95-181`i � ;'4 . . . CITY OF ST. PAIIL FIHAL OYllSE In the �iaEEer of Improve Hoyt Avenue beGween Hamline Avenue and Victoria S�reek (City Project 95—P-1114) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gu�ter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, insUalling lantern s�yle street lighting and doing all o�her work necessary to complete said improvement. j'Yl S� �O� vccn�ee'fn G�c t�e� ����. �a�-l<s Se e L�s,�. �Z,eso �� �— �—z3°�� ° underPreliminary0rder `'J� /��� ' approved �/e� ��i � The Couneil of �he City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due no�ice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WAEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvemenG and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha¢ the Council of the Ci�q of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above—described improvement be made, and the proper CiGy officers are hereby directed and authorized �o proceed with �he improvement; and be it 0 ORIGINAL �m2�C�� a1�J95 �S COIIHCIL FILB HO.,..---,� • � ` *+,, BY // ��.,...,�: ; _,.__.�� Fi� gof•- �s�so �9 3 3 VOTIAG .�fTABD 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, ThaG upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same Go the City Counc3l in accordance wi�h ChapGer 14 of the CiGy Char�er.,' COUNCILPERSONS Yeas / Nays ✓�akey �/Grimm erin arris �egard ttman Thune A �Se.V��' ✓ �In Favor � Against I i�bse�-�— Adopted by Council: Date_�S Cer�ified Passed by Council Secretary �� i' ' ��-�•�._� ��, ���� , ., Pu � ic Hearing Date -"F'ebruary 22; 1995 RE 12-16-94 e�-�� g� PubricWorksDepartmerrt loisis4 GREEN SHEET �NO.29y33 ' INITWlDA7E INtTULL/DA7E CONiACTPFA�IJBPl�pPE . . -. DEPAfliMENTD ' .' CT'CWNCR •• au1 St: Martin 265-571$ ' P� 5 "� cmnrroa+EV � crivc�ui xu�m wn MUSTBE ON COIRJCCAGBIDABY (��) —— �� BUDGETD@iEC70R � FlN. d MGT. SERVICES DMt Mus� �e i Council �ese�arc Offi �� ���� � ��p�� no a er than noon ri a 2-23-§�+ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUH� ���� ncraN aEaiESho Improve HOYT AVENUE beiween Hamline Ave. and Yuu,toria St. (City Project 95-P-1114) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding bou�evards, wnstructing storm sewer, installing lantem sryle street 1"ghting and �ing ail other work necessary to complete said improvement. File No. 18780 fiECOMMENDA77oMS Mwb'e W w Rejxt(FO PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S YUST ANSYVER Tfg FOLLOWING CUESiIONS: _PIAt�A11NGCdAMI5SI0N _CNASERVICECOMMLSSION .1. HeSITYSpEf50lV�HIII� WOfWBCINIdBIeGOI1b8CtfOfIh18EBN2MIelIt? CIBCOMMfI'TEE 2 Has tl�is persoMum ever been a ciry empbYee? A �� a Does this pe soNfxm�possess a sldll not normally possed by arry curtent ciry empioyee? oisrR�cicouNCa— 10 _ YES NO SUPPORTS YrtiICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Explain all yas answers on sepante sF�aat and attaeh W Oreen sheat Neighborhoods Ward 5 INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNfIV (WHO. WHA7. WFiEN, WHERE, Wli'n: This street was originally in the adopted 1994 Budget as a biluminous overlay. As more information was gathered, and as the Public Works staff investigated the project, ft became preferable to do a complete grade and pave with new curb and gutter instead of the originally planned bituminous overlay. '3 /}� � e � . fiJ' Y A lantern type lighting system and a traffic signai reconstruction will now also be a part of this project. A�VAMAGES IF APPROVED: A newly rebuift roadway, with new arb and gutter, will restore the drivability of this street and continue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paui. The new street lighting will also improve safety in the area. DIS VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Normal probiems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, arni general disruption will occur. ,. Rfp U3{J.d.�.«'.i S��a,c.«"+:� E,g�.'�u`9�L Lti; w � ���� IS VAMAGES . The driving surface will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the levei of service provided by this street will drop. TOTALAMOUNTOFTFiANSACfIONt 923,000 COSTIHEVEMIEBUDGEfED(CHECKON� �,'E� NO FUNDINGSOURCE MSA,CIB ,PIA,ASSESSMENTS pCTryRYNUMBEFi � FINAt�CIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAItQ q ����f Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared October 6, 1994 Public Works Committee - Public Hearing - PROJECT Improve HOYT AVENUE between Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street (City Project 95-P-1114) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, waiks, placing topsoii and sodding boulevards; constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style street lighting and doing ali other work necessary to complete said improvement. INITIATING ACTION This street was originally in the adopted 1994 Budget as a bituminous overlay. As more information was gathered, and as the Pubiic Works staff investigated the project, it became preferable to do a complete grade and pave with new curb and gutter instead of the originally planned bituminous overlay. A lantern type lighting system and a traffic signal reconstruction wiil now aiso be a part of this project. EXISTING CONDITIONS Hoyt Street is an oiled street with a 60 foot right-of-way (except for the one block from Dunlap to Lexington, which is 72'). There is very little curbing along this street. The existing curb and gutter in the one short biock between Hamline and Huron wiil be left in place. The driving surface is in poor condition, being very rough and uneven. This is a bus route. Existing overhead lighting is mounted on wood poles. EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS: Hamline to Lexington - 2300 ADT (3-92) Lexington to Victoria - 1575 ADT {9-92) Parking is now banned on the North side of the street between Hamline and Dunlap. According to MSA standards, Hoyt Avenue is classified as a low density collector street. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS The MSA standards for a low density collector street are 32' wide with one side parking or 38' wide with two side parking. It is proposed to reconstruct Hoyt Avenue to a 32' width keeping the alignment and parking restrictions that presently exist, with the foflowing exception: !n order to meet MSA widfh standards, we propose to ban parking on the North side between Dunlap and Victoria. 9��rg� As an alternate, the street could be widened to 38' with two-side parking allowed. This will be discussed further at the neighborhood information meeting. The entire driving length of the project will be regraded and reconstructed with a full depth bituminous pavement. New concrete curb and gutter, driveway aprons, and outwalks will be constructed. Within the boulevard area, topsoii and sod wi(I be placed. After construction completion, trees will be planted in the bouisvards where needed. The proposed lighting system wifi consist of the lantern light standards. The traffic signal at Hoyt and Lexington wili be reconstructed as needed. TIME SCHEDULE Work will begin in early to mid-summer of 1995 and be completed by freeze up in the fall of 1995. FUNDING COST ESTIMATE Street Construction Engineering and Inspection Trees Lighting Construction Engineering and Inspection Signal Construction Engineering and Inspection TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING Sfreet Construction Municipal State Aid CIB (1994) P.I.A. Lighting Construction Municipal State Aid Assessment $550,000 113,000 15.000 $678,000 $143,500 21.500 $165,000 $ 69,500 10.500 $ 80,000 $923,000 $635,000 28,000 15.000 �s�s,aoo $140,000 25.000 $165,000 E� " Signal Construction Municipal State Aid . .� ��� :� •�� TOTAL $923,000 RESIDENT ASSESSMENT �5-/s I Residenfs affected wiil be assessed at the 1995 rate of $3.98 per assessable foot for tfie lantern style lighting. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, Paul St. Martin at 266-6118. RECOMMENdATION The Department of Pubiic Works feeis that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfuliy submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Pubiic Works 3 r , Ct�Y PROJECT P-1 � 14 ,��- -.._ —�- + , j �CJ�NfiELG ) `�"�'E. � , � �a�E.� � , j � I (` • cDMO avE. � � � � �� I�eREDr� � I J �vE i < wtHNE�� AVC. � 3TER m q,� rs� I�IC�} '�� � �_ I ( aauhc � o+� ( '�'�j L� L�.1 . �C—� � i ::OTT4GE � •VF^ F I ��� _- �V(. ��u . �.j O ' � � -J��' C� z ��, � �' -- � �. w �t'�� i. � _-_ „ . __._I rw...' HOYT STREET between Ham(ine Avenue and Victor+a Street a S G tZY pp =� �r.,, n z � t�' j �� I [�af���lt� .. ,;, urF [ tt �t �= � 6 � _ - I � =:`+_ � 8 S • Saint Paul City Public Hearing Public Improvement OWA'ER OR TAXPAYER Council � �'�"��� Notice �"" Construction CQUNCIL DISTRICT „5 PLANNING COUATCiL #10 F1LE # 18780 .` PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPEi2TY T�i}� i�ESCniriiiSN �er`w ,...13 _._ `,'��a:{ M1.' v � ,._.... 4t,� `vVOJ ._.�....c�:" ��v� ...yn�C�h� THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1995 AT 3:30 p.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wili be considered bq the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE ESTIMA7ED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: IMPROVING HOYT AVENUE BETWEEN HAMLINE AVENUE AND VICTORIA STREET. {SEE ENCLOSURE FOR PROJECT DESCRIPTiON AND MAP.) If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is � THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEEd TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE T(ME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosure for addifional project informatior.. CONTI�IUED ON REVERSE SIpE NOTfFICATION DATE: 02/03/95 SHOULD TI-IE COUNCIL APPROVE THIS PK03ECT, ' YOUR ASSESSMENT �i'ILL BE COLLECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLQWING PRQCEDLJItE! T'AYMEA'T When the construction, which wiil begin some time after approval of the praject, has In'FORMATION been completed or substantially completed, you will be notified of another public hearing, which will occur either in the same year as the construction or the year following the construction. This public hearing is called "RATTFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS", at which time the City Council will consider the approval qf the assessments for the project. You will receive more information at the time of the Ratification of Assessments public hearing conceming the number of yeazs tbe assessment will run and the interest rate. A few days after the Ratification of Assessments, you will receive an invoice. You will then have the opportunity to pay all or part of your assessment within 30 days without interest. Any remauung balances will be collected with your property taxes over a period of 1 to 20 years. Partial payments of $40.00 or more will be accepted at any time. DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may PAYMENfS qualify for defened payment of special assessments. If it would be a hardship and you homestead the property, you may apply for deferred payment following approval of the Ratification of Assessments by the City Council. This plan will defer payment, it will not forgve the payment. During the deferral period interest will continue to accrue. