D002481C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION � . • ApproveC Copies m: � - c�ry aerk (ody�rep No: ,/ � � -FlnanceDept'sAttou�n9a�im Date: D - Pdice pePt, Aeeou�Nn9 Unil ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the au[horiTy gran[ed [o the Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on [he reques[ of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amend [he 2004 budget of the Generai Fund (001), the Director ot the O�ce of Pinancial Services is authorized [o amend said budget in [he follow�ng manuer: FROM: 001 - General Fund 04000 - Office of the Chief 011l - Full-Time Permanent 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04100 - Operations & ProaMive Services Ol i l- Fu ll-Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04101 - Emergency Communication Center 0438 - Fringe Benefits 04301 - Information & Services Section Ol l l- Rull-Time Permanent 0221 - Postage 04308 - Communications Serv. & Maint. 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04345 - Gri�n Building 0629 - Other-Debt Retirement TO: 001 - General Fund 04001 - Fleet 0821 - Cars & Motorcycles 04109 - Voluteer Services 0111 -Full-Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04300 - Major Crimes & Support Services 0111 - Fu14Time Permanent 0219 - FeesAther Professional Services 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04301 - Information & Services Section 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04306 - Crime Laboratory Ol ll - Full-Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe BeneSis 04340 - Building Maintenance 0279 - Other Repair 04342 - Communication Equipment & Services Agreements 0230 - I-Net Fees 04345 - Griffin Building 0287 - Space Use Charge CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 5,536,028 363,509 I,SO4,866 25,33Q089 8,020,534 73,419 898,549 65,000 162,304 1,255,618 (596,000) (88,000) (115,000) (1,074,000) (309,000) (35,000) (26,590) (13,300) (19,400) (Z00,000) 4,940,028 275,509 1,689,866 24,256 7,711,534 38,419 872,259 51,700 142,904 1,055,615 (2,476,29Q) 1,307,633 220,974 6S,7S5 289,255 3,700 123,634 292,985 236,939 73,555 I5,000 0 0 88,000 46,000 11,400 1,638,690 2,800 459,500 5,100 11,900 2,400 4,000 6,500 200,000 1,395,633 2b6,974 80,185 1,927,945 6,500 SS3,134 298,085 248,539 75,955 19,000 6,500 200,000 2,476,290 � T'� ApprovW by: Finanaal Services ' ecror Date yea�entlAOGF-2000 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUOfficelcouncil: Date Initiated: D 17-MAR-05 Green Sheet NO: 3025803 CoMact Person 8 Phone• Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaUDate Chief John Hafrington � 0 lice De artment Pol'ce De artment 266-5588 pu�yn 1 oliceDe artment De rhnentDirecto Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Numbe� 2 ioaocial Services Fin ocial Services For ��� 3 i Clerk Ci Clerk Order 4 inancial Servicu Fin ncial Services 5 olice De artment Police De ar[ment Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached administrative order which will transfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary conuol levels of the Police Deparfinent's 2004 General Fund Budget (001). Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pereonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrad for this department? CB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To provide adequate funding at the budgetary control levels of the Police Deparhnent's 2004 Genera] Fund Budget (001). Advantages If Approved: The Police Department's 2004 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. DisadvantaSles If Approved: None. Disadvantages If NotApproved: The Sainz Paul Po]ice Deparhnent's 2004 General Fund Budget (001) will not reflect appropriate budgetary control levels. i Total Amount of � CosURevenue Budgeted: � T�ansaction: ���� FundinA source: General Fund (001) Activity Number: yafI0U5 6/�� inancial Information: P� �eX � 4 ?405 �l7y�C��fC