95-383, ° • -1 ..r CITY OF ST. PAIIL FIHAL OBDSB QRIGI�lAL 3�,,_--� � `^��, COIIACI-� P�LE R0: -� �'-`�;, BY '* ��. FZLE HO. � 8 7'8'S VOTIHG AABD - 2 S 3�3 In the 2[atter of Improve Annapolis Street between Stickney Street and Concord Street (City Project P-8097) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. underPreliminary0rder � J�- i� a approved ���,,` S,T ��. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it EURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas / Nays �� akey �imm �erin Ij�'r r i s ��N).e'gard �/ ttman Thune � In Favor �Against Adopted by Council: Date ��T �9qs Certified Passed by CouncilSecretary Publj.c `aarin Date — A ril 12, 1995 RE 2-3-95 9 S� o i � a iw Public Works Department �izo�ss GREEN SHEET No.299 46- 3 �� MRIAUDATE� INRIAUDATE CON�ACTPERSONBPHONE (/�� DEPARTMENTDIFECTOfl u�%"�'���IL PauISt.Martin 2� 1� N ���� R Cf7YATfOFiNEY — �CITVCLEflK L MUSTBEIXJCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) — — - HOVIIM6 uBUDCiETDIRECTOR _ � FIN.BMGT.SERVICESDIR Must be in Council Researc Office °flD°� � �anvoa foa assisrnriD �t Coundl Research TOTALSOFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLJPALLLOCATIONSFORSICNATUR� ❑ DEPARiMENTALACCOUNTAM ncnora R�s'�o Improve ANNAPOLIS STREET between Sfickney Street and Concord Street (City Projed 95-P-8097) by grading, paving with bftuminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing stortn sewer, installing larrtern style street I�ghting and doing all other work necessary to complete said . File No. 18785 'GSST86 aECOe�MENDA7roNS: q�prove (A) «Rejea (iU pERSONAL SEfiVICE COMIiACTS MUST ANSWER THE WLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CNILSFAVICECOMMISSION �, {{asihisperson/firmeverworkedurMerawn➢actfwthisdeparunern? CIBCOMMITTEE YES NO A �� — 2 Has ihis �S Nfir NOer been a ury empbyee? DiSTRiCTCOUNCIL 3 3. Does ihis N possess a skill not normally possed by any curtent ciry employee? O SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTIVE? Exp�ain ail yes arswers on separate sheet and atlach to green sheet Neighborhoods Ward 2 INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEK WHEFE, WHV): This improvemeM is part of a proposed Contract by the City of South St. Paul. It is part of a larger combined sewer separation and street paving project. In 1994 they approached the City of Sairrt Paul in order to obtain design approval and agreement on cost sharing for the work to be done wiihin Saint Paul (the North side of Annapolis). This has now been accomplished. The project will be advertised and the Contract wili be let by the City of South St. Paul. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: A newly rebuiR roadway will improve the drivabilfty of this street and corKinue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. The new street lighting will also improve safety in the area. Normat problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and generai disruption will occur. �Okl4�C3� �9 �'st �?d����f FE6 G 3 ���5 The City will lose this opportunity to successfully participate in a joint effort to improve a border street. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC770N E 65,680 COST! REVENUE BUDGEfED (CHECK ONE) Q NO FUNDINGSOUHCE CIB ASSESSMENTS ACTIVfTYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q s �3.�, Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - January 19, 1995 PROJECT Improve ANNAPOLIS STREET between Stickney Street and Concord Street (City Project 95-P-8097) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing ali other work necessary to complete said improvement. INITIATING ACTION This improvement is part of a proposed Contract by the City of South St. Paul. It is part of a larger combined sewer separation and street paving project. In 1994 they approached the City of Saint Paul in order to obtain design approval and agreement on cost sharing for the work to be done within Saint Paul (the North side of Annapolis). This has now been accomplished. The project will be advertised and the Contract will be Iet by the City of South St. Paul. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing street is an oiled street and driving surface is in poor condition. The entire length is a 60 foot right-of-way. Existing overhead lighting is mounted on wood poles. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS The entire length of the project wili be regraded and reconstructed with a full depth bituminous pavement. New concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, and outwalks wiil be constructed. Within the boulevard area, topsoil and sod will be placed. After construction completion, trees will be planted in the boulevards where needed. The proposed lighting system will consist of the lantern light standards on the Saint Paul side of the street. The City of South St. Paul does not light their streets, and is not interested i� doing so on Annapolis. TIME SCHEDULE Work wili begin in early to mid-summer of 1995 and be completed by freeze up in the fail of 1995. FUNDING 95 �' ��� The estimated cost of the work on Annapolis is $193,000.00. Saint Paul's share of the cost (work on the North side only) is: Street Construction & Engineering Lighting Construction & Engineering TOTAL $53,680 12.000 $65,680 Financing of Saint Paul's share of the cost is: Street Construction & Engineering: CIB Assessment $41,680 12,000 Lighting Construction & Engineering: CIB Assessment TOTAL RESIDENT ASSESSMENT $10,000 2.000 $65,680 ' Residents affected will be assessed at the 1995 rate of $22.51 per assessable foot for street paving a�d $3.98 per assessable foot for the lantern style lighting. