95-387S �, e s Cl2Y OF SAZHT PAIIL FIAAL OBD&B IH _ '�'1a f �s COIIACIL FILS A0. S " �$� BY / l_.iM-��( - COADSHAAiIOH PgOCEEDIH6S FILE H0. 18788 VOTI�G AABD 6 AMENDED In the Matter of condemning and taking fee title in that property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constructing the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said property is legally described as follows: 1 of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in Block 4 dition to St. Paul, together with those parts of Lot`s 18 lying Westerly of a line 50' Westerly from and parallel the Northern Pacific Railwav Ri¢ht-Of-Wav. in said Block under Preliminary Order 95-154 approved_February 15, 1995_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Conncil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it FESOLVHD, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOI.VED FIIgYHEE, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and, directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. Pnrther-Heae��edy-�kat-tke-Eettaes�-kerebp-eketermiaes-tkat reqeired-£or-ti�#a-impzeroemeat-fie-as-deaerified-a�ocey-and eff�etra-sn}�mit-a-rtpoxt-to-ti�e-Eit�+-8enae43-for-ti�e-purpeat making-aa-award-of-damagea-£or-ti+e-�nteztat-aeqnired-and-determ4aatien asseaameatay-if-aay;-agaiaat-t�te-i�enef�tted-prepertgo COIIRCILPSBSOAS Yeas Nays Blakey � Grimm �Guerin � Harris �R egard ettman �hune �In Favor � Against Adopted by Couneil: Certified Passed by Date q 5 Council Secretary P�blic HearinQ Date - Auril 12. 1995 RE 4-10-95 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET Vq5'� 31451 Finance De artment/Real Estate 4-10-95 IN�TIAUDATE INITIAVDATE CqNTACf PEFISON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT OIfiECTOfi � CITV CAUNCIL Dave Nelson 266-8850 A���N OCITYATTORNEY �C17YCLERK NUYBERiOp MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) qQ��N� O BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. HEARING OROEfl MAVOR (OR ASSISTANij DATE IS SET FOR APRIL 12, 1995 0 � O '' T07A1 # OP SIGNATIlRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACfION qE�UESTED: To approve AMENDED order for the condemnation and taking of property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of relocating the Police Department's East District Office. File Number 18788. � RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEP 7HE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMAIISSION �• Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departmen[? � _ CIB CoMM1T7EE _ YES �NO A STAFF 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES tJ0 _ DISTaICi �7 COURC iL .� 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not narmally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPoFTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ward 6 Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet and atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY (Wha, Whet, NTen, Where, Why): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 31382" ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED , DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNTOFTHANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) rubtic nearing Date - A�ri1 12 F.iVI.S./REAL ESTATE DI �"SION Date: ;onlact P<=son and Pbonc Numbcr. : ..�..a Dave �'elson 266-58�0 7/26/95 - een Sheet Number. 31382 DL•F'AR"IML,�T DIRECIl�R 2 CTIY COUNCIL crrr nTTOx.a�r cnY ci.txx 6UDGL•7' DIRCCII�R 1"'L*7. & MGT. SVC DIR MAYOR (OR ASSiSTANn 1 OUNCiL RGSFl�Rq3 beonCo�nNAgcodaby:2-22-95 ?fust be ia Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 2/10/9 \L # OP S7G2�ATVRE PAGPS 1 (CLIP AIA.IAG4T70`�S POR SIG?