Approved Copies to:
- City Clerk (Original)
- Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division
- Police Dept. Accounting Unit DO �/
Green Sheet #
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Professional Development Institute is conducting
the following courses, January 2008 tluough December 2008: Glock Armorer's Course, Glock Instructor,
Tacfical Seazch and Seizure, Critical Incident Protocol, Minnesota Data Pracrices-Criminal Records, Basic
K-9 Certification, Motor Cycle Officer Training, Use of Force Instructor School, First Line Superolsor,
Police Cyclist Course, Background Investigatious, Basic School Resource Officer Training, Street Safe,
Minnesota Data Practices-PersonnellHuman Resources, Interview & Intenogation "Maacimizing the
Opportunity", Taser Instructor Course, DWI Update, Colt AR-15 Armorer's Course, Basic Intemet
Investigations, Intemet Dangers, Elder Abuse Investigation, Human Trafficldng, Taser Operator Course,
Pistol Skills 100, and any addidonal-sponsored Saint Paul Police Department Professional Development
courses throughout the yeaz.
WHEREAS, these courses aze scheduled for January tt�rough December 2008. The training will
be held at the Saint Paul Police Department Headquarters, 367 Grove Street, Saint Paul Police Department,
Eastern District, 722 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106; the Saint Paul Police Depattment Outdoor
Range, 2621 Linwood Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55119; the Saim Paul Police Department K-9 Unit, 1900
Rice Street, Maplewood, MN 55113; the Embassy Suites, 175 E. 10 St, St. Paul, MN, 55101; Minnesota
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, 1430 E. Maryland Avenue, and the Minnesota Police and Peace Officer
Associarion Training Room, 327 York Avenue, MN 55101.
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will enter into an agreement with Rainbow Foods,
located at 1566 University Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104 to provide miscellaneous items for the above
mentioned training courses.
WHBREAS, the public purpose of this professional haining is to provide quality and affordable
training to outside law enforcement agencies and other professionals while training Saint Police
Department personnel at no cost.
Be it ordered that pursuant to the 2008 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby
authorized to remit an amount not to exceed $2,499.00 to with Rainbow Foods, located at 1566 University
Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104 to cover expenses for miscellaneous items for the above mentioned Saint
Paul Police Department Professional Development Institute sponsored training couxses.
A copy of said order is ro be kept on file and of record in the Office of Finance Services
source: Account code # 436-34117-0299-40017
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2008 PDI Courses
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Elder Abuse: Jan 22-23, Apr 22-23, Sept 23-24, and Nov 12-13; Saint Paul Police Department
West District, 389 Hamline Avenue N, Saint Paui, MN 55104; 0800-1600
Tactical Search & Seizure: Feb 1; Saint Paul Police Department Headquarters, 367 Grove Street,
Saint Paul, MN 55101; 0800-1600
First Line Supervisor: Feb 11-13; Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Association Training
Koom, 327 York Avenue, MN 55101; 0800-1600
Background Investigations: Feb 12, Oct l4; Saint Paul Police Department West District, 389
Hamline Avenue N, Saint Paul, MN 55104; 0800-1600
Internet Dangers: Mar 5; Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Association Training Room, 327
York Avenue, MN 55101
Minnesota Data Practices-Criminal Records: Mar 11, Nov 4; Saint Paul Police Department
Headquarters, 367 Grove Street, , Saint Paul, MN 55101
DWI Update: Mar 25, Apr.16; Saint Paul Police Department Headquarters, 367 Grove Street, ,
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Basic School Resource Officer: Apri17-11; Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Associarion
Training Room, 327 York Avenue, MN 55101
Minnesota Data PracHces-PersonneUHuman Resources; April 8; Saint Paul Police Deparhnent
Headquarters, 367 Grove Street, , Saint Paul, MN 55101
Human Trafficking; Sept 23 & 24 Holiday Inn-East, 2201 Burns Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55119
Basic Internet Investiga&ons; Oct 15 Saint Paul Police Departrnent Headquarters, 367 Grove
Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Interview & Interrogation °cMaxiuvzing the Opportunity"; Oct 27 & 28; Saint Paui Police
Deparhnent Headquarters, 367 Grove Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Crirical Incident Protocol; Nov 19; Saint Paul Police Departrnent Headquarters, 36'1 Grove
Street, , Saint Paul, MN 55101
Taser Operator Course; Feb 4, Feb 6; Saint Paul Police Annex Building, 100 East 10` Street,
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Taser Instructor Course; Feb 19-20; 100 Saint Paul Police Annex Building, 100 East 10`
Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Pistol Skills 100; April 28 & 29; Saint Paul Police Department Outdoor Range, 2621 Linwood
Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55119
Street Safe; Apri130 & May 1; Saint Paul Police Department Outdoor Range, 2621 Linwood
Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55119
Colt AR-15 Armorer's Course; June10-12; Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Association
Training Room, 327 York Avenue, MN 55101
Glock Armorer's Course; Sept 23; Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Association Training
Room, 327 York Avenue, NIN 55101
Glock Instructors Workshop; Sept 24-26; Saint Paul Police Department Outdoor Range, 2621
Linwood Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55119
Use of Force Instructor School; Oct/Nov/Dec; Saint Paul Police Annex Building 100 East 10�'
Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Motor Cycle Officer Training; Apri128-May 9, Sept 15-Sept 26; Saint Paul Police Department,
Eastern District, 722 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106
Police Cyclist Cours; Apr 28-May 2; Saint Paul Police Department, Eastern Dish 722 Payne
Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106
Basic K-9 Certification; Mazch 3-May 23; Saint Paul Police Deparhnent K-9 Unit, 1900 Rice
Street, Maplewood, M1V 55113
Attached is the course list for classes with locarions, dates and times, which Saint Paul
Police Department offers through the Saint Paul Police Professional Development
Institute for 2008. These courses are attended by numerous police agencies from
throughout the state as well as Saint Paul Police officers. Pastries and coffee are
provided for the attendees in the morning and soft drinks in the afternoon. The vendors
providing these services are:
Campion Rose Bums Catering, located at 920 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, N1N 55102
(Federal Tax I.D. 41-1598914).
Byerly's (dba Simple to Grand Catering) located at 1959 Suburban Avenue, Saint Paul,
MN 55119 (Federal Tax I.D. 41-0968421)
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
�J bba� �v
, DepartmentloffieeJcouncil: � Datefn'A"wted: ',
! P p -POI;��p�„en� I 07-MAY-08 � Green Sheet NO: 3053442
, i
Contact Person & Phone:
, Chief John Hartington
�, Mus[ Be on Council Agen
1 E-DocumeM Required: N
' DocUment ConTact: Steve Frazer
'� Contact Phone: 266-5558
� '
i �
Assign I i
Number i Z
Routing � 3
Order i 4
, 5
Total # ot Signature Pages � (Clip Alf Lceatio� tor Sig�rature)
WiceDeoar�ent ' PWiceDeparhneut _
dice Deoai'�ent i Police Deoar�eot .�_
ity Attornec Ciry AttomeY
}tinaucial Services D'veMOr, FSO
'ty Cluk Citv Clerk i
diceDepar�ent I PoliceDeparhnen[ �
; Action Requested:
I Signatures on the attached Administrafive Order authorizing the City of Saint Paul Police Department to remit an amount not to
I exceed $2,499 to Rainbow Foods.
aanons: npprove (n) or rte�ect (a): Personai service contraas must Aaswer me ronowmg �uesnons:
Planning Commission 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this departmenY?
CB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not norrnally possessed by any
current city employee?
i Yes No
I Explain all yes answers on separffie sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Saint Paul Police Department Professional Development Insfltute (PDI) will be conducting various law enforcement training for
police officus diuing the months of January-December 2008 a continental breal�ast will be provided.
Advantages If Approvetl:
Police officers will be hained in vazious areas to better serve [he community.
Disadvantages If Approved:
' DisadvaMages If Not Approved:
'�, Inability to train officers.
Transaction: ���
Funding Source. 436
Financia l Information:
i� i, ' ! 1'.
r � ,/ i ,
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Plumber: 34�'17
PAAY � 9 2008
May 7, 2008 9:34 AM Page 1