D002716C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMI1vISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approvetl Copies to: /� - Ciry Clerk (Original) NO: � �� f ��, �% - Finance DepL's Accounting Division Date: �. - �_� ,(/ - Police Dept, Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriTy grauted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the CiTy Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: 001 - General Fund 04000 - Office of the Chief 0215 - Fees - Medical 22,140 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 58,567 0222 - Telephone Monthly Charges 17,855 0229 - Other Communications 1,415 0237 - Parking Expense 103 0241 - Printing 31,297 0242 - Printing - River Print 1,948 0245 - PublicaHons & Adverrismen[ 1,847 0247 - Book & Magazi�e Binding 1,025 0261 - Fire Insurance 61,365 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 9,049 0277 - Other Equipment gZq 0279 - Other Repairs 3,933 0287 - Space Use Charge 1,217 0289- Rental Miscellaneous 154 0291 - Refuse DisposaV Collection 1,215 0298 - Investigations 13,940 0313 - Lumber for Repair of Buildings 7,581 0317 - Hard wares 206 0323 - Bitumen 2,575 0335 - Painkng Materials 412 0341 - Motor Fael 315 0349 - Other Equipment -Supplies & Parts 515 0352- Medical Supplies 312 0353 - Chemical / Labor 1,082 0356 - Safety Supplies 7,453 0357 - Athletic / Recreation 806 0361- Office Accessories 5,150 0362- Paper Supplies- River Print 16,598 0367 - Training / Instructional Supplies 4,223 0368- Office Supplies- Master Contrac[ 7,955 0369- Other - Office supplies 34,916 0370- Computer Equip. & Supplies 2,776 0371- ElectriciTy 525 0381 - Books-Periodicals 2,472 0386 - Clothing- Uniforms 2,622 0387- Photo Supplies 3,209 0389 - Other Miscellaneous 6,180 0393 - PC Soft ware 2,060 Q:\FiscalAffairs�AO&CR�2008W0-GF-2008 GL TO P4 ALIGN.xIs (540) (1,436) (435) (35) (3) (763) (52) (45) (25) (31,497) (221) (20) (96) (30) (4) (30) (340) (221) (6) (75) (12) (9) (15) (9) (32) (217) (23) (150) (483) (123) (232) (1,01'n (81) (15) ��Z) (76) (93) (180) (60) 21,600 57,431 17,420 1,380 100 30,534 1,896 1,802 1,000 29,868 8,828 804 3;537 1,187 150 1,185 13,600 7,360 200 2,500 400 3Q6 500 303 1,050 7,236 783 5,000 16,115 4,100 7,723 33,$99 2,(95 510 2,400 2,546 3,116 :�...; 6,404 2,OA0 � C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ,� Approvetl Copiesto: �/� /� -CiryClerk(Original) NO: ��,qJ��'lY - Finance Dept's AccouMing Division Date: - Police Dept., Accounting Unit ADMIN[STRATIVE ORDER, Consis[ent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of [he City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Fivancial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: . Ci)RRENT APPROVED AMENDE�1 BUDGET CHANGES BUDGE'f 0396 - Field Equipment 5,150 (150) 5,000 04100 - Patrol Operations 0215 - Fees - Medical 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 0222 - Telephone Monthly Charges 0241 - Printing 0253 - Registrarion fees- Ou[ of Towu 0255 - Dues 0275 - Office Equipment Mainteuance 0277 - Other Equipment 0279 - Other Repairs 0289 - Rental- Miscellaneous 0291- Refuse DisposaU Collecrion 0292-Laundry Service 0293 -Sewer Charges 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0324- Concrete ( Ready Mixed Cement ) 0325- Lumber- Other 0326 - Steel/ Iron Products 0349 - Other Equipment -Supplies & Parts 0356 - Safety Supplies 0359 - Other-Specialized Material 0368 - Office Supplies 0371- Electricity 0373 - Gas Incl Bottl. 0376 - Water Incl Bot. 0384 - Food for Zoo Animals 0386 - Clothing- Uniforms 0389 - Other Miscellaneous 04200 - Major Crimes and InvesHgaHons 0219 - Fees-0thers Professional Services 0248 - Licenses,Tags & Permits 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0276- Office Equip.