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D002624Retum Copyto: (jmb) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Room �000 cr�a OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: 1D a a-�- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: f—�g-�7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Saint Paul Regional Water Services is hereby authorized and directed to use the following property for water easement purposes: See Exhibit "A"; further Saint Paul Regional Water Services is hereby authorized 'mgress and egress rights to the above mentioned property for water line maintenance purposes. This property, located on the Junmy I,ee Recreafion Center site and is currently under the jurisdicfion of the Department of Pazks and Recreation and is needed for construcfion and maintenance of said water line. APPROVED AS TO FORM � �A ./� / / •� � 17�a- Date Director Saint aul Regional Water Services of Pazks and Adu�inistrative Assistant to Mayor %�=� , t. ������-� Retum Copy to: (jmb) Room 1000 CHA CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: _ Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Saint Paul Regional Water Services is hereby authorized and directed to use the following property for water easement purposes: See E�ibit "A"; further Saint Paul Regional Water Services is hereby authorized ingress and egress rights to the above mentioned property for water line maintenance purposes. This properiy, located on the Jisnmy Lee Recreafion Center site and is currently under the jurisdiction of the Department of Pazks and Recreation and is needed for construcfion and maintenance of said water line. APPROVED AS TO FORM �, .,, � � �- / Z- z G •c6 Date � irector Saint Pa I Regional Water Services ���?�%�' ��`-���"-�"irector De arlment of Parks and Recreation Admiuistrative Assistant to Mayor �-�. � , p ao �c� a-�- PROPOSED WATER EASEMENT DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" 1 of 2 Water Easement A 30.Q0 foot easement over, under and across those parts of Lots IQ and II, Block 2, CURRYS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 13 0� BUEL� AND MACKUBINS OUT LQTS T0. SA1NT PAllL according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesata, and that part of vacated Iglehart Avenue lying between Lexington Parkwoy and Oxford Street lying 15.00 #eet on each side of a center[ine described as 6eginning ot the intersection of the centerline ofi vacated lglehart Avenue and the west line of Oxford Street; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 35 seconds West, assumed becaring, along said centerline of vacated Iglehart Avenue, a distance of 263.00 feet; thence North 0� degrees E2 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 43.00 #eet and said centerline there terminating. The side{ines of said easement are to be prolonged or shartened to terminate c�t said west line of Oxford Street. /� . A 30.00 foot easemenfi over, under and ocross those parts of Lots 9 and IQ Block �, G.V. BACON'S 5l�BDIV4SfON, according #o the recorded plat thereaf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that part of vacated Ca�roll Avenue lying between Lexington Paricway and Oxford Street lying 15.Od feet on ench side of a centerline described as commencing at the intersection of the centerline af said vacated Carrop Av�nue and the west line af Oxford 5treet; thence South 89 degrees 38 minutes 35 seconds West, assumed bearing, along said centerline of vocated Carroll Avenue a distc�nce of 340.73 feeE; thence North 00 degrees 43 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 10.00 feet to the paint of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence South 00 degrees 43 minutes 43 seconds �'Jest a distance of 144.Q0 feet ond said centerline there terminating. � 1 K' 1 SI €i I I I_ i . , , , r :,, � , . . . _ . .. �i "' ° I `�; Q EXHIBIT "A° � � (� �-(Q a"� _ ( I 2 of 2 � Water Easement � T . � i. v. ( di�i �.