D002797. •
No: DaO�'7q�
Date: � - � � - (U
City of Saint Paul
Of�ce of the Mayor
Pursuant to the 2010 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to remit tbe sum
of $5,000.00 to Byerly's, D'Amicos, and Target. This wffl pay for all costs incurred by the Saint
Paui Fire Department to conduct teacher training workshops on Risk Watch injury prevention
curriculum and to maintain the program on a yearly basis. The public purpose is to reduce
unintentional injuries to children by providing an evening program for teachers to cover the Risk
Watch curriculnm that they will use in their classrooms.
A copy of said order is to be kept on fde and of record in the Office of Financial Services.
Account Code: 510-35115-0389
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As t City Attorney Date
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Department Director Date
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Director o inancial S'� Date
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sfieet �
�aa��uose�ca,���e I �,�t�a�ea:
FR -F� 1 01 FEB2010 ; Green Sheet NO: 3097478
i CoMact Person & Phone: ! �
� Steve Zaccasd
i 225-6201
�, ASSign
�I Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): I Number
� I For
� , Routisg
E-Document Required: Y
DocumeM Co�Mact: ���� ��asse
Conqd Phone: 228-6257
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signature)
FE� (? � 2[I�Q
Approval of the attached Administrarive Otder authorizing the Saint Paul Pire Departrnent to pay for ali costs to hold I S teacher
h�aining worksbops for Risk Watch injury prevenrion curriculum.
Recommendatfons: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Corrtracts Must Answer the FoYfowing Qaestions:
1. fias this persoNfirm ever worked under a contracl for this departmeM?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn ever been a aty employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persotNfirm possess a skilf not normalfy possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on 5eparete sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Risk Watch is an injury prevenrion curricutum that teachers implement in the classroom. The Risk Watch program was designed to
reduce the lugh rate of unintenrionai injuries to cluldren 5-14 years old. The workshop on Risk Watch is held after the school day and
over the dinner hour to explain the progtam to teachers. A survey showed that more teachers would attend a worksttop if light
refreshments and door prizes aze provided.
Advantages If Approved:
Teachers wilt agree to attend the workshop aad teach the Risk Watch curriculum. Injuries to school-age ebildren will drop.
DisadvaMages H Apprwed:
Disadvantages IF Not Approved:
Scbool-age clrildren in the Ciry of Saint Paui will continue to be seriously injured.
7otal Amount of $5,000.00
Transadion: CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding source: 5'10 - Fire Responsive Services q�;v;ry Number. 35115
Financial Information: '� Fire Department receives donarions for the Risk Watch program.
FEB 22�
February 1, 2010 3:35 Plv1 Page 1