D002784No: ; � i) % ; :� :� Date: � L�' %��f i City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER ADNIIr1I5TRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Secfion 57.09 of the City Administrative Code and based on the request of the Department oF Public Works to amend the 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements and the 2009 Sewer System Rehabiiitation programs of the Capital Improvement Budget in the following manner: Current Bude¢t FINANCING PLAN 2009 Stormwater Quality Impr. C09-2T772-7302-00000 0.00 0.00 Chanee 1,026,630.00 1,026,630.00 Amended Budeet 1,026,630.00 1,026,630.00 FINANCING PLAN 2009 Sewer System Rehab. C09-2T943-7302-00000 7,626,630.00 (1,026.630.00) 6.600.000.00 7,626,630.00 (1,026,630.00) 6,600,000.00 This amends Administrative Order D002772 to include financing plan omitted in error. I A �.i � Prepared by: � � ��p� Requested by: Department Director Date loZ�a'� Approved b: S Director Date �✓ /� -� r- � �/ �O: DQG�'� 1 0�2'� Date: G 1-1�i-0�1 City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayvr :� 1� �� �. � . ADMIl�TISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Section 57.d9 of the City Adiuinistrafive Code and based on the request of the Degartment of Pubtic Works to amend the 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements and the 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation programs of the Capital Improvement Budget in the foIlowing manner: Current Bud et SPEN�ING PI,AN 2009 Stormwater Quatity Impr. C09-2T772-0784-00000 SPENDII�G PLAN 2009 Sewer System Rehab. C09-2T943-0784-00000 Prepared by: 0.00 o.oa '7.626,630.00 7,626,630.00 Chan¢e 1.026,630.00 1,026,630.OQ (1,026.630.00) (1,026,630.d0) Amended Bud2et 1,026.63Q.00 1,026,630.00 6.800,000.00 6,600,OQ0.�0 9 ���� �Z 9� �-� Date Request ,�• e aztm t A or Date ��G� Approved b• OFS Director Date l �y city of sainc raui 1VEemorandum To: Margaret Kelly Fmm: John McCartlly, Budget Analyst Subject: GS #3077456 — 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements Date: September 11, 2009 1��0 ��� a- Attached is an Admuustrative Order from Public Works proposing to move $1,026,530 out of tbe 2009 Sewer System Rehab program and into the 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements program. Ilue to a data entry error during the Couneii phase of the 2009 budget process, Yhe 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvement program was erroneausly cut by $1,40d,000, and the 2009 Sewer System 12ehab progc•am was overstated by the same amotant. $373,370 of this totaLwas already transferred for a specific project (GS# 3073416). This Admiuisfrative Order would correct the rexnaiuing balance of that error_ OK to si�. ^� :% ',' 7 " �! V �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Grean Sheet Graen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet � Dvo a�7?2- DeparlmerrtlpfficelCovncit: � Date Initiated_ , �,,,,_°���W�� �S�Z�g ; Green_Sheet NO: 3077456 ConfacE Person & Phone: Paul Kurtz 266-6203 � Assigrt Number For Fiouting Order F Pt3b3ic Wori:s Denaz'�m�t A<conntant +'-� !� 3 � 2 Pnblic WorKS Densrtm�t Direaor Q����• Must Be an CounciF Agenda Hy (Oate): �oc. Type: BUDGETAMENDMEN'f ADM1Ni51RA7NE ORDFR EAocumertt Reqvired: N DocumentContact PauSKurtr Confact Phone: 2656203 Tofal � of Sigmatun Pages _(Clip NI Loratioiu tw Signature) Personal Service Contmcis Musf Answer fhe Following Questions: 1. Hes this personlfirm ever worked under a contrec[ for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personliirm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Dces this pzrsort)firm possess a sidll not normatly possessed by any cUrrent city empioyee? Yes No E�cplain ail yes answers on separaEe sheet and attach to gteen sheet. Approve the attacfied Administrauve Order which would ffansfer $1,026,630 from the 2009 Sewez System Rehabilitarion pro�am to the 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements progcam in the 2009 Capitat Improvement Budget. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Planning Commission GB Committee Civil Service Commission Mitiafing Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Nfho, Whai, 4Vhen, Where, Whyj: ; During the ZA04 budget process ihe 7A09 Stormwater Quality Tmpro�ement piogram was inadvertently combined with the 2609 Sewer � System Rehabilitation program. The Deparhnent of Public Works would like to keep these two progams separate from each other. . The originai budget for the Stormwater Quaiity Improvements progrun was $1,400,OOQ but a resolution moving $373,370 to the 2009 � RSVP progtam was done under GS#30734F6. Advantages IfiApproved: The 2009 Stormwa[er Quality Improvemezats pro�iaN wiIl be kept separata from the Sewer System Rehabilitation pro�ram. I Disadvantages IfiApproved: I None. f Disadvarrfages lf Not Approved: ! The Stormwater Quality Fmprovements program is vsed to finance rhe infiltration requiremenis on o�s paving projects and we wouId j not have it separated from the Sewer System Rehab. pmgrem. TohalAmou�of $1,02$,630.00 Transaction: Funding Source: `S$$C Finax�cial informa6on: {Explain) CosURevenue 6udgefetl: Y 4 CStv CEeik Activity Number: C09-2T943 & CO&2?772 AECEIVEQ 15 ZUtf9 ��1'Y CLER}C September 8, 20DH '10:11 AM Page 1 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � i )�j��7� �- � DepartmenUOEficelCounci4: ; Date tnitiated: i Pw_P°b���W�� i 2oo�T2oo9 Green Sheet NO: 3084936 ContaM Person & Phone: Paul Kur� 266-6203 y Assign Number For Routing I Order 0 Pablic Works �' ' 1 PublicWOrks � DeoartmentAccouotant 2 Pnblic Wo�ks ^ Deoar�ent D'uector 3 Finaodal Services �ce Fioancial Services D 4 Ciri Clerk Citv Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc.Type:BUDGETAMENDMENT , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �I E-Document Required: N ' DocumentContaM: PaulKurtz '�, Conhact Phone: 2666203 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) ��, Ac2ion nequestea: ; Approve the attached Administrative Order for the transfer of $1,026,630 from the 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation program to the 'i� 2009 Stormwater Qualiry Improvements program. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts MustAnswerthe Following Questions: 'I. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city emplvyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This action is needed to correct Administrative Order D002772 to include program financing plans omitted in error. Advantages If Approved: The 2009 Stormwater Quality Improvements and the 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitafion program financing plans will be in balance with the progam spending plans. Disadvantages If Approved: None . . .. .:...... .. � DiSadvanWges If NotApproved: The program spending and financing plans will be out of balance. �9� C��R� ToWI Amount of Trensaction: $1,026,630.00 CosURevenueBudgeted: Y Funding Source: SSSC pctivity Number: C09-2T943 & C09-2T772 Financial Information: (Explain) October 20, 2009 11:09 AM Page 1