D002530r � 'i City Clerk 2 Finance CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF 7HE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Budqet ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Development to amend the 2005 budget of the PED Operations Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, Historic Saint Paul has received two awards through the Neighborhood STAR Progrem for activities designed to assist in restoring historic commercial buildings; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous to combine these awards into a singie City \ Subgrantee funding agreement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the budget be amended to P7-930-90308-0547-77691 P7-930-90306-0547-77691 Commercial Restore Saint Paul P7-930-90306-0547-77753 E 7th FaSade Improvement Program • �� ��.�► ,� ' � ' T�. .� i �, - 20,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 Net Change Chanqe (20,000.00) 45,000.00 (25,000.00) $0.00 No: 003�3� Date: — � Q�j Amended Budqet 0.00 45,000.00 0.00 � � �! ��1�� Approved by: Director oT Flnancial Service� (uace� 1 � J� h� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PE — Planniug & Economic Developmrnt ! Confact Person & Phone: � Judy Lesch 26666G8 � Must Be on Council Ageni Contract Type: AO-OTHER ADMINISiRAiNE ORDER �}d0�3D Date Initiated: ,�EP.� Green Sheet NO: 3028047 � .' Depar6nent SentToPerson InifiallDafe � 0 Plannine & Economic Devel o I Bob Aa mu ��`� ASSign I 1 lannina& Economic Develoo Director/S. KimberW i V Number Z nancialServices � NSnancialServica I For Routing 3 CiN Clerk I Gtin CI k i Order 4 � nancial Services Ftinancial Serv. Acc . � 5 launin¢ & Economic DeveloD Mic6ele Swanson i 7otal # of SignaW re Pages _(C�ip NI Lowtions for Signature) Signatures on the attached Administrarive Order to combine Neighborhood STAR funds awuded through tv✓o separate cycles to Historic St Paul for a commercial restorarion program into a singie account code. itlations: Approee (P.) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Sertice Commission MustMswerthe Following Questions: 7. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked uMer a coMract for this deparfineM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a cKy employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rwt normally possessed by any curreM city employee? - Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why): AdVantages IfApproved: DisadvanWges IfApproved: Disativanqges If Not Approved: Transaction: FundinqSouree: NeighborhoodSTAR Pro ram CostlRevenue Budgeted: ActivityNumber. S00b210W Financial Information: 9 (Euplain) Fcom:P7-930-90306-0547-77753 Net Budget Change = $0 �������� SEP 2 3 2005 CIl"Y �l.�R€( September 16, 2005 3:23 PM Page 1