�A71;R� � 5�� 1 > set a hearing date to approve the condemnation and ta}:ing of property. To appro�e condemnation and }:ing of property located at 722 Pa; A�enue for the purpose of relocating the Police Department's East 'strict Office. Ref: 1. Preliminary Order; 2. D1ap showing location of said property. \'umber 18758. PLAIv7.'WG COMI�9SS70N A CR'II. SERV7CE OOT.Q.4SSION P • 1 1 yM.�la" WI�CH COUNCII. OHTECI7VG? "'.' �"� PERSOtv1L SL•RVICE COt�'I'RACI'S MUSI' ANSWCR 77� POLIAWA]G �— SIAPP 1. Haz Ibc person�fum cvcr worl:cd undcr a mnlncl for ihis dcpamnrnt? YPS NO Hu this pcnon�(um cvcr bccn a City <mploycc? YPS NO • Uocs thit person/fvm possca a ski11 not nonna)ly posceacd by any c��m ary ��,pioy�� Yrs No Fi�lain all YGS anrntls on a scpaate 5hcct aod attach. ��� p'�(� 6 n�srrz�cr rin.tim�c cour.ct�. � rIlATWG PROIILLM, 1SSUL', OPPOR'IVN7IY (V.2o, What, Whcq Whcrc, Why?): �e current East District OfTice of the Police Department, located at G99 East Serenth Street is inadequat r its purpose. Act9on has been requested to acquire the abo�°e mentioned property. IA APPROVID: Police Department will be better able to sen•e the East Side Communify of Saint Paul. ADVAt�TAGPS TF APpROVm: ne �DV/�,�TAGFS IF NOTAPPROVED: iThe Police Department must either continue to operate from inadequate facilities or find an alternati��e ,location. I'OT�y /�MOU7�T OF 7RANSACI70N: 7 U7�DING SOURCE 'T-ti�+NC1AL iN7'ORMA770N: (EXi'V�17�� �I�jO�OOO ro�/RL•'VENUH 73UpGL'7lD (CIRCI.0 ONH) AC17VilY NUMI3I.R YGS NO CIB Bonding ....................... $1,2:0,000 � CITY OF - SAINT PAIIL PItELZMIPABY 0&DEg G � {� � �� � / is ��s COIIACIL FILE AO.�S y� 6� BY�Y���LZQfid'�-- FILS N0. 18788 VOTING WABD 6 In the Matter of Condemning and taking fee title in that property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constructing the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said property is legally described as follows: Borup and Payne's of Lot 18 Block 4 Pacific Railway. ORIGINAL Addition to St. Paul, Lots 14 through 17, Block 4 and that part lying Westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Northern The Council of the City of Saint Paul � ' ' , hereby resolves: _ ba�i«ra4 ��rYr0.�,crt �.:..�\ b� «•,a:\..lo►�, b� R�pr.\ �a�''7 1. That�� .;����: and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,250,000. financed by Capital Improvement Bonds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day ' April, 1995, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPE&SONS Yeas � Nays B�akey �/ � imm ,/G�fe r i n i/H ris �gard tman hune 2 1n Favor �Against Adopted by Council: Date �O \ S Certified Passed by Council Secretary B y r� � Mayor � ^ � - - � : i � i . A ' v . ` - _ - _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ ' _ 9.i Si-S O�ld7dn \ 431Y7'f/. - t � o, � - - - - - - - - - - - � [ I 69 OLZ � � ; B'oLZ i/ � � f (� �� � , , O I { � � ; ' ° '�a-� � ° � �' q5 - 3�7 I � �J . �_ i r � , g -�/� , � �� 6 � }, � ° � o � J � � G� ��T�T / 2 ��„� � N �"� F c� �9 � . N I �'V � N��/"�/� � �N 1' m 1 M _ a � . � �Q \� O � = � �� I c�y � S � � ./ � , � °og ` � ' b � � ' o � � � � ; ��C ` � . � - � r � ! � �� �, , y , , ' � . s'/LZ � - \ vG • � 06 r I O � � � r .��cc � ` " �s � r a. �.-�.�� — �.- � �" ` � , l� o ^ '` -. � 1 o� ._. , �' � � ., co °: m .� • ;�; `� T � m ^ ,� ':=.€�;�" ��.°.-"„ . m^ • � . c _ . �'_� 'C6 �' _ _ v � � fl � ^ � �± � :� �-IN � ' .,. � , O O � �" O � � ''�'� �l �� \J �. �` e �" �, J � 1 � _ .f S //... — i^ �� . ��. f— �' h � ` � ». q1 � �— o .�2 � S � „ � � � } 1t� \1 SE/ C u �^ / � ^i S � i ' v < - � �� -- � � N¢l Z' N x �� � a � z� � A � � a ` = � � '� . � v.'