D002722C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L
Approvetl Copies to:
- City Clerk (Origina�
- Finance Dept's Accounting Divisio�
- Requesting Dept.
vo: �DDa7�a-
Date: / p ' J/� �
Pursuant to the 2008 City budget, the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized to remit payment
for graduation ceremony expenses not to exceed $500.00. The public purpose of the ceremony is
to recognize the achieveme�t of the new firefighters. This wifl pay for aif costs incurred by the Saint
Paul Fire Department to hold a formal graduation ceremony for the new firefighters on .lune 20,
2008 in the auditorium at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center.
A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financiai Services.
AccountCode: 001-05100
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Approved by: City Attorney Date
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Requested by: Depa ment Director Dat
r� a� ��, 6�n 6 ,
Approved by: Director otFinancial Service Da[e
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June i l, 2008
RE: GS 3053834
This administrative order authorizes payment of expenses associated with the graduation
ceremony for new firefighters in an amount not to exceed $500. The public purpose
identified is to recognize the achievement of the new firefighters. The $500 will allow
payment of a11 costs incuned, including refreshments, and holding the event at the Paul
and Sheila Wellstone Center.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
[J6� � 7��-
OepartmenUoffice(c.ouncii: � Date Inkiated:
FR -Fue
Green Sheet NO: 3053834
Contact Person 8 Phone; � , Department Sent To Person Initial/Date ,
, Keith Morehead . � ; 0 F"ue _ ' _ '
6A4-9133 � pssign 1 Fire �'. DenartmentDirerior ��--'
', Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ' Number 1 Z �ry Attomey ��
For i
, Routing 3 Fivancial Services Office Financial Servicesi
, 4 Ltitv Clerk
E-DOCUment Required: Y
Document Contact: JiI1laCasse
Co�tad Phone: 228-G257
Total tF of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locatioas for SignaWre)
Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Depariment of Fire and Safety Services to pay for all cos[s incused to
hold the �aduation ceremony for the 2008 Academy Class.
�aauons: Hpprove �H� or tt
Pianning Commission
C16 CommiHee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrect tor this depadment?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3 Does this person�rm possess a skill not normatty possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
In(UaGng Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Department of Fire and Safety Services wi31 be holding the graduation ceremony on June 2Q 2008 in the auditorium at the Paul
and Sheila Wellstone Center.
AdvanW ges N Apprwed:
The new fitefightera will have a formal swom in ceremony.
Disadvanfages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved;
The Deparhnent of Fire and Safety Services will not be able to hold the graduarion ceremony for the new firefighters.
Tre�action: $50Q.�0
CosflRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: 001 - GeneYal Fund Activity Number: 05100 �1� /��
a nr,��/�By
Financial Information:
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May 15, 2068 2:05 PM Page 1