D002798r1o: Dd(��'� � Date: � ' � �'/D City of Saint Paal Office of the Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking actual cost of expenses which includes meeting room rentals and meals for Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) participants (city and non-city employees) to attend training, regional meetings andJor conferences from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 3�10. Locations and dates to be determined; and WHEREAS, the ICAC Task Forces mission is to form a multi jurisdictional operation and investigate crimes involving child pornography and exploitation of children online; and WHEREAS, the training, regional meetings and/or conferences are specifically designed to assist task force members in working investigation related to computer crimes against children and is a necessary component of the ICAC Force; and WHEREAS, the total expenditures for ICAC room rentals and meals will not exceed the amount budgeted for these expenditures per the Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention grant awarded to the Saint Paul Police Department for the grant period January l, 2010 through December 31, 2010; and BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay the costs associated with the above mentioned trainings, regional meetings and/or conferences, not to exceed $5, 000 from account code #436-34232. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Funding source: 43b-34232 A�ePR VED AS TO FORM ' 2- 8- i -� �� i� � 2�- io As nt ity Atto ey Date epartment irector Date J zi2b �� Director of Fi ancial Servic Date � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � -- - -- _, �bd � 1�1� DepartmenUOffice/Council: � Date Initiated: Pp . PoficeDepartment 'I 27JAN2010 '; Green Sheet NO: 3096856 ConWct Person & Phone: � Chief John Hartinqton 266-5588 Must Be on Council Agenda by (DatC): � — : A55ign Number Fo� _—._---__— __ --. -_ ! Routing � Doa Type:OTHER ADMiNISTRATIVE . Order , ORDER i E-Document Required: N � �' ' � Document Contact: NeB Netson � � Contact Phone: 793-1045 i � ToWt # of Signature Page (Clip All Locatiais for Signature) ' Action Requested: I Signatures on the attached Administrative Order. i i Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R)� ' Planning Gommission CIB Committee Civil Service Commissfon 0 YoticeDe _ :� 1 Potie DeP artment _ _ _. _, 2 Cin Attornev – __. _ — .0 3 Financial Services j Uir_ e� t�na nc�a� 5ernc __ ___ 4 C� Cle rk —� � ,��� Cl ___ _ . _ _ _ 5 '� oGce Department _ __ ,_ PoGce Department _ _. . _ __ i��.L�_� �a�l�+E� ��, _— ---�E3�-h��3-- '— - i ~@� ���6`i18�' � �i Personat Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: '1. Has this personlfirm ever worked undec a contract for ihis departmeni? Yes No 2. Has this person/Tirm ever been a city employee? Y¢s No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current c�ty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Police Department is seeking actual costs of expenses which includes meeting room rentals and meals for ffiternet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force (city and non-city employees) to attend uaining, regional meetings, and/or conferences from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. � � i � r AdvantageslfApproved: �—�-� �� �— --- � --�-�— - Opportnnity to tiain ICAC Task Force members on cutrent computec foxensic examinations, new equipment and software which is I essential for investigators to prosecute child pornography and child exploitation cases. Disadvanfages If Approved: None. I DisativanWges If NotApproved: � � —~ I Lost opportunity to train ICAC Task Force members on current crnnputer foiensics to combat cPuld pomography and cluld ! exploitation. I r Total Amount of V � t I Trensaction: $ , Fu�aiag source: 436 I , Financiallnformatio�: � (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 34232 � ---- FEB 2 2�g�g �IT1° �L��iK January 27, 2010 929 AM Page 1