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, Paul St. Martin at 266-6118. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the projeci and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 2 . �� 3�3 Improve ANNAPOLIS STREET between Stickney Street and Concord Street by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, outwalks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style lighting and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The estimated cost of the work on Annapolis Street is $193,000. St. Pau]'s share of the cost for the north side of the street is estimated at $65,680. Financed by: - $51,680 - 14 000 - $65,680 Estimated rate per assessable foot for street construction__ _- $2?•51 Estimated rate per assessable foot For lighting construction -$3.98 The first 150 feet of residential corner lots will not be assessed provided that the short side has been previously assessed under the current residential street paving program. Bent straw lighting is available at $2.50 per assessable foot by petition with 70 percent of the abutting property owners signing. FILE NO. 18786 - CONNECTIONS To consider the approval of the construction and/or repair of sanitary, storm sewer and/or water service connections, if requested by the property owner. Also, in order to comply with state and federal mandates (separation of storm sewer and sanitary sewer), all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. For more information, call the Sewer Division at 266-6220. All new connections and repairs will be assessed 100% of their actual cost. QUESTIONS? CONSTRUCTION i ANNAPOLIS STREET IMPROVEIVIEN'I' —� FILE NO. 18785 Capital Improvement Bonds Assessments Total ASSESSMENTS ��%ll i. I n� � ��r �I I 1 � ' I �� � s p �;� �� I c x� � F I �J T d, ° __ J O --,— �r� � m�_ � i 4 fC�oTT S- '1.:' �r. -�--� C �.�.,- , , ��� .:��. :��, aql(cR� s ,.,./�•��,s � I�„i R „i BLUF,.\ � � , ��R- � � � s;.� "�: ` � � � � ' i. � Y ` ��n�+. 'lN 'y u �_ Sy,. �xi �' w..�� IQl� .. �, \I ...� t v , ,. IQI I 1 �uj.l:� � � � - ;; d . a`--T �'>.� s, " ��� � �.F.�� •r � � N , "T Q C F N. F '4 iF -� - 266-6118 - 266-8850 " I ° :�. — �. - . � ,. � L� �'� \.. J �.. �\ ~ I �, �S ���'r � ANNAPOLIS ST. - STICK�IEY ST. to CONCORD ST. ., ., _ . �� :w -ti, • .., .. �,�, �. ��± ��• — � .,, ---�: - �:s .� . , , ;� w ,. . ;� r � 1 Jq 'u��.. � � �',. ;; ,' K � � , � ".������. /�\' ,� � � / �� � C1T2 Op 4 3 �'� �� � 4 � Y a «tiit nm , • �m �li u > '�� �es♦ � Saint Pau� City Fublic Hearing Public Improvement OWNER OR TAXPAYER Council n � NOt1C� Constxuction COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANNING COUNCIL #03 FILE # =18785 ':::: -= - PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION p 6'd� Yd�4`��.'.�:s: ..,�. } ',•'C(ti' • __ �• � ���I�tGtr Fvkt `y f°,o5.�d� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, ,APRIL 12, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSM�NT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: IMPROVING ANNAPOLfS STREET BETWEEN STICKNEY S7'REET AND CONCORD STREET.(3EE ENCLOSURE FOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND MAP.) If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $, THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAfD �4LL AT ONE T�ME! P{ease see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for additional project information. GRADE AND PAVE 40.00 X $22.5100 = $900.40 LIGHTING 40.00 X $3.9800/foot = $159.20 y, . CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: o3/2a/95 CITY OF ST. PAIIL PBELIHIHAgY OYDSB ORIGINAL In the ?Satter of Improve Annapolis Street between Stickney Street and Concord Street (City Project P-8097) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing• concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Shat the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $65,680 financed by Capital Improvement Bonds $51,680� and Assessments $14,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of April, 1995 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas� Nays � $Takey ��G�"i mm �rin �'�" ris �i ard �ttman �une public hearing be given to by the Charter, stating the of the improvement and the �In Favor � Against � � � 3�3 , FIL NO. � S �__ 18785 WA 2 the persons and in time and place of total cost thereof Adopted by Council: Daee___e� Certified Passed by Council Secretary B Mayor