.+`f - �JS a f " p ` o o �- ° I � � � `� � m �E�W°_0 m � r ' "� ��. =,� , c I � 1 n �a _ ^ � � `� � � - � . �"' ' ..��i v � P � � � '. 11j, � , }� i"f'� . . „� i I'tt? CF EE Sz .�, .. � 1• . Z..{CG7 � •,� " fF/ �'^`�:.<=�w7S�F/el,:w_".�Y�' C "ZB m n ;O j � h J a � r y ` �a� v \ �t v t c � N � nv I G� '1 � � � � M v - v � ...i = --^ - -o a �y � � � � _ o ^ � , o • ___ 1 � _____ n `/ �" � y ' � `�l o � � r- .� ` b � W w V .. v 4 � � ��' . ':.� ----�--� � j _ Z �_� __ ' - -� -�t �_- M 0 --�- -----� ' .._�,�.....� �._�.i....: . �--� � N J�`dd � sP� ' - '�.ri• :, jr:;'.si'r--------' ---=i . b . ;u� . :�„� n{ ° "� 'n . e-� y SF/ v T u � , . ' ^� _ N I.� � N �. -r s � ' � � -� ` �, N b � � S n P � ~ u� � � N v v v ' M w m M ^ N v v � N �°-� ' ^ m 0 c� v v tn ��-i ' / v � . � � � � N U T_�p � N o o --� �i � .. �� O ''\ � N \ m $ i^ a . ,� �— � T ♦ tV � - ' � J __ _ I n � m o - � � � � ?� o o, __ m, � v � •' ^ � ► � 1 6 / �ublic Hearing Date - April 12, 1995 RE 2-3- F.M.S./REAL,ESTATE DIVISION Date: 1/26/95 Green Sheet Nnmber. 31382 � FFARIHffi�lP DIRECPDR 2 CIfY COUNCII. Pe�on and Phone Nomber. , ..�.� CIlY AYI�ORNEY C[lY CIZ�RK Dave Nelson 266-8850 °� Ei' DIILECl'OR .& MGC. SVG DIR YOR (OR AS4SlAN1) 1 UNCQ. RESFARCH uaneonCo�tngcuaabp.2-22-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 2/10/9 # OF S[GNAIURE PAGFS 1 (QdP ALL IACA'RONS FOR SIGNAIVRL� CIION REQUFSl'ID: o set a hearing date to approve the condemnation and taldng of property. To approve condemnation and aking of property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of relocating the Police Department's East District Office. Ref: 1. Preliminary Order; 2. Map showing location of said property. 'le Number 18788. RE:C.'OMINIIVDATIONS APPROVE (A) OR RF]F.(:I' (R) ERSONAL SF?RVICE CONl'RACiS MUST ANSWL�R THE FOLIAWING PIANNING COT�II�IISSION A STAFT L ���� o /� �r wo�ed under a contraR for this department? YL�S NO QVII, SERVICE COML�IISSION Has this Pe�°n/fum ever becn a Gty employee? YFS NO Dces t6is person/fum � a skill not noxmally posussed by any CIB COMMIT IEE _ C4mnt City employee? YFS NO laip all YES answeis oa a separa[e sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHIQ�I COUNCII.ORIECiSVE? �UNCQ, WARD(S� ( DISl'RICl' PIANNING COUNCll, j 7YNG PROB7�4f, ISSlJF., OPPORT77NC1Y (Who, What, Wheu, WLere, Why?): e current East District Office of the Police Department, located at 699 East Seventh Street is inadequate or its purpose. Action has been requested to acquire the above mentioned property. VANl'AGES IF APPROVFD: e Police Department will be better able to serve the East Side Community of Saint Paul. f�} »T=S �]�. bSdve:vy'�i C"wl M'�y.i � I.SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� �� � ���� one ISADVANPAGPSIFNOTAPPROVED: ._.._._._ _ .....-...�-,. e Police Department must either continue to operate from inadequate facilities or Cnd an alternative ocation. AL AMOUNl' OFT'RANSACITON: $1�ZSO OOO �SI�/RE�'EN�JE $UDGEI'ID (QRCLE ONL� YF_S NO e ING SOURCE AC17VC1Y NIJMBER PATANG7AI. INPORMATION_ (II'�PIAII� CIB Bonding ........................ $1,250,000 -I - �Y . . �,. � CITY OF SAIHY PAIIL I FINAL OBDEE IH � CONDSHAASIOA PFOCfiEDZHGS QRIGI�;�� yv FILE A0. � � 7 � FILS HO. 18788 �/3�'eZ. VOTIRG4IA&D 6 In the Matter of Condemning and taking fee ti�e in that property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constructing the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said property s legally described as follows: j Borup and Payne's Addition to St. Paul, Lot�14 through 17, Block 4 and that j part of Lot 18 Block 4 lying Westerly of a d parallel to the centerline of ;Northern Pacific Railway. under Preliminary Order "��-- ... . -. 