - with integral curb on both sides Front Ave. from North Chatsworth St. to North Oxford St. 595021 - on both sides Galtier St. from Maryland Ave. West to Orange Ave. West. 595022 - on both sides Galtier St. from West Orange Ave. to West Ivy Ave. 595023 - on boCh sides North Grotto St. from West.Wheelock Parkway to West Ivy Ave. S95024 - on both sides Hatch Ave. from Ryde St. to North Chatsworth St. S95025 - on both sides Kilburn St. from Front Ave. to Orchard Ave. 595026 - on both sides Marion St. from West Maryland Ave. to West Orange Ave. S95027 - on the east side Maywood St. from West Orange Ave. to West Wheelock Parkway. S95028 - on the south side Orchard Ave. from Churchill St. to North Lexington Parkway. S95029 - on both sides Woodbridge St. from West Maryland Ave. to West Orange Ave. 9s �s�� *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Reconstrnction (replacement of old sidewalk) —$7.04 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.46 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Hev constrnction (where no walk existed) — 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.15 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI—RESIDENTIAL than three family structures), NON—RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. 2. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and [hat the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for stimated construction rates, financed by assessments and 199/� Public Improvement Aid. 5 That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of May, 1995 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays r/ Blakey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ r ✓ Grimm Guerin Harris Megard Rettman Thune public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof c ° '9.,5 Adopted b ouncil: D� �_ Certiifis�d P�sse 2 1n Favor Q Against 1 Secretary yor � SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS 9s =�s�` Wazd 5 S9S �7 PRO.TF.CT: RECONSTRIJCT SIDEWALK N.S. BURGESS ST. from Farrington St. to � N. Westem Ave. at 321 & 331 Burgess St. Only. INITIATINt'� ACTION: This order was initiated by the D'uector of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petirion with one (1) signer and an inspecrion of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches and scaled panels. S o �spl g SRO.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. CASE AVE. from Edgerton St. to Jessie INITIATING ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of an inspecdon of the walk. EXiSTING CONDiTiONS: This walk is poured concrete with scaled, setded and tipped panels. ...................................................................... s g�/ e� PRO.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. W. COOK AVE. from N. Westem Ave. to Cumberiand St. INiTIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one 1) complaint and an inspecrion of the walk. EXISTINr CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches, scaled and cracked panels. S�I SaZ.o PRO.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK WITH INTEGRAL CURB B.S. FRONT AVE. from N. Chatsworth St. to N. Oxford St. INLTIATiNC ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of five (5) complaints, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITiONS: This walk is poured concrete with ffee heaves, asphalt patches, scaled, settled and cracked panels. S QSdL/ PRO.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SiDEWALK B.S. GAL"I�R ST. from W. Maryland Ave. ro W. Orange Ave. INITiATIN(: AGTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of an inspecaon of the walk. -2- EXISTiNG CONDITiONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, settl�d and cracked paneis. ScjSO Z,a�RO.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK B.S. GAL'I'IER ST. from W. Oran;e Ave. to W. Ivy Ave. INTTIATING ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Direcror of Public Works as public necessityon the basis of three (3) complainu and an inspection of rhe walk. EXISTING CONDiTIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ..................................................................... S95p�„3 PL24.TECT: RECONSTRUCT SiDEWALK B.S. N. GROTTO ST. from W. �Vheelock Pkwy. to W. Ivy Ave. J INITIATIN . ACTInN: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessiry on the basis of five (5) complaints, a petition with one (1) sia er and an inspection of the walk. EXiSTiNG CONDITiONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracke panels. ....................................................................... S9SO Zy PRn.TECT: RECONSTR CT RIDEWALK B.S. HATCH AVE. from Ryde St. to N. � Chatsworth St. � INITIATING ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complain and an inspecrion of the walk. EXiSTiNG CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, scaled and setded panels. ....................................................................... S9SnZ-S pRQTECT: RECONSTRUCT 4IDE`VALK B.S. KILBURN ST.fromFrontAve. to Orchard Ave. � INITIATIN(* ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of four (4) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTiNG CONDiTIONR: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and settled panels. ....................................................................... S 7Sd2- �'RO iECT• RE('ON4TR ('T IDEWA K B.S. MARION ST. from W. Maryland Ave. to ; W. Orange Ave. �s�s� iNITIATiNG AC'TiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints and an inspection of the walk. -3- �-ct��. EXISTIN(: CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asph:ilt patches, settled and cracked panels. ....................................................................... $�jsOt� �RO TECT• REC'ONSTRUCT STDE�ALK E.S. MAYWOOD ST. from W. OranRe Ave. to W. Wheelock Pkwy. iN?TiATING ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works :is public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTIN(i CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and cracked panels. ...................................................................... S 9S� Zfr PRO T('T• RECONSTRUCT SIDEYYALK S.S. ORCHARD AVE. from Churchill St. to N. Lexington Pkwy. INITIATING ACTiON: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a pedtion with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTIN(� CONDITTONS: This walk is poured concrete with multi-cracked panels. ....................................................................... S95�Z9 PROTE('T• RE ONSTR I T SIDEWALK B.S. WOODBRIDGE ST. from ��'. hlaryland Ave. to W. Orange Ave. INITIATINCr ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Pubiic Works as public necessity on the basis of eight (8) complaints and an inspection of the waltc. EXiSTIN . CONDITIONS: This waik is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches, settled and cracked panels. ....................................................................... �"piTY OA > �a m '.' 4 l� 2 C ,.� � �III(Ff�Itll�� b > ,m � v,, d�,. � 8 s. Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR ; A}{PAYER Council � Notice Construction g � 3 ,� 54 � COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL q05 FILE # S95018. -. PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION . ... �fl5:i€�s; �..�v�..'�'� _._,.�:`� F; � t°6 .t t � 3;+w� TF:E TI11I�: WEDt�'�SDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by U7e Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATF_D ASSESSMEt41 CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides CASE AVENUE from Edgerton Street io Jessie Sireet. If the City Council approves the projeci, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $_ THIS AMOUNT `dUILL tJ07 NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see P,aYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also t�e enclos�re for ad�itional project information. CONT!NUED OtJ RF_VERSE S!DE NOTIFICATION DATE: 04/14/95 95 ° ���, ESTIMATED RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - Ae�ns;�r���i��f (replacement of old sidewalk) -$7.04 per front foot for��a"�five "(5j foot wide sidewalk and $8.46 per front £oot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. N��:;cO�St�i�C:�.