D001337 CITY OF SAINT PAUL No.: �i 00133 5-ay-9y 23591 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDIIt BUDGET REVISION Date: GS #: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granied to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request ofi ihe Diredor ofi the Department of Public Works to arnend the 19 94 budget of the Sewer Service Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Rnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Budget 260 - 22212 - 0221 260 - 22214 - 0894 260 - 22217 - 0894 260 - 22225 - 0217 Postage Construction - General Construction - General Fees-Engineers $400.00 $1,100,000.00 $726,000.00 $60,575.00 Change $13,000.00 ($84,000.00) $84,000.00 ($13,600.00) .� $13,400.00 $1,016,000.00 $810,000.00 $47,575.00 Totals $1,886,975.00 $0.00 $1,886,975.00 Transfer spending authority from the Storm Water Discharge Management Activity (22225} to the Storm Sewer System Charge Activity (22212) and transfer spending authority for construction from the Inflow and Infiltration Activity (22214) to the Major Sewer Repair Acfivity (2221'�. • �� � +j��'�� Approved By: Mayor Date �e. ,� „ > �D PA i ICE/GOUNGL � DATE INITIATED ���� �!2 �� � �r�bli�worx� si6�g GREEN SHEET . No.. -� ' CONfACfPEASON&yPHONE,. . �, .., . � MI fAUDATE ._. ....,. ..�„_, .... .. ,INfCW1D. „ .... '� Roger Puchreiter, 266-6248 , >�_. xu� roir � cm nn R Ev Ecioa ` O cm c wc � MUSf BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DA'fE7 pOU71NG UDGET DIRECT �j FIN 8 MGT. SERYICE OIR: � � AIAYQR(ORPSSISTANY] �j l�x;yMy�qer � � AL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CIIPALL.LOCAT10M5FORSIGNAiURq� �3 SENIORMCdi_ 02 DEPARTMENTACCOU � .. ACTIONRE�UESTm ' Transfes spending authority within the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund (2b0) based on pmjected total 1994 spending needs for Storm Sewer ° System Chazge (22212), Inflow and Infiitraaon (22214), Major Sewer Repair (2221� & Stonn water Dischazge Management (2222�. � FEOOMMENDAiIONS:Appwe (y «ROjep (fij pEflSONAL SERNCE CONTpAC75 MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING �UESTIONS: � .� PLANNING COMMISSqN_ CML SEMICE COMMISSKKJ 7. F1as this perSONfirtn ever wofked under a canVac[ fw this tlepartmen[? . CI8 CoMMfrtEE YES NO �,-; . q�� 2. Has C�is persorvfircn ever been a ciry emploYee? . �„�., — � � � — . _ - YES NO _ DISiRIGiCqUNCiI _ 3. Daes Mis persoNfirm possess a skiA rro[ normally possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? >-, � SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTNE? YES NO �' ' Exqain ail yes aoswers on separste sheat and attach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTININ (WHO, WHAL WHEN, WNERE. WHYi: , Since the 1994 budget was adopted, changes have cecurred for which a revision of spending authority is required. The Departrnent of Public Works sees a greater need for Major Sewer Repair than for Inflow and Infiltration Cons Wction at this time. Major Sewer Repair will be � increased $84,000 ro$810,000. This wiii be accomplished with a coaesponding decrease in Inflow and Infiluation Consavcdon Spending. : The City Council directive to eliminate'mailing costs for the Storm Sewer System Charge by combining this funcuon wirh the quarterly , Water Utility billing is not feasible for 1994. This creates a need for $13,000 Postage in activity 22212 (Storm Sewer System Chazge). This will be accomplished with a corresponding decrease in the Storm Water Dischazge Management Activity (22225} due to a reduced need for Consultant Spending. �:: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � ' ;: � e 1994 work program can be carried out witt»n the approved budget. a;-,, - , MnE e � • � � � ¢qY 5 '�� �-- x. n. '.t.� , . , � 1\�V�6 � MA� 1 � ���� a. ; , DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � � ��� ^ e�'nr �,:,`. None. « ti� a,e_ �a , i� ,, � ,�;";. RECEIVE� ;:Yr a . MAY 181994 � ;`; C4TY CLERK �w� � `�, ;: DI5ApVANTAGES IF NOT APPqQVED: ": Storm Sewer System Chazge Revenue may be delayed. °"� ' A change in the piioriry of Sewer Constrocdon spending cannot be accompiished. ��" The Departrnent of Public Works risks violaang City Charter Chapter 10.10. z.�,, . . , . , � ' , „ ' LAMWMOFTRANSACTIONS NetO()t) . COS'f/REVEISUEBl1DGE'fED(CtRCIEONE) YES � , �� FUNDINGSWRCE 2fi0-92274-OR9d W 9fiD-999�5-0?77 A����rrNUMBER 22212 8t 22217 ,� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � This Administrative Order DOES NOT inaease FTEs. - " � ��