1 . . . � A public hearing having been had pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a persons, objections and ' recommendations relative thereto, and aving fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of t�ie City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made / RESOLVED FIIgTHSR, That the Cou cil hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee si ple, absolute and easements as described 'above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions nec ssary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. as COIINCILPEgSONS Yeas Nays Blakey Grimm `Guerin Harris Megard Rettman Thune Eounts� e - Eitq - Eennei� - fer - t�e-Parpeae-ef-�i�c-Eanne4}ls t�e e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary In Favor By Against ayor "`�, �, , •�.� ..4.r -. _ „ . �. ��� CITY OF SAIHT PAIIL FZNAL OBDEB IH ,, -, CONDEMN�2ION PgQCS�DI�GS . 9�� �7 - _� , / C6II�3ICIL FII,E 1d0. � B g�� i/ IA` s. . _ .✓�I, � / i � FILE P0. 18788 YOTINCh7eiHD 6 'In the Matter of Condewning and taking fee titl,�e in that property located at ^722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constructing�Lhe Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said property �s legally described as follows: Bosup and Payne's Addition to St. Paul, LotsJ14 through�l7, Block 4 and that part of Lot 18 Block 4 lying Westerly of apd"'parallel to the centerline of Northern Pacific Railway. / � 'under Prelininary Order ��— �S� / appraved �c:F�,,� �`� `� A public hearing having teen had 'gon the above iflprov2ment upcn due `.notice, and the Couacil having heasd a7�1 persons, objecfions and recom�endations relative thereto, and J�avzng Eully considered the same; therefore, be it / �- RTiSOL�ISID, That the Coancil of tjie City of Saint Paul hereby osders said �ippravement to be nade -- ,; `'. " RESOLDED FIIBRHFR, That the Cou�cil hereby de[ermines the estate required 'for this improvement to be fee si ple, absolute and easements as described 'above; and the City officezs and�ity Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take ail actions nec�ssary to acquire said real estate by purchase ;,or eminent domain. �mrehes 'rcqntrea et�seers maiesag aasesara�nts; COUNCILPE&50PS Yeas Nays Blakey Grimm Gue'rin Harris Megard Rettman Thune i In Favor By Against Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Secretary Mayor � ., ..•. c o �a r+vck.ivu � _—�-._— � 9ito/I� �'ooQ ---- -- —.:--- -Q31V7'QA i �u,� 9ai S/—S' 0�1H7dU � V YLOi� _'— _ ____— ---________" � � r — 6B OLZ - 1 r — B'oLZ � ' � � � ,< {� i • � °O-ab I ° m j� , � i I O � `�`�' S �, � Q O� $ .II,� , � a :6� =E� �� �� $ , �+� d �i� � Q N I`^ e m.v / b� °' � a� > � �a� ~ ,u o � .n "� , � IN O` ��'/ V Icv � m i M te I , � /�O� V� 0 1 = ° 1 `,� `n I s � � ; ', , � y °�8 ` wb � i ' °� ��'� � � i � � �C S+ 2 0 ,� � • ' ' ; ' o�,�, � , . s �,L z --1 � s2tzE — Z �cc i . 1 r > R I '1R� �� �� �.� � � m � v � _ ^ m � � � ' - ° O Q v N �D ^ —' } ci- � � � Sf/ -� � > I Q � � J � N J'V a z N �� � �. � 1 � N � rvN a i o � - ^ h� v ..i 'q1 3 --�!t _—_ 1 � _ -- a � --- V �': . • = `1 b � _..�� �s � _� - ---- - . r � h �M �n — m � ^ � N : _-���� n _N � O _ � i m � ^ �� 3� � � s « � , � w � �1 � � � M + N a � n m a�� . ,��. �-� sei -' ' b ,� � o u N , � �f' .^� h N v V M � � N v \ N � � N v � N � ' N v $� �^ Q1 � W _ - f {� � 6 � � � � = � ._. h O �/ � Q ^ � � v � �O � �p � O t N � o �� CO... . . • � � ^ • � � � t � .I y, m R '^^ � m � �1' �, � � -�N , f" _M,._..= � N J�dd � � r 3��