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. 'ON1��CTI01�'S If the project is for a storm sewer and/or street paving, you may request new connections for storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water main. As installation at a later date will be more eapensive, we suggest you consider installation of these connections at this time for vacant properties. Also, if you have a connection that is faulty, broken or deteriorated, you may have it repaired during construction of the project. The Public Works Depardnent will notify you if your connection needs repair. I�Tew connections and repaired connections will be assessed. FORMATION For the benefit of those who wiil be unabie to attend the hearings, Cablevision will carry the program live on Channel 18 at the scheduled time shown on the reverse side of this notice. QUESTIONS Please call 266-8850 for questions about assessmenu. For questions regarding construction, please see the encIosed sheet. NOT7CE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HP,LL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAiJL, MINNESOTA 551�2 �J ���( � FiLE n�o. �s�so Improve HOYT AVENtiE bet��.�een Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street by gradin�, pavin� with bitvminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter, drive�}�ay aprons, „�alks, placing iogsoil and sodding boulevards, construciing storm se�;�er, installing lantern style ]i�hting and doing alI other work necessary to compiete said improvement. riL� �To. �s�si The construction and/or repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and/or water service connections, if requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the HOYT AVENUE street paving and li�hting project between Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street. FUNDING Total Estimated Expenditwes $923,000 Estimated Financing: Municipal State Aid $855,000 Capital Improvement Bonds 23,000 Public Improvement Aid 15,000 Assessments (Lights Only) 25.000 itaie per_ assessable ft. -$3;98 ,,. _.;. ....... . Totat $923,OOQ NO ASSESSMENTS FOR GRr1DI\G, PAVING, CURI3, GUTTER, DRIVE�I�AY APRONS, WALKS, TOPSOTL, SOD OR STORA4 SE«'ER! Bent straw lighting is available at $2.50 per assessable foot by petilion u�ith 70 percent of the abutting property o�i�ners signing. The first 1S0 feet on the long side of a residentia] corner 1ot will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under this paving and lighting program. You may request new connections and/or the repair of storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water service connections. If you o�i�n vacant property, we suggest you consider requesti��g these connections at this time. Installation at a later time will be more expensive. Also, to ensure an effective sewer separation pro�ram and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspovts) must Ue disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Por more information, call the Sewer Division at 266-6220. Connections will be assessed at the actual cost at the time of installation. QUESTIONS? Construction 266-6118 Assessments 266-8850 )AFcY { r �� :� w ie � � ( � y F .� N ---- - _ ,.-- -- -- - -_ - s -LARPENTEUR= � ( �C L FORNIA D� � I � �� c� � r- r r f-� }- CAI�FOftN1A �N� � N N N� g u z�� � ��3�o—J=� I�J � � ¢ v�j�Y LL ~ , (� I LL Z 0 a� � � O � .l� ��N � G w � - rav t � � z 1~ ° l tn 1 y W� .. ��.lT' ' . }Y. Q � " gG� Q '. i.::. _ W l , � : AVE. J ..... CO . . 1 z W M� ���:��. � � p : ' � R � _ � �������.��.. �, °� F AVE. :=': �„' � � .: � \}y ;.�" V � u , : , �..t�, W� O !�+ � , U � {j 4 � J �CU �.� . ! .; �i:..•%;°• RSF r�us uue J � :.4.' L��y,.w SBA R t Q w :! � '-'.•. . 9 � �/6 i = � . .,�*�,�,, yO � y Y • Z OO : �'•�iY n,} y � c .. 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H 0 Y T C > :..:::::.... ..... - z 1 I MONTANA� � � __J � (� ('�—� � V " �_� � -..::_ . `.�_ .,..:..: ,—� .�?�xs ::4.;-: .:_+_.. z � , •; ' `:..'' �'� N E Y A D A—� � I (� ` r w. � r� uy 1 • ���. t� - o�, a,�n � , A � .;' • -� . :. ,..._i �, � � � Y �� +,"."o,�.�'��•.....y `�.� PRRKVIEW AV i �}' •� `4i" :. ;� � n. 7: �- W !'COT" .. =� H i �.. I . • ' . N .: w 1 , '.e:'� : (tARE� � �' ', \ +1 `s;�� ' 'i _'-'--- ' - �..:., ''-`-`:• <`�.: \W� iVT� V . � � :; i , (�� -- �, a a x q,n�. o Y N p 7 C G ���. .. �=-. v � � � � � c— . �'� P 3 :" � � y . Y ��.: '�\ s�.J �� �./ > V" � r ��; - ' _ _ t J L W '• � C K � � ::� ���1 :I'',:`:. 01 � �� �' ,'. O �� YD O � �a� � XrHATCH� r—� �AVF_ r-, �BURGESS r -- 5T -� PL G �-�'r.- ! �— � C�, 1' 1 � f J � n � � ' i,::, r u. � I.J � N � C,HPRD PVE �� I�!