95-308�.1 CITY OF SAZHY PAIIL ORIGiNAL �� FIHAL OBDEF IH COADSHAASIOH PBOCESDZHGS AMEHDED COIIACIL FILE �F0. �,�� BY �, /,{� FILE H0. 18762E1 �� 7b � VOTINGWABD 7 In the tiatter of condemning and taking a permanent utility easement for the Bates�McLean Area Sewer Separation Project, said easement area is described as follows: From the southerly right of way line of Mounds Boulevard to the northerly right of way line of Warner Road, the easterly 30 feet of Lot 17, Block 15 and the westerly 30 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Suburban Hills Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary construction easement for said project, said temporary easement is described as follows: From the northerly right of way line of Warner Road to 5 feet southerly of the vesterly Soo Line Railroad Tracks, Lots 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, the westerly 20 feet of Lot 17 and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Suburban Hills Addition; said temporary easement to expire before December 31, 1995 or at the finish of said project, whichever occurs first. � 9�=3� � under Preliminary Order 95-149 approved_February 15, 1995_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made itES fer a�avc; �irttted or-em2neat-doma4as Fnrther gesolved, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if any, against the benefitted property. COIIHCILPEBSOHS Yeas� Nays �8lakeq t/f rimm �/.Guerin �/J�arris ,/yegard ✓Rettman �Thune Adopted by Council: Date lqq5 Certified Passed by Council Secretary �In Favor By Q Against Mayor nn.L c�c� s ,� o Public Hearin Date - March 22, 1995 RE 2-17-95 ""� '� � DEPARTAAENT/OFPICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 314 01 Finance De artment/Real Estate Div 2/lb/95 GREEN `SHEET - CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE O DEPARTMENT OIFECTOR � CIN CAUNQL Peter �llt0 266-8850 �` �� �CITYATTORNEY �C17YCLERK NUYBER FOfl MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� 3-22-95 ROUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. Mus be in Council Research Off'ce OflDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATUqE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RE�UESTED: Approve AMENDED order for the condemnation and eaking of temporary construction easements and permanent utility easements in connection with the Bates/McLean Area Sewer S2ga�ation Project. File No. 18762E1 RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeq (R), pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEfiVICE CAMMISSION �- H25 Utis perSOMlrtn eVer worked untler a Wntf2Ct for ihis departmen[? - _ CIB COMMRTEE _ YES NO A S7AFF 2_ Has Mis personHirm ever heen a ciry employee? — — VES NO _ DISTRIC7� C011RC.1�. 4 3. Does this persan/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILOBJECTIVE? Ward 7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (WM, Whflt, When, Whare, Why)' "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 34333" ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � Co:�°��€� �r����;_�� �2g�t' FE� 1 �' t995 DISAPVANTAGESIPAPPflOVEP. ^'—""'""""�"`°-°"-•^' _ DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � _ . . ..� . , CITY OF SAIH2 PAD7. FIAAL OBDSB IH COHDEHHAiIOH PBOCBfiDIHGS Q'�' 308 COIIACIL FILE 0._ r`,,- BY FILE H . 18762E1 VOTIA ARD 7 In the Matter of Condemning and taking a permanen�tility easement for the Bates/McLean Area Sewer Separation Project, said eas ment area is described as follows: From the southerly right of way line of Moun s Boulevard to the northerly right of way line of Warner Road, the easte ly 30 feet of Lot 17, Block 15 and the westerly 30 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Suburban Hills Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary const uction easement for said project, said temporary easement is described as fol ows: From the northerly right of way lin of Warner Road to 5 feet southerly of the east Soo Line Rai oad Tracks, Lots 