D002456CITY OF SAINT PA[7L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approved Copiesto: ,.�(, �. / - Ciry Clerk (Original) NO: D(J(/ �( S�O - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: �� -/ �j _ a,(}Q � - Police Dept, Accounting Uni[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of tlie City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St Paul PoGce Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fuad (001), the Director of the Office of Finaucial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001 - General Fund 04000 - Office of the Chief 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0222 - Telephone Monthly Charges 0229 - Other Communications 02�42 - River Print 0246 - Film Processing 0283 - Rental - Vehicles 0286 - Rental - Other Equipment 0298 - Investigations 0341 - Motor Fuel 0342 - TireslTubes 0344 - Parts For Vehicles 0349 - Other Eqaipment & Parts 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0377 - District Heating 0380 - Communications 0383 - Small Tools 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0393 - PC Software 0395 - Office Equipment 0398 - Opticom Equipment 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 04001 - Fleet 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0245 - Advertising 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0342 - TireslTubes 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0398 - Opticom Equipment 0821 - Cars & Motorcycles 0829 - Other Self Propelled Equipment 04100 - Operations & Proactive 5ervices 0223 - Telephone-Long Distance 0225 - Fax, E-mails 0229 - Other Communications 0241 - Printing-Outside 0242 - River Print CURRENT APPROVED BUDGET CHANGES 84,336 18,365 4,760 4,519 822 44,984 202 43,864 517 125 21,853 9,925 10,323 2,994 3,500 17,531 942 6,038 852 4,322 4,975 38,739 (18,156) (9A5) (4,000) (4,519) (822) (44,984) (202) (33,864) (21'n (125) (21,853) (9,425) (3,599) (299) (3,500) (1�,531) (942) (3,492) (852) (4,322) (4,975) (38,739) 2,I08 300 1,800 2,000 277,661 109,000 1,710,083 137,947 300 1,600 60� 500 1,508 (2,108) (300) (600) (2,000) (9,661) (44,045) (402,450) (137,94'� (300) (1,600) (6�0) (500) (1,508) AMENDED SUDGET 66,] 80 17,420 760 0 0 0 0 10,000 300 0 0 500 6,724 2,695 0 0 0 2,546 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 268,000 64,955 1,307,633 0 0 0 � 0 0 Page 1 of 11 reo�ganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR 1��1►1�9[Y.7711LU Dli�i_1] �[� BUDGET REVISION Appro�ed Copies to: - City Clerk (OriginaO (d0: - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: - Police Dept, Accounting Uni[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the cequest of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), ffie Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the followiug manner: 0276 - Office Equipment & Furniture Repair 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0282 - Rental - OfSce & Building 0289 - Rental - Miscellaneous 0293 - Sewer Charges 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0312 - Supplies-Electrical 0337 -Signing Materials 0341- Motor Fuel 0356 - Safety Suppiies 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Supplies 0362 - Paper Supplies-River Print 0369 - Other Office Supplies 0371- E►ectricity 0376 - Water 0383 - Small Tools 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0387 - Photo Supplies a815 - Office Furniture 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 04300 - Major Crimes & Support Services 0387 - Photo Supplies 04301 - Informafion & Services Section �241- Prinring-Outside 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0279 - Other - Repair & Maintenance 0354 - Law Enforcement 0363 - Paper-Forms-etc 0366 - Microfilm Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0395 - Office Equipment 04302 - Communication Center Ol l l- FuII Time Permanent 0141 - Overtime 0161- Salary Needs 0253 - Registration Fees-Out of Town 0255 - Dues 0256 - Registration Fees-Local 0260 - HR-PR-BA Allocated Costs 0277 - Other Equipment Repair CURRENT 3,183 1,160 71,750 24,400 1,600 20,877 400 1,500 9,543 6,100 14,200 200 6,140 36,039 1,325 400 4,750 1,100 10,850 10,000 500 2,000 53,000 29,000 2,000 1,500 3,8�0 2,662 15,000 3,646,493 76,490 14,892 3,000 494 843 3,639 2,000 APPROVED (3,183) (660) (40,250) (6,400) (325) (4,76'n (400) (1,500) (9,543) (5,655) (6,400) (200) (5,63� (388) (347j (400) (4,750) (1,100) (10,850) (10,000) ��Z) (2,000) (12,100) (27,000) (1,900) (1,400) (3,80�) (2,662) (10,000) (3,646,493) (�6,490) (14,892) (3,000) (494) (843) (3,639) (2,000) AMENDED 0 500 31,500 18,000 1,275 16,ll0 0 0 0 445 7,800 0 505 35,651 978 0 0 0 0 0 428 0 40,900 2,000 100 100 Q 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 2 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approved Copies to: - CiTy Clerk (Original) No: - Finance Dept's AcCOUnting DivisiOn Date: - Police Dept, Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor ia Secrion 10.09.