& Furniture 0298 - Investigarions 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0354 - Law Enforcement 0359 - Other Spec Materials & Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies 0369 - Other - Office supplies 0370 - Computer Equip. & Supplies 0387 - Photo Supplies 8,200 31,775 3,075 512 4,100 308 4,920 1,984 1,025 20,500 1,538 568 6,448 4,059 2,060 515 2,060 31,269 16,480 2,060 8,116 57,291 33,312 3,113 2,060 10,300 618 7,560 2,255 369 82 8,200 18,800 17,011 618 1,854 798 3,090 853 (200) (775) (75) (12) (100) �g) (120) (34) (25) (500) (38) (14) (158) (99) (60) (15) (60) (24) (480) (60) (236) (829) (551) (18) (60) (973) (18) (184) (55) (9) �Z) (200) (1,132) (97) (18) (54) (23) (90) (25) 8,000 31,0�0 3�OqU 500 4,000 300 4,800 1,950 1,000 20,000 1,500 554 6,290 3,960 2,000 500 2,Q 31,245 16,000 2,000 7,880 56,4¢2 32 3,095 2,000 9,327 6Q0 Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008W0-GF-2008 GL TO P4 ALIGN.xIs 7,376 2,200 360 80 5,000 17,668 16,914 600 1,$00 iT. 'Z75 3,OU0 828 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION !� �;. � Approvetl Copies to: /� � `�/� - Ciry Clerk (Original) NO: �� !�� j� 4'�' - Finance DepL's Accounting Division Date: - - Police Dept., Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Chazter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fuud (001), the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0389 - Other Misceltaneous 1,545 (45) 1,500 04205 - ProperTy Room 0245 - Publications & Adverrisment 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0279 - Other Repairs 0292 -Laundry Service 0352- Medical Supplies 0354 - Law Enforcement 0361- Office Accessories 0368 - Office Supplies 0387 - Photo Supplies 04206 - Crime Lab 0246 - Film Processing 0277 - Other Equipment 0279 - Other Repairs 0292 -Laundry Service 0353 - Chemical / Labor 0359 - Other Spec Materials & Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies 0373 - Gas Incl BotU. 0381 - Books-Periodicals 0386 - Clothing- Uniforms 0387 - Photo Suppiies 04300 - Support Services & Homeland SecuriTy 0215 - Fees - Medical 0228 - Telephone -Cell 0229 - Other Communications 0261 - Fire Iusurance 0279 - Other Repairs 0289 - Rental- Miscellaneous 0291 - ReFuse DisposaV CollecHon 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0312 - Supplies- Etectrical 0349 - Other Equipment 0373 - Gas Incl Bottl. 0387 - Photo Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous 04301 - Informalion & Services Section 0221 - Postage 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0354 - Law Enforcement 3,280 431 256 1,538 4,120 31,055 1,030 17,304 31,019 2,050 11,378 28,300 615 17,510 1,030 1,030 3,152 515 258 2,575 820 2,087 504 50,360 513 1,025 615 13,632 206 103 893 309 3,338 66,625 41,922 22,550 100 (80) (11) (6) (38) (120) (1,578) (30) (504) (903) (50) (278) (1,363) (15) (510) (30) (30) (92) (15) �g) (75) (20) (51) (12) (1,228) (13) (25) (15) (1,005) (6) � (26) (9) (98) (1,625) (1,022) (1,223) (3) 3,200 420 250 1;500 4,000 29,477 1,000 16,800 30,116 2,Ob0 11;100 26,937 60� 17,000 1,000 1,000 3,060 500 250 2,500 $00 2,p36 492 49,132 500 1,000 %b9 12;627 200 100 �,- SG7 300 3,240 65,000 40,900 21,327 97 Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008�,40-GF-2008 GL TO P4 ALIGN.xIs C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ;, Approvetl Copies to: ;'�{�/� r ,� - CiTy Clerk (Original) No: �/ L'(�'�-�) �JI - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: - Police Dept., Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and .' based on the request of the C6ief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fund (001), _, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: � CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED`. BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET '. 