D002548. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �ba" 1 CityClerk BUDGETREVISION Date: �—�-b(D 2 Finance 3 Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, to amend the 2005 budget. The Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Administrative Order reduces the budgeted amount of pending projects, Professional Services and Administrative Budget. City Downtown Capital Projects Fund #149 Current Budqet FINANCIAL PLAN 149-76902-6922-�0000 Total Financing SPENDING P�AN �-76902-0547-68002 149-76900-0299-68016 149-76901-0299-68016 149-76901-0299-69106 Total Spending Plan Net Decrease Repayment of Advance Pending Capital Projects Professional Services Professional Services Project Administrative Prepared by: Activity Manager by: Department Director (Date) 6,876,000.36 6,876.000.36 284,250.36 260,000.00 541,000.00 5,790,750.00 6,876,000.36 Chanaes (547.541.61) i547.541.611 (284,250.36) (124,019.39) (42,950.39) (96,321.47) (547,541.61) Amended Budpet 6.328,458.75 6.328.458.75 -0- 135,980.61 498,049.61 5,694,428.53 6,328,458.75 � � Approved by: Director of Financial Services (Date) � /� • � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet (J'DO��i�B Deparpnenf/office/council: ; Date Initiated: �PE 'P���ngBcEconomicDevelopment ; �E�S �, Green Sheet NO: 3028996 , Confact Person 8 Phone: � Tom Meyer 266�667 I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date}: � , i � � i ContractTyp¢: I , AO-OiHERADMINISiRA'fNEORDER � i � � � ' Assign Number For Routing Order � Totai # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip NI LocaUOns for SignaW re) Action Requested: Adminisirative Order to amend Down[own Capital Projects Fund F-149. This will reduce approved budget for 2005 to match lower tax increments received. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee (,ltil Service Commission Cotat Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Lower than projected tax increments received in 2005. Advantages IfAppmved: The amended budget w�ll match the lower tax increment revenues for 2005. Disadvantages IfApproved: None. �E.� �/ � 20�J Disadvantages M Not Approved; The process of accountmg for the Subordinated Note will be unduly complicated and possible double budgefing of projects will be avoided. . $547,541.61 Cosf/Revenue Budgeted: Repayment of Advance 2 �CiN Attomev I CStv Attornev I 3 'k}'nancialServices Dffi F'na ' 15 4 (SN Clerk ! Citv Clerk i 5 lannin & Ec nomic evelo I Tom Me er Personal Service 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes ansWers on separete sheet antl attach W green sheet ActivityNumber: S22b210W Financial Information: 149-76900-0299-68016 = (124,019.39) � (Expfain) 149-7b901-0299-68016=(42,950.39) 149-76901-0299-69106 = (96,321.47) 149-76902-0547-68002 =(284,250.36) „ti.�..... ... .,. � JAN 0 9 2006 1�1:SJ�{S� December 6, 2005 2:08 PM ' Page 1