� ��o�¢�! - � � — Y� � ���>�mJ �. rFRONT CALVARY CEME ��-��r DEPARTMHNT 0� PUBLIC ��'Oi21�S Slnq',11. 6cckc{ Discclor CITY OF SAINT PAliL .1'unn Cnlrmm�. A1rn'ur Febniary 3. 1995 Dear Hoyt Avenue Property Owner: Gt)0 Cilv 11a71 A+uici .4�iut Pard, d4N 55102 l�rlcph�mn 611iGG-G070 1'�a�si+ndc•: hl>-'9�.75:57 The City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works has preiiminary pians to construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons, pedestrian ramps for the handicapped, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, lantern style street lighting, and compiete tree glar.tir.g and boulevard resodding on EiOS"i' AVENUE betweer. Fiamiine Avenue and Victoria Street. The project would be constructed in 1995. You are invited to an informational meeting to discuss project details, financing and the construction scheduie. PROJECT: HOYT AVENUE - Hamiine Avenue to Victoria Street PROJECT NO. 95-P-1114 DATE: Wednesday, Februaiy 15, 1995 TIME: 7:00 P.NL PIACE: Como Lakeside Pavilion Banquet Room 1360 North Leaington Pazkway, Saint Paul The total cost of the project is estimated at �923,000.00. The majority of the funding would come from Municipal State Aid Funds. A portion of the funding for the street lighting would come from assessments to tl�e properties affected by the construction. The proposed assessment rate for the street lighting is $3.98 per assessable foot. The existing concrete curb and gutter on Hoyt Avenue between Hamline Avenue and Huron Street will be left in place and the pavement will be rehabilitated. In order to meet Municipal State Aid standards, it is proposed to construct Hoyt Avenue between Huron Street and tiictoria Street to a 32' width with one side parking. Parking is no.v banned on the North side of Hoyt betu�een 1-iamline and Dunlap. As part of this project, it is proposed to ban parking on the North side of Hoyt between Dunlap and Victoria. As an alternate, the street could be constructed at 38' wide with two side parking. This will be discussed further at the information meeting. The meeting we are inviting you to is informational only. Final decisions on whether to construct any or all of the project will be made at an official public hearing af the Saint Paul City Councii. Property owners who will be assessed will be notified of that hearing. If you need more information before this meeting, you can call me at 266-6118. Sincerety, I ���(� �� � f�n! � Pau2 St. Martin Project Engineer He y�mm� r �rr � i� r� • [)nuLli 1 ur iLbn • l:mplurr�' 1'uJt . • qs— /c� � February 17, 1995 SYNOPSIS dF MEETTNG 2-15-95, REGARDING RECONSTRUCTION OF HOYfi AVE. BETWEEN VICTG�IA ST. & HAMLINE: A presentation of the proposed improvements to Hoyt Ave. was conducted by Paul St. Martin, a street design/civil engineer of the St. Paul Dept. of Public Works. Greg Reece, o£ City Forestry, Joe Collins, an aide for City Council member Janice Rettman, and a person fzom the Real Estate Division were also present. An intended lighting representative with the city did not make it to the meeting. 55+ residents attended, an excellent turnout for an in£ormationai.meeting on a project __ � " of this size. ��� �_In brieE, Hoyt.Ave. in the affected region is classi£ied as �. - ; �an "oiled street". All oiled streets in St: Paul.are part of : __ �""an:.accelerated impzovemenL program by the Public Works Dept., -:and are to be reconstructed as "paved roads". ° ...' will be a manc3atory change�within the next�l5 years. � •Because Hoyt Ave. is a busline & is considered a state road, �„' the traffic count requirements, it is eligible (and " has been approved} for Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds. These funds would pay for a majority of the work associated with the upgrading of the zoad. We would otherwise need to pay for the reconstruction through expens.zve assessments to our properties. This is an opportunity for us to avoid these expenses, but using these funds does impose some new restrictions on us, because the road must meet MSA standards. The first alternative to satisfy these standards was a widening of the road from 30 ft. to 38 ft., which was immediately rejected by all present at the meeting. More reasonable options become available if residents agres to iimit pazking to one side o£ the street. A majority vote at the meeting, including write-ins, was for Public works to submit a proposal for a variance to allow the city to reconstruct the road at its current 30 foot width with parking allowed on one side, using MSA funds. Following a City Council approval o� the reauest, the variance proposal would be submitted by Publie Works on March 1, 1995, for considera�ion at the next auarterly variance committee meeting on March 22nd. If the variance is rejected, residents agreed that reconstruction at 32 feet with one-side pa:lcing usi.ng MSA funds would be the next best choice. . � It was the opinion of the City Forester that only four laraer trees would be at risk at a 32 foot constrnction, vs. many more at a greater width. Though not everyone felt that new lighting was needed, this is apparently a requirement that is tied to reconstrnction pro}ects. Public works was not certain, but believed that a total of six lanterns