D00130CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIIIVISTRATIVE ORDER • �� DATF 13 . 5 -�o -9y ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, the Director of Public Works required the expertise of Dave Bieging, a lobbyist formerly under contract with the Department of Public Works, and; Whereas, the department had him research financing alternatives for Wabasha Bridge reconstrucrion, and; Whereas, the department had him arrange transportarion related meeungs with Congressional staff and public works officials, and; Whereas, the deparhnent requested that he research the Intennodal Surface Transportarion Efficiency Act and funding appropriations, and; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the proper City officals are hereby authorized to pay the firm Dorsey and Whimey for professional services provided to the Department of Public Works by Dave Bieging in [he amount of one thousand five hundred sixty dollars ($1,560.00). • APPROVED AS TO FORM �� � � Assistant Ciry Atto ey �� � Dep ent Head ¢'¢�(J "V' •ate 7 I'I ��-t ,. � �.t..`_ I �ms[ra[ivc Assistant to Mayor Public Works Leon Pearson 2b6-6181 � �� a�i2�9a GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE - � �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �l/j ASSIGN QN ATTORNEY NUMBERFOR ROU7ING � BUDGE7 DIRECTOfi OR=Eft n MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ""iSd "I'g867 INITIAUDATE qN CAUNGI CITY CLERK FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS �-0R SIGNATUR� �� Ct I ASSOCIATE [/lw O DEPAR7MENT 0.CCAUNT �� Authorization to pay lobbyist for professional services. RECAMMENDATIONSApprova (A) or Reject (RJ PLANNINGCAMMISSION CIVILSEflVICECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ SUPPOATS WHICH COUNGL 08JECT4JE? PERSONAL SERVICE COMflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a convact for this department? YES NO 2 Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Dces this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee� YES NO Explain ail yes answere on separste sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN. WHERE. WHY�: Request authorizaton to pay Dave Bieging for services rendered Gom February 1 through Februazy 28, 1994. � :. � � �fAY 0 2 1994 C��`� AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: ,Vendor will be reimbursed for professional services rendered. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� Vendor will not be reimbursed. RECEIVED MA`( 1 0 1994 ClTY CLERK ���EiV�� �lAY «�> 1�y4 i?�i=cCt �JF TN£ �IRECT"JR =��'r=AE?7(ViENT OF flNR�V�;� �vii mANAGENIENT StRV�C�5 � ALAMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ 1 SFinn(1 COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No UNDINGSOURCE Vnhlie Wnrke C';ylital ProiPCie ACTIVITYNUMBER C94-2S1�S-n7$1-����� PINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � d U