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, the westerly 20 feet Lot 17 and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Sub ban Hills Addition; said temporary easement to expire b�fore December 31, 1995 or at the finish of said project, whichever occurs f�irst. . / � .' �' yJ...nN'dY.i�:�rn�� �a�y-, .:� ,� . _, � F CITY OF SAIHS PAIII. FINAL 08DEB IN COId�EA1NATI0N PBOCfiBHI%GS ys3� � COIISCIL FI�NO. BY FSLE 18762E1 �OTYN AHD I Zn the 2iatter of Condenning and taking a permanea�tility easement for the BatesfMeLean Area Sewer Separation ?roject, said eas ment area is described as follows: From the southerly right of way line of Mou s Boulevard to the norther.ly right of way line of Warner Road, the east ly 30 £eet o£ Lot 17, Slock 15 and the westerly 30 feet of Lot 16, Bloc 25, Suburban Hills Addition. Also condemning and taking a ter�porary con�uetion easement for said project, said temporary easement is c�escribed as fo ows: Fsom the northerly right of way lin cf 6larner Road to 5 feet southerly of the east Soo Line Rai road Tracks, Lots 13, 24, 15, 1R, 20, the westerly 20 £eet f Lot 17 and �he easterly �a,2Q feet of Lot 16, Black 15, Sub rban Hills Addition; said temporary easement to expire b fore December 3I, I995 or at the finish of said project, whichever occurs irst. � ,�' „'" .. , ,.�`' .. �� :.�'��, -� � _ __.., -� �° •� . , a under Pre2iniaary Order t �,� 1 approved �±�-b.�� �9 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvem nt upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections d reconmendations relative Lhereto, and having Fully considere the same; therefore, be it RESOL9SD, That the Council o£ the City of Saint PauJ.' hereby orders said improvemene to be flade / It£98�6$9-i�H��H��y-�kat-the-Eouaei�-kerebp-�etera nea-the-esta�e-reqc�re� L'OT�t}SfE' esaaments-as-deaer4i�e�- ai�vae;-and-t�e-Eity-af£i+eers^and-Eftq-Atterney-ar �:ertfiy-auti�ar�aed-aad- �treeted-to-taiee-���-aetzoas-nceessarp-te-aeqxrr -aeid�-rea�-est-at-e-by*-patrelraart or-enineat-doma�ar Further Besolved, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this impzovenent be as describ d above, and that the aroper City ofiicers submit a report to the City Counc'i ior the purpose of ehe Council's mak�ng an award ef daaag�s for the intere t acquired and determination of asse if any, against the benefit ed property> COII�IC3I.PE8SOS�s Yeas Nays f � Blakey Grimm �uerin Harrie Megard Rettman Thune In F Ag,�ins t pte@ by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counci2 Secretarq r By 24ayor � m 9s 30� under Preliminary Order �� — t� 9 approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvem nt upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections a d recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considere the same; therefore, be it $SSOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made R$S9���B-�Bfl�H£$;-�hat-tke-Eeaac=}-herebp-determf s-tix�-estate-reqarred for asements-as-destr4bed- aboroe; ere�bq-anti�ariate3-and- eFirected arek-rea}-es�e�t�-�p-p-irr�lrzae or-em4nent-domain: Further Resolved, That the Council hereby d termines that the estate required for this improvement be as described bove, and that the proper City officers su6mit a report to the City Gouncil or the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest aequired and determination of assessments, if any, against the benefitte property. COIIACILPEBSOHS Yeas Nays Blakey Grimm Guerin Harris Megard Rettman Thune ted by Council: Date rtified Passed by Council Secretary In Favor/ By Again or Public Hearin Date - March 22, 1995 RE 1-31-9 F.M.S:/RE�L ESTATE DIV{S{ON Date: 1-27-95 Green Sheet 1�Inmber. $4$$$ �� DEPAR71�ffidl' AII2P.CCOR C11Y COUNCQ. ixt Peaon and Phone N�bu: ,�„ . QTY A'1'1'ORNEY C[.ERK sreR wfnxB 266-8850 ��p � un��' nmecrox .� Mcr. svc nm. � YOR(ORASS7STANI) 1 C/IUMCi � �xonco�angeuaaby. 