95-1013�� ^ � ��OR1G1�(AL CZTY OF SAIHr PAIIL FIAAL OgDBg IA CONDEMNATIOF PBOCSSDIHGS TI In the Matter of condemning and acquiring all property rights necessary to construct a new Wabasha Street Bridge �i62555, a new Navy Island Bridge 1/62580 and all improvements needed to complete said bridges. x �s under Preliminary Order 9� �Z� approved �/y, �/�J9� �� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RSSOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FIIBTHEg, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fe,e simple, absolute and easements as described above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. ' `� _to�3 _2 � � Farther Hesolved, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City offieers submit a report to the City Couneil for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if ang, against the benefitted property. COIINCILPERSOAS Yeas � Nays ✓ ,8ilakey '� Grimm Adopted by Council: Certified Passed by Date , o�l 3 �.S Council ecretary � uerin �(� fyarris �_In Favor By ��I�gard ��R� ttman d Against c�Thune � Mayor ! �bsm Public Hearin Date - Au ust 23, 1995 S � L75� -: F.M.S. f REAL ESTATE D1VISfON Date: b-26-95 Green Sheet Nnmber. 31470 DFPARIMPNI' DIIiEC1Y)R 1 Q1Y COUN(�. txt Peson aod Yhone Number. "m" (TI'Y ATTORNLY 2 QERK ..w�a PETER WHITE (jao) 266-8850 °°°' El' DIItECPOR .& MGl'. SVG DIR YOR (OR ASS7SI'ANl') � n� � co„�a n�� � 7-5-95 To set the date of Public Hearing for 8-23-95 #OFSiGPIA1VREYAGFS 1 (Q.iPALI.IAC111IONSFORS[(3NATURL� C110N REQIJESiED: ondemn and acquire all property rights necessary to construct a new Wabasha Bridge #62555, a new Navy Island Bridge #62580 and aii improvements necessary to compiete said bridges. FINANCE FILE #18794 E RL�f.OMI1SLNDATIONS APPROVE (A) OR (R) gy�p�T� SERVICE CONl'RACl'S MUy ANSWf?R THF? FOISAarINCr PIANNING COT4vIISSTON A STn� L EIas the pe:son/fiim ever woxked under a mniraR for this department? YES NO CiVII. SLRVICE COT4�4iSSION Has this peison/fi[m ever been a Gty empioyec? YES NO Dces tivs peison/£um posse� a s�11 mt noimall9 P�a bY �9 ��� _ Glitrent G5ty employee? YPS NO laia all YPS an.me� on a sepazate sl�eet and attach p°R'rs w�nc� �°urrcu, osrr�Ti°E'' Neighborhoods couivcQ, w.vtn(s� 2 nisriucr ri�ivAVUrG counrca. 3, 9, 17 TING PROBI.EM, ISS[3E�, OPPOR7[SN11R (Who, V1Lat, When, Vlhem. Why?Y he acquisition oF Right-Of-Way and easements is necessary to construct the above mentioned new bridges. VANI'AGPS IF APPROVED: Construction would proceed as planned, hence, fmproved pedestrian and roadway access to downtown. � '� ISADVANl'AGES IF APPROVED: ��� y o emporary construction disruption. ,J�lP� 2 � ��g� ISADVArTi'AGES LF NOTAPPROVED: . e old bridges will continue to deteriorate and eventually closed to all traffic. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACITON: $12.0� 000.00 cosrnesv� svv�sreo <c�cLe o� �s xo �DING SO�� PROJECT FUNDS A�11vr�sr N°�ER c�u, mFO�xiox: ��Tnuv� CZTY OF ST. PAIIL PBSLI�SIHABY QHDEE ORIGINAL � VOTIAG�iiAED _2 E °ls - � b l3 In the Matter of condemning and acquiring all property rights necessary to construct a new Wabasha Street Bridge �/62555, a new Navy Island Bridge 1162580 and all improvements needed to complete said bridges. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $120,000. financed by Project Funds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of August, 1995 , at 3:30 o`clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esCimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �akey G r i mm _ /�BSc.-i>' .�G"uerin .�H'arris .�1°Iegard ✓Rettman .�Fhune �In Favor �Against Adopted by Council: Date� .j Cert' ied ass�}�C Secretary Mayor Public Hearin Date - Au ust 23, 1995 ��� �� � F.M.S./REA! ESTATE D!V!SlON Date 6-26-95 Green Sheet Number. 