per street would be installed. Public Works did not deny that traffic flow and speed will show some increase with road improvement, especially witk any width alteration. However, raad improvements are not linked to tzaffic contzols, such as regu2ating signs, sign�2s, or violations enforcement. Many neighhors voiced strong concerns regarding traffic sa£ety issues, ar.d felt that it w>as important to follow up on this separately. The person we were told to contact in order to express your concerns and to promote changeJimprovement in `this area is: Tom Stabsk2ev / Citg Tra£fic Division Other people you may contact are: State Representative Ellen Anderson City Council Member Janice Rettman 266-6217 296-2146 266-8650 For any questians regarding the road project ca12: Pani St. Martin / Public Works 265-6iI8 If you have any comments or suggestions, please call one of the volunteers listed below. Tr�NK YOU again for taking time out of your schedules to get involved andjor for attending the meeting: �:e will do aur best to keep you informed o� sny new develooments regarding the Aoyt Ave. reconstructioa. Sincerely, The Aoyt Ave. heighborhood Group. Laurel Poucnak & David Aronow 950 W. Hoyt 487-2689 Carol Seyfried Robin 5 Charlie Czaia 1005 W. Hoyt 1558 N. Milton St 488-5308 488-8146 Dean Magraw & Laura MacKenzie 1089 h'. Hoyt 487-9798 * IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ * February 8, 1995 Dear Resident, q5�181 You have recently received notices of upcoming street assessments for street work proposed to be under�aken on Hoyi; Ave. West between Victoria St. and Hamline Ave. Are you aware however that this proposal might include a substantial widening of the road? Hoyt Ave. currently measures out at approximately 30 ft. in width. Alternate proposals include a widening to either 32 ft. or 38 £t. This raises several concerns: 1.) Wil1 the increased width go hand in hand with increased road traffic? 20) Will this contribute to higher speeds of travel, and hence increased noise, pollution, and safety risks to pedestriansl (especially children, eince Hoyt Ave. is the major commuting street for children in the area walking daily to Chelsea Heights Elementary School). 3.) Will this require removal of our existing boulevard trees, and have a negative visual impact on our avenue? 4.) Will this require more rebuilding of our sidewalks, which many of us have already paid for over the pas� few years when they were replaced? 5.) Wi11 this have a negative impact on our property values? Isn't Larpenteur Ave. close enough to serve the function of moving traffic in our area? If you have feelings about these issues that you would like to express, please ATTEND the meetings listed on the attached sheet, or please WRITE a brief letter to be taken to these meetings. YOUR SAY IS IMPORTANT AND CAN HAVE AN IMPACT AT THIS STAGE OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENTI As neighbors we are in this together. Pl�ase get involved if you are able. If you cannot attend the meetings but intend to wsite a letter, please contact one of the voluntesrs listed below, who will assist you in coordinating a time to pick up your letter to be taken ta the project meeting and to the public hearing. Thank you for your helpl �-'� ;�.,._"_.�---"... �David�Prorro�r or Laurel Pouchak 950 W. Hoyt Ave. 487-2689 Robin or Charlie Czaia 1558 N.Milton St. 488-8146 Carol Seyfried 1005 W. Hoyt Ave. 488-5308 Dean Magraw or Laura M. 1089 W. Hoyt Ave. 487-9798 �5 I 1.) INFORMATIONAL PROJECT MEETING: I'ROJECT: FiOXT'AVElVUE - Hainllnc Avenue to Vtckorin Strcct PROJECT NO. 9E'i-P-1114 DATE: Weclncsday, Februnry l.�i, 1995 TIM�: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Camo Lakeside Paviltoxx Bunquct Roozri 1360 Nortti Lcain�ton Purkway, Snint Puui 2.) STo PAUL CITY COUNCIL PtYBLIC HEARING: TIME: WEDNESI?AY, F[BRUMRY 22, 1986 AT 3:30 P.M. 1'LACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Courl House Written or oral statements by any owner wlll be considered by tlie Councll at this liearing. To consider approval of the proposed pro)ect as follows: IMPfiOVINO HOYT AVENUE BETWEEN HAMLINE AVBNUE AND ViCTORIA STREET. QUOTE FROM PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE: 'ri�e cxlsUng concrcic cur� and gutte liurmi Slreet wlll be left ln place Eu1d mcet MunlclpAJ SLalc Ald slandards, Huron Slreel and Vteloria Sireel lo a now banned on the North slde of Iioy proJect, !L Is proposed lo ban parking Vlctorla. A5 an ailernale, the street parking. Thls wlll be discussed Cur �� � r on I•Ioyt Avenue belwcen 1•lan�linc llvenue sznd the pavement witl be rehablll4alcd. In order lo 1L ls �rroposed lo coiislrucl 1•Ioyt Avcnuc bclwcen � 2' widtla wlth ne�'ic�c � ar} 1 Pfu'1ct►i�; ts t e ween Hamlii�e an unlap. !�s parl of U�fs eo� the Norlli side of Hoyt Uelwcen Uunlap and ild be construciccl al 38' wl e wttt� ,iwo side ihe at the informaLlon mceting.� � N� � � �Q ���c ,� � , � �- � �J � ����°� � � ����� ��..Q 5;�.4, �w��'�`� i �15 � 18 i 0 // n I �, � ( (J �C?.e� au �c,�<2� � a.7�-P� � ' � /�c�7" C� ,se� ���r�a' �'n�e-� � �Lc��' �� � �`J ; ...C .,u,.-e_. u�.�.. c?.�Q ..�.�.�.� .�-�,ti.��� � �� c�e-,< w.� �� �.�g.-�� � �� � ' , , � �`o�,�, .n��.a,�-�'� �l�J� �� - �� , .,we � ,o.�,Q... �.. �,e,�,2 � a .