D00122. � Approved Copies to: — City Clerk (Original) — Rnance DepYs Accounting Division — Requesting Dept. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: � � 2.2 Date: ,5 - 3�4y ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent wAh the autfiorily granted to the Mayor in Section 50.07.4 of tfie City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of City Attorney to amend the 1994 budget of the Generel Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, AC7IVITY, O&IECT, PROJECT General Government Accounts City Attorney Worker's Compensation GL-001 09020-0131 Certified — Temporary GL-001 09020-0442 Temporary Total GL-001 09020-0444 Permanent Partial Disabilny GL-001 09020-0446 Retraining Benefrts GL-001 09020-0448 Ancillary Cost 00'I 09020-0450 Temporary Partial Disabifity A�I Other Activity Spending CURRENT BUDGEf 0 600,000 355,000 85,000 675,000 180,000 1,170,048 3,065,048 ��rl�' Date 11 � �l Date Date APPROVED CHANGES 21,707 (2,633) (5,265) (5,849) (5,095) (2,865) 0 0 AMENDED BUDGEi 21,707 597,367 349,735 79,151 669,905 i 77,135 1,170,048 3,065,048 • A'pproved by: Budget Director �i o0�22 DEPAHTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE MRIAiED cit Attorne Q i.�t, GREEN SHEE N_ 20684 CONTACTPEflSONdPHONE �DEPARTMENtDIPECTOfl OCIT'COUNCIL IN(fIAVDATE Bruce Ferrario 266-8767 ASS�GN �CRYATfORNEV �CRVCLERK BE ON WUNCIL AGET3DA BY (DAT� pp��� � BUDGE! DiAECiOfi O NN. 8 MGI SERVEC£S DIP.. OPOEN OMpYOR(ORASSISTAN'i) � Finance/A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS POH SIGNATURE) ACTION FiEDUESTED: Approval to transfer existing spending authority to cover expenditures for the Modified duty worker program. RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (q) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFACTS MUSY ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Hd5 tt115 pBfsO�fin eVef WOfked u0def 8 ConVaCt fOf thi5 departmBM? _ CIB CAMMI77EE _ YES NO 2. Has this personfirm ever been a city empfoyee? _ STAFF _— YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CqUH'r _ 3. Does this perSOMirm possess a skill not nortnally possessad by any current city employee? SUPPOFiTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE7 YES NO Explain ell yea answers on separete sheet and ettaeh to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM. �SSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When. Whare, Why): F]nployee on Work Comp with permanent injury needed job change. Original department was unable to re-hire. This was "pilot" or "test" case of Modifiecl Duty Worker Program. ANTAGES IF APPROVED Dnployee able to work permanent light-duty job in Purchasing Department. �, - � �..,,.,s.....,3 i i `ti� �" � DISADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: �EC�.1VE1� At�� 9 � =�94 None. � - 3199� �UQ�'�T OFfl�E C►T� CLER1� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Employee would have to go back on workers' comp, which is a slightly higher cost to City, than to have her employecl. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4� 1�O 1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE O9OZO ACTIVI7YNUMBER 09020-04XX FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) /y �,�/ C1 v�y