2-22-95 To Set Hearing Date For March 22, 1995 # OF SIGNAIURE PAGES 1 (CI�P AU. IACATIONS FOR S[GNAIURE� C1ION REQUFSIFD: Setting hearing date to approve the condemnation and taking of easements. pprove condemnation and taldng of temmporary construction easements and ermanent utility easements in connection with the Bates/McLean Area Sewer 5epartion Project. FILE 18762E1 ItF?COAII�iQJDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJP,Cl' (R) ERSONAI. SERVICE CONl'RAC1S MLIST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING PIANNING C01�4�IISSION A ST��' 1. Has [he pexson/b*m ever wodced under a contrect for this departmeat? YSS NO CIVII. SERVICE COMAIISSION Has this pexson/6xm evet been a Gty employee? YP_S NO ' . Does t6is peison/fixm poss¢s a skill not noimallY P�d bY �Y CIB COT4uII1TF.F? Ctirrent G em ( � � YfS NO — �Y P�- ]ain alt YES aatiweis on a separate sheet and attach. �� �� ��Q ���'' Sewer Separation covrrcn, wa�(s� � n�sriucr rinNNUic courrcn, 4 TING PROBI.EM, ISSUG OPPORTC1Nf1Y (Who, What, Whee, Whe=e, WhY?} asements are needed along a portion of the bluff in the Mounds Pa�k area to onstruct a dropsha8 as part of the sewer plans for the above mentioned project. �.; .,;�:�,;;�„�� �'��? VANi'AGES IF APPROVED: .� `. ` " � , 5ewer construction will proceed as planned. -- i�s�, � ISADVANl'AGES IF APPROVED: � Encroachments on affected properties. 7SADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVFD: roject plans will have to be revised, adding elrtra costs to the project. AL AMOUNl' OF TRANSACITON: ,�11 ,500 eosr/RSVSnras svnG� �ca�c�.E or� � xo ING SOURCE ACl'IVCl'Y NUMBER Storm Sewer Svstem Cha�a Fnnda C7AI. INPORMATION: (�LPIAII� INANACING: Project Funds ...................$11,500 ,•��5°� ���• i _ o__ '-` ' � ' ' . . _o"'.`_-'c. _ -3��.�� Q, : �� _ � - �9 ; �, - -- ��, _- -', _ -_" -'_'- - ' „"`o G �' _ '/ .. _ � _ . . -_ / — ' L " _ t _ � � y / j ' v _ - _ o + r . - _ �` � - • ` ... _ - J p :_ _ � . f��"" t . �x- ° _' ' : 't °' `r ',,S , � . -'- ' „ � _ - - .� � � ; / . �_' _ _} / - a - � y _ -. �. f _ . - : V . . " i - r ,'. - _ _ � - `._ . O ��:-_ - ti ° o .� ._ .___ _ - . . _ _ /�Y_ ., -.� __`.-.__� _",�_ . 'SC - ; _° =/ / _ _ _ __ � , "_ _ � � � _ - '- . 3DS w '- '� d � , �� - _ 7 r � — - z ' � i '^/�� � ' !o . . _ _ - y . �� t- �- � -- = _- ;r,.: x ,- - _ - - �_ - g ' _ _ - - �` _ ti'" ., -- - -- _ .. - - - � _ - - - - - 3 - _- - � -. -' - - •r _ �-,''-- ` _ o • _ ��iT -- . -- � - �� -- '� '- _ $ ` _ _- __ � -. _ •- . _ 1 • ' - � ,- _ _ ���- - - � _ i 0 r O - . / 3 o G J � � - . - '� - - - _�, - _- - _� _ _ " � �� : /� _ ,._. -- . - -- r � R ��' _ / r �� ' � � ` - � -_ _ - - - __ �. �," , / _� � y: Z �!- - ��' 'k ! _ /_, � ' ._ �. ! ?3 � "_ l � 2 Z T �O . � - � � � r � - > r �_ I , U °< . - f ��ry; _ =_ t�'��. \� — � �_ - - r�_ j 7 ! � . - ___ -- p r . .�.-� - ,�� � ��� � ' � �� � . c' � 1 - " ' - -9 �-"� � 'v��� 0 `�� / �� �_' r / \ � /� _ � � . /O � 1 �f / � i � - . � / � � - � _� � �9 �f . � /� � - � � _- _ _-_LO . 'c7_ /y D _'� " - _ '� f f f �6\ J _ �- -' � --� � �f � o f - -.� - J � - =��- - =1 I � . � ""e - t - �� � �� 1 ' ) �� - � 3 . :S' -�� / • �`�i� 'Si�y� �J —� , — � � , ` - � + � - ,F p ";� _ J ._� _ i _ _ / � •J f � �_ -t -^� _ �� ' ,e Y 1} � .,, E F ___ � j � -% _� �� � �� . _ 1 �' j _ _ "'- _ � ,, � � = � �� - j x �_� � - �.� �` �� J--'��. - -' - $ ) - * � ,�� - a C ,� �.._ ' - � - t � F / - - ` - r . j / 4 ¢ir t i -' r/ � -� " '� �� ` � � J' � �1' � ' ��' - ' \ � � - N -- _ _ - - l ` ` -.-�\:-' - � /�� _ __.r r ♦ � � q �1�� -- . �� �'�--- � - ! , f ,.�� �..'- _' � ;, � y c � Y �__�} — �� - �-� �: �"�- - _ \\--- + -#'. � _� 'r - - =.s- �-_.- � � . .� � \1 �/. _:� �` -�9 �,. . _� v `-_- - - - _ � �*.,. ' _ // _' / \ ` / ' / - / � ._ � _ , _- s __> _ ./ -\ I f ,+ �_- 1 ; - >� - %_/ �— �h "- J -,-�'��, = �� .;� _ �' � �-r.�, - �� � � , �' .� t � _ t� �i L + � _ �` ' % `- / � _ � -�'� � - � j _� - ' y . � f c. H �o � - / l -� . / / � � _- _- 4 44 �� ! _� � ; �.-,+� � - . � � 1 �( - - t ' � , W,� h' �- a ". f K , �D3 '_; � ��� Y ` _ '_ _ �'� � � ` � � � : 8 \ '� : - � �. � �� �'"�+� �. �.x _ �,,,�, - � � - -- �- ,t � �_ _� � .