D00108WMin — City C1erk Pink — Finance DeDt. G�ary — Deot. • ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER [3l'IX:EI' KF,\'IS[O\ No: "`^.' � DS Date: � —" � —�� :1D�IL�`ISTR.�TIr'E ORDER, Consistent with the d UD I i 9 Rea I Lnthe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departmeni of Y to amentl the 19 94 budget of the Speci al Revenue funtl, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said bud9et in the following manner: � �F51.18L iti}&Llif YfSIId:�1JYYUKf �fit6V�J Current Amended Budget Change Budget a05-"a3254-ua"ni GiiisOFi� DianASn FBSVnhTiGii - 80635. FnBIOuCi,. s`O,O+i 305-33i5v-0"soy CHB66iC Di�neSn ?BBvuNiiO�l - OinBts ureiC"r, Sii"rFLi�S 3G,u"v "sGa-33i61-u2iy inieiis riLiri nuuGaiiOk - r"n&S uinna 52,uG0,0"u 3u5-aai5i-Gi34 C6cili riii& nDUCAiiGF - ��'.iL"nAGS ;2,OGO.GG ��S-"aa25Y-0's39 G6�H fii,in EDUGeTIQh - RBTNG� fiEH3FiT6 's�3,°�6,�1Q • 4ii,9i6.0�� YL�I�VU�UL 's2,G0�,0� j$;,PGu,vui ,s;,oa�.oa� ,a�,aaa,uai 3u,00 �L�Q�U.Vi1 32,uuG.uO 's:,GGu,uu s:,00u.GQ a2�,yz5.aa gii,5in,0u WHScBAB, �F�idDiNG aufHORITF i5 rifinD"xD t3v 33254 rOB TriB PURCH�SB�7 GF B60T5, PsiiPHLEi3 aNu uFFIi.S SDFPLI�9 NOB TH� H&ALTftY Gui�eiiiNiiiB9 GuAni PRGGitAn. e,'siD irtinREaB, iHc&n iS SPSkDiNG AliiBGui?Y ia 3ai5i irie? CGliL"u 5"n inenSr"S&�aD iu i,utiBu TiiB3n n%"rnri�E"s, THnaEF"v�B 5B a&SOL�&D, inaT TAa riAY�R aPP&OVSS TFiS CEihiuG3 i0 TnE i9�4 ni1DGBT, • — Preparetl by. Activiry Man� ' \ Repues[ed y: Department ditector � GITY OF SAIA'T PAiSL OFFICiY. OF TFiE MAYOR �r[�,6ji� �/1� Approvetl by Mayor oa�e ►! 1 i DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICAUNCfL DA7EfN1T1AiED � Public Hea�th 5��j Ce�CY 4/5/94 GREEN SHEE N. 18505 CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INIT7Al/DATE INRIAWATE O DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR Q CITY COUNqL � ath Mohrland 2.g2. �` ��N CRYATfORNEY �qT'CLERK BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NU4BER FOH gUOGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. & MOT. SERVICES �IR. HOUnNG ORDER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between special fund activities 33251 and 33254. RECAMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (Fi) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this departmeM? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ o�siRrCi couar _ 3. Does ihis personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITV (Who.H'hat, When, Where. Why) Spending authority is being transferred from 33251 Community Health Education Program to 33254 Chronic Diseas Prevention Program for expenditures in connection with the Healthy Communities Grant. ANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: Will be able to purchase books and office supplies for Healthy Communities Grant Program. DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED� No[vE �tECE���� APR 141994 CITY CLERlC �c �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� � Grant purchases will not be made. ��� —���'�� BU��,ET O��iCE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ 4 OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE G1"HY1t ACTIVITY NUMBER 33251. 33254 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) � �