D00110White — C;ty Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Aecounting Blue — Engineer Gseen — Contractot • as Conway-Germain Storm 6ewer and Paving C92-2T625-0785-29150 No. D �O � I 0 Date . 1994 CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for GONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADIVIIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described known as� 29150, City Project No. Conffacta> is composed of the following: (See Attached Sheet) i ORDERED> That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ae- cordance with the speciYications in the sum of $ 110 310. 83, said amount to be added to the lump sum con- � Act7.V7.'Cy'�0.� sideration named in the contract, known as � 29150 ,�d which amoutrt is to be financed from: Assessments PTA 1992 (5-5501) MSA 1992 (5-5501) Sewer Revenue Bonds CTB 1992 MSA 1992 (S-0402) PTA 1992 (5-0402) State Grant Water Utility Sewer Repair Ftmd �' � 19 �y `-�' 19� 19 ^ � 19 _ �O s. Vice President Assistant to the Mayor ' P „ b ,� ` ,�,�,� s/za/94 GREEN SHEET � ��o. �5 �is CWfiIUCT PERSON 8 PFiONE INITIAL/DA7E INRiAUDA �l� i n DEPARiMENTDIPECTOR �(; � CfiYCOUNCIL Daniei A. Haak 266-6084 "i �;1i� xu�raR s crtrarrowaev � cma.Ewc � �Bl10GEfOlAECTOR ❑7 FW8IAGT.SE V�ESDIR. � MAYOp(OR ASSIS 1 Larty AL S OF SICaJATURE PAGES � (d.iP ALL LOCATId15 FOR SM�IATURE� Qz ��A �EPAR7MENT °j o ncTaN aEOUEStEO a,r Provide compensati� for exira work perFamed by the Conttactor at the request of the Engineer- CONWAY-GERMAIN STORM SEWER &. PAVING �4�� C' 4 1994 City Project No: 92-S-8083 & 92-P-8062 Conaactor. Cad Bolander & Sons FECOMMENDA7pN5-Ihprove (ly or He)ett fRl PERSONAL SENYtCE OONTRACTS MUST AlISYYER'ME FOLLO •• ,• TIOflS I PLANNING COMMISSqN �CNIL SERVICE COMMISSpN 7 H2S thls persoNfifin eVer wofked urlder a coniret[ for thiS depafVnent? • qa COMMmEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyse? � � YES NO �_ osiRlCiCOUNqL _ 3. Dces ihis personffirm posaess a skill not normalty possessed by arry arren[ dry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE4 YES NO Sewer Separation Erzplafn all yes a�wws on separate shwt and attaehto grean sheet INfTIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITV (WHO. WHAT. WHEN. WHEPE, W4i1�: The Conm2ctor was directed to perfonn extra work not included in the original conuact (see attached sheet for details). �CE1�/E� qo� 0 5 1994 P�AY�R'S OF�iCE ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: ��p The t can be built [o ac o�s.. projec ceptable consiruc standards. The Contractor wIll be compensated for extra work performed at the direcrion [he Engineer. � � � AP � p��kC� 0€ THE ����{�A�� !?�?ART¢3'c ME �.� �E.A�ICE �, a�1ANt�� DISADVANiAGES IF APPROVED; None RECEIVED APR 15 1994 CITY CLERK D7SADVAPITAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The project could not ltave been completed w acceptable constcucuon standards. ALAMOUMOFTHANSACTIONS 110310.83 COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CINCLEONE) YES � WNDiNGSqiRCE Assessments.PIA92lS-SS011.MSA 9215-5501) ACT�hTYNUMBER C92-2T625-0785-29150 FINANCIAL INFOFiMAT1INJ: (EXPWN) Sewer Revenue Bonds, CIB 92, MSA 92 (5-0402), PIA 92 (5-0�02), State Grants, Water Utility, SRF �' n' W