D002501C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L
- Ciiy Clerk (Origioai}
- Finance Dept's Accounting Division j
- Police Dept. Accounting Unii No: ��„2 .�/
Date: "J� /�D �'"j "�!`^
Green Shcet # 3026223
1 WHEREAS, the Saint Panl Police Department is seeking authority to pay far related travel expenses
2 which include registration, travei, lodging, and per diem to send up to eight Internet Crimes Against
3 Chiidren (ICAC) Task Force participants (non-city empioyees} to attend the Annuai ICAC Training
4 Conference in Dailas, TX, August 15-19, 2005; and
6 WHEREAS, the ICAC Task Force's mission is to form a multi-jurisdiction operation thaf investigates
7 crimes involving child pornography and exploitation of children online; and
WAEP.ES, the public purpose of this training is to train ICAC Task Force mem6ers to properly
perform computer forensic examinatians on ICAC cases and training on taols nee.ded for successful
case completion; and
BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officiais are hereby ordered to pay for the above mentioned
travel expenses related to this training for non-city employees not to exceed $15,000 from
account code 436-35056.
Ap vetl by; (.ity Attorney
i CACDaiIasTXAug� 5-19.ao2005
� Green Sheet G�een
pp — Police Depazhnent
Contact Person & Phofre:
Chief John Harrington
Must Be on Couacii Agenda by (Date}:
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
p�o� �
Green Sheet NO: 3026223
0 1'ce De nt Poli m
! olic rtment De a en[Dire tor ✓
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3 inanci 1 ice mce Flna ci I 5 rvi
q lerk
5 oli e anment ic e srtm nt
Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Ciip Aii Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached administrative order authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to use funds to send up to eight
Intemet Crimes Against Children (1CAC} task force participants, who aze nat city employees, to attend the annuat ICAC training
conference in Dailas, TX, August 15-19, 2005. Funds will cover travel, lodging, per diem and registration expenses.
dations: Approve (A) or R
Plamm�g Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Sernce Commission
7. Has fhis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes Na
2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiii not normalty possessetl by any
current ciry emptoyee�
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers on separate sbeet and attach to green sbeet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �
The ICAC Task Force's mission is tn form mulYi jurisdictionai operation that investigates crunes involving child pomagraphy, �n
exploitation of children via the intemet. The training provides the necessary tools for the invastigators to have a working knowledge
these investigations. Outside agencies participants are not compensated for their time. ICAC grant has funds set aside to cover t!-
type of training.
Advanta5les if Approved: �
Approval of the order will aliow the task force to send ICAC participants, who are not ciry employees, to receive training, relating to
investigations the task force works on. This uaining wii increase the capabilities in the investigative techniques used by the task f
DisadvanWqes IE App�oved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved: '
The investigatars will miss au opportunity to improve their abi]ities through computer investigations relating to the e�ioit,
Totai Amount of �t to e�cceed $15,000
Fundinp Source: �CAC GI'8nt
Financiat lnformation:
Personal Service Contracts
CosURevenue 8udgeted:
Acuvity Numbe�: 436-34056
Ct�ld�l V � V
MAY 1 � 20
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