95-182^- ..� ' „r CIIY OF �ST. PAIIL FIBAL OHDBF ORIGINAL COIIACIL FILS� M0� � o�� BY /•' ljf,-vc���2if FILE O� �8781 VOTIHG�AAED 5 t In Ehe Ma��er of The cons�ruction and/or repair"of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and/or water service connections, if requested by the property owner, in conjunc�ion with the Aoyt Avenue Stree� and lighting project between Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street. underPreliminaxy0rder %ry— ���� approved �''`G. �� /�j�j� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as , prescribed by the Ci�y Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendaGions pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully consideted the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above—described improvement be made, and Ghe proper City officers ate,hereby directed and authorized �o proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculaGe all expenses incurred therein and shall report �he same to Che Ci#y Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Char�er. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays $lakey �/Grimm uerin �arris pY'egard .�� ettman ✓ Thune 'Rbs ��,-�' � Eavor �AgainsC � 0-ivSeY�"� Adopted by Council: Date__���5 Certified Passed by CouncilSecre�ary i _ _ � � ` _�. � i. __ _ ., Public Y,earir.e Date - Februa Works Dep�riment .CS `rEF50': 6 ?i10v_ st. t.�zr,in 205-6118 �'1; 22, 1995 :.at t �ki i wt E 10/6/94 RSSGX RE 12-16-94 �5� � GFiEEN SHEE�i" No 3 , � Inr:�RiE I'717�xL�h�E— DEP4i'TtE�TD1.liCt03 UG:I'CAJ':�0. Ci'iYATTOfl4cY �Cii�'CIE�K nU9GET9iflcL70R � FIN.SHGT.Sc�VICE5Di4 �uxvoatoaxsss�xns� � Couna7Fwse4ra'i 707A1rt OF SIGt:ATURE PAGES t (CLIP ALL LOCATIOhS FOR D:PR'n lil.:�TIJ_ A,^,CA:Jh i RhT r.0 i��s n3�UE5-D / (mprove HOY7 AVENUE be�vreen Hamfine Ave. and Vdoria St. (Cdy Projecf 55-P-11 i4j by grading, paving with bi�uminous, consir�c,ing concrefe cum and gutter, criveway aprons, vralks; piacing topsoil and sodding boulevaros, constructing storm se�+�er, instzlfing {aniem 5yte sireet lighting and dang ait o�her worK necessary,io complete sa+d improveme�t. File No. 1t57251 �,q�truction and/or renair of servzce connections_ _ _ ?�J.`:;':oC01lN.:<_Sq4 _CMlS?nYICEC�N.H.3510N C:? CGdttt—t _ Si,: F G:5'�ICTCCUKGI'r � Q s�:7ca. s w.;w:+ cou+�a o;�EC'nvat \eighboxnceds Ward 5 PERSONAL SERVICE CON'{i r ACS N,L'�T RNSWcR THc FOLLOWING �UE5T10N5: }, {{c5 L1:5 �'oSORKi:T C4H WCfkE4 �1C.Qi 2 C0411 cG4 SOt b�1'.5 02a2[ 12'�:? YES NO 2 Hes tiiis peES �r �Oer bzn z city enatcyee? 3. Does i.is �rsonK.•m pessess a skiil not norm�l!y p6ssed by any current c'.ry e-�pfoy�? YES h0 F�ptain 211 yes ansaen on se0ar�fe sheet end atfach 10 green sheet 7his street w2s originaliy in the adopied 1 �94 Budget as a bituminous overlay. As more information was gathered, 2nd 2s the Public 1Norks s1sY investigzted the project, R became preferable to do a complete grade and pave with new curb and gu�ler insfead of the originaliy planned bituminous overlay. A lanicrn type iiahting system and a tr2Yic signai reconstrudion wiil now also be a part of this projeCt. � A nev✓ty rebuitt roadw2y, witfi new curb and gutter, wili reslore the drivabiiity of this street and continue our ei�orts to inprove >'he stre2t system in Saint Paui. The new streef lighiing will atso improve safety in the area. Normal problems associated with consiruction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption wiil occur. � a�`�::;� � �� C i < 's`�u/. The driving surt2ce wifl continue to deterior2fe, m2intenance costs wili rise, and the level of service provided by this street v.�ili drop. 'OTALAVAUK70FTRF�SkCiIONS NOt yet determined. `UNDINGSOURCE COIII1eCtiOriS 2.S525Sed aY GJST/REVENUE6UDGETED(CHECK ONE) C R� MUIJ,BER NO la:'O'nV.hTlO\9 (r.7(PLAIN)