D002544C� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �... .� .�. '_ y , '� 1!� s �►/. 1� No: /�OD�-5�� vate: / a-' 2'b �S` GS #: 3028244 ADMINISTRATtVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Cliarter and based on the request o£ the Direetor of the Department of Public Works to amend the 2005 budget of the Parldng Meter Collections and Ftines F�nd, the Director of the O�ce of ESnancial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner� 230-32212-0336 23082212-0535 230-X74CXX-XXXX X C Current Budget Change Revised Bud�et Posts-Poles-Bases $25,500.00 ($1,269.50) $24,230.50 Repayment of Advance $0.00 $1,269.50 $1,269.50 All Other Spending $5,785,485.00 $0.00 $5,785,485.00 Totals $5,513,985.00 $0.00 $5,813,985.00 5 2005 budget adjustments for individual line items to comply with fund sufficiency policies. '•..�A� y Activity Manager r. � /�, by� Department Director � � s Approved by� Mayor � �C c. ld.'� Date tJ �� �=, a � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet _ , �jp0���� Approve transfer of spending authoriry wi[hin the Public Works Meter Collection and Fines Fund to pay for the 2005 payment of [he cash loan provided by [he Right of Way Maintenance fund for CMMS data wnversion. 'nfiating Probfem, (ssues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj: During 2003, the City of Saint Paul, Righ[ of Way Maintenance Fund provided a cash loan [o The Pazldng Meter Collecrions and Fines Fund in order to maintain the cash needed for operafions. This loan is PW agteement lO2A. T'he 10 yeaz payback of $39,400 is to bein� in 2005. AdvantaAeslfApproved: " Sufficient funds will be available to make payment to the Right of Way Maintenance fund. This Administrazive Order matches to actual costs. Disadvantages NApproved: None Disadvantages iFNotApproved: Some spending line items will appear to ve overspent while others will appeaz to be underspent. PW — PubGcworks l� . j ontact Person 8 Phone: aW St Martin 266-6118 Must Be on Councit /�qenda 6y (Date): ContractType: AB-BUDGETAMENDMENT ADMINIS7RAi1VE ORDER Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All LowBons for Signature) idations: Appio�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Commitlee Ciul Service Commission o�.� I Green Sheet NO: 3028244 �� � o Assign I ' Wo ctivi M r or D f�S ��' Number Z btic Wo Bruce Beese � Z�� For Routing 3 blic Wo ks De arlment Dimetnr Order 4 mandal rvices ce Finandal Servi 5 Qerk CS Cierk Personal Service 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�,er been a city'employee? Yes No 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any currerrt city employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet �'-, . yt ioql Amount of Trensaction: $1,269.SQ Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: , (Explain) Novembe� 17, 2005 9:32 AM CosURevenue Budgeted: �' Activily Number: 32212 R�CE'iVE� � 2 0 2005 Page 1 �ooa��� � LJ � December 12, 2005 TO: Matt FR: Dede'ti/'' RECE{VED DEC.2 0 2005 �9TY CLERK RE: GS #3028244 This administrative order shifts funds into the proper expenditure code so the Pazking Meter Collections and Fines Fund to make the first of ten annual payments back to the ROW Maintenance Fund for the cash loan made related to the CMMS conversion. This AO merely makes the proper adjustments to the appropriate expenditure codes so do not show up as being overspent . I recommend approval and signature of this administrative order. �, �����a�re �� �� r,t,tf �d1Y�.�j . � �