D002723� .. L C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies to: KL��ST�TIVE ORDER: - CiTy Clerk (Orin nal) - Finance DepVs Accounfing Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINI5TRAT'IVE ORDER, Na: pD��7a-3 Date: �„ f �—bg WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department of Fire and Safety Services is seeking to pay the transportation, lodging, and meais costs for the Saint Paul Fire Department Medical Director (non- city employee) to attend a meeting in Denver, CO from June 17-18, 2008, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this trip is to meet with Denver police and fire departments to discuss issues in planning for the upcoming conventions in their respective cities, the City of Denver is hosting the Democratic National Convention August 25 - 28, 2008, and the City of Saint Paul is hosting the Repubiican National Convention September 1- 4, 2008, and WHEREAS, the transportation is not to exceed $500.00 to be paid f�om account 080-30410-0251 and lodging and meafs not to exceed $300.00 to be paid from account 080-30410-0252, and WHEREAS, the majority of these expenses will be reimbursed by the Republican National Convention, and THEREFORE, BE fT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui Fire Department is authorized to remit payment for the Medical Director for the above mentioned Republican National Convention meeting. � � � `��� 4 �` , by: Police Departm t ate Approved by: City orney Date � ��� ������� Requested by: Depry [ment Director Date � � . �.Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C�GD�-��� Department/office/counciL ' Date lnitiated: FR -Fice OSJUN-08 Green Sheet NO; 3055Q51 Cantact Person & Phone: , DenarLnent Sent To Person Initial7Date Chief Tim Butfer � � � 0 Fire ' �I ���� � Assign ' I �Fire Department D'ueeCOr � _ Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): I Number ' 2 Police Denartment i � For � Routing ; 3 IGtiivAttomey l ; Doc. Type; OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE Oi ' OMer ; 4 , FYnancial Services iOf6ce FSnaucial Serviccd � � � � E•Oocument Required: Y i � 5 Citv Clerk I , DocumeM CoMact: Jill LaCasse � I � Cuntact Phone: 228�257 Tofal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) I Approval of the attached Adminish'afive Order autl�orizing the Department of F'ue and Safety Services to pay for costs for Regions I, Medical Director R. J. Fzascone, to attend a Republican Narional Convention meeting in Denver, CO, June 17d 8, 2008. Plannfng Commission CIB Commitiee C1NI Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoMhrtn ever been a city emR�oYee? Yes No 3. Does th)s persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed 6y any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet Initiattng Problem, Issues, OpportuniTy (N/ho, What, When, Where, Why): Authorization is needed to pay transporta6on, lodging, and meal wsts fot a non-city employees to travel to attend a meeting. Ativantages IfApproved: The Mzdica3 D'uector will be able to attend the meeting to disouss Repubfican National Convenfion issues and how [hey wili affect the City of Saint Paul. Disadvantages If Appro�ed: None. DisadvaMages If Not Approved: The Medical Director will not be able to attend the meeting to discuss Republican National Convenrion issues and how they will affect the City of Saint Paul. Transactioo: �$� Funding Source: Fi�ancial lnformation: (Explain) Activity Number: � i ` �. ��� I � Zfl�� , � �. _ CosURevenue Budgeted: June 5, 2008 11:47 AM Page 1