�nlf (where no walk existed) - 100% of ,. . . ... .: :.. , .......: ... . the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.15 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the Ion�;: s;�:de of the property. MIILTI-RESIDSNTIAL (More than three family structures) and NONRESI- DENTIAL RATES - For new and reconstructed sidewalk: 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per square foot. PLEASE NOTE Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request your preference. A7;3.� net+r S,idi��1�S �TZ17: b8 Goiist�'�ated S�2e.� i�id� � . . Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCIILATION on youT notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120. � 4 Gl Y OP �`� = �� ; ; E � z a -- ., < � �[I��i€i ti� a � � jb h� L? ' ? dn. � e s • � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council l� Notice Constructio� w � � COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL q06 FILE # 595020 PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL Ib PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewalk with integral cvrb on both sides FRONT AVENUE irom North Chatsworth Street to North Oxford Street. if the Cify Council approves fhe project, all or parf of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for ihe above property is $ THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMEVT iNFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additional project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 04/ia/95 � L �A m ? .c 0 III'''fff v d 4 � � � y i � IiILt ro , ' �A h �� 1 86� � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council � Notice Construction 95-�4�# COUNCIL DISTRICT q5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # S95d29::::-.-: . . PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCELID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ��e<4��` �" , �.:�.'.'� �..,. y�;j THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 7995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction ot sidewalk on both sides GALTIER STREET from Maryland Avenue West to Orange Avenue West. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $: THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID AlL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additionai project information. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUEn (�N REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: o4/ia/95 """G1TY OF 'A �� i 7� 4 � 2 o .� � ,ilEi![ 9 ° wfI �:Ii ll , , m ti � � � �86� Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council /� � . �� Notice Constructios� g s ,� � �, °� COUNCIL DISTRICT �5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE � SJ5024 PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, �995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councif Cfiambers, 3rd Floor City Hafi-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides HATCH AVENUE from Ryde Street to North Chatsworth Street. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is �, THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIMEI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additional project information. � CONTIM IFD O�1 �FVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/ia/95 a'CiTY OA ;�� ; . � ��sii�!►n�� t � !»�a t t n � � b n � �ea• � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER f ��U Council NOtiCO Construction9 � _ �. � �. � COUNCIL DISTRICT �5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # S9bt)25 PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION �_`�: .. --- - - � _ _ _ -.��, i THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewaik on both sides KILBURN STREET from Front Avenue to tlrohard Avenue. If the City Councif approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is s THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also tMe enclosure for additiona! project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/ia/s5 � �iTY OP , .c' o 9 r: 4 ' � �, o . _ � = ucsegituu � niF E!II III � m n LJ 'v1� � B 6 � � Saint Paul City Council � Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction 9�-454 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL ri06 FILE # 595025 ° PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PARCEL ID THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. Pt1BLIC PLACE: City Counci! Chambers, 3rd Floor City NaA-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction ot sidewalk on both sides MARION STREET from West Maryland Avenue to West Orange Avenue. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $; THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and aJso the enciosure for additional project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/ia/95 �G �A :F � � � �, 4 � � � . _ .� � u �ce€;�tw � �ItiE ��I I� C � tiE �� �86� � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council �; � Notice --� Constructi�o�_ COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #10 FILE # 595027- . PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCELID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION WD E: .. ' , . , . :. y`! +. »� .. u IVV+/ .. _ amip:u} THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. I111:7�Zi�y�1 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATtON ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewalk on the east side MAYWOOD STREET from West Orange Avenue to West Wheelock Parkway. If the City Council approves the project, ali or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTiMATED assessment for the above property is $ THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additional project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oa/14/95 ��iTY OP ��a�' ���''!!!��� ;��, � � 2 o .� � �,i1p1[.iI[Illi �IFF €iE IP a � ��: � I80♦ � Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council � Notice Construction 9 �' �5��� COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE # 595628 - PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION �wi :� �. �C' ; _ '° S �u� � THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M, PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City HaII-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCU�ATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: Reconstruction of sidewalk on the south side ORCHARD AVENUE from Churchill Street to North Lexington Parkway. If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost wiil be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is �• THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additionai project information. CONTINU[D ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 04/ia/95 a c1TY o� ( � , 4, F V �i = ��' ;''. m c . — z . � � -utst°:�m� , V u€, €'EI IL C '9 AE ��1. p '-^. 1 85� _ �� Saint Paul City Public Hearing Publi�c Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council 1� Notice Constructi.ox� 9 5- 4 5� COUNCIL DISTRICT �5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 FILE N 595029 PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION W.:� : ; 2 � �. .��� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. 1�11:1��Z.� ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foliows: Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides WOODBRIDGE STREET from West Maryland Avenue to West Orange Avenve. If the City Council approves the project, ail or part of the cost wiil be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $: THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and aiso the enclosure for additional project information. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: oaiia/s5