0363 - Paper -Forms Etc 100 (3) 47 0369 - Other - OfTce supplies 4,429 (129) 4,300 0395 - Office Equipment 5,150 (150) 5,000 04302 - Emergency Communications Center 0280 - Computer HDWR 04307 - Motor Fleet 0279 - Other Repairs 0283 - Renta4 Vehicle 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0349 - Other Equipment 0359 - O[her Spec Materials & Supplies 04308 - Communication Svcs & Mtce 0229 - Other Communications 0275 - O�ce Equipment Maintenance 0292-Laundry Service 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0367 - Training / Instructional Supplies 0369 - Other - Office supplies 0380 - Communications 0393 - PC Soft ware 04309 - Community Services 350,400 (50,000) 300,400 47,500 5,000 15,000 306,393 72,100 5,694 65,859 3,075 451 2,255 464 464 5,150 947 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 5,637 0228 - Telephone -Cell 686 0229 - Other Communicarions 1,640 0245 - Publications & Advertisment 205 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 358 0277 - Other Equipment 205 0286 - Rental Others 358 0292 - Laundry Service 102 0337 - Signing Materials 618 0346 - Accessories 618 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 2,575 0356 - Safety Supplies 2,369 0359 - Other Spec Materials & Supplies 875 0367 - Training / Instrucrional Supplies 257 0376 - Water Incl Bot. 766 0382 - News Papers 226 0385 - Food Service 2,111 0386 - Clothing- Uniforms 24,462 0387 - Photo Supplies 721 0389 - Other Miscellaneous 2,420 Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008W0-GF-2008 GL TO P4 ALIGN.xIs (5,827) (122) (673) (36,393) (2,100) (5,694) (1,606) (75) (11) (55) (14) (14) (823) �Zg) (137) (17) (40) (5) � (5) (9) C�) (18) (18) (75) (69) (25) ��) (��) ��) (61) (1,355) (21) (70) 41,673 4,878 14,327 270;000 70,t�00 �' 0 64,253 3,000 'a40 2,2U0 450 450 4 91A 5,500 669 1,600 200 349 200 349 300 ;600 .4'Y 600 2,500 2,300 850 250 �44 �219 2 23,0'T7 7�,0 2,350 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVI5ION Approvetl Copies to: - CiTy Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division 12,300 224,198 316,453 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and � based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Departmeut to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: ' CiJRRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 04310 - Systems 0276 - OfFce Equip.& Furniture 0280 - Computer HDWR 0284 - Rental- Data Process Eqmt. 04340 - Building Maintenance 0270 - Elevator & Escalator Mtce 0271 - Building - Repair Service 0277 - Other Equipment 0291 - Refuse DisposaU Collection 0292 - Laundry Service 0293 -Sewer Charges 0294 - Testing Services 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0311 - Supplies - Ptumbing 0312 - Snpplies - Electrical 0313 - Lumber for Repair oF Building 0315 - Suppties- Janitor/ Household 0317 - Hardware 0319 - Repr/Maint Bldg Supplies 0326 - Steel / I ron Products 0371- ElectriciTy 0373 - Gas Incl Bottl. 0374 - District Cooling 0376 - Water Incl Bot. 0383 - Small Tools 0389 - Other Miscellaneous 0394 - Office Furniture 04342 - CommunicaHon Equipment & Services Agreements 0222 - Telephone Monthly Charges 0223 - Telephone Long Distance 0227 - Telephone Non Voice Charges 0229 - Other Communications 0282 - Building Rental 0371- ElectriciTy 04345 - Griffin Building 0287 - Space Use Charge TO: 001 - General Fund 04000 - OfTice of the Chief 0282 - Building Rental 4,613 5,740 3,690 9,225 7,175 9,738 2,563 3,075 1,087 7,262 680 20,600 2,060 1,545 515 222,995 12,607 95,605 4,312 464 5,150 3,090 ��F No: PL�D.