�t,-�.e(o. �. �, .�iuzo� . � , A ' � ' ' � C�. (,�u. � � � , , g . �f ��, �-�-�. ..�-� ; . , o�. ��.:P.u.�a�.� �� , c�-��c�- c�-s�. , �c� —�.,,�,_ �? a�, �..��. ���,a.�; ' ( - , � l''i..� , Gtn� c2��.�-�.c.� d4�r� � /� '1�-.C�' '� � u�.�� .��.�,�Q. .��: � ��-y� �j.-g_ L �•'hd( �,L•�tiCy,,, ��C�.�t.;�i��it�Le L.f�t, �'N/ �- /�1ti�,+-� � + U (� if n %-i�aJ�t �'� �lq��-2� CJ'✓�-� �-ry'� Ct �<,.r ? C' l� , C.�.(,`-t�. � ��-e.�s_ c.�, /X,_cn-- � � � � (i � �� �� l�_�-� �,�,�_� � � :���- � �� - � � �� ~ �� � � " J q5—fg I ,a . , /�- ' � 7 — � ' ' .R- � - 7' w — u � a �,�Q c'-b'lti •L,( .r� 9J�e �c. � �" ` 1. � C'P�'- I.eQ�tCt'� , k.�. ,�... �. �- �� �� ��Q.. c�-�� � , - �. � � ��t,w -•� C . . . .����, , � r9��� � � ' ..... , . ��C�, 7 �L�� �1� . � F � `�9 q ��, i�1 a,+��" - . -- . . . :. ; ��-i�� 975 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 February 12, 1995 St. Paul City Council Third Floor City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Proposed Improvement to Hoyt Avenue Dear Council Members: We are writing to object to the proposed project to "improve" Hoyt Avenue between Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street. In partioular, we object to the proposal to make the Iioyt Avenue wider between Dunlap and Victoria. Our primary reasons for objecting are as follows: First, the pYOposed improvements to Hoyt Avenue are likely to result in increased traffic flow, and higher speeds of travel. Increased tratfic levels and higher speeds of travel will result in more noise and air pollution, and will create a safety hazard to pedestrians, including the large population of neighborhood children. Larpenteur Avenue, which is only four blocks north of Hoyt Avenue, is adequate to handle the volume and higher speed traffic. Second, the proposed improvements will likely have a negative visual impact on Hoyt Avenue. This is especially true if the improvements will result in removal of mature trees along the boulevard. The combination of an increased traffic flow and a negative visual impact likely to be caused by the proposed improvement project will result in decreased property values along Hoyt Avenue. We feel that the proposed project wili result in more harm than benefit to the residents along Hoyt Avenue. Accordingly, we object to the proposed improvement project. Sincerely, �� � �.��.,,� �.�-..--- Brad and Lorrie Dahlman q�-i� � February 14,1995 To Whom it May Concern: T am a single retired person living alone on the corner of Milton and Hoyt Ave, and it has come to my attention that you are piannin� on widening Hoyt Ave. and replacing the existing lights. At this time I would like to express some concerns that I have with these proposed plans. 1) The current lighting is more than adequate, making me feel safe and secure especially in the evening when I frequently walk my dog and at night when I am alone. Will the new lights be as bright in (ighting up my street corner? 2) Why replace existing sidewalks, curbs and �utters when they were done,not so many years ago7 This seems rather wasteful to me. 3) The loss of many established trees if the street were to be widened would be a shame. The replacement with younger, smaller trees would create a barren appearance along Hoyt Ave. and it would take many years before these trees would mature. I don't know if I can wait that long. 4) Finally, T am opposed to widening Hoyt Ave., not only because of the above concerns, but, a1so, because a wider street wouid encourage increased traffic and increased speed of the vehicles traveling down it. However, if street repairs become manditory, I would prefer that the state grant money be utilized. As a retired person on a fixed income, but under the age of 65, I am not eligible for the deferred payments for assessed repairs. This would be a hardship for me if the total cost of repairs were to be paid by the property owners along Hoyt Ave. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my concerns. Sincerely, i I �.d�t-(J ���J �iJ�,1 J Mary Ellen Weiss 939 West. Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 489-7398 q5- I�� z-15->> St. P-au1 cit,y council: S do not apvrove of widenin�; IIo,yt Ave. Thi3 is a nei�;hborhood section and not a�beediaay- ;Je have tnat on Lnrpenteur Ave. !�!e do not need new Street Lights. I a^� II99EESBCI for Street Ma'_ntenance e:,ch year and have not seen any improvement}� al„o assessed for Sewer each year. I definitely do not approve of t��is construction. SI.^=NED- �� � 9 ��„_i.-��� z 1010 S9. Hoy� �ve. St. Paul, hin. 55117 Q5- i81 f `t o In�l��w� I'�' Ma� �oht+trr.: aI6I4 „ � ;� �V . Aw,... . .� re s=dr.� o�' ---� o � $ _ � "Qc�nl.r�v.! '''Wlt�;'., ,.., ww� Cav.`+I.t�W.t�._._'-oW.1 F _ -�V;''�.'P�ro_pose.d_ :widt+�t� d'�..,..�'1' 8�.va� �u,� .� IY�L,�y,,1yR,jti. "�W�.1i11�. T__� V ��`r�0.• __ _ — .. :.., >. ` ''' ' .` '.• .�lSSaw:;e,: `.�'� +'�►�iS _..�ts.� _.''��Wl. _ P�rI�L . °' � f `b .._ `1�vs i-Y+o►.� `_ `_ o ' . �vv,'t``�_. . ��- . r , � F � ' I " ` !' `O�t'iiuV. '"�V i !q"`: ;��, _t• Mi►l•'�� � __f,.. . ., � -- . O�► . KU ��:.. � �/� : �j � � � �� � � . - .., ,.r• ; -� . ' •; ^s.,.^ —c ,,� c � ,. `1 �; ( F.Cr.:�'' �V _ .�,, f� _ _ . ., _ ,.p, W .�F' _ � . i S'+'�' - . � .. • « a . . fiy: � l. � � �) ,�1 . . . .A.