D002514� I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNLINLSTRA7'iVE ORDER: BUDGET REVLSSON D�l��/�-{ No: 3021004 Dale: /�-3�-�GS'a � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisteat with the authority granted in Section 57.09 of the City Administrative Code and based on the request of the staff of the Budget Sec&on to amend the 2005 Capital Maintenance program of the Capital Improvement Budget in the follo`ring manner: Current Bud¢et f� SPENDING PLAN 2005 Capital Maintenance Pmgram Police (93004) COS-9T035-0279-93004/P7-925-90105-0Sfi5-70104 SPENDING PLAN 2005 Capital Mainfenance Pmgcam Emeigency Contingency (00000) COS-9T035-O518-00000lP7-925-90105-0565-70100 1'��5�-. �/zl/ r— Preparetl by: Dafe Amended Chanee Budeet 21,720.00 2,678.00 ?A,398.00 21,720.00 2,678.00 24,398.00 47,12229 (2,698.00) 44,44429 47,122.29 (2,678.00) 44,444.29 ` �L� L� �L Z Approv d Dy: OFS Director " Date ��— G:1Shaced\Budget�DEPTS\CIB\Capital maintenance12005process�Police Crriffm &eight elevator admin orderxls !� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet. � Dova�i� ! Fs a ���� `� 2��� Green Sheet NO: 3027004 Contact Person & Phone: Petx B�IlIer 6 85M17 Must Be on Counoil Ageni Contract AB�BUOGETAMENDMEM ADMINISTRATNE ORDER ., veuaru,wna oe+n ��r rraav�. unmu..a.c 0 an 'al ' / ASSign 1 an ' Se ' cfivI o �� �/ U�QS` Nwnbe� 2 cial Se - e t or For Routing 3 ce ' p� d erk lerk 7ofal # of Signature Pages _(CIIp M Locations for Signature) wcu�n �ceyuesaea: �'I'o use 2005 CIB Capitai Emergency Contingency funds to eaver eost ovetcuns in the Griffin freight-only lift project. idafions: APpro� (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Gul Service Commission q 1. Fhas this personlfirm e�er �w�iced under a contract for this departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this peisoNfirtn eier been a cily empbyee? Yes No 3. Ooes this persoNfimi possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any currenf city employee? Yes Na Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Mifiafing Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Wby}: AdVanYages IfApproved: �Disadvantages IfMproved: DisadvanWges If Not Approved: TotalAmountof $267$ Transaction: Fundins� Source: 2005 CIB bonds . Financial intommation: , {Explain) June 29, 20051:34 PM CostlRevenue Butlgeted: Y Activity Number. Page 1 11 �V �l ��.� � 2 3 zoos �'�� Ci �.'Da.