D002549� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Approved Copies to: City Clerk (Original) Finance Dept.'s Accounring Division Requesting Dept. No: 7�0 a-�� Date: /�u-G(p WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Professional Development Institute is 2 conducting the following courses, February through November 2006: Death Invesfigation, Tactical 3 Search and seizure, Critical Incident Protocol, Graffiti Identification, Minnesota Data Practices- 4 Criminal Records, Basic K-9 Certification,Motor Cycle Officer Training, Officer Survival 5 Motorcycle, Use of Force Instructor School, First Line Supervisor, Active Shooter, Handgun 6 Techniques far Women, Handgun Skills (Level 1), Hangun Skills (Level 2), Bike Patrol Officer 7 Training, Background Investigatins, Street Safe-For Plain Cloths Officers, Colt AR-15 Armorer 8 Course, SRO School, Street Safe, MinnesotaDataPractices-PersonneUHumanResourses, Basic K-9 � Narcotic Detection Certification, Interview & Interrogation "Maacimizing the Opportunit}�', and any additional-sponsored Saint Paul Police Department Proffessional Development courses throughout 11 the year. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 � WHEREAS, these courses are scheduled for January through December 2006. The training will be held at the Saint Paul Police Department, Eastem District, 722 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106, the Saint Paul Police Department Outdoor Range, 2621 Linwood Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55119, the Saint Paul Police Department K-9 Unit, 1900 Rice Street, Maplewood, MN 55113, and the Minnesota Police and Peace Officer Association Training Room, 327 York Avenue, M1V 55101. WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will enter into an agreement with Campion Rose Burns Catering, located at 920 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to provide continental breakfast far the above mentioned training courses. WHEREAS, the public purpose of this professional training is to provide quality and affordable training to outside law enforcement agencies and other professionals while iraining Saint police Deparhnent personnel at no cost. Be it ordered that pursuant to the 2006 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to remit an amount not to exceed $2,499.00 to Campion Rose Bums Catering, 920 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to cover expenses for morning continental breakfast for the above mentioned Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Professional Development Institute sponsored training courses. . , . ,� � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �bU ����I A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Finance Services Funding source: � Accountcode # 436-34117-0299-40017 /7—� 4—� � Director Date -3-�' 'Approved by: City Attorney � Date �,%� � f e ; �',� f by:Finance • Director Date C� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � f7Dd��9 DepartmenUofficelwuncil: Date initiated: F �,PO -Po�;����� 2aoE�-o5 Green Sheet NO: 3029141 onWd Person & Phone: DeoartmeM Sent To Person InitiaVDate ChiefJohn Hartington � 0 l; e P 1' De a n 266-5588 qssign 1 olice De artmen[ De rlme t Dir tor Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date): Number 2 i o � p o � � Fof 3 'nancial rvic Office Financial rvi Routing O�der 4 i CI k Cti e k 5 olice De arhnent Pol'ce De artment Total # of Signature Pages 1(Clip Ali Locations for Signffiure) Action Requested: Signahues on attached Administrarive Order authorizing the Saint Paui Police Departrnent remit an amount not to exceed $2,499 to Campion Rose Bwns Catering. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrecks Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a coniract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Professional Development Institute (PDI) will be conducting various law enforcement training for police officers during the months of January-December 2006. For more informarion regazding tlus administrative order please contact Cdr Julie Rudie at 651-266-5558. AdvantayeslfApproved: Police offieers will be trained in various areas to better serve the communiry. ❑ DisativanWges If Approved: None. ��� 3 �t �OQS n Disadvantages If Not Approved: Inability to train officers. Tota1 Amount of �t to �ceed $2,499.00 CostlRevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: Funding Source: 436-34117-0299-40017 Activity Number: JQN ,e �I ZOO& i nancial l nformation: (Explain) CITY GLERK