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the CHief of the SL Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0279 - Other - Repair & Mai�tenance 0362 - Paper Supplies-River Print 0367 - Traini�glInstructional Supplies 0369 - Other Office Supplies 0380 - Communications 0381- Books-Periodicals 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0387 - Photo Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0394 - O�ce Furniture 0438 - Fringe Be�eTts-Other 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund 04303 - Training Units 0111- Fu11 Time Permanent 0141 - Overtime 0161 - Salary Needs 0215 - Fees-Medical 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0241 - Printing-Outside 0260 - HR-PR-BA Allocated Costs 0275 - Of£�ce Eqnipment Maintenance 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0279 - Other - Repair & Maintenance 0282 - Rental - Office & Building 0289 - Rental - Miscellaneous 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0352 - Labor Relations 0354 - Law Enforcement 0356 - Safety Supplies 0357 - Athletic/Recrearion 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Supplies 0362 - Paper Supplies-River Print 0367 - TrainingfInstructional Supplies 0369 - Other Oft"ice Supplies 0381 - Books-Periodicals 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0387 - Photo Supplies 0396 - Field Equipment 0439 - Fringe Benefits CURRENT 47,019 2,200 2,500 2,000 5,000 847 2,432 530 2,000 6,400 73,419 1,121,203 18,975 APPROVED AMENDED (47,019) (2,200) (2,500) (2,000) (5,000) (847) (2,432) (530) (2,000) (6,400) (73,419) (1,121,203) (18,97� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 509,250 4,787 2,055 21,000 23,750 1,500 882 600 4,100 6,000 1,000 2Q� 130 500 39,000 500 300 1,650 400 4,300 1,232 5,000 1,408 500 1,500 158,523 (509,250) (4,787) (2,055) (21,000) (23,750) (1,500) (882) (600) (4,100) (6,000) (1,000) (200) (130) (500) (39,000) (500) (300) (1,650) (400) (4,300) (1,232) (5,000) (1,408) (500) (1,500) (158,523) Page 3 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMINIST`RATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approved Copies ta: - Ciry Clerk (OA9inaq NO: - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: - Police Dept, Accounting Uni[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of tHe City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St� Paul Police Department to amend the 20�4 budget nf the General k�nd (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0558 - Transfer To Special Revenue 04304 - Personnel Ol l l- Full Time Permanent 0161-Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0241 - Printing-Outside 0354 - Law Enforcement 0356 - Safety Supplies 0364 - Other OfSce Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0393 - PC Sofhvare 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund 04305 - ProperTy Room 0315 - Supplies-Janitor-Household 0363 - Paper-Forms-etc 0381- Books-Periodicals 0387 - Photo Supplies 04306 - Crime Laboratory 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0353 - ChemicaVLaboratory 0387 - Photo Supplies 04308 - Communications Serv. & Maint. 0275 - OFfice Equipment Maintenance 0292 - Laundry Service 0349 - Other Equipment & Par[s 0367 - Training/Instructional Supplies 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0380 - Communications 0393 - PC Software 04309 - Community & Volunteer Services 0111- Full Time Permanent 0161 - Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professiona! Service 0236 - Auto/NAO 0245 - Advertising 0275 - Oftice Equipment Maintenance 0283 - Rental - V ehicles 0289 - Rental - Miscellaneous Q292 - Laundry Service CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED 6,552 (6,552) 0 253,457 1,015 3,700 1,500 500 2,500 500 2,500 1,000 81,616 936 1,000 5,000 100 46,000 11,688 18,000 4,000 5,498 650 10,000 1,100 4,000 40,640 2,000 220,974 883 6,625 2,900 379 279 297 1,967 72 (253,457) (1,015) (3,700) (1,500) (500) (2,500) (500) (2,500) (1,000) (81,616) (936) (1,000) (5,000) (100) (15,884) 0 0 0 30,116 (558) (1,000) (4,000) (2,498) (210) (10,000) (650) (1,500) (40,640) (1,081) (220,974} (883) (6,625) (2,900) (379) (279) (297) (1,96'� C7z) 11,130 17,000 0 3,000 440 0 450 2,500 0 919 Page 4 of 11 reorganization budgei amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approved Copiesto: - CiTy Clerk (Original) NO: - Finance Dep4's Axounting �ivision Date: - Aolice