31470 DFPAR1MIId1' DIItECPDR � 1 Cf1Y COUNCQ. Conqct Peso¢ and Pho¢e Number. , ,,,�,,, CTIYATDDRNEY 2 Q.ERK PETER WHITE (jao) 266-8550 0 °' UD(iEP DIItL�CPOR .& MGl: SVC DIIt YOR (OR ASSTSl'ANl) ne ��oa n�aaa n 7-5-95 To set the date of Public Hearing for 8-23-95 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (C[IP ALL IACA7IONS FOR S[CNA7VRL� CI10N RPRUFSl'P.D: Condemn and acquire all property rights necessary to construct a new Wabasha Bridge #62555, new Navy Island Sridge #62580 and all improvements necessary to complete said bridges. FINANCE FILE #18794 E Ri.'COMIvIl'1VDA7TONS: APPROVE (A) OR REI � (R) sasoxnr. seRVicc coxrxacrs vivsr nxsw� z� rou.owmv� PIEINNING CO�ON A STiII'F Has the pesou/F� everwo�ked ander a mntract for this depammertt? YPS NO CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION Has th� pesov/Stm ever been a Gty employee? YES NO c� cor�ri�e no� wwu �/� � a� noc �urr� br �r — c�ot ary �oya? Sres xo ' all YFS aaswcs on a separate shxt and attach � �� CO��- °�-'�' Neighborhoods couxca. wnxn<s� Z DISL'RICt' PIANNING ODUNCII. 3, 9. 17 TING PROBLF.M, ISSUE, OPPORTUNCIY {WLo, Wha; Wheq Whae, WLy.�x e acquisition of Right-Of-Way and easements is necessary to construct the above mentioned new bridges. VAi�TI'AGES IF APPROVED: onstruction would proceed as planned, hence, impmved pedestrian and roadway access to downtown. ISADVANPAGFSIFAPPROVED: '�+�� y .�+'��'� i�� emporary construction disraption. Jl1N 2 6 i995 LSADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVPD: . e old bridges will continue to deteriorate and eventuaIly closed to all trafTic. AL AMOUNP OF'I'RANSACIION: �j2O� 000.00 �T/��E $unc�ren �c�cs.� or� Yrs xo FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT FUNDS ACIIVIIY NUMBER CfAi. INFORMAIION: (F.7�Ir1IN) WABASHA STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT �.00AT[ON MAP Replace Br. No. 652�4 Proposed Br. No. 62555 � ` ���3 SAINT PAUL .-_, ,-'" '. , , . � Replace Br. No. L8791 Proposed Br. No. 62580 ,� 9s _r Pazcel "A" Bridge Easement That part of Block 36 in Section 6, T28N, R22W which is westerly of the centerline of the sewer easement defined in Doc 2077623. Parcel "B" Bridge Easement That part of Chicago NorthWestem Railroad property in Section 6, T28N, R22W which is within 65 feet east and west of the centerline of the proposed Wabasha Street bridge. Parcel "C" Bridge Easement That part of the Shepard Road right-of-way in Section 6, T28N, R22W which is within 65 feet east and west of the centerline of the proposed Wabasha Street bridge. Parcel "D" Bridge Easement That part of Raspberry Isiand Park in Section 6, T28N, R22W within 65 feet east of the proposed Wabasha Street bridge centerline and within the easterly right-of-way line of the existing Wabasha Street bridge, and that part of Raspberry Island Park in Section 6, T28N R22W that is 30 feet east of the previously described property north of the centerline of proposed pier 2 and 40 feet south of the centerline of pier 2. Pazcei "E" Bridge and Roadway Easement That part of Secrion 6, T28N, R22W that is within a line 30 feet westerly of the proposed Raspberry Island bridge and 40 feet northeasterly of the south Raspberry Island harbor line and thence intersecu the easterly property line of parcel 06-28-22-13-0001. Parcel "F" Bridge and Roadway Easement That part of Section b, T28N, R22W that is within the line 65 feet easterly of the centerline of the proposed Wabasha Street bridge in Blocks D and H. Parcel "G" Roadway Easement That part of Section 6, T28N, R22W that is within sG feet either side of the proposed centeriine of Levee Road £rom the northerly right-of-way line of Water Street to the easterly easement line of the