� i v��J � � � : I •? C � ( •. � :] O' I � I Y F � � F' F . � F^ . F, F � q p q I O q O � p q p p C) q C� q _ � � � a —��_ _ /.1/�AT��� —� — Grivll/LUI� �.l � �.. 4� q 1 !h I e � G� C� � � � � O N t .� r� � H n � I c ._ 4. 4� 4. 4. F, F� h p Q I q q O ys o� � ' L I�"r� , � � i � x � � J y l ' �/ �\/. ^ /^ftli //^ l'1A/' /1� / T i /-' �t I/^/ ! AAl I I vh i,. ;�ydc� vi.: i.i.l �.i e. i Z, i, vc�c.�. .�v. i . I � i � � I {:. C CJ 0` b �� h V) •; .� e� e` �� O� 'V � lD lq I�} n� C� � ��$ � �� �� �� �� I �� I �� Q �� �� Q �� i �� �� � �� �� �� I �� �� Q I �� 1 /`�� I � �y.Rl r 1 1 �✓ f�Ul /�/. /�1IT /lT T A/A/ A / 1I /A//�'^ � C� 1 �d I � /!tv/��V ./v.� V ! tVl I /IV AVt. fvl/ vlv�...V n �w , �..�,� �• ; �,,�;�! " �,, � „� � �y , I � 5 ,� I a ; :: L� 1� �°�� �b ; • r�im C� i k i � , (.ww-aim m rt� � ��ei.nrrn iniri n P �� ;t7� v_.,._r,icri ive.cri.,hi_ I � r1 V L/ V ' VL � • •• • � � '�.. .���,.�.(i%[I<iiJiYll��' '.�=alu��: . � '. I k �� ' � I T (.wu-aiam a rt.) I t� I �� I�il i n n irl/lA� I� �S �.�SSYY � I I n. L:.� r{/ nti /i/viv � i I I ( �� .� i :� `.� :� • I � I - - �� �. I H Ni `: �7 c� e. � O I O h O O C� I O I p q I q C� I C� I I � " _: i _. . . _ . � I i � S I I i �MhVCV 6 TIE Sx 1/� OF 2G St� iYP. 39. R� 2l b F_ C� 8 ' I ' ` I i _ � � I � �•� ° „—i— � �—( � �� � � �n��;�� � I T ��� I� W T � � .°' c c � c � f c c � � c � c j � �+ o � I i� I O q ; q I q I C� O I O C� p p I Q I I /��� /lr �.r �7n�rl ` � I � �/i// � . % i /'1 L_ I I ` I ` ; I � � �� � Sd9'S5'TB'W I6,I6f -- � 8 I i I _ /h/� .�^ � SaD"i1]!5Y 65t6� � u I ���'.✓� .� !' J O � � � � � � I a� � d �1/1_�']0'A1 w� dJ_LLG — _ _ _ _ _ � /l/1/\VL.L. / ��l�m �G9]OII � �: � �erotea PrepowE Watu Eaaem. (777 �enotn Praooxd Sera Eaaem� r�o �-cP a-y, Refm-n copy to: (jao) �b�ic Woiks Tech. Srvcs. IODO C5#p Hail Anne$ Presented Bp Referred To #?ESOLU'iION ClTY OF SA1M{ PAUL, M(NIVESOTA �7. Commiffee: Dafe 1 BE TT RFSOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of 5t. Paul, as d�cumented in Real 2 Fstate Diviszon File Number I9-2004, the public properties hereinafter described at� hereby 3 vacated and discontinued as street rig�t-of-way: 4 5 1) Carrott Avenue from Lexingtoa Parkway as yvidened, to I74' east. 6 7 2} IglehartAvenue from Zexing2on Parkway as widenec� to Oxford,S�eex 8 9 3) SuLjeetto Parkway, the atley in Bloek 2, A.B. TVsZgus Addition. i0 11 12 I3 14 15 15 17 18 I9 2(l 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3fl 31 32 33 34 BE TP FITRTHIIt RESOLVED, that, sub,}ect ta the herein stated exceptions and with the aceompanying Utility Easement CertiScates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntauly on behalf of, bislrict �nergy St Pani� Ync., Distrid CooHng St Paul, Inc. and Comcast of Sti PauI, made a gazt hereof by chis reference an� fzIed in the ofFice of the City Cleric of St. Paul, the City of St. Paul, for itself and on behalf of tfiese corporations, waives the righi to the uBIity easements in the vacated azeas described above. This vacarion shalI be subject to the terms and condifion of Chapter 13Q, codified March 2, 1981, of ths Saint Paul I,egislative Code as axnended, and to the following conditions: That easements shall be retained in CasoII and IgIehart Avenues on behalf' of Xcel Energy Gas l7ivision for access and maintenanc� of its exisfing facilities. Easement releases can be considered once a�sting facilities are relocated or abandoned to the satisfaction of Xcel. That easements shall be retained on behaif of Xce] Electric to maintain its eusting facilities in Canoll Avenne and the subject alley. Easement releases can be consideracl oace the zemovals of the overhead etectcic disfribution facilities are completed_ That easements shall be reLtined on behatf of St Paul Regionat Water Services (SPRWS) to access and maintaia its existing watar maiu facilifies, conditions of the easement aze outlined in the 3FWRS standard easement provisions dated 218/2002. cfl,�n�a Fi1e # � �a -2"i � GreeaSl�eet# 302987i Dpo�-��y � ��.Z�� 2 That an easement shall be retained in Iglehazt Avenne on bebalf af the City of St Paul, 3 Deparhnent of Public Wcxks for access and maintenance af its e�cisting sewer facilities. At ¢ such time that the sewer is re-routed to the satisfaction of Public Warks, only then will 5 PubIic Works consider the reIease of its easemeat interesL 6 7 9 10 11 i2 23 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 That aa easement for sewer putposes shall be dedicated by the petifioner, its successors or assigns, to the City of St. Pani, as descn'bed in Fxhibit `B". That an easement fox sewar purposes sl�all be dedicated by the petitioner, its successors or assigns, To the Saint Pani Regional ZVater Services, as described in E�chibit "C". That, az tt3e ciirection of the £iry of 5t Pani, Deparrment of Public Warks, the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha1T be responsible for all costs and expenses incuaed by said Pub}ic Works for tfie removaI of tfie three streeY lights on Iglehart, ttte relocation of the wood lighting pole an Carroll and reiocaRion of the e�tisting eIectrica3 feed point iocated in the subject alisy (whicfi services lighting on LexingYOn). Contact the Creneral Foreman for Public Works Lighting and SignaUi,igi2ting Maintenance when the subject rights-of-way are vacated. That the owner af tfie north haif of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, A.B. Wiigus Addition will convey any interest it has in Iglehart Avenue to the City of Saint Patal and the Ciiy of St. Paul will accept this eonveyance. In rehttn, the Ciry of St. Paut will grant easements for ingress/egress purposes and vehicular pazkiag Purpnses_ T1� �h� ix�ihflneTS, their gllccessors and assigos shall, within 60 days of the ef€ecrive date of this zesolution, fiIe wzth the City Clerk an accegtauce in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, wi#Uin the period(s} specified in the tetms and conditions of this resolution, comgly in a[I respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of. ' � f • - � . . � . - ///i i _ /_/. `s���t ' � >� � • - ' ��. / /i • . . . - . . ,�r%, .. � �J .�!"i . � . . ; // �-. , .. �., . -. . . : � / •�� ��'s � �. .�i � su' � � t �"'!�/�..� � i _ -- �oo�c� �-y� �K � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW — PubLcwoiks CoMact Person & Phone: Jean Borgen 266-8866 Doc. Type: OTHER ADMINISTRATNE Of E-Document R�uired: N DoeumentCoMad: Contad Phone: Total # M Signature Green Sheet NO: 3035301 0 �ubticWOrks �'7��Cbl I 1 a4r Ub7i Ste 6en Schneider 2 uks mmd Retreation Bob Bieruhied 3 ' Attome Jad Haoson Z a �c�ts�;� Mans�n 5 �"�,M �1 �-�� lo....��� 0��� (Clip All Locations for Signature) CONSENT AGENDA. Approve by Administrative Order the acceptance of a water easement on the Jimmy Rec Center site, authorized by CF 06-277. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skiA not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Erzplain all yes answew on separale sheet and aHaeh to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): New building on site necessitated re-routing water easement. ���3�� � � � � �;. Advantages If Approved: City has necessary access to maintain water line as authorized by resolution. Disadvantages If Approved: Access to new water line not specifically authorized. Disadvanqges If Not Approved: noneforeseen. `�».M P� �g ) r�-��v� ��� � � R—., � ?; �. . 5' �. k_ : Transadion: Funding Source: Financial IMormation: (Explain) r. ;;.�., �. : .���' 71-DEC-06 �► AsSign Number For Routing Order CosyRevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number. � D y� December 12, 2006 929 AM Page 1