Dept, AccouMing Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriTy granted to the Mayor in Sec6on 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office af Financial Services is authotized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0349 - Other Equipment & Parts 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 0385 - Food Service Supplies 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund 04310 - Systems 0280 - Computer HardwarelSoftware Maintenance 04313 - Print Shop 0242 - River Print 04340 - Building Maintenance 0219 - FeesAther Professional Service 0270 - Elevator & Escalator Maintenance 0271- Bui►ding-Repair Service 0273 - Grounds Maintenance Service 0274 - Self Propelled Vehicle Repair 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0279 - Other Repair 0291 - Refuse DisposaUCollection 0297 - Data Processing Services 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0311 - Supplies-Plumbing 0313 - Lumber for Repair of Buildings 0314 - Supplies-Paint & Printing 0316 - Glass 0317 - Hardware 0319 - Other Repair/Maintenance Building Repair 0321 - Horticulture/Plant Material 0337 - Signing Materials 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0349 - Other-Equipment-Parts-Supplies 0356 - SafeTy Supplies 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Supplies 03b8 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 0369 - Other Office Supplies 0371 - ElectrScity 0373 - Gas CURRENT 3,468 593 1,911 788 6,953 23,891 722 68,785 2,808 APPROVED AMENDED (3,468) (593) (1,911) (788) (6,953) (23,891) (722) (68,785) (2,808) 14,000 (14,000) 33,249 (31,349) 2,500 5,000 7,816 500 500 6,2'77 25,000 11,436 6,000 �,256 647 1,000 2,476 1,000 2,716 2,000 747 1,000 500 572 500 26,412 300 600 208,5'TI 14,727 (250) (500) (2,216) (500) (500) (2,677) (l0,OQ0) (2,436) (6,000) (4,256) (292) (340) (2,476) (1,000) (716) (500) (747) (1,000) (500) (572) (500) (1,412) (300) (600) (57,613) (2,727) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,900 2,250 4,500 5,600 0 0 3,60� 15,000 9,000 0 3,000 355 660 0 0 2,000 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 0 0 150,958 12,000 Page 5 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �-1 1► : s_ \ _ � • • BUDGET REVISION Approved Cqpies to: - Ciry Clerk (Original) NO: - Finance Dept's Accounting Oivision Date: - Police Dept., Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriTy granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on t6e request of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0376 - W ater 0383 - Smali Tools 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0394 - Office Furniture 04342 - Communication Equipment & Services Aareements 0223 - Telephone-Long Distance 0227 - Telephone-Monthly Non-Voice 0282 - Rental - Office & Building 0380 - Communications CURRENT 7,777 500 7,789 14,200 12,000 204,400 7,000 30,000 APPROVED �21'� (SO) (2,789) (11,200) (7,500) (1,400) (300) (30,000) AMENDED 7,500 450 5,000 3,000 TO: 001 - General Fund 04000 - OSfice of the Chief Ol ll - Full Time Permanent 0141 - Overtime 0161 - Salary Needs 0215 - Fees - Medical 0237 - Parking Expense 0245 - Advertising 0247 - Book & Magazine Binding 0260 - HR-PR-BA Allocated Costs 0261 - Fire Insurance Premium 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0271- Other Equipment Repair 0279 - Other Repair 0282 - Rental - Office & Building 0287 - Space Use Charge 0289 - Rental - Miscellaneous 0291- Refuse Disposal 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0313 - Lumber for Repair 0317 - Hardware 0323 - Bitumen U335 - Printing Materials 0347 - Radio Maintenance Supplies 0352 - Medisal Supplies 0353 - ChemicaVLaboratory 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 4,773,327 113,545 20,383 0 64 187 0 5,879 0 3,647 0 0 11,68A 0 21 0 52,906 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 9,343 (7,800,799) 762,707 4,787 3,070 21,600 36 1,613 1,000 882 9,000 5,171 804 4,620 1,356 1,187 1 1y105 310,603 7,360 200 2,500 400 24,000 303 1,050 47,044 4,500 203,000 6,700 0 5,536,028 118,332 23,453 21,600 100 1,800 1,000 6,761 9,000 8,818 804 4,620 13,040 1,187 150 1,185 363,509 7,360 200 2,500 400 24,000 303 1,050 56,387 Page 6 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRAT`IVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Apprrned Copiesto: - CiTy Clerk (Oti9inalj NO: - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: - Police Dept, Axounting Uni[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Cunsistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.09.