proposed Wabasha Sueet bridge. Parcel "H" Roadway Easement y'��� " w � t � �~ That part of Secrion 6, T28N, R22W 30 feet either side of the line of the proposed centerline of Levee Road within Block G, Lou i, 2, 3 and 4. Parcel "P' Roadway Easement The westerly part of Block A, Lot 4 in Section 6 T28N, R22W that is bounded by a line that begins along the northwesteriy boundary of Lot 4 and is 46.5 feet northeasteriy from the northwesterly corner of Lot 4 and ends along the southeasterly boundary of Lot 4 and is 36.5 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly corner of Lot 4. g5 _ loi3 Pazcei "J" Roadway Easement The southwesterly 15 feet of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176 in Section 6, T28N, R22W plus that part of I.ot 5, Block 176 that is westerly of a line that be�ins along the northwesterly lot line of Lot 5, 25 feet northeasterly of the northwesterly corner of Lot 5 and thence commences at 45 degrees left when back sighting to the northwest comer. Parcel "K" Construction Easement The southwesterly 30 feet of Lou 5, 6 and 7, Biock 176 in Section 6, T28N, R22W in excess of that property taken for roadway easement Parcel "L" Construction Easement The area in Lou 4 and 5, Block 175, Secuon 6, T28N, R22W between the e�cisfing building line projected southwesteriy and the northwesterly lot lines of said Lou 4 and 5. Pazcel "M" Sell to adjacent land owner "Llewellyn" All of Lot 2, Block A, Section 6, T28N, R22W that is owned by the City and the southwesterly 14 feet of Lot 1, Block A, Section 6, T28N, R22W except a triangulaz part in the easterly corner of said described property that is 10 feet by 10 feet by 14.14. ���� ' , v _ \ � > �� � ` � � � „ c , ' ' I l 1��.� ' `�J ix I o I ��7_ � �, / 1 �; �� � � "�/�l � / ; ; �' % ; �? , , i ' l / i' lc° l'r� r'� l � � � I;I � ,� , � r � • -_ l �'`�_ � ,il'\ � I / / � \ �� � ' � / \� / / � % � '- � � �` % / � \ � � � — J ��'_ '� _—_ � --. � ( � � � � �; :. � � �:- � � / `, / � � � �/ � � � � � � � °� '. J _ � __°=-_-- o. _� WABASHA ST. \ _ —_— ._ "_ " __ Jo � � o �, � � �- ,_ -_. � ,,, -� - - - '%� � �� m � � ,� � U O � � C( �� � ����� � � � ��� ��' �, / � z ` /r,. � � /�� �_` ,.� ����5 �°': �-` , � ''. /- � .� f =.x ^� ' �/; _ ; ''� %.; z-' �7 / �., �o «,� � M �^' ` �; � i i , � � � � � . � i4� . z� � o �-�; �- ,�\� � _- l N il, �� /� l � � i�_,�;ii � � �� > >�/ �/ � 0 ��� �_� �. Q j` Y. � �I \ �X�� � ! y� l', -> �/ ; / /.� � / �� 4' �n' " � ,��� / .� ;- . - `f�/ , .: = � . ��. �,� ,,"� , � , I ��.i� I ° � I ; I' � �. '� � i' �`°l 1 % �!�% � �W ���� � � I � o/ , •.��� �z�r�� �� c � �3 � -� l ll ;= .: o_ �� �.�m � � a� �� I r 1 �� i � � � � , / / � � _ ��� I ,''' i � / i / � ,� � / 1 � r/ � i � � r I / , -; _,—__ � 95 - l0[3 � � L - ----- � ., ' � f!- �� z .� � ; : y =-� p�� � -- _ - -- � — - - -- ; _, � �� u -——-- ; / A % _ _ __—_ '"_ ' � % "_ �"" �_ ' _ __ .V � � � � i -. % . -- I i:- - . �� � � � � � � � � � � i I I I / / , � � � � r 1 / / � 1 I / / 1 � 1 / I i ! ; (,�a ba�s�a Br. Stieef� � 1 � � � i ,� ° 95 - l o t3 � l,. o i_1 I K ]7'(t) I I_�40' I ��� i �` I ( -- --- o O /., _- =�:.,, —, ��_.;�,- � `'� r^� -__ '_-.__ _- __. _ / __ < '_'_. : :o i � c ��J� __ _�. h � / p ' i � � _ / - -���'.- - -- - - o : ;� : : / . � � - � -- .� -� .�����M� ==-=�- -': I -' �- '��� DOC� 07 ` �-�-� - - - -��— --_,_ _ �2 7 624 a� -�-----�� -__ - � _ ' e — . ... - - - —____ ; - -� / �� � N / PORM EASEMENT � - z — +' 7� / /• - -- ��- - � L � r �__-,_ qiY PROP. � � �/ - � --- - -- ' --- ' ` - r 'Z- - -- - �`JC -- ---- - ; �� . . � -- _ � �� �_:-; '�-- .- -- -_ ' - -- � � - I i • -�----��_� ' � - --- .. { f �' ^ � � v ,,.. , - -_- , , �- � _: _ - � -_. --- __ �__. __. � -. 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