�e:�.�e�w�;dek �::��►.s���.�..,c;�,m,,•=�:���.io►�.r4 _ _ �, , �.. , . .. .- ;�.,�,_ . �.,». ,� r°:,: ^� �„ .: -� , .. .. ....w►o� �G=o_ -� '�'j-=--- ----- ------------ ; , ...,..,,. 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T da �Fkt�,k �t�e rc� wc�t� k'� Cd S � * : ; ;r�uiv�e� o►s : �i'�- `�l c= : :`trer bu.aa�+ � � ia,'�+�#' :� % � �.. , <,.,,��td... r �-;���1i�e ,P�a �:.see.-�►�, roadl.Y��w�d�tK�ed . , , ', i h �:•. � � �o e w,.• .: i.. .,.'r,; Tp .�p1 w . � t � .,• r.� 0.�I` `• �'�'..,.,.s,..�'�" J ::Y�D V.� , k�A.��' � �.. r ^ ' ^'- . .�.c: • .";. R•�� y; '�'1'q"tT'� C'� �� 1'l'���<<DS�,►V�'�'' �:;�rr►iDIV�,. 4�,.M� ,::i.w�i.i�./F� «�. ��rirr'ir���'�YI!IF�.i� V�!!�`��_` �,°..4�i�Z L .��; � <�� ' . � ` � �� � t �� �� 1 --..._......_....� ^.,�al � "'-r°GN1c.����'!.�:��(iIIQ:�f.�.'t`�,*�4l�.�Rx'„�..�w r'�''� � 1� .. .�.; ,,. {. � ��,��, �.4:et.fg�:r� ~E�� o�►.�ry� � t. �,y�- _._ _ _. ...,.,._.._ ' i _ . , .,.H.a�w L. • ..,�. �Gw�h�k�e::..�.. d,� r:rw...'{'�'e�. � . �e`���e:,�,� ":; : �c�:i�`d� �" �,, s, � .Ti�4..� — __... �- ,.� ` c�. � .. . � . �s �h��tA.11 .� ,;'�`�'�' r � ." C�ZC�• J 01�' 7 ` i.� .;r �t.�'�� � r -R a , • ,f /, _y-'- �� . SPe� Of -�e :.'4�r!o�.�e .., ' . .� �. K.,`, , � ,,,, �. , �i .� . '.� . , . ' ♦ , °l� ...nis.s� Y` ,W:, x "W�... n. -. � . .. �t" , .f": i, . . ' . . . L +. p...�"r '9a:.�'..� ;=t� `,`. . : . .. , �.'C'�ck��' u�pi� ,. , .. �.. ; ; .; . �, � , , : ? . .:6. I ..s. `.. �' '` ' ,�' , ; ( e � ' �. , � ' N' .. . •. Y " ' ��a ( �• � •'�Y• `��,��� '.e „ 1 . : � , ;r � � �$7-.1 �a.l_ �• , �.,, ��� .% . .�}." • •. � � ' � � .qr.)�. h, � :� .. .,a. '...� �r �� �� :�.. Yx�i..�� " x ''. . Y . nY . � ' • . � � � � .�iin .� n . . . .� �.✓ ♦ � �` . 1 .:��1 .� • � . • .. � � . . , �. �. ' . , ' . i: ' . . ' . . iM1.•.r� n . � � 1 I . �L , . i' . x , ' . f � �� •Vi�'. n ��• • ,Y '� .. � �: � .. � 'A�Fa� . ,. � �,%'.' ,..... •, ... � � � �, ' �A ' , ;, , �5 - I� � Fe�►��ary 1 �, � �a5 Chrisiy Rndet�son Jacnb t d34 lioyi Rue. West St. Paut, MN 551 17 To ¢�hom it me,y concern: My husband and 4 are <<er� concerned about the prapose� changes in store for Noyt Huenue. We moue� to St. Pauf from Ohio in Octaber end chase our home on Hoyt, ratber than a home on Fairuiew, beceuse u�e preferred less traffic. Granted, Hoyt is busier then other roads in ihe neighborhood, howeuer, tbe traffic tues nnt bad enougb to be e deterrent. If the roads were widened anymore than 32 feet, Noyt Rue. waeld ke trensformed into a major thornughfare ouernight. !n aur opinion this would be a graue mistake as it would diuide a united neigbborhoad and mat;e the area less appeating to potentiai buyers. it �e. were privy to this informatfon before we bougnt our house, I can assure uou we u�ould heue �one elsewhere. The Lomo Park area is gaining papularity and cannot afford to (ose its current appeat due to annecessary "upgrades" such es the ane pr�nased tosing tt�e asstt �etic G�auty of this street due ta the remaua! of irees and ircreasinc sa�e�� hazarc;s on �ccount oi hesuier traffie, u�ii! no daubi �eusfue the hc;aes or: Hogt and ensure the decline of ihe neighborho�d ouer time�. ti+c encourage you to giue serious thaught ta aur cancerns. tt is impor�tant to haue a uision for this area th8i will distingUish it tr�m oihers. not m�ke it become Uet annther typicak neiRhborhoIId. life support you on the upgrading of the sewer s4sfem and on ihe e�ddition af street lamps, which wi{I enhance the neighbarhaod. Haweuer, we will strongfy oppose any efforts to widen �ur s:reeis. Thank you for your attention to this maiter. tlle liape it wili cause you tn recnnsider the present proposat for Hoyt Rve. �incerely, , l,�'��. , �1��=�-�� C'lristy 8nderson Jacob * IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ * � 5 _ �� f / ` I , February B, 1995 �' Dear Resident, � � Ynu have recently received notices of upcoming street assessments for street work proposed to be undertaken on Hoyt Ave. Wes� between Victoria St. and Hamline Ave. Are you aware however that this proposal might include a subetantial widening of the road7 Hoyt Ave, currently measures in width. Alternate proposals either 32 ft. or 38 ft. This raises several concerns: out at approximately 30 ft. include a widening to 1.) will the increased width go hand in hand with increased road traffic? 2.) Will this contribute to higher speeds of travel, and hence increased noise, pollution, and safety risks to pedestriansl (especially �liildran, since xoyt Ave. is the major commuting street for children in the area walking daily to Chelsea Heights Elementary School). 3.) Will this require removal of our existing boulevard trees, and have a neg�tive vieual impact on our avenue? 4.) Will thie require more rebuilding of our sidewalks, which many of us have already paid for over the past few yeare when they were replaced? 