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the req�est of the C6ief of the St Paul Police Department to amend t6e 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of btinancial Services is authorized to amend said budget iu the following manner: 0356 - Safety Supplies 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Supplies 0361 - Office Accessories 0362 - Paper Supplies 0367 - TrainingQnstructional Supplies 0369 - Other Office Supplies 0371 - Electricity 0381 - Books-Periodicals 0387 - Photo Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0396 - Field Equipment 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund 0856 - System Software 04001 - Fleet 0220 - Fees-Collection Agency 0274 - Self Propelled Vehicle Repair 0279 - Other Repair 0283 - Rental-Vehicles 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0341 - Motor Fuel 0349 - Other-Equipment-Parts-Supplies 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Sapplies 04100 - Operations & Proactive Services 0215 - Fees - Medical 0219 - Fees-Other Professional 0222 - Telephone Monthly Charges 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0283 - Rental-Vehicles 0291 - Refuse Disposal 0292 - Laundry Service 0298 - Investigations 0324 - Concrete 0325 - Lumber 0326 - SteeViran 0346 - Accessories for Vehicles Q349 - Other-Equipment-Parts 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 037Q - Cumputer Equipment & Supplies CURRENT 0 4,235 0 228 295 12,795 0 2,173 422 984 1,788 1,564,727 63,648 0 0 619,000 50,000 10,000 0 461,380 20,000 0 2,500 25,200 1,60Q 1,200 0 60Q Q Q U � 900 � 0 17,684 U 0 APPROVED �,235 5,765 5,000 72 3,805 21,104 500 227 5,794 5,016 28,212 240,139 7,488 6,818 2,000 5,000 26,000 7,000 13,000 3,620 40,000 1,Z00 2,500 7,475 1,383 3,130 12,000 700 100 28,800 3,600 960 804 300 6,931 41,303 2,450 aoo AMENDED 7,235 10,000 5,000 300 4,100 33,899 500 2,400 6,216 6,000 30,000 ],804,866 71,136 6,818 2,000 624,000 76,000 17,000 13,000 465,000 6Q000 1,200 5,000 32,675 2,983 4,33� 12,OOU 1,300 10� 28,80U 3,6�0 96� 1,7�4 30� 6,931 58,987 2,450 400 Page 7 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approvetl Copies to: - City Clerk (Originai) NO: - Finance DepCs Accounting Division Date: - Pofice Dept, Accounling Unii ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriTy e anted to the Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of t6e St Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fotlowing manner: 0373 - Gas 0380 - Communication Equipment & Supplies 0381- Books-Periodicals 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0393 - PC Sofhvare 0849 - Animals 04101 - Emergency Communications Center 011 l- FuII Time Permanent 0141 - Overtime 0161- Salary Needs 0222 - Tetephone Monthly Charges 0223 - Telephone-Long Distance 0227 - Telephone-Monthly non-voice 0229 - Other Communications 0253 - Registration Fees-Out of Town 0255 - Dues 0256 - Registrafion Fees-Local 0260 - HR-PR-BA Allocated Costs Q272 - Stationary Equipment Repair 0276 - Office Equipment & Furniture Repair 0279 - Other - Repair & Maintenance 0280 - Computer Hardware/Software Maintenance 0363 - Paper-Forms-etc 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0380 - Communications 0381- Books-Periodicals 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0394 - Oftice Furniture 0438 - Fringe Benefits-Other 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Speciai Revenue Fund 0857 -Computer Equipment Over $5,000 04109 - Community & Volunteer Services 011l - Full Time Permanent 0161 - Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professional 0228 - Telephone - Cellular Phones 0229 - Other Communications 0245 - Advertising CURRENT 19,302 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPROVED 10,440 7,000 425 1,500 1,385 6,000 3,646,493 76,490 14,892 15,823 414 18,444 828 1,000 1,120 11,647 3,639 950 45,645 750 375 2,000 2,000 1,000 8,366 500 800 3,795 73,419 1,121,203 18,975 5,000 AMENDED 29,742 7,000 525 1,500 1,385 6,000 Page 8 of 11 3,646,493 76,490 14,892 15,823 414 18,444 828 1,000 1,120 11,647 3,639 950 45,695 750 375 2,OOU 2,000 1,000 8,366 500 800 3,795 73,419 1,121,203 18,975 5,000 0 220,974 220,974 0 883 8S3 0 5,500 5,500 0 720 720 0 1,600 1,600 0 200 200 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION APProved Copies ta: - Ciry Clerk (Original) NO: - Finance Dept's Accounting Division � D2tB: - Police Dept, Accountlng Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0275 - Off'ice Equipment Maintenance 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0282 - Rental - OfS"ice & Building 0286 - Rental - Other Equipment 0292 - Laundry Service 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0346 - Accessories for Vehicles 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 0356 - Safety Supplies 0359 - Other Specialized Materials & Snpplies 0367 - TrainingJInstructional