D00112C I T Y O F 5 A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��ea coP�es to: - atr ae� �o�9��aq - Fnance Dept.'s AccrouMing Divison - Requesting Dept. �� u •�� � No: t.J�I�Z Date: L -�- !r +— The Saint Paul Po}ice Department is seel�ng endorsement to sponsor a Police Memorial Day ceremonp and reception on Wednesday, Map }.8, 1994 at noon in Mears Park. In case of inelement weather, it will be he2d in Town Square Park on the third floor. This is in conjunetion with National Police Memorial Week, a celebration of law enforcement throughout the United States. The purpose of our eeremony is to honor all the Saint Paul Police Officers who have given their lives in the line o€ duty. The surviving familiss of our o€ficers are personally invited to share in this solemn exggessiou of reverenee. This event is aLso open to the geaeral publie. The police department is reques�ng an ADMINISTRATNE ORDER to allow na �ore than $5Q0 fxrom aecount# 04000-03�-4000t to cover the costs of refreshments, serving and eating utensils, decoratiflns aad other �iscelta exnPn�, RESOLVED, The proper city officials ar� hereby authorized ta psy for the above- • menfioned eeremony, not to excee$ $500. ;� � � vwaan . _ ✓ G "�OD t tZ - - DEPARTMENVOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � O � � ° � � Po���e 04/07/94 GREEN SHEE INfTIA1JDATE INITIAVDATE CANTACTPEPSONBPHONE DEPARiMENT0IRECTOR OCT'CAUNCIL Chief Finney 292-3588 ��GN crtrnrroaner �CffYCLERK NUYBERFOR 5T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE� pQ�p� BUDGEf DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. OPDEP � MqYOR (OR ASSISTAPIT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: . Approval of the attached Administrative Order. � APR 15 9994 RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or qejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE F�l.I�Y�VG�I�E��'qqy�l ��S _ PLANNiNG CAMM7SSION __ CNIL SEflVICE COMMiS510N �� Has this persoNfinn eves wwked under a coMract fw this departmeM? v E 6 F b ; _ CIB COMMITTEE �'ES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personNirtn ever been a cHy employee? — YES NO _ DISraICi COURi _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO . Explein all yes enswers on aeparete sheM and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (Wtw, Wtwt.'�'han. Where, Why)� The Sai-nt Pau1 Poli.ce Department would like to sponsor a memoriat service and reception honoring our officers who have given their lives i_n the line of duty. This wi.11 be held on Wednesday, May 18, 1994 at noon i.n Mears Park (or Town Square i_n case of inclement weather). VANTAGES IFAPPROVED We wi11 be able to conduct the ceremony as planned, to show homage to the officers who have di.ed. �ECEIVE� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' n n� 1 (1 �Cl(14 fjf 1 7 JJ fto�e'appaxene: � � ' � �' � �i�rSGf 0� 7NE D�RECTOR RECE6�ED �,�p �F �3;vA�CE APR 2 2 1994 ���'�'A���E���T sE�v�c�s CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� The ceremony will have to be canceled or drasti_cally cut down. Not more than TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION § 500 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIpCLE ON YE NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE 04000-03XX-40001 ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPL4IN) � u I w