5.) Will this have a negative impact on our property values? Isn't Larpenteur Ave. close enough to serve the function of moving traffic in our area? If you have feelings about these issues that you would like to express, please ATTEND the meetings listed on the attached sheet, or please WRITE a brief letter to be taken to these meetings. YOUR SAY IS IMPORTANT AND CAN HAVE AN IMPACT AT THIS STAGE OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT! As neighbors we are in this together. Please get involved if you are able. If you cannot attend the meetings but intend to write a letter, please contact one of the volunteers listed below, who will assist you in coordinating a time to pick up your letter to be taken tc the project meeting and to the public hearing. Thank you for your help! David Aronow or Laurel Pouchak 950 W. Hoyt Ave. 487-2689 Carol Seyfried 1005 W. Hoyt Ave. 488-5308 Robin or Charlie Czaia 1558 N.Milton St. 488-8146 Dean Magraw or Laura M. 1089 W. Hoyt Ave. 487-9798 �� 1 �� 1 ���� 'l�. : : Q5-i�i ; � 1.) INFORMATIONAL PROJECT MEETING: PR0,7�CT': IiQYT AVENUE - Fi}unline Avenue to Victortn 3trcet PFtOJECT NO. 95-P-1114 DAT�: Weclncsclay� February 15, 1995 TXME: 7:00 P.M, PLAC�: Como Lpkeside Puvillon IInny,uet Room 1360 Nort,ti Lexington Parkwuq, Snint Paul 2.) ST. PAIIL CITY COUNCxL PUHLIC HEARZNG: TIME: WEDNESUAY, FEI3RUARY 22, 1996 AT 3:30 P.M. I'LACC: City Council Cl�ambers, 3rd f=loor City Hail-Court I-louse Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this lit sring. To consider approval of the proposed proJect as follaws; IMI'f10VINQ HOYT AVENUE BE7WEEN IiAMLINE AVENUff AND VICTORIA STREET. QUOTE FROM PVBLIC WORKS DTOTICE: 0 The exlsting conarete curb and gutter on Hoyt Avenue between !-Iamltnc Avenue and Huron SLreet wili be left ln place �uzd the pavement wtll be rehablltt�lcd. !n ordcr lo meet Munlclpal Stalc Aid standards, it !s proposecl to construcl I•Ioyt .Avenuc between Huron Street and Vletoria Slreel to a 32' widtl� wlth one sicJe parking. Farlc(n� ts now banned on tl�e North side of I-Ioyt between Hamllne and Dunlap. As parl ot' Uils pro�eet, !L is proposed to ban parking on the North side of Iioyl Uelwcen Dunlap and Vlctorla. As an alternate, the street could be constructed at 3$' wide with lwa slde parking. 'I'lils will be dlseussed further at tbc; informatlon mesttng. � �--�..� _..�.- � �^7�� V. � Mq�D� -�- �z e�sr'o� Ta /��r2e{�.qs� �4 FFo�E 6 M l-4 Y T A�l; F f r� i?f� S'�n/1 <�16 4�F' 4�. .i. C oo l��i O/� T �u�2 IDO �-b.M�s ,n� ���Goe.� ss ��r d F�/T ��vq-T i-bYT A�u� �4t��0 Sv22a�n�o�(�� �4-22� w�� ����v��;iy C t-�2.M iN� . 'l t��L. i1�4-i �d.�� � N.�d.���- ��t C (-1-/�.a.�M. b-l-' 7}1'-/1 S� SiY?� iz 3 TU. GJ2 �an�MO,� ,T. y . l7�A-T �;o u !o �'��' ! Wa;iD �rz � ���v?��Mr>✓JT .> >4-� 2K�l� �U�f �Diu �� �2N S �'8o c�T�� �4Tr� o F ���r L o� ;Y'�4- �fi`C A-n� o r N-� 1�US �o�T�s �9-��D =' c.4 SEt f�o vA-IUrc Ta w-Dt>iTio�,i.AL �A.21�,'�uG �� ��FvS� o L��� i� ��( 010�2 12 Esi p�.U1I-� C R�f} �EC�4�S� OG rHE t��J2�SS��( G�O�C bF f�(�W T2 � C- �� 5S TJ� U�( p pv�.� r.�TS , �}i N� i 7" oU� IZ �--- �� � � �� �% —_...._. � �� �'::� r i t • _ ..._____.. ... .... _.___... �� ._ _ ._ _ .. ........... 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Moynihan Joat� M. fluegel c�.o �O ��'� o�-� ��- r�Yl p�i � C� r in '. � � 1 e c�� �x �t��t�ed `-�-}� GtS oc���e r c�.� G ?U� �I� 1�� �� � CL �'1 or'Y? � — 5 �� bPc�os�- c�ri� clna►�c��s --�z.� ��.� ��e � c�Shic� 1,�'� �\ �es� 1-� '� r� `� rernova 1 `1� bou)e� � � 61'� �at,t�2vccr� �CP�. �C-�1 GlC'{ t.�; j1 hc�v-2 � C�hc� v�� o..-�- i c. ��a� ti m p c� c� �, �u � --� o � ,.. � � CJ�.. � t�t�.. . �.,Q.��t � 1-2 �.�J2 S v�e,�c� i rs � '��- c� n cC q�-181 2303 South FronWge Road, Suire 5 Hastings, MN 550332477 Telephone 612-f3S-9TT7 Faz 612-03&9775 � - I�- �t� ` �� Yle-ee� � r c��Prec� d�e. C.2� �2 l.� �t� Ct� �►'ecr C1� � �or� s c� -�,� c� -}� -E-a � �ps - � - o U C3. h�i� n`� �um � l.t�� c�s}{ �e Ccx.�v�G` � � P�^pl�i 1� ��- �n� a��t�n ��`� c� ��u�C9 o�2va 1U � Cj � r � t' c�:�e�`� i r� '`��t s 4�'� Q n��e;�', 1 �na,��.k - � �� �l�q� l February 8, 1945 Dear Council Members, We have recently received notices of upcoming street assessments £or street wark proposed to be undertaken on Hoyt Ave. West between victoria St. and Hamline Ave. We were concerned to discover towards the end of our notices that this proposal might include a substantial widening of the road. Hoyt Ave. currently measures out at approximately 30 ft. in width. Alternate proposals include a widening to either 32 ft. or 38 ft. This raises several concerns for us: 1.) Will the increased width go hand in hand with increased road traf£ic? 2.) Will this contribute to higher speeds of travel, and hence increased noise, pollution, and safety risks to pedestrians? (especially children, since Hoyt Ave. is the major commuting street for children in the area walking daily to Chelsea Aeights Elementary School). 3.) Will this require removal of any o£ our existing boulevard trees? 4.) Will this require more rebuilding of our sidewalks, which many of us have already paid for over the past few years when they were replaced? 5.) Will this have a negative effect on our property values? Isn't Larpenteur Ave. close enough to serve the function of moving traffic in our area? We are pleased that State Aid Funds are available for assisting us in rebuilding our road, and we appreciate your efforts to obtain them on our behalf. We are also hoping, however�that we will be gzanted permission to maintain�treet at its current width. Sincerel „ '�, David Arona4a " , � 950 W. Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MI3 55117 487-2689 q5-I�i