��iC� � Date: (300) (2,948) (5,125) (113) (140) (90) (225) (175) (238) (63) (748) (32) (212) (20) (600) (60) (45) (15) (6,49� (367) (2,785) (126) (14) (150) � 12,OQ0 221,250 311,3Z8 4,500 5,60i1 3,600 9,000 7,000 9,500 2,500 2,327 1,055 7,050 660 20,000 2,U00 1,500 500 216,500 12,�9p 92,8�0 4,1'86 A50 S,OgO 3,00� 229,023 (5,586) 223,437 4,612 (ll2) 4,500 164,380 (4,009) 160,371 50,225 (1,898) 48,327 16,092 (392) 15,700 2,416 (70) 2,346 205,000 (5,000) 200,Q00 ,'r; (202,481) 13,366 9,675 Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008�.40-GF-2008 GL TO P4 A�IGN.xIs zs;941 u p:,m. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION 73,244 4,599 484,250 103,600 35,629 11,962 170,250 Approved Copies to: / / � � � -CityClerk(Original) NO: ��[���'��(,f'y� - Finance Dept's Accounting �ivision Date: - Police Dept., Accourrting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ci[y Charter and � based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2008 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Fivancial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPROVED AIVIENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 33,918 18,504 52,422 0354 - Law Enforcement 193,982 7,067 201,049 04100 - Operations & Proactive Services 0354 - Law Enforcement 04300 - Major Crimes & Support Services 0354 - Law Enforcement 04307 - Motor Fleet 0274 - Self Propelled 04308 - Communication Svcs & Mtce 0347 - Radio Maintenance Supplies 0349 - Other Equipment 04340 - Building Maintenance 0279 - Other Repairs 0377 - District Heating 8,021 9,575 100,000 16,400 20,000 8,489 4,750 aR R4 <. :. 81,265 14,174 584,250 120,OU0 55,629 20,451 175,OdU 202,481 s Approved b: Finan ' ervice DireMOr Date :q Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008W0 GL TO P4 ALIGN.xIs ia � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � aDb�-'1 � L� ' DepartmeM/oifieelcouneil: ! Date Ini[iated: � Po -Po�;���,,,e„� � o�-�R-0B ; Green Sheet NO: 3052093 Contact Person & Phone: � � , Chief John Harrington i 2663588 Assign . Mus[ Be on Council Agenda by (Date): I Number i For Routing : Doc. Type: OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE OF I Order , E-DOCUment Required: Y i �� Doeument Contact: Evette Scarver � ', Contact Phone: 266-5541 � 0 Pdice Depazhnent Police Depazhnent ' __ 1 �diceDepar4uent PdiceDepaztu�ent 2 Giri Attorney City Attorney �� 3 k�oaucial Services Direc[or, FSO ��l City Clerk Citv Qerk �/ 5 PoliceDeDartment ' PoliceDepazhnent Total # of Signature Pages R(Clip All Locations for Signature) i Approval of the attached adminis[rative order which will amend the 2008 badget of the General Fund (001. Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB Committee " Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee� Yes No ''� 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any i I current city employee? i I � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet � __ _ ! Ini#iating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ! To provide adequa[e funding a[ the budgetary control levels of the Police DeparhnenPs 2008 General Fund Budget (001). Advantages If Approved: The Police DepartrnenYs 2008 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. Disadvantages If Approvetl: None. I � '' Disadvantages If Not Approved: 'i ! The Sain[ Paul Police Depariment's 2008 General Fund Budget (001) will not reflect appropriate budgetary con[rol levels. i I f , Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: J �' ,� Trensaction: I i Funding Source: GBilBf81 FUlld (001 � Activity Number: I i Financialinformation: f7�VEI`IE� '���E''VE�I , (Explain) � MAY 0 5 2008 � 2 2 2008 �,1� A'���N� April 8, 2008 1:20 PM P�qe 1