�� - � /- � / ' � /_ �"`-� - � _ _ - ` y� _ - �r-� ! � - ' - - t •-_-- - - ' - \� � �. - - t -.�_ � - �...- A - � �' � . - - " ' -�- o ` - `._. ��. _T � ''� 'x f ��u,,+-.� � ti,. � ��I��+�W�T � '£ S . Y �._. ,Y t ` .. � - _ � .. _ "f� Y . �' _ _ 3 � - - ),/ _" .. - " . 'k: . A r c Y f /� - p - fi ' � * ;�_``�-'�- �EM'�A( _ ' r � •Y .'T A.� ' � ' _'a.. �k_i„ a ' "`.-� y C '� _ , '.� . �� � ' ' � � - . F_' ° . - , ` ;��_ : - � - - -,°.a::..��'� :=: , R :.._ 1 .�,� � � - - -- -- _ _ _ _ `.� � -,. m`� �\- e `,, �S-�D�' Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMEI�' P OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: Peter White Rea! Estate Division 140 Court House FROM: Joe Muelier Sewer Division 1000 City Hall Annex DATE: December 20, 1994 SUBJECT: Additionai Easement Request RECE[VED .tAN - 41994 ZEAL ESTATE DIVISION Attached please find a copy of a memo requesting permanent easements for Bates/McLean CSSP (City Project # 95-5-8100). In addition we would like to acquire a temporary construction easement from Aprii 1, 1995 through November 30, 1995 for the following described property as shown in green on the map. In the NW 1/4 Sec 4-28-22 All of lots 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20 and the remaining easterly 20' of lot 16 and the remaining westerly 20' of lot 17 from the northerly row line of Warner Road to 5 feet southerly of the east of the Soo Line Railroad tracks. Prior to beginning work on the acquisition, piease have someone contact me to review your maps on Warner Road ROW (6-6149). tkk Attachment � qs_3o8' Interdeparfinental Memorandum CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC �1'ORKS TO: Pete White Reaf Estate Division 140 Court House FROM: Mike Sattler Sewer Division 1000 City Hali Annex DATE: August 15, 1994 SUBJECT: Easement Requirement for Bates / McLean CSSP, 95-S-8100 The attached drawing shows a shaded area which we would Iike to acquire as an easement to construct and maintain a dropshaft and storm sewer. The description is as fol{ows: In the N.W. 1/4, Sec. 4-28-22 From the southerly R.O.W. line of Mounds Bivd. to the northerly R.O.W. line o( Warner Rd., the easteriy 30 feet of lot 17, bfock 15 and the westerly 30 feet of lot 16, block 15, Suburban Hilis Add. Piease contact me at 266-6255 if you should have any questions. Attachment CITY OF SAINT PAIIL PRELIMINAgY OBDSB ORIGINqL gs3 ��' 0 COIIFCIL FZLE N0. q 5_. BY ,'� � �V ,�Y FILS N0. 18762E1 VOTING WA$D 7 In the Matter of Condemning and taking a permanent utility easement for the Bates/McLean Area Sewer Separation Project, said easement area is described as follows: From the southerly right of way line of Mounds Boulevard to the northerly right of way line of Warner Road, the easterly 30 feet of Lot 17, Block 15 and the westerly 30 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Suburban Hills Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary construction easement for said project, said temporary easement is described as follows: From the northerly right of way line of Warner Road to 5 feet southerly of the east Soo Line Railroad Tracks, Lots 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, the westerly 20 feet of Lot 17 and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 16, Block 15, Suburban Hills AddiCion; said temporary easement to expire before December 31, 1995 or at the finish of said project, whichever occurs first. °� s -3a� The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $11,500. financed by Storm Sewer System Charge. 2. That a public hearing be March, 1995, at the hour Chambers of the City Hall of Saint Paul. had on said improvement on the 22nd day of 3:30 p.m., in the Council and Court House Building in the City 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by Che Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSOHS Yeas / Nays ���.i"a k e y J/G � mm �erin �rris gard ttman Thune Adopted by Council: Date �� ���� i` 1� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �Zn Favor By VAgainst Mayor