D002633�� ' City of Saint Paul
Office of the Mayor
' Administrative Order
Budget Revision
oate: ti2s/2oo�3—� �'
GS #: 3037291
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granfetl to the mayor in Section 70.07.4 of ihe Ciry Charter antl based on the
request of the Direc[or of the DepartmeM of Public WorKS to amend the 2006 budget of the General Fund the Director of the Department
of the Office of Fnancial Services is aWrorized to amentl saitl butlget in Vie following manner
Curtent Ammend
Butlget Change eudget
- 007- 02000 - 0279 Fees - Ofher PrWess Srvs 510200.00 ($397 00) 59.809.00
001- 02000- 0449 WorkersCompE�Cretl 516.500.00 ($283.54) §78,276.46
Tetals $26,700.00 ($674.54) 5z8,025.46
007- 02705- 0299 OiherMisc.
007- 02705- 0439 FringeBenefits
001- 02750 - 0177 Full Time Pertnanent
007- 02750 - 0370 Computer Eqwp & Supplies
001- 02150- 0439 FringeBenefils
007- 02155- Ot61 SalaryNeeds
001- 02t55- 0237 ParkingExpense
001- 02755- 0439 FnngeBenefits
DOt- 02157- 0711 Fu117imePertnanent
OOb 02157- 0393 PCSoflware
007- 02157- 0439 FringeBenefits
001- 02770- 0167 SalaryNeeds
001- 02170 - 0235 Type II - Regular Mileage
001- 02170 - 0439 Fnnge eenefits
001- 02780 - 0711 Full Tme Permanent
005- 02180 - 0162 fleserve For Promotiorts
001- 02790- Otii FutlTimePermanen[
OOt- 02190- �439 FringeBenefits
001- 02190 - 0450 Temp Partial Diasabiliry
OOt- �228� - 0293 Other M�sc.
001- 02280- 0377 Electricily
001- 09055 - 0299 Other Misc.
001- 09170 - 0359 Other Spec.Mat. & Supplie5
001- 09770 - 0898 Building Improvements
$0.00 $992 69 $992.69
$0.00 $22.298.18 $22.298.18
7otals §0.00 §23,290.87 $23,29U.87
GrandTotat $822,fi5 S O.OQ S822,65
50.00 §397.00 $397.00
$4.943.00 $283.54 55,226.54
$4,943.U0 $674.54 $5,617.54
$112.195.00 $2,32433 $714,579.33
$73.564.00 ($4.731.35) $8.832.65
$3525L00 $2,407A2 $37,658A2
$767,010.00 50.00 5767,010.00
$7,894.00 ($2,600.91) $SQ93.09
$0.00 $2,600.91 $2,600.97
$98,70400 ($2,043.71) $96,660.89
5706,598.00 (S2,043.11) $104,554.89
$91.149 W $677.13 $91,826.t3 �
$7.400.00 ($6T713) $722.87
$28,930.00 $2,043.11 $30,973.17
$127,479.00 $2.043.11 5723,522.77
si,�so.00 {gsss'zs) sLO�s.�i
$0.00 $3336 $33.36
$21,9460� $649.93 $22.595.93
$23,706.00 $0.00 $23,706.00
$74,883.00 ($703.68) $74,179.32
$s,7s7 00 ($s,�3�.00) So 00
$87,620.00 ($7,440.68) §74�779.32
$104,944.00 $3268.51 $108,212.51
$34,638.00 $3,052.t3 $37,69013
50.00 $1,120.04 $1,720.04
5139,582.00 $7,440.68 $147,022.66
$6.834.00 $tt.343.38 $78.1T7.38
$78,73600 ($17,343.38) $66,792.62
$84,970.00 50.00 $84,970.00
$70,046.47 ($23,290.87) $46,755.60
$70,046.47 (523,290.87) $46,755.60
Pre�by AcYrvRy ge Approvetl by Mayor
Renuw/ �J� 25T � e /l�i Y'� Q �/ti" "_7 Dare
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
p�( — PubGcwoc}s
Cor�d Person & Phone:
Rhonda Gillquist
Mus[ Be on Couneil Agentla by (Date):
E-DOCUmeM Requiretl: N
Document ConWM: Larty MichaliLSCh
Contact Phone: 266-6065
2F FEB-07
Totel # of Signature Pages _1_ (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3037291
U �ub]ic Worlcs IDeoar�eat Acco�mtantl
1 61icWorks De entDirector
2 ,ty Attornev GStr Attorcey
3 inancial Services ce Finandsi Services
4 Clerk Ci Clerk
Approval of at%ached Administrative Order amending the spending plans for Public Works General Fund activities.
iaanons: qpprove (a) or ne)ect (hs>: rersona� Jervrce l:ontreCts hnus2 ailSwer sI1C rm�owmg vuestroil5:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any
curreni city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sfieet and atlaeh to grnen sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuni[y (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Spending for budget year 2006 was not above the total appropriafion. A few individual line items displayed small overages in Public
Works Wtalapptopriation.
Ativantages N Approved:
This adjustment moves under spendang to those small overages, baiancing Public Works actual spending against adjusted budgets.
DisadvanWges If Approvetl:
None '
Disativantages If Not Approved:
Public Works budgets would remain unadjusted.
• 7rensaMion: ��
Fu�ding Source:
Financial Information:
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Activity Number: 02105,02150,02155,02157,02170,02180,02190f
p�aga o 9oaS, oqtlo .
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�1AR 4 9 2007
February 26, 20071:53 PM
CosURevenue Budgeted: y
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