Supplies 0373 - Gas 0376 - W ater 0382 - Newspapers 0385 - Food Service Supplies 0386 - Clothing, Uniforms 0387 - Photo Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneons Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund 04300 - Major Crimes & Support Services 0215 - Fees - Medical 0219 - Fees-Other Professional 0229 - Other Communications 0245 - Licenses, Tabs, & Permits 0261 - Fire Insurance Premium 0275 - Off'ice Equipment Maintenance 0279 - Other Repair 0289 - Rental - Miscellaneous 0291 - Refase Disposal 0299 - OthervMiscellaneous Service 0312 - Supplies - Electrical �349 - Other-Equipment-Parts 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 0356 - Safety Supplies Q368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract �370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0373 - Gas 0389 - Other Misceltaneous 5upplies 0395 - Office Equipment CURRENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 APPROVED 350 200 12,000 350 100 300 600 2,500 2,300 860 250 600 800 210 2,050 23,780 700 2,350 68,785 2,808 400 3,700 480 1,000 8,546 3,011 500 1,000 660 25,500 200 900 1,446 250 1,111 648 850 250 2,720 AMENDED 350 200 12,000 350 100 300 600 2,500 2,300 860 250 600 800 210 2,050 23,780 700 2,350 68,785 2,808 400 3,700 480 1,000 28,546 3,011 500 1,000 60U 25,500 200 900 1,446 250 l,l ll 698 850 25U 2,720 Page 9 of 17 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOI2 G � 1 uT �` �� .7: � �I � 1 T � �7 BUDGET REVISION Approved Copies to: - City Clefk (Origina� NO: - Finance Dept's Accounting Division Date: - Police Dept, Accounting Unit ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the SL Paul Police Department to amend the 2004 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Fivancial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 04301 - Informarion & Services Section 0221 - Postage 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 04305 - Property Room 0245 - Adverfising 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0292 - Laundry Service 0352 - Medical Supplies 0354 - Law EnForcement Supplies 0361 - Office Accessories 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 04306 - Crime Laboratory 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 0279 - Other Repair 0292 - Laundry 5ervice 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0359 - Other Speciaiized Materials & Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies - Master Contract 0373 - Gas 04308 - Communications Serv. & Maint. 0282 - Rental - Office & Building 0299 - Other-Miscellaneous Service 0369 - Other Of£ice Supplies 0859 - Other-Communication Equipment 04310 - Systems 0276 - Office Equipment & Furniture Repair 0284 - Rental-Data Processing Equipment 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0393 - PC Software 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 0856 - System Software over $5,000 0857 - Computer Equipment over $5,000 04313 - Print Shop 0241- Printing-Outside 0362 - Paper Supplies 04340 - Building Maintenance 0292 - Laundry Service 0293 - Sewer Charges 0294 - Testing Services 0312 - Supplies-Electrical Page 10 of 11 CURRENT APPROVED 30,000 18,428 35,000 1,572 I,000 250 350 1,550 20,736 0 12,500 Q 3,000 800 3,000 0 1,000 0 12,000 1,700 0 0 5,100 219,320 34,580 958 0 0 0 0 15,000 3,500 170 1,150 2,450 9,414 1,000 4,300 3,050 24,610 200 1,000 3,000 900 3,000 1,475 500 450 25,00� 64,336 8,680 2,530 12,042 15,000 10,000 38,800 30,534 815 AMENDED 65,OQ0 20,000 4,500 A20 1,500 4,000 30,150 1,000 16,800 3,05� 27,610 1,000 4,000 3,000 1,900 3,000 13,475 2,200 450 25,OOU 69,436 228,000 37,110 13,000 i5,000 10,000 38,800 30,534 15,815 6,000 1,000 7,000 9,277 223 9,500 1,000 1,500 2,500 6,833 167 7,0�0 reorganization budget amended 2004 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Originaq NO: - Finance Dept's Acwunting Division Date: - Police Dept, Aaounting U�k AllMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Sec6on 10.�7.4 of the CiTy Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the SL Paut Police Departmeut to amend the 2004 budget of We General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Finaucial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 0315 - Supplies-Janitor-Household 0326 - SteeVIron Products 0374 - District Cooling 0377 - District Heating 04342 - Communication Equipment & Services Agreements 0222 - Telephone Mo�thly Charges 0229 - Other Communications 0371 - ElectriciTy CURRENT 21,277 0 0 112,752 56,000 30,000 1,583 APPROVED 723 500 91,000 19,382 98,591 15,000 497 7,800,799 AMENDED 22,000 500 91,000 132,134 154,591 45,000 2,080 � Approved by: Financial Services Direcror Date Page 11 of 11 reorganization budget amended 2004